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Full text of "The August 2013 Chicago ANA Auction: World Coins"

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A Spectrum  Group  International  Cornpgny 

~~  ^ The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

■ \ World  Coins 

Chicago,  Illinois 
August  13-14,  2013 
Sale  #177 

The  Official  Auction 
of  the  ANA  World’s  Fair  of  Money 

Spectrum  Group  International 
Upcoming  Auction  Schedule 

Coins  and  Currency 



Consignment  Deadline 


Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  Weekly  Internet  Auctions 

Held  every  Sunday 


August  18-22,  2013 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  - World  Coins  & Paper  Money 

Hong  Kong  Auction  of  Chinese  and  Asian  Coins  & Currency 

Hong  Kong 


September  17-22,  2013 

Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  - U.S.  Coins 

The  September  2013  Whitman  Philadelphia  Auction 

Philadelphia,  PA 

July  29,  2013 

November  4-10,  2013 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  - World  Coins  & Paper  Money 

Official  Auction  of  the  Whitman  Coin  & Collectibles  Baltimore  Expo 
Baltimore,  MD 

August  12,  2013 

November  4-10,  2013 

Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  - U.S.  Coins  & Currency 

Official  Auction  of  the  Whitman  Coin  & Collectibles  Baltimore  Expo 
Baltimore,  MD 

September  16,  2013 

January  10-14,  2014 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  - World  Coins  & Paper  Money 

January  2014  N.Y.I.N.C.  Auction 

New  York,  NY 

October  15,  2013 

January  21-23,  2014 

Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  - U.S.  Coins 

The  January  2014  Americana  Sale 

New  York,  NY 

November  11,  2013 

March  25-29,  2014 

Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  - U.S.  Coins  and  Currency 

Official  Auction  of  the  Whitman  Coin  & Collectibles  Baltimore  Expo 
Baltimore,  MD 

January  21,  2014 

March  31 -April  2,  2014 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  - World  Coins  & Paper  Money 

Hong  Kong  Auction  of  Chinese  and  Asian  Coins  & Currency 

Hong  Kong 

January  20,  2014 




Consignment  Deadline 


Spectrum  Wine  Internet  Auctions 

Every  Thursday 


October  14,  2013 

Spectrum  Wine  Auctions  Autumn  2013  Rare  Wine  Auction 
Hong  Kong 

September  10,  2013 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  presents 

The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

World  Coins 

August  13-14, 2013 

Donald  E.  Stephens  Convention  Center 

5555  N.  River  Road 
Rosemont,  IL  60018 

California  Office 

1063  McGaw  Ave. 

Irvine,  CA  92614 
Telephone:  800.458.4646 
Telephone:  949.253.0916 
Fax:  949.253.4091 

New  York  Office 
123  W.  57th  St. 

New  York,  NY  10019 
Telephone:  800.566.2580 
Telephone:  212.582.2580 
Fax:  212.245.5018 

New  England  Office 
P.O.  Box  1804 
Wolfeboro,  NH  03894 
Telephone:  866.811.1804 
Telephone:  603.569.0823 
Fax:  603.569.3875 

Hong  Kong  Office 
Unit  1702, 17/F 
Dina  House 
Ruttonjee  Centre 
11  Duddell  St.,  Central  HK 
Telephone:  852.2117.1191 

How  to  Bid 

Before  the  Live  Auction 

There  are  several  ways  to  bid  prior  to  the  start  of  the  live  auction. 

Fax/Mail  Bid  Sheet 

Use  the  enclosed  bid  sheet  and  mail  or  fax  it  to  us.  If  sending  by  mail,  please  allow  sufficient  time  for  the  postal  service. 

Mail:  Att.  Auction  Department  Fax:  949-253-4091 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio 
1063  McGaw  Ave. 

Irvine,  CA  92614 
United  States 


Telephone  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  at  949-253-0916 


View  additional  images  and  add  items  to  your  personal  tracking  list.  You  may  also  place  bids  and  check  their  status  in 
real  time.  Visit  our  website  at 

During  the  Live  Auction 

Attend  in  Person 

Auction  Event:  Donald  E.  Stephens  Convention  Center 
5555  N.  River  Road 
Rosemont,  IL  60018 

Live  Online  Bidding 

Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  will  offer  live  online  bidding  for  this  auction.  We  strongly  recommend  that  you  register 
to  bid  at  at  least  48  hours  before  the  start  of  the  auction. 

Live  Bidding  by  Phone 

If  you  wish  to  bid  by  phone  during  the  live  auction,  please  register  your  interest  at  least  48  hours  prior  to  the  start 
of  the  auction.  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  will  ask  for  the  lot  numbers  you  are  interested  in  with  your  complete  contact 
information.  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  will  call  you  during  the  auction  and  you  can  place  bids  with  our  representative 
in  real  time.  We  regret  that  we  can  only  offer  this  service  for  lots  estimated  at  $2500  or  more.  If  you  wish  to  arrange  live 
bidding  by  phone,  contact  Customer  Service  at  949-253-0916  or  email 


The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

August  13-14,  2013 

Lot  Viewing 

Lot  Viewing  will  be  conducted  in  the  Irvine,  CA  offices  (by  appointment  only):  July  18-26, 2013 
Lot  Viewing  will  be  conducted  in  the  NY  offices  (by  appointment  only):  August  2-6, 2013 

Lot  Viewing  will  be  conducted  at  the  Donald  E.  Stephens  Convention  Center,  Room  1 & 2,  as  follows: 

Friday,  August  9 
2:00  PM  - 7:00  PM 

Wednesday,  August  14 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Saturday,  August  10 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Thursday,  August  15 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Sunday,  August  1 1 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Friday,  August  16 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Monday,  August  12 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Saturday,  August  17 
9:00  AM  - 1:00  PM 

Tuesday,  August  13 
9:00  AM  - 7:00  PM 

Auction  Location 

Donald  E Stephens  Convention  Center 
5555  N.  River  Road 
Rosemont,  IL  60018 
Tel:  847.692.2220 

Auction  Details 

The  Auction  will  be  conducted  at  the  Donald  E.  Stephens  Convention  Center,  Room  3 & 4,  as  follows: 

Session  1 - U.S.  Currency 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Sunday,  August  11-12  Noon  CT 

Session  2 - The  John  J.  Ford,  Jr. 
Collection:  Part  XXIII  - American 
Medals,  Tokens,  and  Balance  Scales 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Wednesday,  August  14  - 9:00  AM  CT 

Session  3 - U.S.  Coins 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Wednesday,  August  14  - 6:00  PM  CT 

Session  4 - U.S.  Coins 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Thursday,  August  15  - 9:00  AM  CT 

Session  5 - The  John  J.  Ford,  Jr. 
Collection:  Part  XXII  - 
American  Paper  Currencies 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Thursday,  August  15  10:00  AM  CT 

Session  6 U.S.  Currency 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Thursday,  August  15  6:00  PM  CT 

Session  7 - Rarities  Night  U.S.  Coins 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Thursday,  August  15  6:00  PM  CT 

Session  8 - The  John  J.  Ford,  Jr. 
Collection:  Part  XXIII  - American 
Medals,  Tokens,  and  Balance  Scales 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Friday,  August  16  - 9:00  AM  CT 

Session  9-  U.S.  Coins 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Friday,  August  16  - 6:00  PM  CT 

Session  10-  U.S.  Coins 

Internet  Session  (see  separate  catalog) 

End  Tuesday,  August  20  3:00  PM  PT 

Session  1 1 - U.S.  Currency 
Internet  Session  (see  separate  catalog) 
End  Tuesday,  August  20  3:00  PM  PT 

Session  A - World  Paper  Money 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Tuesday,  August  13  - 9:30  AM  CT 

Session  B - Ancients  and 
Orders  and  Decorations 
Tuesday,  August  13  - 3:30  PM  CT 
Lots  11001-11239 

Lot  Pickup 

The  Auction  will  be  conducted  at 
Room  1 & 2,  as  follows: 

Wednesday,  August  14  - 
Friday,  August  16 
10:00  AM  - 1:00  PM  CT 

Session  E - The  Law  Collection 

(see  separate  catalog) 

Tuesday,  August  13-  6:00  PM  CT 

Session  C - World  Gold  Coins 
Wednesday,  August  14  - 9:30  AM  CT 
Lots  12001- 12541 

Session  D - World  Crowns  and  Minors 
Wednesday,  August  14  - 6:00  PM  CT 
Lots  13001-13445 

Session  F - World  Coins  Internet  Session 
End  Tuesday,  August  20  3:00  PM  PT 
Lots  34001-  35406 

Session  G - World  Paper  Money 
Internet  Session  (see  separate  catalog) 

End  Tuesday,  August  20  3:00  PM  PT 

the  Donald  E.  Stephens  Convention  Center, 

Saturday,  August  17 
9:00  AM  - 1:00  PM  CT 

Bank  Wire  Information: 


950  Third  Avenue,  New  York,  NY  10022 

For  credit  to  (Payee): 

Stacks  Bowers  Numismatics, 

Account  #000186236 
US  Routing  #021001088 

International  Routing  (Swift  Code)  #MRMDUS33 


Stacks  Bowers  Galleries 

Greg  Roberts 
President  and  CEO, 

Spectrum  Group  International 

GRob  erts  @Stacks  B ower  s . com 
Ext.  205 

Brian  Kendrella 
Ext.  291 

Paul Soth 

Chief  Financial  Officer 
Spectrum  Group  International 
Ext.  269 

Chris  Napolitano 
Executive  Vice  President 
Ext.  224 

Richard  Ponterio 
Executive  Vice  President 

Andrew  Glassman 
EVP,  Credit  Manager 
Ext.  254 

Corey  Malta 

Chief  Operating  Officer 
Ext.  259 

Nirat  Lertchitvikul 
Director  of  Asian  Operations 


Peter  Treglia 
Director  of  Currency 
Ext.  250 

Stack’s  Bowers  Galleries  Founders 

Q.  David  Bowers 
Chairman  Emeritus 

Harvey  Stack 

Senior  Numismatic  Consultant 

Hgs  1 9 1 

Lawrence  R.  Stack 

Senior  Numismatic  Consultant 

Art  Hamilton 

Chief  Accounting  Officer 

Spectrum  Group  International 
Ext.  320 

Christine  Karstedt 
Executive  Vice  President 
of  Consignments 
603.569.0823  Ext.  562 


Cataloged  by:  Richard  Ponterio,  Kent  Ponterio,  Kyle  Ponterio,  Todd  McKenna,  Chris  Chatigny  and  Steve  Tureen 

Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  Team 

Consignment  and  Numismatic  Specialists 

California  Office:  949.253.0916 

Jeff  Ambio 

Ext.  204  - 

Wayne  Berkley 

Ext.  262  - 

Chris  Chatigny 

Ext.  318  - 

Ron  Gillio 

RGillio  @Stacks  B o wer  s . com 

Amandeep  Jassal 

Ext.  249  - 

Dale  Larsen 

Ext.  248  - 

Jeffrey  Lubinski 

Ext.  305  - 

Todd  McKenna 

Ext.  221  - 

Richard  Melamed 

Ext.  217  - 

Ryan  Moretti 

Ext.  284  - 

Gene  Nesheim 

Ext.  219  - 

Thad  Olson 

Ext.  272  - 

Benjamin  Orooji 

Ext.  295  - 

John  Pack 

Ext.  258  - 

Martin  Paul 

Ext.  256  - 

Kerry  Pieropan 

Ext.  353  - 

Kent  Ponterio 

Ext.  289  - 

Kyle  Ponterio 

Ext.  212  - 

Matt  Quinn 

Ext.  279  - 

Scott  Reiter 

Ext.  228  - 

New  York  Office:  212.582.2580 

Bobby  Avena 

Danny  Avena 

Andrew  Bowers 

Ext.  5222  - 

Greg  Cohen 

Ext.  5455  - 

Bruce  Roland  Hagen 

Ext.  5462  - 

Paul  Nugget 

Ext.  5470  - 

Marissa  Russell 

Ext.  5460  - 

Vicken  Yegparian 

Ext.  5459  - 

New  Hampshire  Office:  603.569.0823 

Melissa  Karstedt 

Ext.  562  - 

Frank  Van  Valen 

Ext.  560  - 

James  Matthews 

540.335.3288  - 


Mike  Hodder 
John  Kraljevich 
Andy  Pollock 
Steve  Tureen 

Customer  Service 

Hong  Kong  Office 


Shipping  and  Receiving 

Ceilia  Mullins 

Ping  Lertchitvikul 

Karen  Bridges 

Ron  Castro 

Stephanie  Baur 

Ai  Tee  Cheng 

Danielle  Hill 

Joe  Delgado 

Aubree  Bova 

Jeremy  Katz 

Jose  Martinez 

Adrianne  Conrad 


Dan  Malo 

Anibal  Ortiz 

Samantha  Douglas 

Paul  Bresnahan 

Linda  Hood 

Sofia  Gallegos 

Information  Technology 


Sarah  Jackels 

Asha  Ramcharan 

Steven  B alder rama 

Carol  Holt 

Wendy  Leonard 

John  Ballecer 

Erin  Brown 

Jenna  Kendrella 

Marketing  and  Graphic  Design 

Mark  Bernard 

Brittany  Fraser 

Tyler  Kreil 

Kris  Briggs 

Archie  Bracey 

Cynthia  LaCarbonara 

Andrea  Espindola 

Audra  Dove 

Geoff  LeDoyen 

Minh  Le 

Bernie  Jimenez 

Brent  Lemmon 

Jennifer  Meers 

Clement  Kim 

Travis  McDonald 

Bryan  Stoughton 

Sam  King 

Louis  Melamed 

Millie  Wu 

Michael  Loeffler 

Robin  Olson 

James  Puangco 

DJ  Olivares 

Efren  Sandoval 

Carola  Ponterio 

Anant  Singh 

Edgar  Vera 


The  Demarete  Collection 

The  Demarete  Collection,  one  of  the  most  diverse  prop- 
erties we  have  had  the  pleasure  of  handling  in  some  time, 
was  assembled  over  the  course  of  the  1930  s to  the  1970  s, 
by  a family  of  devoted  numismatic  scholars.  The  collection 
was  begun  in  Europe  prior  to  World  War  Two,  and  when 
the  Nazi  Regime  spread,  the  family  fled  the  horrors  to  the 
United  States.  Once  here,  the  family  began  an  impressive 
numismatic  career  that  included  working  for  several  major 
numismatic  firms  and  as  curators  of  important  numismatic 
collections.  Over  the  years,  the  family  had  formed  a very 
close  working  relationship  with  the  Stack  family,  and  when 
the  time  came  to  offer  the  collection  for  sale,  the  natural 
choice  was  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio. 

Extensive  collections  of  ancient  Greek  and  Roman  coins 
were  formed,  and  books  written  on  the  subject,  based  on 
their  collection.  Also  of  interest  was  a wide  range  of  modern 
world  coins  (post  1600),  in  generally  very  high  quality.  We 
were  pleased  to  present  the  first  two  parts  of  the  Demarete 
Collection  in  our  March  2012  Baltimore  Sale  and  our  April 

2012  Hong  Kong  sale.  The  selection  of  rare  date  US  gold 
coins  and  the  Chinese  and  Asian  rarities  and  patterns  were 
very  well  received  by  the  current  generation  of  collectors.  In 
this  sale,  we  are  proud  to  present  another  wonderful  selec- 
tion of  high  quality  and  rare  coins  from  this  fabulous  collec- 
tion. The  highlights  are  numerous,  and  include  rarities  from 
Italy,  Germany,  Russia,  and  other  European  nations. 

Eurther  selections  will  be  offered  in  our  November  2012 
Baltimore  auction,  as  well  as  the  2013  New  York  Interna- 
tional Sale  and  beyond.  Once  this  collection  is  sold,  it  will 
join  the  ranks  of  the  greatest  collections  of  world  coins  of- 
fered at  auction.  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  is  proud  to  be 
able  to  offer  it  to  the  current  generation  of  collectors  and 
specialists.  It  will  be  a long  time  before  another  collection 
of  similar  diversity  and  quality  is  offered  for  sale.  It  is  our 
great  pleasure  to  present  for  your  bidding  consideration,  the 
Demarete  Collection;  another  opportunity  like  this  could  be 
a long  time  away. 

The  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection 

Professor  James  R.  Eaton  (1834-1897) 

James  Eaton  was  born  the  second  son  of  Reverend  George 
Washington  Eaton,  D.D.,  L.L.D.,  who  was  the  president 
of  Madison  University  (now  called  Colgate  University)  in 
Hamilton,  New  York.  James  graduated  from  Madison  Uni- 
versity and  the  Hamilton  Theological  Seminary  and,  though 
he  was  ordained  as  a Baptist  minister,  chose  teaching  as  his 
profession.  He  became  a professor  of  mathematics,  natural 
science,  ancient  languages,  and  theology,  and  in  1868  he  ac- 
cepted a position  at  William  Jewel  College  in  Liberty,  Mis- 
souri. He  served  as  the  head  of  the  Department  of  Natural 
Sciences  for  28  years. 

By  1897,  his  increasing  frailty  convinced  James  that  he 
should  take  a sabbatical,  and  it  had  been  his  lifelong  dream 
to  visit  the  Holy  Land.  He  set  sail  from  New  York,  but  tragi- 
cally suffered  a heart  attack  shortly  after  arriving  in  Cairo. 
He  died  a few  days  later  on  March  20,  1897. 

Professor  Eaton  was  an  enthusiastic  collector,  and  in  ad- 
dition to  his  extensive  cabinets  of  minerals  and  geological 
specimens,  he  spent  30  years  collecting  coins.  He  created 
many  different  sub-collections,  including  a complete  collec- 
tion of  Biblical  coins,  a collection  of  the  earliest  gold,  silver, 
and  bronze  Greek  and  Roman  coins,  a portrait  collection,  a 
collection  of  early  American  copper  coins,  and  many  others. 
The  last  coin  was  integrated  into  this  impressive  collection 
back  in  the  1890s,  meaning  that  this  collection  has  been  off 
the  market  for  more  than  a century! 

The  coins  eventually  came  into  the  possession  of  James  son, 
Hubert  Eaton,  who  was  the  one  of  the  founders  and  presi- 
dents of  Eorest  Lawn  Memorial  Park  in  Glendale,  Califor- 
nia. Hubert  periodically  displayed  the  coins  at  the  museum 
there,  along  with  other  family  sculptures  and  art.  Stacks 
Bowers  and  Ponterio  is  proud  to  present  coins  from  the  col- 
lection of  James  R.  Eaton  for  public  auction  during  the  Au- 
gust 2013  Official  Auction  of  the  Chicago  ANA  Worlds  Eair 
of  Money. 

Highlights  from  the  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Lot  12309  INDONESIA. 
Imitative  20  Ducat,  ca.  19th  Century. 

Lot  12033  BRAZIL. 

12,800  Reis,  1733-M.  NGC  MS-65. 

Lot  12071  BRAZIL. 

6,400  Reis,  1824-R.  NGC  MS-61. 

Lot  12282  GUATEMALA. 

8 Escudos,  1757/6-GJ.  NGC  EF-40. 

Lot  11065  AEGINA. 

AR  Stater  (12.26  gms),  ca.  480-457  B.C. 

Lot  11098  PERSIA. 

Achaemenidae.  AV  Daric  (8.31  gms). 

Time  of  Xerxes  II  to  Artaxerxes  II  (ca.  420-375  B.C.). 


Cyrene.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.39  gms),  ca.  480-435  B.C. 

Highlights  from  the  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Lot  12342  JAPAN.  Oban,  ND  (1860-62). 

Lot  12414  PERU. 

4 Escudos,  1753-J.  NGC  MS-63. 

Highlights  from  the  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Lot  13088  CHINA. 

Chekiang.  3 Mace  6 Candareens  (50  Cents),  ND  (1899). 
NGC  MS-61. 

Lot  13132  GERMAN  NEW  GUINEA. 
5 Mark,  1894- A.  NGC  PROOF-66. 

Lot  13177  GREAT  BRITAIN. 

England.  Crown,  1658/7.  NGC  MS-62. 

Lot  13181  GREAT  BRITAIN. 

Great  Britain  Crown  1739.  NGC  MS-65. 

Lot  13234  ITALY. 
Ferrara.  Teston,  ND.  NGC  EF-45. 

Lot  13268  JAPAN. 

Ansei  Trade  Dollar  (3  Bu  or  San  Bu),  ND  (1859). 
NGC  MS-62. 


Order  of  Sale 

Session  B 

Tuesday,  August  13  3:30  PM  CT 
Lots  11001-11239 

Category  Lot  Number 


GREEK 11001-11125 

ROMAN  REPUBLIC 11126-11132 



DARK  AGES 1 1 176 

MIXED  LOTS 1 1 1 77- 1 1 1 78 



AFGHANISTAN 1 1 1 79- 1 1 1 83 

ALBANIA 1 1 184 




CUBA 1 1 198 



ECUADOR 1 1202 

EGYPT 1 1203 

ESTONIA 1 1204 

GERMANY 1 1205- 1 1206 



HUNGARY 1 1212 

ICELAND 1 1213 

INDIA 1 1214 


ITALY 1 1218 


MEXICO 1 1221- 1 1222 

NETHERLANDS 1 1223- 1 1225 

NORWAY 1 1226- 1 1227 

PORTUGAL 1 1228- 1 1229 

ROMANIA 1 1230- 1 1232 

SPAIN 1 1233- 1 1234 

SWEDEN 1 1235 

THAILAND 1 1236- 1 1237 

TONGA 1 1238 

TURKEY 1 1239 

Session  C 

Wednesday,  August  14  9:30  AM  CT 
Lots  12001-12541 

Category  Lot  Number 

WORLD  GOLD  COINS 12001  12541 


AUSTRALIA 12003- 120 1 1 


BELARUS 120 14 



BOLIVIA 12020- 12023 

BRAZIL 12024- 12077 

CANADA 12078- 12086 

CHILE I2087-I2I09 



CUBA 12205 

CZECHOSLOVAKIA 12206- 12207 


DENMARK I2209-I22I0 

ECUADOR 1221 1 



FRANCE I22I4-I2236 

GERMANY 12237- 12247 

GREAT  BRITAIN 12248- 12280 


GUATEMALA 12282- 12284 


INDIA I2286-I2308 


IRAN I23II-I2327 


ISLE  OF  MAN 12329 

ITALY 12330- I234I 

JAPAN 12342- 1235 1 

JORDAN 12352 

LEBANON 12353 

MALTA 12354 

MEXICO 12355- 12400 


NAMIBIA 12402 

NETHERLANDS 12403- 12406 

NIUE 12407 

PERU 12408- 12442 

PHILIPPINES 12443-12444 

POLAND 12445- 12455 

PORTUGAL 12456- 12469 

ROMANIA 12470 





SOUTH  AFRICA 12523- 12530 

SPAIN I253I-I2534 

SWEDEN 12535 


TURKEY 12540 


Session  D 

Wednesday,  August  14  6:00  PM  CT 
Lots  13001-13445 

Category  Lot  Number 


& MINORS 13001-1 3445 

ALBANIA I300I- 13004 

ANNAM 13005 




AZORES 13022 


BELGIUM 1 3024- 1 3026 

BERMUDA 1 3027- 1 3028 

BOLIVIA I3029-I3033 

BRAZIL 1 3034- 1 3075 

BRITISH  HONDURAS 1 3076- 1 3077 


CANADA I3079-I3086 

CHILE 13087 

CHINA I3088-I3I07 
















GUATEMALA 1 32 1 7- 1 3222 

HAITI I3223-I3224 

HUNGARY 13225 

INDIA 13226 

IRELAND 1 3227- 1 3229 


ITALY 1323 1 -13267 

JAPAN 13268 

LIECHTENSTEIN 1 3269- 1 3270 

MALTA I327I-I3272 

MEXICO I3273-I3282 


MOROCCO I3284-I3285 

NETHERLANDS 1 3286- 1 3288 

NORWAY I3290-I3293 

PANAMA 13294 

PERU I3295-I3296 

PHILIPPINES 1 3297- 1 33 1 5 

POLAND I33I6-I3326 


PUERTO  RICO I3328-I3329 

RUSSIA I3330-I3395 


SCOTLAND 1 3397- 1 3400 



SPAIN I34I3-I34I6 



SWEDEN I34I9-I3423 

SWITZERLAND 1 3424- 1 343 1 


YAP  ISLAND 13433 

MIXED  LOTS I3434-I3445 


Session  F - Internet  Only 

Ends  Tuesday,  August  20  3:00  PM  PT 

Lots  34001-35406 

Category  Lot  Number 


GREEK 34001-34055 

ROMAN  REPUBLIC 34056-34070 

ROMAN  EMPIRE 34071-34085 

BYZANTINE 34086-34094 

DARK  AGES 34095-34097 

MIXED  LOTS 34098-34106 


& DECORATIONS 34107-34157 

BELGIUM 34107-34108 

BULGARIA 34109-34116 

CHINA 34117 

CUBA 34118-34120 



FINLAND 34124 

FRANCE 34125 

GERMANY 34126 


HAITI 34128 

IRAN 34129-34134 

ITALY 34135-34136 

NEPAL 34137 

POLAND 34138 

RUSSIA 34139-34144 

SERBIA 34145 

THAILAND 34146-34154 

TUNISIA 34155 

TURKEY 34156 



GOLD  COINS 34158-34369 


ALBANIA 34159-34160 

ARMENIA 34161-34162 

AUSTRALIA 34163-34168 

AUSTRIA 34169-34170 


BELGIUM 34172 

BOLIVIA 34173 

BRAZIL 34174 


CANADA 34176-34186 

COLOMBIA 34187-34189 

COMOROS 34190-34193 

CROATIA 34194 


CUBA 34196-34200 

CYPRUS 34201-34203 


DENMARK 34207 

EGYPT 34208-34213 


FRANCE 34215-34235 

GERMANY 34236-34239 


GREAT  BRITAIN 34241-34244 

GREECE 34245-34247 

GUATEMALA 34248-34249 

HONDURAS 34250-34251 

HUNGARY 34252 

INDIA 34253-34258 


IRAN 34260-34267 

ISLAMIC  KINGDOMS 34268-34269 

ISLE  OF  MAN 34270 

ITALY 34271-34277 

JAPAN 34278-34281 

JORDAN 34282 

MALTA 34283 

MEXICO 34284-34301 


NETHERLANDS 34303-34305 

NORWAY 34306 

PERU 34307 


POLAND 34309-34316 

PORTUGAL 34317-34320 

ROMANIA 34321 

RUSSIA 34322-34352 

SERBIA 34353-34354 

SOUTH  AFRICA 34355-34359 

SPAIN 34360-34362 

SWEDEN 34363-34365 

TOGO 34366-34367 




& MINORS 34370-35406 

ALBANIA 34370 

ANDORRA 34371 

ANNAM 34372 


AUSTRALIA 34374-34378 

AUSTRIA 34379-34398 


BAHAMAS 34400-34401 

BARBADOS 34402-34403 

BELGIUM 34404-34405 

BOHEMIA 34406-34411 

BOLIVIA 344I2-344I9 

BRAZIL 34420-34460 


CANADA 34462-34498 

CAPE  VERDE 34499 

CHILE 34500-34502 

CHINA 34503-34546 


CROATIA 34548 

CRUSADER  KINGDOM 34549-34563 

CUBA 34564-34571 

CURACAO 34572-34573 

CYPRUS 34574-34580 


DENMARK 34582-34586 



ECUADOR 34589 

EGYPT 34590-34592 

ERITREA 34593-34595 


FINLAND 34597 

FRANCE 34598-34660 


FRENCH  GUIANA 34662-34664 


GABON 34666-34667 


GERMAN  NEW  GUINEA 34669-34671 

GERMANY 34672-34762 


GREAT  BRITAIN 34764-34859 

GREECE 34860-34880 

GUATEMALA 34881-34885 

HAWAII 34886 

HUNGARY 34887-34893 

INDIA 34894-34899 

IRAN 34900 

IRELAND 34901-34922 


ISLE  OF  MAN 34924 

ITALY 34925-35097 

JAPAN 35098-35100 


KOREA 35102 

LEBANON 35103 

LIBERIA 35104 

LIBYA 35105 



LOW  COUNTRIES 35108-351 14 


MALTA 35116-35117 


MEXICO 351 19-35137 


MOROCCO 35139-35140 

NETHERLANDS 35141-35143 



NEVIS 35147 

NEW  GUINEA 35148 



PALESTINE 3515I-35I52 

PANAMA 35I53-35I54 


PERU 35156-35162 

PHILIPPINES 35163-35211 

POLAND 35212-35229 

PORTUGAL 35230-35236 

ROMANIA 35237-35239 


RUSSIA 3524I-353I7 

RWANDA 35318 



SCOTLAND 35321-35326 

SERBIA 35327-35330 

SIERRA  LEONE 35331-35333 

SOUTH  AFRICA 35334-35338 

SILESIA 35339-35340 

SPAIN 35341-35358 

SWEDEN 35359-35375 

SWITZERLAND 35376-35403 

TUNISIA 35404 

MIXED  LOTS 35405-35406 

End  of  Sale 

The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Session  B 

Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 
Start  Time:  3:30  PM  CT 

Ancient  Coins 
Lots  11001-11178 

Orders  and  Decorations 
Lots  11179-11239 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 



11001  West  Noricum.  AR  Tetradrachm  (11.79  gms),  ca. 
2nd-lst  Century  B.C.  Lanz-107;  cf.Pink-pl.  XXVII, 
#560;  Castelin-I3I.  Kugel  reiter  type.  Laureate  head 
left,  Celticized;  Reverse:  Celticized  horseman  left,  three 
pellets  above  helmet  crest.  Well  centered,  lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$2500 


11002  Etruria.  Cossa  Volcientium.  AE  18  (4.94  gms),  Arretium 
Mint,  ca.  208-207  B.C.  SNG  Ans-41;  HN  Italy-69.  One  of 
the  first  coins  to  depict  a black  African.  A very  interesting 
piece.  The  obverse  depicts  a black  African  head  right,  with 
a zig-zag  mark  to  the  left;  Reverse:  Elephant  standing  right 
with  bell  around  its  neck,  similar  zig-zag  below  elephant. 
RARE  and  very  interesting.  Dark  patina.  Among  the  nicer 
examples  we  have  seen.  VERY  FINE $1400-$  1800 

11003  Calabria.  Tarentum.  AR  Nomos  (7.79  gms),  ca.  334- 

330  B.C.  Vlasto-654.  Naked  horseman  crowning  himself 
on  stationary  horse  to  right  which  raises  its  right  foreleg, 
beneath  “EA”  and  Ionic  capital;  Reverse:  “TAPAE”  in  upper 
right,  Tauras  astride  dolphin  to  left  holding  out  in  his  right 
hand  a water  snake  and  in  his  left  a whip,  “KOM”  beneath. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $900-$1200 

11004  Calabria.  Tarentum.  AR  Nomos  (7.88  gms),  ca.  302-231 

B.C.  Vlasto-666.  Youth  on  horseback  right,  crowning  horse 
with  wreath,  “EA”  to  left,  “APE/ODN”  below;  Reverse:  Taras 
astride  dolphin  to  left,  holding  out  in  right  hand  a tripod, 
“CAE”  beneath.  EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11005  Calabria.  Tarentum.  AR  Nomos  (7.77  gms),  ca.  302-231 

B.C.  Vlasto-673.  Youth  on  horseback  right,  crowning  horse 
with  wreath,  “EA”  to  left,  Greek  inscription  below;  Reverse: 
Taras  astride  dolphin  to  left,  holding  out  in  right  hand 
a bunch  of  grapes,  Greek  inscription  beneath  to  right. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11006  Calabria.  Tarentum.  AR  Nomos  (7.86  gms),  ca.  282-272 

B.C.  Vlasto-684.  Naked  horseman  cantering  left  holding 
behind  him  small  round  shield,  inscription  below  horse; 
Reverse:  “TAPAE”  in  upper  right,  Taras  astride  dolphin  to 
left  holding  out  small  Nike  who  extends  a wreath  towards  his 
head,  waves  beneath.  EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$  1000 

1 1 007  Calabria.  Tarentum  (Taranto) . ARDidrachm  (6.54 gms) , ca. 
280-272  B.C.  Vlasto-815.  Rider  on  horse  right  holding  torch 
in  right  hand;  Reverse:  Taras  riding  dolphin  right  holding  two 
spears,  dart,  diota  and  monogram.  Scarce.  Nicely  centered 
lovely  strike  on  a full  flan,  good  metal.  Nice  old-cabinet  toning. 

11008  Calabria.  Tarentum  (Taranto).  AR  Nomos  (6.52  gms),  ca. 
272-240  B.C.  Vlasto-910.  Nike  crowning  youth  on  horseback 
right;  Reverse:  Taras  left  on  dolphin  holding  branch  and 
trident.  Lovely  strike  from  high  relief  dies.  Nice  old  cabinet 
toning.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1200 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11009  Lucania.  Heraclea.  AR  Didrachm  (6.64  gms),  ca.  281- 

272  BC.  BMC- 1.23 1,45;  SNG  Ans-95.  Head  of  Athena  left, 
wearing  crested  Corinthian  helmet  with  a Griffin  on  it; 
Reverse:  Naked  Herakles  standing  towards  right,  resting 
on  club  with  right  hand  and  holding  lions  skin  with  left 
hand,  Nike  in  right  field.  Worn  reverse  die.  Nicely  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11010  Lucania.  Metapontum.  AR  Stater  (7.86  gms),  ca. 
540-530  B.C.  SNG  Ans-217;  Noe-133.  Seven  grain  ear 
of  barely,  “META”  to  left;  Reverse:  Incuse  of  obverse. 
Slightly  grainy,  faint  porosity  and  a few  minor  scratches. 

VERY  FINE $700-$900 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


Lucania.  Sybaris.  AR  Stater  (7.79  gms),  ca.  550-510 

B.C.  SNG  Ans-835.  Bull  standing  left,  head  looking 
back,  “VM”  in  exergue;  Reverse:  Incuse  of  obverse. 
A few  light  scratches.  Light  corrosion,  minor  bend. 
NEARLY  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11012  Lucania.  Thurium.  AR  Stater  (7.76  gms),  ca.  300-280 

B.C.  SNG  Cop- 1463.  Head  of  Athena  facing  right,  wearing 
crested  Athenian  helmet,  ornamented  with  Skylla;  Reverse: 
Bull  butting  right,  Nike  flying  right  above.  Well-centered, 
good  medal.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE...  $1500-$2500 

11013  Bruttium.  Kroton.  AR  Stater  (7.68  gms),  ca.  550-480 

B.C.  SNG  Ans-228;  SNG  Cop- 1737.  Spread  incuse  type. 
Tripod  altar  with  two  serpents  emerging  from  bowl; 
Reverse:  Incuse  of  obverse.  Slight  bend.  Light  porosity. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11014  Bruttium.  Locri  Epizephyrii.  AR  Didrachm  (8.85  gms),  ca. 

35-275  B.C.  Cal-vol  2,  pg.  577/13;  SNG  Ans-513/15.  Pegasus 
flying  left,  thunderbolt  below;  Reverse:  Head  of  Athena  left, 
wearing  Corinthian  helmet.  Well  struck,  nice  old  cabinet 
toning.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 

11015  Bruttium.  Locri.  AR  Stater  (8.65  gms),  ca.  317-310 

B.C.  Cal-11/2;  HN  Italy-2342. Bridled  pegasus  flying  left, 
thunderbolt  below;  Reverse:  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  left. 
Nicely  centered  and  well  struck.  Somewhat  bright  from 
cleaning.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1400-$1600 

Exceptional  Rhegion  Tetradrachm 

11016  Bruttium.  Rhegion.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.29  gms),  ca. 
415/410-387  B.C.  cf.Herzfelder-89;  Guldenkian-141. 
Lions  head  facing;  Reverse:  Laureate  head  of  Apollo  right. 
NGC  Ch  EE,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  4/5 $7000-$9000 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


11017  Bruttium.  Rhegium  (Reggio).  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.21  gms),  ca.  415-387  B.C.  Herzfelder-73.  Lions  scalp  facing;  Reverse:  Laureate 
head  of  Apollo  right,  olive  spray  behind.  Toned.  NEARLY  EXTREMELY  FINE $14,000-$16,000 

Exceptional  Rhegium  Tetradrachm 


11018  Akragas.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.10  gms),  ca.  460-450/446 

B.C.  SNG  Ans-970.  Sea  eagle  standing  left,  “AKRAS- 
ANTOE”  around;  Reverse:  Crab  within  shallow  incuse 
circle.  Well  centered  and  lustrous.  With  good  metal  quality. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $5000-$7000 

High  Grade 

Camarina  Tetradrachm 

11019  Camarina.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.01  gms),  ca.  425-405 

B.C.  Rizzo-pl.V#15;  Westermark  & Jenkins- 152.  Quadriga 
driven  right;  Reverse:  Youthful  head  of  Hercules  wearing 
lions  scalp  facing  left,  bow  in  field.  Bold  and  attractive 
portrait  of  Hercules,  slight  doubling  on  the  reverse.  Good 
metal  quality.  NGC  Ch  EE,  Strike:  3/5  Surface:  4/5, 
Die  Shift $6000-$8000 


Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 

1 1020 


1 1022 

1 1023 

1 1024 

Gela.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.04  gms),  ca.  420-415. 

Jenkins-468  (Obv.  90,  Rev.  180).  Slow  big  a walking  right; 
Reverse:  Forepart  of  man-headed  bull  (river  god)  facing 
right.  Typical  weak  obverse  die,  well  struck  on  reverse. 
VERY  FINE $700-$I000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

Gela.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.24  gms),  ca.  480-470  B.C. 

Jenkins,  Gela- 177  (Obv.  47,  Rev.  100).  Slow  quadriga  right, 
driver  holding  reins  and  kentron,  Nike  above  right  crowning 
horses;  Reverse:  Forepart  of  man  headed  bull  right,  ethnic 
above,  distinctive  die  flaw  behind  truncation.  Obverse  a 
bit  worn  with  softer  strike,  reverse  bold  with  good  detail. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $I500-$2000 

Leontini  (Lentini).  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.28  gms),  ca.  430- 

425  B.C.  SNG  Ans-257;  BMC-2.90,  39.  Laureate  head  of 
Apollo  left;  Reverse:  Lions  head  left  mouth  open  with  three 
barley  corns  and  one  laurel  leaf  around.  Die  break  in  hair. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3500-$4500 

Messana,  Zancle.  AR  Drachm  (5.16  gms),  ca.  520-500  B.C. 

SNG  Ans-301;  Gielow-Obv.  unlisted.  Rev.  300.  “DANKLE”, 
dolphin  left  within  sickle-shaped  harbor;  Reverse:  Shell 
within  patterned  incuse.  Light  porosity,  slightly  bent. 
VERY  FINE $800-$I200 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

Syracuse.  Agathocles  (317-300  B.C.).  EL  25  Lirae  (16.34 
gms),  ca.  3I7-3I0  B.C.  BMC-2.192,  348;  SNG  Cop-753. 
Wreathed  head  of  Arethusa  left  with  three  dolphins  around; 
Reverse:  Fast  quadriga  left,  trikeles  above,  ethnic  and 

monogram  in  exergue.  VERY  FINE $I500-$2000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

1 1025  Syracuse.  Timoleon  & The  Third  Democracy,  ca.  345-317 
B.C.  AV  30  Litrae  (2.26  gms).  SNG  Cop-493;  SNG  Ans- 
710.  Laureate  head  of  Zeus  left;  Reverse:  Pegasus  flying 
left,  ethnic  around,  three  pellets  below.  Scuff  on  obverse. 
VERY  FINE $I000-$I500 

11026  Syracuse.  AR  Decadrachm  (42.96  gms),  ca.  405-367  B.C. 

Gallatin-D.ll/RlX.  Charioteer  driving  fast  quadriga  left,  Nike 
flying  right  above,  military  implements  in  exergue;  Reverse: 
Head  of  Arethusa  face  left  wearing  earring  and  necklace, 
four  dolphins  around,  artists  signature  below.  Graffiti  on 
neck.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $10,000-$15,000 


11027  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.60  gms),  Macedonia,  ca.  330-320  B.C. 

Pr-164b.  Helmeted  bust  of  Athena  right;  Reverse:  Nike 
standing  left  holding  wreath  and  stylis,  thunderbolt  in  left 
field.  Nice  strike  and  centered. 


11028  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.13  gms),  Pella  Mint,  ca.  315-310 

B.C.  Pr-249;  Muller-754.  Head  of  Herakles  wearing  lions 
scalp  right;  Reverse:  Zeus  seated  left  holding  scepter  and 
extending  eagle,  Boetian  shield  to  left,  snake  below  throne. 


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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


11029  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.20  gms),  Amphipolis,  ca.  315- 

294  B.C.  Pr-481.  Head  of  Herakles  right  wearing  lions  scalp; 
Reverse:  Zeus  seated  left  holding  scepter  and  extending 
eagle,  Lambda  and  torch  to  left,  “M”  and  star  under  throne. 

NGC  AU,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5 $700-$1000 

11030  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 
323  B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.53  gms),  Callatis  Mint,  ca.  250-225 

B.C.  Pr-903;  Muller-814.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right, 
serpent  on  helmet;  Reverse:  Nike  standing  left  extending 
wreath  and  holding  stylis,  mint  mark  to  left.  Attractive 
portrait  with  a good  strike,  some  luster  amongst  devices. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $3500-$4000 

11031  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.46),  Lampsacus,  328-323  B.C.  Pr-1406 
A var.  Head  of  Athena  wearing  crested  Corinthian  helmet 
right;  Reverse:  Nike  standing  left  holding  wreath  and  stylis, 
“Kl”  to  left  and  monogram  below  wing.  Good  color  and  eye 
appeal,  reverse  high  points  perhaps  mechanically  enhanced. 

11032  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.60  gms),  Miletos  Mint,  Lifetime  Issue, 
ca.  325-323  B.C.  Pr-2077;  Muller-8.  Head  of  Athena  facing 
right  wearing  crested  Corinthian  helmet  ornamented  with 
serpent;  Reverse:  Nike  standing  left  holding  wreath  in  right 
hand,  stylis  in  left.  Nice  elegant  style.  Well  struck  on  a nice 

full  complete  flan.  Well-centered.  EXTREMELY  FINE 


11033  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 
323  B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.40  gms),  Sardes  Mint,  334-323 

BC.  Pr-2532;  Muller-529;  SNG  Cop-649.  Head  of  Athena 
right  wearing  crested  Corinthian  helmet;  Reverse:  Nike 
standing  left  holding  wreath  and  stylis,  snake  coiled 
up  in  left  field.  Well-centered  on  a nice  round  flan. 

FINE- VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

11034  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.59  gms).  Tarsus  Mint,  ca.  333-327  B.C. 

Pr-3006.  Head  of  Athena  facing  right,  wearing  a crested 
Corinthian  helmet  ornamented  with  a serpent;  Reverse: 
Nike  standing  left  holding  wreath  and  stylis,  head  of  trident 
facing  down  in  left  field.  Nicely  centered  on  a round  flan. 

BOLD  VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 

11035  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 
323  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.12  gms),  Babylon  Mint. 

Pr-3613;  Muller-699.  Head  of  Herakles  right  wearing  lions 
scalp;  Reverse:  Zeus  seated  left  in  throne  holding  eagle  and 
scepter,  dolphin  in  left  field  facing  up.  Fine  style  in  high 
relief.  EXTREMELY  FINE $750-$1000 

11036  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AV  Stater  (8.41  gms),  Babylon  Mint,  ca.  317-311 

B.C.  Pr-3716;  Muller-723.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right, 
sphinx  on  helmet;  Reverse:  Nike  standing  left  extending 
laurel,  wreathed  monogram  below  left  wing  and  different 
monogram  below  right  wing.  Removed  from  jewelry. 

VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

11037  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336-323 
B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.07  gms),  Susa  Mint,  ca.  316-311 

B.C.  Pr-3857.  Head  of  young  Heracles  right  in  lion  skin; 
Reverse:  Zeus  enthroned  left,  wreath  in  left  field.  Well  struck. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $900-$1200 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11038  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 
323  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.12  gms),  Ecbatana 
Mint,  ca.  311-295  B.C.  Pr-3928.  Head  of  Herakles 
right  in  lions  scalp;  Reverse:  Zeus  seated  and  extending 
eagle,  monogram  and  anchor  to  left;  forepart  of  horse 
grazing  at  feet,  letters  in  exergue.  Good  metal  quality. 
GOOD  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

11039  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Perseus  179-168  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (15.45  gms).  S-6804;  SNG  Cop- 1269. 
Diademed  head  of  Perseus  right;  Reverse:  Eagle  standing 
right  on  thunderbolt,  monogram  at  right  and  below,  all 
within  wreath.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $900-$  1200 

11040  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (14.14  gms).  Posthumous  Issue  of 
Amphipolis,  323-316  B.C.  Le  Rider-plate  45  #11.  Laureate 
head  of  Zeus  right;  Reverse:  Youth  on  horseback  right 
holding  palm  branch.  Well  centered  with  nice  strike. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $900-$1200 

11041  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AV  Stater 
(8.53  gms),  Pella  Mint,  ca.  345-340.  Le  Rider-49  (plate  54). 
Laureate  head  of  Apollo  right;  Reverse:  Charioteer  driving 
bag  right.  Cicada  insect  above.  Light  edge  file.  Well  centered 

on  an  oblong  flan.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11042  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (14.45  gms),  Amphipolis  Mint,  ca.  335- 
349/8  B.C.  Le  Rider-93  (D41-R77).  Laureate  head  of  Zeus 
right;  Reverse:  Youth  on  horseback  riding  left.  Trident  below 
horse.  Nice  style.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 

11043  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AV  Stater 
(8.63  gms),  Pella  Mint,  ca.  336-328  B.C.  Muller- 1;  Le 
Rider-98.  Laureate  head  of  Apollo  right;  Reverse:  Biga 
driving  right,  thunderbolt  below.  Sharply  struck  on 
a nice  full  flan.  Great  details.  Well  centered,  lustrous. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $6000-$8000 

11044  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (14.49  gms),  Pella  Mint,  Lifetime  Issue: 
342/1-337/6  B.C.  Le  Rider-291  (D162,  R230);  SNG  Cop- 
549.  Laureate  head  of  Zeus  right;  Reverse:  Horseman 
riding  right,  holding  palm  branch  and  reins,  thunderbolt 
below.  Fine  style  struck  in  high  relief.  Good  metal  quality. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1200 

11045  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  II,  359-336  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (14.35  gms).  Posthumous  Issue  of  Pella,  ca. 
323/3-315  B.C.  Le  Rider-443  (D233,  R363).  Laureate  head 
of  Zeus  right;  Reverse:  Youth  on  horseback  holding  palm 
branch,  horse  prancing;  “OY”  to  right,  “O”  with  dot  in  center 
below.  Slightly  off  center  but  all  major  details  visible.  Good 
metal  quality.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1200-$  1600 

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11046  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Philip  III,  323-317  B.C.  AR 
Tetradrachm  (16.28  gms),  Babylon  Mint.  Pr-PlBlc. 
Head  of  Heracles  facing  right  wearing  lions  scalp; 
Reverse:  Zeus  enthroned  left,  “M”  monogram  in  left 
field;  Zeus  holding  eagle  in  right  hand  and  staff  in  the 
other.  Well  centered,  light  toning.  Nice  style,  good  metal. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1200 


11047  Kingdom  of  Thrace.  Lysimachos,  305-281  B.C.  AV  Stater 
(8.49  gms),  Byzantium  Mint,  Posthumous  Issue.  SNG 

Cop-1086;  Muller-149.  Diademed  head  of  Alexander  III  (the 
Great)  right  wearing  horn  of  Amon;  Reverse:  Athena  seated 
left  in  throne,  arm  extending  holding  Nike.  Obverse  is  nicely 
centered.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$3000 

11048  Kingdom  of  Thrace.  Lysimachos,  305-281  B.C. 
AR  Tetradrachm  (16.82  gms).  Unknown  Mint. 

cf.Muller-510.  Head  of  Alexander  III  wearing  Ammons 
horn  right;  Reverse:  Athena  enthroned  left  holding 
Nike  in  outstretched  right  hand;  left  field  monogram, 
and  monogram  under  throne.  Extremely  well  struck. 


11049  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.36  gms),  ca.  44-42  B.C.  S-1733;  RPC- 
170  lb.  Brutus  walking  left  between  two  lictors;  Reverse: 
Eagle  standing  left  on  club  holding  wreath.  Exceptionally 
choice.  NGC  MS,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5 $1500-$2000 


11051  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.40  gms),  ca.  44-42  B.C.  S-1733; 
BMC-3.208,1.  Brutus  walking  left  between  two  lictors; 
Reverse:  Eagle  on  club  holding  wreath.  Struck  on  a large 
round  planchet  with  full  beaded  boarded.  Lustrous. 

MINT  STATE $1500-$2000 

11052  Koson.  AR  Drachm  (4.33  gms),  ca.  50  B.C.  S-1733. 
Consul  between  two  lictors  all  facing  left;  Reverse: 
Eagle  standing  left  on  club  and  holding  wreath.  Well 
struck  and  centered  on  full  flan  with  luster  throughout. 


11053  Maroneia.  AR  Stater  (10.95  gms),  ca.  386-347  B.C.  cf.SNG 
Cop-610.  Prancing  unbridled  horse  right;  Reverse:  Grape 
vine  with  four  grape  clusters  all  within  an  incuse  square, 
surrounded  by  Magistrates  name  (same  names  as  SNG 
Cop-610,  but  rotated  counter  clockwise).  Well  centered  on  a 
round  flan.  Light  toning.  VERY  FINE $3500-$4000 

11054  Maroneia.  AR  Stater  (10.67  gms),  ca.  400-350  B.C.  SNG 

Lockett- 1200;  BMC-3.126;  25.  Horse  with  loose  reins 
prancing  left,  ethnic  below;  Reverse:  Grape  vine  with  four 
bunches  contained  in  linear  frame  around  which  is  the 
moneyer  name  and  caduceus  to  left.  Well  centered  on  full 
flan.  A few  unobtrusive  hairline  scratches  on  obverse.  Toned. 
FINE- VERY  FINE $600-$800 

11050  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.44  gms),  ca.  44-42  B.C. 

cf.RPC-1701;  BMC-3.208,1.  Brutus  walking  left  between 
two  lictors;  Reverse:  Eagle  on  club  left,  holding  wreath. 

NGC  Ch  UNC $1000-$1500 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11055  Larissa.  AR  Distater  (12.08  gms),  ca.  395-345  B.C.  SNG 

Cop- 119;  BMC-7.29,54.  Head  of  Larissa  facing  three- 
quarters  left,  wearing  amphyx;  Reverse:  Horse  trotting  right, 
legend  above  and  below.  Nicely  struck  and  well  centered. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $7500-$9500 


11056  Locri  Opuntii  (Epicnemidii).  AR  Stater  (11.97  gms),  ca. 
369-338  B.C.  SNG  Cop-42  (same  dies).  Head  of  Demeter 
right,  wearing  a barley  wreath  and  simple  earrings; 
Reverse:  Ajax,  naked,  wearing  a crested  Corinthian  helmet 
and  holding  a short  sword  and  a shield  decorated  with  a 
griffin,  in  fighting  stance,  broken  spear  on  ground.  High 
relief,  nice  strike.  Light  surface  graininess,  well  centered. 
GOOD  VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 

11057  Locri  Opuntii  (Epicnemidii).  AR  Stater  (12.09  gms), 
ca.  369-338  B.C.  cf.BMC-8.2,  15  (broken  spear).  Head  of 
Demeter  facing  left  wearing  grain  wreath,  triple-pendant 
earring  and  necklace;  Reverse:  Ajax  nude  and  armed 
with  sword,  shield  (with  snake  on  inside  of  shield)  and 
crested  Corinthian  helmet,  in  fighting  stance  right;  spear 
head  pointing  left  below.  High  relief  and  well  struck. 
GOOD  VERY  FINE $4500-$5500 


11058  Athens.  AR  Transitional  Tetradrachm  (17.06  gms),  ca. 
465-454  B.C.  SNG  Berry-647-8;  Starr  Group-V.B.  Helmeted 
head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse:  Owl  standing  right,  head 
facing  olive  sprig  and  crescent  behind,  all  within  incuse 
square.  A hint  of  light  surface  granularity.  Lightly  toned, 
well  centered  and  nicely  struck  from  high  relief  dies. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3500-$5000 


11059  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.88  gms),  ca.  459-449  B.C. 

Svornos-pl.  9 #10.  Head  of  Athena  facing  right  wearing 
crested  helmet;  Reverse:  Owl  standing  right,  head  facing, 
olive  sprig  and  crescent  behind.  Light  graininess.  Nice  strike. 
Fine  style.  EXTREMELY  FINE $7500-$8500 

11060  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.80  gms),  ca.  454-431 

B.C.  Svornos-pl.  10  #10.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena 
right;  Reverse:  Owl  standing  right,  head  facing, 
olive  sprig  behind,  all  within  incuse  square.  Light 
surface  graininess  some  smoothing.  Well  centered. 


11061  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.20  gms),  ca.  454-421  B.C. 

Svornos-pl.  12  #16;  SNG  Cop-35.  Head  of  Athena  facing 
right  wearing  crested  helmet;  Reverse:  Owl  standing 
right,  head  facing,  olive  sprig  and  crescent  behind. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $2500-$3000 

11062  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.22  gms),  ca.  454-404  B.C. 

Svornos-pl.  13  #3.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse: 
Owl  standing  right  head  facing,  olive  sprig  and  crescent 
behind.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $900-$1200 

11063  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.08  gms),  ca.  454-404  B.C. 

SNG  Cop-37.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse: 
Owl  standing  right  of  olive  leaves  and  crescent  behind. 
The  obverse  is  well  centered  with  only  a small  portion 
of  the  reverse  legend  missing.  Nice  deep  cabinet  toning. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

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11064  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.16  gms),  ca.  403-365 

B.C.  Svornos-pl.  16  #15.  Helmeted  bust  of  Athena 
right;  Reverse:  Owl,  above  olive  spray  and  crescent. 

GOOD-VERY  FINE $700-$1000 


11065  AR  Stater  (12.26  gms),  ca.  480-457  B.C.  cf.Milbank- 
pl.l  #13;  cfSNG  Delpierre-1762;  cf.SNG  Lockett- 1970; 
cf.BMC- 1 1 . 1 32, 85.  Sea  turtle  (Chelone  Caouana)  or  common 
loggerhead  turtle  of  the  Mediterranean  with  head  in  profile  to 
left,  eye  and  beak  detail  visible,  seven  dots  arranged  in  a “T” 
shape,  border  of  shell  near  head  and  front  limbs,  tail  visible  as 
well;  Reverse:  Large  square  incuse  with  skew  pattern,  creating 
five  segments.  Exquisite  detail,  almost  perfect  oval  flan.  The 
turtle  is  outstandingly  well  centered  with  all  limbs  and  head 
visible.  Extremely  attractive  high  caliber  quality.  A world  class 
Aegina  Stater  worthy  of  the  most  sophisticated  collection. 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11066  AR  Stater  (12.35  gms),  ca.  404-375  B.C.  Milbank-pl.ll 
#13;  SNG  Delpierre-1807;  cf.SNG  Cop-517;  cf.BMC- 11.138. 
Land  turtle,  or  Testudo  Graeca,  in  high  relief  and  fine  style. 
All  thirteen  plates  are  distinguished  with  the  outer  ten 
showing  a lined  pattern,  the  right  front  and  back  limbs  are 
visible,  as  well  as  the  head  and  tail,  a border  clearly  surrounds 
the  shell;  Reverse:  Square  incuse  with  large  skew  pattern. 
Obverse  slightly  off  center.  High  quality  and  lustrous. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


11067  Sicyonia.  Sicyon.  AR  Stater  (12.06  gms),  ca.  400- 

300  B.C.  BMC- 10.40,  56.  Chimaera  facing  left,  wreath 
above;  Reverse:  Dove  flying  left  in  olive  wreath,  “I” 
near  doves  neck.  Well  centered  on  an  oblong  flan. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $2500-$3000 

11068  Sicyonia.  Sicyon.  AR  Stater  (12.12  gms),  ca.  400-300  B.C. 

BMC- 10.45,  106.  Chimaera  facing  left,  “El”  below;  Reverse: 
Dove  flying  right  in  olive  wreath,  “ARIA”  in  wreath.  Compact 
flan.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 


11069  Kingdom  of  Pontus.  Mithradates  VI  120-63  B.C.  AV 
Stater  (8.27  gms),  Kallatis  Mint.  Muller-263;  cf.SNG 
Stockholm- 8 38.  Diademed  head  of  Alexander  the  Great 
right;  Reverse:  Athena  seated  left  holding  spear  and  extending 
Nike,  Monogram  “CW”  under  arm,  trident  in  exergue. 
NGC  AU,  Strike:  3/5  Surface:  4/5 $1200-$1600 

1 1 070  Kingdom  of  Pontus.  Mithradates  VI 1 20-63  B.C.  AV  Stater 
(8.28  gms),  Tomis  Mint,  ca.  88-86  B.C.  AM  NG-2480;  SNG 
Cop- 1091.  Diademed  head  of  Alexander  the  Great  right; 
Reverse:  Athena  seated  left  holding  Nike.  NGC  EE,  Strike: 
3/5  Surface:  4/5 $900-$1200 


11071  Cyzicus.  EL  Hekte  (2.64  gms),  ca.  550-500  B.C.  SNG  von 

Aulock-1176;  cf.von  Fritze-50;  Greenwell-139.  Forepart 
of  wolf  left,  head  reverted,  tunny  fish  swimming  upward 
behind;  Reverse:  Quadripartite  incuse  square.  Well  centered. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11072  Pergamum  (Bergama).  Caracalla  (198-217  A.D.). 

AE  Medallion  (38.32  gms).  SNG  Cop-500.  Laureate 
and  cuirassed  bust  right;  Reverse:  Three  temples,  two 
of  which  are  seen  in  perspective,  the  third  above  is 
tetrastyle,  in  which  Asclepius  is  seated.  Dark  brown  patina. 
VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 


11073  Cyme.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.68  gms),  ca.  165-140  B.C. 

MN-27;  SNG  Cop- 104.  Moneyer  Euktemon.  Diademed 
head  of  the  Amazon  Cyme  right;  Reverse:  Horse  standing 
right  with  foreleg  raised,  before  a one-handed  cup, 
all  within  wreath.  Some  small  deposits  behind  bust. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 


11074  Mytilene.  EL  Hekte  (2.56  gms),  ca.  377-326  B.C. 

Bodenstadt-100.  Laureate  head  of  Apollo  right;  Reverse: 
Diademed  head  of  Artemis  right.  Nicely  centered. 



11075  Clazomenae.  AR  Didrachm  (7.03  gms),  ca.  499-494  B.C. 

SNG  Cop-1;  SNG  von  Aulock-1981.  Forepart  of  winged  bear 
right;  Reverse:  Quadripartite  incuse  square.  Bright,  attractive 
and  well  centered.  VERY  FINE $700-$  1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11076  Phocaea.  EL  Hekte  (2.57  gms),  ca.  625-522 

B.C.  Bodenstadt-19;  SNG  von  Aulock-7945. 
Male  goat  kneeling  left  with  right  foreleg  raised, 
seal  above;  Reverse:  Ragged  incuse  square. 

NGC  Ch  EE  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5 $3000-$4000 

11077  Phocaea.  EL  Hekte  (2.58  gms),  ca.  625-520  B.C. 

Bodenstadt-25.  Head  of  lion  facing  left;  Reverse: 
Quadripartite  incuse  square.  NEARLY  VERY  FINE- 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1800-$2200 

11078  Phocaea.  EL  Hekte  (2.62  gms),  ca.  625-522  B.C. 

cf.Bodenstadt-33.  Female  head  left;  Reverse:  Quadripartite 
incuse  square.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $2500-$3000 


11079  Phocaea.  EL  Hekte  (2.52  gms),  ca.  477-388  B.C. 

Bodenstadt-80  (dies  a/-;  unlisted  reverse  die).  Bearded 
head  of  Herakles  left  wearing  lions  skin  headdress; 
Reverse:  Quadripartite  incuse  square.  Well  struck  from 
a high  relief  die  on  a full  flan,  very  pleasing  specimen. 


11080  Phocaea.  EL  Hekte  (2.55  gms),  ca.  477-388  B.C. 

Bodenstadt-82d.  Head  of  Hermes  facing  left  wearing 
winged  Pegasus,  small  seal  behind  neck;  Reverse: 
Quadripartite  incuse  square.  NEARLY  VERY  FINE- 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1800-$2200 

11081  Teos.  AR  Stater  (11.86  gms),  ca.  478-449  B.C.  CNG 

Auction  41,  lot  566.  RARE.  Griffin  with  curled  wings 
seated  right;  Reverse:  Quadripartite  incuse  square.  Well 
struck  on  a nice  full  flan.  Well  centered,  good  metal. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $1800-$2200 


11082  Islands  off  Caria.  Cos.  AR  Tetradrachm  (15.09  gms),  ca. 
366-300  B.C.  cf.SNG  von  Aulock-2748;  cf.BMC-18.194  #10. 
Magistrate  ()rakleitos.  Headed  of  bearded  Herakles  wearing 
lions  skin  left;  Reverse:  Incuse  square  with  dotted  border 
containing  crab,  club  below,  magistrates  name  underneath. 
Obverse  a bit  off  center.  A hint  of  light  graininess  on  the 
obverse.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1000-$1500 

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11083  Satrap  Pixodaros.  AR  Didrachm  (7.03  gms),  ca.  341-335 

B.C.  SNG  Cop-597;  SNG  von  Aulock-2375.  Laureate  head 
of  Apollo  facing  three-quarters  right;  Reverse:  Draped  Zeus 
walking  right  holding  double  axe  and  lotus  tipped  spear. 

NGC  AU,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5 $900-$1200 

11087  Tarsus.  Mazaios,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  361/0-334  B.C.  AR 
Stater  (11.06  gms).  SNG  Cop-311.  Baaltars  seated  left  in 
throne;  Reverse:  Lion  attacking  bull  right.  Obverse  slightly 
off  centered.  Reverse  nicely  centered  and  well  struck. 
Lustrous.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 


11084  Tarsus.  Datames,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  384-361/0  B.C.  AR 
Stater  (10.99  gms).  SNG  Lev-79;  SNG  von  Aulock-5937. 
Head  of  Arethusa  turned  slightly  left;  Reverse:  Helmeted 
and  bearded  male  head  right,  Aramaic  inscription  to  right. 
Lustrous  surfaces  with  good  metal  quality.  NGC  Ch  AU^, 
Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5,  Fine  Style $3000-$4000 

11085  Tarsus.  Datames,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  384-361/0  B.C. 
AR  Stater  (9.98  gms).  SNG  France-283.  Baaltars  seated 
right  holding  grain  ear  and  grape  bunch,  lion  seated 
below  throne,  all  within  crenellated  wall;  Reverse:  Satrap 
seated  right  wearing  Persian  dress,  holding  arrow;  winged 
solar  disk  to  upper  right,  bow  below.  Well  struck  on  a 
nice  full  flan.  A hint  of  light  porosity.  RARE.  Toned. 

11086  Tarsus.  Mazaios,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  361/0-334  B.C. 
AR  Stater  (10.32  gms),  Myriandros  Mint.  BMC- 
21.173,61;  cfSNG  Lev- 187.  Baaltars  seated  resting 
on  lotos-tipped  scepter;  Reverse:  Lion  walking  left. 

11088  Tarsus.  Mazaios,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  361/0-334  B.C.  AR  Stater 
(10.81  gms).  SNG  Switzerland- 106.  Baaltars  enthroned 
left  holding  scepter,  ear  of  grain  and  bunch  of  grapes  with 
eagle  at  top;  Reverse:  Lion  tackling  bull  left.  Sharp  strike. 


11089  Tarsus.  Mazaios,  Satrap  of  Cilicia,  361/0-334  B.C.  AR 
Stater  (10.93  gms).  SNG  Lev- 102.  Baaltars  seated  left  in 
throne  holding  eagle,  grain  ear,  grapes  and  scepter,  Aramaic 
inscriptions  around;  Reverse:  Lion  attacking  bull,  Aramaic 
inscriptions  above  and  monogram  below.  Nicely  struck  on  a 
broad  flan.  NEARLY  EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1000 

11090  Celenderis  (Tchelindre).  AR  Stater  (10.83  gms),  ca.  425-400 

B.C.  SNG  Lev-25;  SNG  France-67ff;  SNG  von  Aulock-5630. 
Nude  rider  right  holding  whip  and  dismounting  from  horse; 
Reverse:  Goat  kneeling  right,  head  turned  back.  Struck  on  an 
oblong  flan.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1200-$1600 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11091  Salamis.  AR  Tetradrachm  (9.72  gms),  ca.  445-411  B.C. 

SNG  Cop-47;  BMC-24.57,  #55.  Bearded  head  of  Herakles 
wearing  lions  scalp  right;  Reverse:  Goat  lying  on  dotted  line 
right,  above  a grain  of  corn,  all  within  linear  circle.  Surface 
porosity.  VERY  FINE $700-$  1000 


11092  Commagene.  Antiochos  I (ca.  69-34  A.D.).  AE  Chalkos 
(7.22  gms).  SNG-unlisted;  BMC-unlisted;  cf.Bedoukian 
Coinage  #25;  cf.AC-196.  Draped  bust  right  wearing  five- 
pointed  tiara  decorated  with  comet  star  between  two  eagles; 
Reverse:  Lion  of  Commagene  advancing  right.  Sandy  green 
patina,  choice  for  type.  VERY  FINE $2500-$3500 

11093  Tigranes  II,  95-56  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (15.15  gms), 
Antioch  Mint.  CAA-17;  SC- 13.  Diademed,  draped  bust 
right  wearing  tiara  decorated  with  star  between  eagles; 
Reverse:  Tyche  of  Antioch  seated  right  on  rock  below  river 
god  Orontes  swimming  right,  monograms  to  right  and  on 
rock.  Nice  full  flan.  VERY  FINE $1800-$2200 


11094  Phoenicia.  Sidon.  AR  Double  Shekel  (25.44  gms),  ca.  365- 

352  B.C.  Sunrise-130;  E&E-Stype  IV.2.1.m,  1339.  Galley  left 
over  waves,  (111) -(date)  above;  Reverse:  King  of  Persia  and 
driver  in  chariot  drawn  by  two  horses  left,  behind.  King 
Sidon  standing  left  in  Egyptian  dress  holding  cubic  scepter 
and  votive  vase.  Nicely  struck  on  a complete  flan.  Fully 
centered  on  both  sides.  Toned.  VERY  FINE...  $2000-$2500 


11095  Byblos.  AR  Stater  (13.25  gms),  ca.  250  B.C.  SNG  Cop- 
132;  BMC-26.95,  4/5.  Galley  containing  three  hoplites  left, 
hippocamp  below;  Reverse:  Lion  attacking  bull  left.  Well 
struck.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1800-$2200 


11096  Achaemenid.  Artaxerxes  II  to  Darius  III  (ca.  375-336  B.C). 
AV  Dark  (8.31  gms).  Sunrise-39;  SNG  Cop-277.  Great  king 
in  kneeling- running  stance  right  holding  bow  in  left  hand 
and  spear  in  right;  Reverse:  Incuse  punch.  Well  struck  on 
full  flan  from  somewhat  worn  dies.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE- 

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1 1097  Achaemenid.  Artaxerxes  II  to  Darius  III  (ca.  375-336  B.C). 
AV  Dark  (8.32  gms).  Sunrise-39;  SNG  Cop-277.  Great 
king  in  kneeling-running  stance  right  holding  bow  in  left 
hand  and  spear  in  right;  Reverse:  Incuse  punch.  Nicely 
centered  on  oblong  flan  allowing  for  full  bow  and  spear. 
BOLD,  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $3500-$4500 

11098  Achaemenidae.  AV  Dark  (8.31  gms),  Time  of  Xerxes 
II  to  Artaxerxes  II  (ca.  420-375  B.C.).  Sunrise-28; 
Carradice-Type  Illb,  Group  C.  Great  king  in  kneeling- 
running stance  right,  holding  spear  and  bow;  Reverse: 
Incuse  punch.  Well  centered,  sharp  struck  and  exceptional 
quality.  Among  the  top  tier  in  overall  quality  for  a world 
class  Daric  worthy  of  the  most  sophisticated  collection. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $3000-$5000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11099  Achaemenidae.  Caria-Satrapal  Issues.  AR  Tetradrachm 
(15.11  gms),  ca.  341-334  B.C.  cf Sunrise-74;  cf.Konuk- 
Group  7,  1 and  pi.  XXX#  19.  Persian  king/hero  in  kneeling- 
running stance  right,  drawing  bow;  Reverse:  Satrap  on 
horseback  right  thrusting  spear.  Lovely  strike  on  a nice 
full  flan.  Well  centered.  Good  metal.  Lightly  toned.  RARE. 

11100  Achaemenidae.  AV  Daric  (8.36  gms).  Time  of  Xerxes  I 
(485-465  B.C.).  cf.Sunrise-19;  BMC-Arabia-pl.  XXIV  #12; 
Carradice-Type  Illb  Early  (pi.  XIII  #27ff).  Persian  hero/king 
kneeling- running  right  holding  spear  and  bow;  Reverse: 
Incuse  punch.  Great  style,  sharply  struck  on  a nice  full  flan. 
Lovely  example  for  this  early  issue.  With  flne  style  portrait. 
Lustrous.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $6500-$7500 

11101  Achaemenidae.  AV  Daric  (8.32  gms).  Time  of  Artaxerxes 
II  to  Dareios  III  (ca.  400-350  B.C.).  Sunrise-39;  BMC- 
Arabia  pi.  XXVII;  Carradice-Type  IV  Late  (pi.  XV#52). 
Persian  hero/king  kneeling/ running  right  holding  spear 
and  bow;  Reverse:  Incuse  punch.  Nicely  centered  on  a 
full  flan,  well  struck.  NGC  EE,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  3/5, 
Edge  Marks $3500-$4500 

11102  Alexandrian  Empire.  Babylon.  AV  Double  Daric  (16.68 
gms),  Babylon  Mint,  ca.  331-311  B.C.  BMC-28.177, 
3;  cf.Dewing-2676.  VERY  RARE.  Persian  Great  King  in 
kneeling/ running  stance  right  with  bow  and  spear;  Reverse: 
Oblong  incuse,  bilaterally  striated.  Crude  strike  from  rusted 
dies.  VERY  FINE-EXTREMELY  FINE $5000-$7000 

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11103  Azes  11  35-12  B.C.  Lot  of  (25)  AR  Tetradrachms,  ca.  35-12  B.C.  25  pieces  in  lot.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

11104  Azes  II  35-12  B.C.  Lot  of  (25)  AR  Tetradrachms,  ca.  35-12  B.C.  25  pieces  in  lot.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 


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11105  Collection  of  AR  Drachms,  ca.  211  B.C.-A.D.  222.  15 

pieces  in  lot.  A wide  ranging  group  encompassing  nearly 
the  entire  span  of  the  Parthian  Kingdom  with  examples 
from  a total  of  thirteen  rulers.  Includes  a piece  from  Arsakes 
II  (Sunrise-243),  a piece  from  the  usurper  Meherdates 
(Sunrise-417)  and  from  Mithradates  IV  (Sunrise-348).  An 
attractive  group  with  luster  on  most  pieces  and  nice  full 
strikes.  Very  minute  evidence  of  tooling  on  a few  pieces 
but  overall  very  wholesome.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
Average  grade  EXTREMELY  FINE $6000-$8000 

11106  Mithradates  I,  ca.  185-132  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (15.36 
gms),  Seleukis  on  Tigris  Mint,  ca.  141-140  B.C.  Sunrise-260; 
Sellwood-13.2;  Shore-35.  VERY  RARE.  Diademed,  bearded 
bust  right;  Reverse:  Herakles  nude  standing  left  holding  cue, 
lions  skin  and  club,  monogram  in  exergue.  Nicely  struck  on 
oblong  planchet.  EXTREMELY  FINE $4000-$5000 

1 1 107  Mithradates  II,  123-88  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (15.44  gms), 
Seleukis  on  Tigris  Mint  (ca.  120-109  B.C.).  Sunrise-284; 
Sellwood-24.4;  Shore-67.  Diademed  bearded  bust  within 
pellet  border;  Reverse:  Archer  seated  right  on  omphalos, 
“TY”  in  exergue.  Well  struck  on  a nice  broad  medallic 
flan.  Full  pellet  circle.  Well  centered  and  nicely  toned. 

11108  Osroes  I,  109-129  A.D.  AR  Drachm  (3.72  gms),  Ekbatana 
Mint.  Sunrise-443;  Sellwood-80.1;  Shore-422.  Bare 
head,  bearded  and  diademed  bust  left;  Reverse:  Archer 
seated  right  on  throne  holding  bow.  Sharply  struck  on 
an  excellent  metal.  Well  centered.  RARE.  Choice  superb. 
MINT  STATE $1400-$1600 

11109  Phraatakes  & Musa,  2 B.C.-4/5  A.D.  AR  Drachm  (3.54 
gms),  Ekbatana  Mint.  Sunrise-404;  Sellwood-58.9; 
Shore-324.  Diademed  bust  of  Phraatakes  left,  no  wart  on 
forehead;  Reverse:  Diademed  and  crowned  bust  of  Musa 
left.  RARE.  Nicely  struck  on  full  flan,  well  centered.  Bright. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2800-$3200 

11110  Phraates  III,  70-57  B.C.  AR  Drachm  (4.09  gms),  Ekbatana 
Mint,  ca.  62  B.C.  Sunrise-326;  Sellwood-35.1  (Darius? 
legend);  Shore-unlisted.  Diademed  facing  bust  wearing 
necklace  with  medallion;  Reverse:  Archer  (Arsakes  I) 
seated  right  on  throne  holding  bow.  Lovely  style,  well 
struck  in  high  relief.  Obverse  off-center,  but  the  whole 
bust  is  on  the  flan.  Excellent  metal.  Lightly  toned.  RARE. 


mil  Autophradates  I,  3rd  Century  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm 
(15.89  gms).  Sunrise-569;  Alram-540  & 542  var.  (legend). 
Helmeted  mustachioed  male  head  right;  Reverse:  Fire 
Temple  of  Ahura  Mazda,  Autophradates  standing  right. 
Nicely  struck  from  high  relief  die.  Struck  on  a nice  broad 
flan.  Light  even  porosity,  otherwise  well  struck.  Lightly 
toned  and  RARE.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $3500-$4500 

11112  Autophradates  H,  2nd- 1st  Century  B.C.  AR  Drachm 
(4.20  gms).  Sunrise-576.  Helmeted,  bearded  head  right; 
Reverse:  Fire  Temple,  Autophradates  II  standing  right. 
Very  high  relief  on  obverse,  well  centered.  Lustrous. 


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11113  Ardashir  I,  224-241  A.D.  AR  Drachm  (3.72 
gms),  Ctesiphon  Mint,  ca.  233/4-238/9  A.D. 

Sunrise-721.  Superb.  Bust  right,  wearing  diadem 
and  mural  crown;  Reverse:  Fire  altar  with  diadems. 


II 114  Kusahno-Sassanian.  Bahram  I Kushanshah  (ca.  335-370 
A.D.).  AV  Dinar  (7.67  gms),  Balkh  Mint.  Sunshine- 1020; 
Carter-30;  Cribb-7;  MK-748.  Bahram  standing  left 
wearing  lion  headdress  and  sword,  flames  at  shoulders, 
holding  trident  and  sacriflcing  at  altar;  Reverse:  Filleted 
trident  to  left,  pellet  to  right  of  altar,  Siva  (resembling 
the  King)  standing  facing  holding  diadem  and  trident; 
behind,  the  bull  Nandi  standing  left.  Lovely  strike  on 
very  nice  full  broad  flan.  VERY  RARE  in  this  condition. 

11115  Kusahno-Sassanian.  Hormizd  I Kushanshah  (ca.  285-300 
A.D.).  AV  Dinar  (7.82  gms),  Kabul  Mint.  Sunshine- 10 18; 
Carter-26;  Cribb-3;  MK-707  var.  Hormizd,  nimbate  standing 
left  wearing  lion  headdress  and  sword,  flames  at  shoulders 
holding  trident  and  sacrificing  at  altar,  filleted  trident  to 
left,  pellet  to  right  of  altar.  Swastika  symbol  between  legs; 
Reverse:  Siva  (resembling  the  King)  standing  facing  holding 
diadem  and  trident;  behind,  the  bull  Nandi  standing  left. 
Lovely  strike  on  a nice  full  compact  flan.  Well  centered. 

11116  Kusahno-Sassanian.  Peroz  I (ca.  2465-245  A.D.). 
AV  Stater  (7.90  gms),  Kabul  Mint.  Sunrise- 10 16; 
Carter-25;  Cribb-2.  RARE.  King  standing  left  holding 
trident;  Reverse:  Siva  standing  facing  holding  trident, 
bull  standing  behind.  Nicely  struck  on  full  flan. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$3000 


11118  Kamnaskires  III  & Anzaze  (82-72  B.C).  AR  Tetradrachm 
(16.20  gms),  SE  235  (ca.78/77  B.C.).  Sunrise-470.  Jugate 
busts  of  diademed  Kamnaskires  and  Anzaze  wearing 
stephane  left;  Reverse:  Zeus  seated  left  holding  scepter 
and  extending  Nike,  legend  surrounding.  Nicely  centered 
obverse,  well  struck  with  remarkably  good  metal  quality  for 
type.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $6000-$8000 


11119  The  Ptolemies.  Arsinoe  II  (Wife  of  Ptolemy  II),  285- 
246  B.C.  AV  Octodrachm  (27.72  gms),  Alexandria 
Mint,  Struck  Under  Ptolemy  11  (ca.  253-246  B.C.),  253- 

246  B.C.  SNG  Cop- 134;  Svoronos-460.  Veiled  head  of 
Arsinoell  right,  “Theta”  to  left;  Reverse:  Double  cornucopia. 

ALMOST  EXTREMELY  FINE $9000-$12,000 

11120  The  Ptolemies.  Ptolemy  V Epiphanes  204-181  B.C. 
AR  Tetradrachm  (14.11  gms),  Sidon  Mint,  ca.  204- 

193  B.C.  BMC-6.73,  60;  cf.Svornos-1294.  Diademed, 
draped  bust  of  young  Ptolemy  V facing  right;  Reverse: 
Eagle  standing  left  on  thunderbolt.  Very  light  gray  toning. 

VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

11117  Vahram  II  (276-293  A.D.).  AR  Drachm  (4.44  gms). 

Sunrise-777  van;  SNS-unlisted;  Gobi-unlisted;  Paruck- 
unlisted;  Saeedi-159  (for  rev.  type).  Confronted  busts  of 
Vahram  right  wearing  winged  crown  with  korymbos, 
and  Prince  left  wearing  kolah  with  horse  head  wearing 
plumed  champron  and  adorned;  Reverse:  Fire  altar 
flanked  by  two  attendants,  the  left  wearing  winged 
crown  with  korymbos,  the  other  wearing  mural  crown; 
unpublished  with  horse  head  on  kolah.  Nicely  struck  on 
full  flan.  Lightly  toned  with  a hint  of  light  porosity.  RARE. 

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Fantastic  Zeus  Ammon  Gyrene  Tetradrachm 


11121  Gyrene.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.39  gms),  ca.  480-435  B.C.  BMC-Cyrenaica,  plate  V #14BO;  cf.SNG  Cop-1174;  cf.Muller-119. 
Bearded  head  of  Zeus  Ammon  right  wearing  rams  horn  which  curves  around  ear,  also  wearing  a pearled  diadem  of  sorts 
which  is  underneath  the  rams  horn;  from  four  o’clock  to  two  o’clock,  the  legend  reads,  “X  I PA”  the  “I”  might  be  a “Y”;  all 
surrounded  by  a beaded  circle;  Reverse:  Silphium  plant  with  two  pairs  of  leaves,  five  umbels.  Lustrous,  slightly  oblong  flan. 

VERY  FINE-EXTREMELY  FINE $15,000-$20,000 


11122  Bar  Kochba  Revolt,  1 32- 1 35  A.D.  AR  Sela  “Tetradrachm” 
(12.76  gms),  Year  3 (134-135  A.D.).  Hen-711; 

Mildenberg-78  (Obv.  12,  Rev.  62).  Temple  facade.  Ark  of 
the  Covenant  within;  Reverse:  Lulav  with  etrog  to  left.  A few 

light  deposits.  EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$3000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11123  Bar  Kochba  Revolt,  132-135  A.D.  AR  Zuz  (3.30  gms), 
ND  ca.  Year  3 (134/5  A.D.).  Hendin-1419;  Mildenburg-70 
(Obv.  14,  Rev.  42).  “SHIMON”  within  wreath;  Reverse: 
Kithara  with  legend  around.  Slightly  uneven  overstrike, 
on  a Denarius  of  possibly  Vespasian.  A portion  of  the 
Roman  bust  of  Vespasian  and  Latin  inscription  is  visible 
in  the  lower  left  area  on  the  reverse.  Well  centered. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11124  First  Jewish  War,  66-70  A.D.  AR  Shekel  (13.49  gms), 
Jerusalem  Mint,  Year  2 (A.D.  67-68).  Hendin-659; 
AJC  11-260,  8.  Omer  cup  with  date  above;  Reverse: 
Stem  with  three  pomegranates,  legend  around. 
NGC  Ch  AU,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  4/5 $2500-$3500 

11125  First  Jewish  War,  66-70  A.D.  AR  Half-Shekel  (7.04 
gms).  Year  3 (68-69  A.D.).  Hendin-663.  Omer  cup 
with  pearled  rim,  date  above;  Reverse:  Branch  with 
three  pomegranates.  Well  centered  on  a nice  round  flan. 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

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Roman  Republic 

11126  AE  Aes  Grave  As  (286.33  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C. 

TV-51;  Cr-35/1;  Syd-1.  Laureate  bearded  head  of 

Janus;  Reverse:  Ships  prow  right,  “I”  above.  Dark 
green  patina  with  some  red  on  the  reverse.  Choice. 
NEARLY  VERY  FINE $1500-$2500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11127  Julius  Caesar.  AR  Denarius  (3.87  gms),  Military 
Mint,  49  B.C.  Cr-443/1;  Syd-1006.  Elephant  standing 
right  trampling  serpent;  Reverse:  Pontified  implements, 
simpulum,  sprinkler,  axe  and  priests  cap.  Areas  of 
attractive  high  luster  around  devices.  Slightly  off  center. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11128  Julius  Caesar  (49-44  B.C.).  AV  Aureus  (7.98  gms),  Rome 
Mint,  46  B.C.  Cr-466/1;  Calico-36;  S-1395.  “C.CAESAR 
COS.TER”  Veiled  head  of  Vesta  (Pietas?)  right;  Reverse: 
“A.HIRTIVS  PR”  Lituus  capis  and  axe.  Beautifully  centered 
on  a superbly-crafted  planchet.  A full  border  is  visible 
for  the  obverse  and  reverse.  Lustrous  and  well  struck. 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11129  Brutus.  AR  Denarius  (3.87  gms).  Traveling  Mint,  ca.  42 

B.C.  Cr-506/2;  Syd-1296.  Laureate  head  of  Apollo  to  right; 
Reverse:  Trophy  of  cuirass,  crested  helmet,  oval  shield  and 
two  crossed  spears.  NGC  Ch  EE,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5.... 

11130  Mark  Antony  & Octavian.  Denarius  (3.88  gms),  Ephesus 
Mint.  M.  Barbatius  Pollio,  Propraetorian  Quaestor,  41 
B.C.  Cr-517/2;  Syd-1 181;  RSC-8;  S-1504.  Bare  head  of  Mark 
Antony  right;  Reverse:  Bare  head  of  Octavian  right.  Octavian 
sports  a nice  full  legend,  only  a portion  of  the  moneyer  s 
name  is  missing.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  establishment 
of  the  Second  Triumvirate  in  43  B.C.  Lovely  old  cabinet 

toning.  EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$  1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11131  Mark  Antony  & Octavian.  AR  Denarius  (3.77  gms). 
Mobile  Mint  Moving  with  M.  Antony,  ca.39  B.C.  Cr- 

528/3;  Syd-1 194.  Bare  head  of  Mark  Antony  right;  Reverse: 
Bare  head  of  Octavian  right  with  light  beard.  Light  toning, 
some  areas  of  weak  strike.  With  some  luster  remaining. 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

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11132  Octavian  & Divus  Julius  Caesar.  AE  Sestertius  (17.77  gms), 
Italian  Mint,  ca.  38  B.C.  Cr-535/1;  RPC-620.  “CAESAR 
DIVI  F”  Head  of  Octavian  right;  Reverse:  “DIVOS  IVLIVS” 
Laureate  head  of  Julius  Caesar  right.  Commemorative 
of  the  deification  of  Julius  Caesar.  Pleasing  green  patina. 

NEARLY  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

Roman  Empire 

AUGUSTUS,  27  B.C.-  A.D.  14 

11133  AR  Denarius  (4.13  gms),  ca.  19  B.C.  RIC-96;  RSC-513; 
S-1605.  Conjoined  busts  if  Fortuna  Victrix  and  Fortuna 
Felix  right,  on  base  between  two  rams  heads;  Reverse: 
Altar.  Lightly  toned  with  underlying  luster,  attractive. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $1100-$1500 

11134  AE  Dupondius  (12.37  gms),  Nemausus  Mint,  A.D. 
10-14.  RIC-159;  RPC-525.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
defeat  of  Mark  Antony  at  the  Battle  of  Actium.  Laureate 
heads  of  Augustus  and  Agrippa;  Reverse:  Crocodile 
right  chained  to  palm  branch.  Fine  style  portraits.  Very 
attractive  with  superb  glassy  green  marbled  patina. 
One  of  the  nicer  examples  of  this  type  we  have  seen. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 

11135  AR  Denarius  (3.92  gms),  Rome  Mint,  Moneyer  C.  Sulpicius 
Platorinus,  13  B.C.  RIC-407;  S-1599;  BMCRE-115;  RSC- 
529.  RARE.  Bare  head  of  Augustus  right;  Reverse:  Augustus 
and  Agrippa  seated  left  on  platform  ornamented  with  rostra; 
at  left,  spear.  Nicely  struck  on  good  metal.  Nice  old  cabinet 
toning.  EXTREMELY  FINE $2200-$2600 

TIBERIUS,  A.D.  14-37 

11136  AV  Aureus  (7.70  gms),  Lugdunum  Mint,  After  16 

A.D.  RIC-25;  S-1760;  Calico-305e;  BMCRE-30.  Laureate 
head  of  Tiberius;  Reverse:  Female  figure  (Livia?) 
seated  right  holding  scepter  in  left  hand  and  branch 
in  right  hand,  chair  has  plain  legs.  Slightly  off  center, 
but  obverse  legends  are  visible.  GOOD  VERY  FINE- 

NERO,  A.D.  54-68 

11137  AV  Aureus  (7.61gms),  ca.  57/8  A.D.  S-1922,  RIC- 
14,  Calico-423.  Bare  head  of  Nero  right;  Reverse: 
Legend  around  oak  wreath  with  one  line  inscription. 

VERY  FINE $3500-$4500 

11138  AV  Aureus  (7.32  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.54/6  A.D. 

S-1932,  RIC-59,  Calico-443.  Laureate  head  of  Nero  right; 
Reverse:  Salus  enthroned  left  extending  patera.  One 
small  edge  flaw.  Nicely  struck  with  very  attractive  toning. 
CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $8000-$10,000 

Ex:  Bosco  Reale. 

GALBA,  A.D.  68-69 

11139  AR  Denarius  (3.42  gms),  Gaul  Mint,  A.D.  68.  RIC-111; 
BMC-227.  Laureate  bust  of  Galba  facing  right;  Reverse: 
Victory  standing  on  globe  left,  holding  wreath  and  palm 
branch.  RARE.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11140  AR  Denarius  (3.03  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  April-December 

A.D.  69.  RIC-81.  Laureate  head  of  Vitellius  right;  Reverse: 
Libertas  standing  facing,  head  draped  right,  holding  pileus 
in  outstretched  right  hand  and  scepter  in  left.  Toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $1800-$2200 

11141  AR  Denarius  (3.49  gms),  Rome  Mint,  Late  April-20 
December  A.D.  69.  RIC-90;  BMC-20.  Laureate 

head  of  Vitellius  right;  Reverse:  Concordia  seated 
left  holding  patera  and  cornucopia.  Well  centered 
and  struck  on  a round  flan.  Attractive  dark  toning. 

VESPASIAN,  A.D.  69-79 

11142  AV  Aureus  (7.21  gms),  Rome  Mint,  AD  75-79.  RIC-123; 
Calico-631.  Laureate  head  of  Vespasian  right;  Reverse: 
Fortuna  standing  left,  on  altar,  holding  rudder  and  cornucopia. 
BOLD  VERY  FINE+.  ICG  EF-40 $2400-$3000 

11143  AE  Sestertius  (23.76  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  71.  RIC- 
127;  cf.  S-127.  Jewish  Victory  type.  Laureate  head  of 
Vespasian  right;  Reverse:  Victory  inscribing  shield 
attached  to  palm  tree,  foot  on  helmet.  Nice  strike  on  a 
full  flan,  slightly  rough  surfaces,  otherwise  very  pleasing. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

11144  AE  Sestertius  (27.26  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  71.  RIC- 
159.  Laureate  bust  of  Vespian  right;  Reverse:  “IVDAEA 
CAPTA”  Palm  tree  divides  standing  captive  at  left  and 
seated;  weeping,  Judaea  at  right.  Well  centered  with 
overall  good  details.  Chocolate  brown  patina  with  darker 
highlights  in  the  devices.  Nice  example  of  this  classic  type. 

VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

1 1 145  AE  Sestertius  (26.39  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  71.  S-2344; 
RIC-467.  Judaea  Capta  type.  Laureate  head  of  Vaespasian 
right;  Reverse:  Victory  standing  facing  right  holding  shield 
against  palm  tree.  Jewess  seated  right  under  palm  tree 
mourning.  Light  surface  granularity.  Good  overall  details. 
FINE- VERY  FINE $1800-$2200 

11146  AR  Denarius  (3.18  gms),  Ephesus  Mint,  ca.  A.D. 

70.  RIC-1413;  BMC-2.92,  445.  Laureate  bust  right, 
legend  around;  Reverse:  Draped  female  bust  right 
wearing  tower  crown,  mint  mark  below.  Struck  on  a 
large  planchet  allowing  for  full  legends  on  both  sides. 


TITUS  AS  CAESAR,  69-79  A.D 

11147  AV  Aureus  (7.26  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  74.  RIC-707; 
Calico-752.  Laureate  head  of  Titus  right;  Reverse:  Fortuna 
standing  left  on  cippus  holding  rudder  and  cornucopia. 
Striking  detailed  portrait.  Two  peck  marks  in  held.  Lustrous 
and  attractive.  EXTREMELY  FINE $4000-$6000 

Bid  online  at 

Page  21 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

NERVA,  A.D.  96-98 

11148  AR  Cistophoric  Tetradrachm  (9.96  gms),  Asia  Minor 
Mint,  A.D.  98.  RIC-122;  RSC-14a;  S-3014.  Laureate  bust 
of  Nerva  right;  Reverse:  “COM-ASI”  across  field;  between, 
temple  containing  standing  figures  of  Nerva  standing  left 
being  crowned  by  Roma  holding  cornucopia,  “ROMA  ET 
AVG”  on  temple  frieze  signifies  it  as  the  Temple  of  Augustus. 
Good  metal.  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

HADRIAN,  A.D.  11 7- 138 

11149  AE  Sestertius  (26.45  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  134- 

138.  RIC-890.  Laureate  and  draped  bust  right;  Reverse: 
Hadrian  left,  togate  standing  right  raising  his  right 
hand  and  holding  a roll  in  his  left;  opposite  him  right, 
Judaea  standing  left  holding  cup  sacrificing  out  of 
patera  over  altar;  in  center  by  altar,  a captive,  children 
before  and  behind  her;  by  altar,  a bull.  NGC  Ch  VF, 
Strike:  4/5  Surface:  5/5  Fine  Style $6000-$8000 

ANTONINUS  PIUS,  A.D.  138161 

11150  AV  Aureus  (7.17  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  148- 

149.  RIC-177.Bare  bust  of  Antonius  Pius  right; 
Reverse:  A equitas  standing  left  holding  scales  and 
cornucopia.  Scrape  on  edge  and  bust.  Nice  portraiture. 


11151  AV  Aureus  (7.36  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  152-153.  RIC- 
216e;  cf.Calico-1595;  BMCRE-748.  Bare  head  of  Antoninus 
Pius  left;  Reverse:  Pax  standing  left  holding  branch  and 
scepter.  NEARLY  EXTREMELY  FINE $6000-$8000 


11152  AV  Aureus  (7.23  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  147- 

161.  RIC-356a  (similar  type);  Calico-1763A.  Draped 
bust  of  Faustina  the  Elder  right;  Reverse:  Ceres 
veiled,  standing  left,  holding  torch  and  scepter. 

BOLD  VERY  FINE.  ICG  EF-40 $1800-$2400 

ANTONINUS  PIUS,  A.D.  138161 

11153  AR  Sestertius  (29.87  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  139.  RIC- 
536.  Laureate  head  of  Antoninus  facing  right;  Reverse: 
Fortuna  standing  left  holding  rudder  and  cornucopia. 
Attractive  green  patina.  Good  strike  with  nice  surfaces. 

GOOD  VERY  FINE $900-$1200 

11154  AE  Sestertius  (20.27  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  141-143 

A.D.  S-4209;  RIC-619.  RARE  reverse  type.  Laureate  head 
of  Antoninus  Pius  right;  Reverse:  Antoninus  Pius  togate 
standing  left  placing  tiara  on  the  head  of  the  king  of 
Armenia  who  stands  before  holding  roll.  Deep  green  patina. 

VERY  FINE $1200-$1600 

11155  AE  Sestertius  (23.66  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  156-157. 

RIC-967;  BMCRE-2016;  Cohen- 1008.  Laureate  head 

right;  Reverse:  Securitas  seated  left,  feet  on  foot  stool 
holding  scepter  and  leaning  on  cornucopia  which  forms 
arm  of  chair.  Lovely  strike  from  a nice  elegant  die.  Struck 
on  a full  broad  flan.  Nice  original  green  earthen  patina. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1200-$1600 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 

LUCIUS  VERUS,  A.D.  161169 

11156  AV  Aureus  (7.16  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  163/4.  RIC-525; 
BMC-296;  Calico -2 177  (same  dies).  Laureate,  draped,  and 
cuirassed  bust  of  Lucius  Verus  facing  right;  Reverse:  Victory 
standing  right  attaching  inscribed  shield  to  the  palm  tree. 
Commemorating  the  Roman  victories  in  Armenia.  A few 
small  edge  flaws.  Sharply  struck.  Lustrous  and  attractive. 

MARCUS  AURELIUS,  A.D.  161180 

11157  AE  Sestertius  (27.17  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  165- 

166.  RIC-931.  Laureate  head  of  Marcus  Aurelius  facing 
right;  Reverse:  Victory  standing  right,  holding  palm 
branch  and  inscribed  shield  on  palm  tree.  Struck  to 
commemorate  victories  in  the  Parthian  war.  Very  attractive 
and  untouched  natural  green  patina.  Good  surfaces. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 

PERTINAX,  A.D.  193 

11158  AR  Denarius  (3.45  gms),  Rome  Mint.  RIC-10. 
Laureate  head  of  Pertinax  right;  Reverse:  Providentia 
standing  left,  holding  up  both  hands  to  large  star. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1200-$1600 

CARACALLA,  A.D.  198-217 

11159  AR  Tetradrachm  (12.57  gms),  Ascalon  Mint  in  Judea, 
A.D.  215-217.  Prieur-1654;  Bellinger- 3 76.  Laureate  bust 
of  Caracalla  right;  Reverse:  Eagle  standing  right  on  a palm 
branch  to  right  with  head  turned  left,  dove  with  an  olive 
branch  below  palm  branch.  The  dove  on  the  reverse  helps  to 
attribute  this  piece  to  Ascalon  in  Judea,  the  dove  was  sacred 
to  their  patron  deity,  an  Aphrodite-like  goddess.  RARE. 
VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 


11160  AV  Aureus  (5.22  gms),  Rome  Mint,  A.D.  241-243. 

RIC-97;  Cal-3186a.  Laureate,  draped,  and  cuirassed  bust 
of  Gordian  111  right;  Reverse:  Sol  standing  left  holding 
a globe.  Planchet  clip  at  obverse  3 o’clock.  Lustrous. 


DIOCLETIAN,  A.D.  284-305 

11161  AR  Argenteus  (3.28  gms),  Nicomedia  Mint,  A.D.  294- 
305.  RIC-22a.  Laureate  bust  of  Diocletian  facing  right; 
Reverse:  Eour-turreted  camp-gate,  open,  with  doors 
thrown  back;  each  turret  surmounted  by  facing  eagle. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

11162  AR  Argenteus  (2.92  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  A.D. 

294.  RIC-27b.  Laureate  bust  of  Diocletian  right; 
Reverse:  The  four  tetrarchs  sacrificing  over  tripod 
before  city  enclosure  with  six  turrets.  Lustrous. 

MAXIMIAN,  A.D.  286-310 

11163  AR  Argenteus  (3.42  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  294. 

RIC-27b.  Laureate  head  right;  Reverse:  The  four  Tetrarchs 
sacrificing  over  altar  in  front  of  open  six  turreted  enclosure. 
Fully  lustrous.  NEARLY  MINT  STATE $700-$  1000 

11164  AR  Argenteus  (3.30  gms),  Serdica  Mint.  RIC- 1 lb.  Laureate 
head  of  Maximian  right;  Reverse:  Three-turreted  camp, 
gate  open  without  doors.  Mint  mark  below.  Well  struck. 

MINT  STATE $1000-$1500 

Bid  online  at 

Page  23 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

MAXIMIANUS,  A.D.  286-305 

11165  AR  Argenteus  (3.22  gms),  Serdica  Mint,  ca.  A.D. 
303/4-305.  RIC-lb.  Laureate  head  of  Maximian  right; 
Reverse:  Camp  gate  with  open  door  and  three  turrets. 
MINT  STATE $1000-$1500 

11166  AR  Argenteus  (3.30  gms),  Ticinum,  ca.  A.D.  295.  RIC- 
76b;  RSC-548d.  Laureate  head  of  Maximian  right;  Reverse: 
Tetrarchs  sacrificing  over  tripod  before  six-turreted 
enclosure.  Nicely  struck  on  full  flan,  centered  with  nice 
cabinet  toning.  EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 


11167  AR  Argenteus  (3.30  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  295-297 

A.D.  RIC-42a.  Laureate  head  right;  Reverse:  the  four 
Tetrarchs  sacrificing  over  altar  in  front  of  open,  six 
turreted  enclosure,  mint  mark  below.  Fully  lustrous. 

NEARLY  MINT  STATE $700-$1000 

CONSTANTIUS  I,  A.D.  305-306 

11168  AR  Argenteus  (3.05  gms),  Serdica  Mint.  RIC-lla. 
Laureate  head  of  Constantius  right;  Reverse:  Camp  gate 
with  three  turrets  and  an  open  passage.  Beautiful,  bright 
and  well  struck  coin  with  good  centering.  Fully  lustrous. 

NEARLY  MINT  STATE $900-$1200 

JULIAN  II,  A.D.  360-363 

11169  AV  Solidus  (4.41  gms),  Antioch  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  361-363. 

RIC-195.  Pearl  diademed  draped  and  cuirassed  bust  of  Julian 
II  right;  Reverse:  Soldier  standing  right  head  left  holding 
trophy  in  left  hand,  right  hand  on  head  of  kneeling  captive, 
“ANTE”  in  exergue.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $2500-$3500 

11170  AV  Solidus,  Antioch  Mint,  ca.  A.D.  361-363.  RIC-201. 
Diademed  draped  and  cuirassed  bust  right;  Reverse: 
Helmeted  soldier  standing  right,  head  left,  holding  a long 
trophy  across  left  shoulder,  placing  other  hand  on  crouching 
captive.  BOLD  VERY  FINE+.  ICG  EF-45 $1300-$1700 

PROCOPIUS,  A.D  365-366 

11171  AR  Siliqua  (1.86  gms),  Cyzicus  Mint,  September 
A.D.  365-May  A.D.  366.  RIC-3a(l).  Pearl  diademed, 
draped  and  cuirassed  bust  of  Procopius  right;  Reverse: 
“VOT/V”  in  wreath,  “KVA”  below.  RARE.  Nicely  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3000-$4000 


CONSTANTINE  IV,  668-685 

11172  AV  Solidus  (4.44  gms),  Constantinople  Mint,  A.D.  668- 
685.  S-1157.  Cuirassed,  bearded  bust  wearing  crested 
helmet  facing  three-quarters  right  holding  spear  and 
shield;  Reverse:  Cross  potent  on  three  steps.  Lustrous. 


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1 1173  AV  Solidus  (4.45  gms),  Constantinople  Mint.  S-1248.  Bust 
of  Christ  facing,  hand  raised  in  benediction,  cross  behind; 
Reverse:  Justinian  standing  facing,  holding  cross  potent  on 
two  steps.  First  emperor  to  depict  Christ  on  his  coins.  Slightly 
weak  strike  on  lower  obverse  and  upper  reverse.  Lustrous. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $5500-$6500 

11174  AV  Solidus  (4.45  gms),  Constantinople  Mint.  S-1248.  Bust 
of  Christ  facing,  hand  raised  in  benediction,  cross  behind; 
Reverse:  Justinian  standing  facing  holding  cross  potent  on 
two  steps.  First  emperor  to  depict  Christ  on  his  coins.  Sharply 
struck  on  a nice  flan.  Slightly  off- centered.  Lustrous  and  RARE. 


11175  AV  Solidus  (3.76  gms),  AH  94  (A.D.  713)  Indiction  11. 

Fr-7a;  Kazan-215;  A- 122;  Walker- 181.  RARE.  Star  at  center 
with  legend  around;  Reverse:  Single  line  inscription  with 
legend  around.  Obverse  perfectly  centered,  reverse  a touch 
off.  VERY  FINE $2000-$3000 

Dark  Ages 


11176  AV  Tremissis  (1.46  gms),  ca.  A.D.  510-516.  MEC- 

338.  VERY  RARE.  Diademed  draped  bust  of  Anastasius 
right  with  partially  garbled  legend  around;  Reverse:  Victory 
walking  right  with  wreath  and  palm,  monogram  before. 


Ex:  Gemini,  EEC  Auction  II,  January  2006,  Lot  #554. 

Mixed  Lots 

11177  Lot  of  (18)  Staters.  18  pieces  in  lot.  A fascinating  variety 

of  Greek  silver,  more  notable  types  include  Aegina, 
Corinth,  Tarentum,  Macedon  and  a wonderful  variety 
of  other  types.  (1)  piece  has  been  holed  for  use  in  jewelry. 
Other  pieces  may  contain  some  damage.  Should  be 
examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
FINE- VERY  FINE $600-$1200 

Erom  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

11178  Lot  of  (11)  AE  Sestertii.  11  pieces  in  lot.  A fine  collection 

of  early  Imperial  Sestertii,  including  issues  from  Galba, 
Vespasian  and  Nero.  An  exciting  variety  to  view.  Some  have 
pleasing  green  patinas  while  others  are  dark,  and  some 
pieces  have  retained  their  pleasing  bronze  coloring.  Should 
be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
VERY  FINE $600-$  1200 

Erom  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

Bid  online  at 

Page  25 



Consign  Your  World  Coins  and  Paper  Money  to  the  Last 
Official  Baltimore  Auction  of  the  Year! 

Stack’s  Bowers  and  Ponlerio  Official  Auction  of  the 
Whitman  Coin  and  Collectibles  Baltimore  Expo 

Auction  and  Lot  Viewing  November  4-10, 2013 

Consign  World  Lots  by  August  12, 2013  | Consign  U.S.  Lots  by  September  16, 2013 

Great  Britain. 

Crown,  1697.  PCGS 
EF-40  Secure  Holder. 
Realized  $7,461 


8 Reales,  1884-GaAH. 
NGC  MS-66. 
Realized  $2,938 


Etruria.  Populonia.  AR  20  Asses 
(8.28  Gms),  3rd  Century  B.C. 
Realized  $9,988 

POLAND.  Danzig. 

Taler,  1577.  PCGS  Genuine-Devices 
Engraved,  EF  Details  Secure  Holder. 
Realized  $15,275 


2 1/2  Centavo,  1877. 
PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. 
Realized  $5,346 


Revolution.  Durango,  Cuencame. 
Peso,  1914.  NGC  MS-61. 
Realized  $11,162 


1,600  Reis,  1782-B.  PCGS  Genuine-Surface 
Damage,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 
Realized  $13,512 


Revolution.  Guerrero,  Suriana. 
2 Pesos,  1915.  NGC  AU-58. 
Realized  $27,600 


1/2  Ryal,  ND  (Ca.  1464-70).  London 
Mint.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. 
Realized  $5,288 

Call  today  to  reserve  space  in  one  of  the  most  important  auction  events  of  2013! 



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The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Session  B 
Orders  and  Decorations 

Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 
Start  Time:  3:30  PM  CT 

Lots  11179-11239 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Orders  And  Decorations 

Photo  Reduced 


11179  Order  of  the  Sun  First  Class  Badge,  Sash  & Breast  Star  Set,  ND  (1926-29  version).  Werlich-71,  72;  Barac-28.  2 pieces  in  set,  silver 
and  copper.  The  Badge  measures  55  mm,  the  Sash  approximately  100  x 1500  mm,  and  the  Star  95  mm.  Nice  unhallmarked  set  in  blue 
leather,  velvet  and  satin  case  (245  x 120  x 63  mm).  Afghanistan’s  highest  Order  and  is  awarded  for  outstanding  civil  or  military  merit. 


Reportedly  Unique  Order  of  the  Sardar 

11180  Order  of  the  Sardar,  Superior  Class  with  Diamonds,  ND  (Instituted  1911).  58.73  mm;  43.65  gms.  Barac-33.  Eight-rayed  star,  each 
with  a large  diamond  (less  than  1 carat)  at  the  oblate  tip,  central  gold  medallion  depicting  a mosque  with  crossed  arms  below;  Reverse: 
Blank  with  single  hinged  tunic  pin.  In  original  leather,  satin  and  plush  hinged  case  by  Spink  & Son.  Light  scratches  on  the  reverse,  lightly 
polished.  Produced  for  royalty.  EXTREMELY  RARE  and  reported  to  be  unique.  The  one  pictured  in  Barac  appears  to  be  a different 
specimen.  However,  this  piece  (if  indeed  unique)  can  be  seen  on  portraits  of  Habibullah  Khan  as  well  as  his  sons  Nasrullah  (killed  after 
one  week)  and  Amanullah  Khan.  EXTREMELY  FINE $35,000-$45,000 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11181  Order  of  the  Star  First  Class  Breast  Badge,  1923.  86.5 
mm.  Barac-50.  Eight  pointed  gold  Star  with  central  silver 
medallion  displaying  the  state  arms  of  Afghanistan  and 
the  class  of  the  award  incised  at  11  o’clock;  Reverse:  Long 
lapel  clasp  and  incised  maker’s  marks.  An  especially 
striking  and  RARE  example  of  this  Afghan  made  first  type. 

11182  Order  of  the  Doorani  Empire  Badge.  80x47  mm.  Werlich- 
unlisted;  Barac-unlisted.  Special  version  awarded  by  the 
king  in  exile  until  1970.  Gilt  silver,  enamels  and  pearls.  A 
four  rayed  star,  each  ray  double  tipped  and  with  balls. 
Central  disc  inscribed  (in  Earsi),  Pearl  of  the  Age,  this 
medallion  encircled  by  a blue  enamel  ring  with  14  pearls. 
Additionally,  a pair  of  crossed  swords  are  mounted  between 
the  rays.  The  reverse  is  similar  except  there  are  no  pearls 
and  the  inscription  is  different.  The  Badge  is  suspended 
from  a gilt  and  enamel  star-and-crescent  topped  crown. 

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1 1 183  Order  oftheDoorani  Empire  Breast  Badge.  Werlich-unlisted,  Barac-unlisted;  Special  version  awarded  bythe  king  in  exile  until  1970.  Silver, 
gilt,  enamels  and  pearls.  A 68  x 80  mm  rayed  plaque  in  antiqued  silver  surmounted  by  a star  of  four  double-pointed  rays,  each  ray  gold  ball- 
tipped.  The  star  of  green  and  white  enamel;  at  the  center  of  the  star  is  a green  enamel  medallion  inscribed  (in  Persian) , Pearl  of  the  Age,  within 
a blue  enamel  circle  of  pearls.  Additionally  a pair  of  gilt  crossed  swords  adorns  the  star.  The  reverse  bears  hinged  and  two  fixed  tunic  pins. 



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III84  Order  of  Skanderbeg  Grand  Officer  Neck  Badge  & Breast  Star,  ca.  1925-40.  Barac-17-18;  Vernon-11-12;  Werlich-pg.  37.  2 pieces 
in  lot.  The  Neck  Badge  is  a gilt  silver  Albanian  double-headed  eagle  with  red  enamel  feathers  and  a star  above  the  heads,  in  the 
center  of  its  breast  is  a medallion  with  green  enamel  leaves  surrounding  the  Albanian  coat  of  arms  on  a blue  enamel  field;  Reverse: 
The  makers  mark  of,  RAVIOLO  & GARDINO/  ROMA.  The  Breast  Badge  is  a silver  eight  pointed  star  with  a central  medallion 
of  gilt  silver  and  green  enamel  leaves  surrounding  the  Albanian  coat  of  arms  on  a blue  enamel  field.  Reverse:  Long  lapel  clasp  and 
same  makers  mark  as  Neck  Badge.  A handsome  pair,  the  Neck  Badge  being  problem  free  with  intact  enamel.  Little  sign  of  wear 
but  the  Breast  Star  does  have  some  loss  of  the  green  enamel  on  the  medallion  wreath  and  a few  of  the  star  points  are  slightly  bent. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3000-$4000 

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11185  Order  of  the  Iron  Crown,  III  Class  Gold  Badge  with  Original  Ribbon,  ND  (Instituted  1805).  Werlich-122;  Vernon-25; 
cf.Barac-606.  A choice  gold  Badge  with  hallmarks  on  the  ends  of  the  ribbon  and  on  the  ring.  Maker  “BACHRUCH  BUDAPEST”,  who 
is  not  listed  in  Barac.  Iron  insert  in  base  of  crown.  Original  tri-fold  ribbon.  In  hinge-top  brown  leather  case  inscribed  “OSTERR./ 
KAISERLICHER  ORDEN/DER/EISERNEN  KRONE/III.  CLASSE.”  A gummed  sticker  on  the  back  of  the  case  is  dated  “1887”. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3500-$4500 

11186  Order  of  Franz  Joseph  Commander’s  Cross,  ca.l891.  66.6  x 37.2  mm.  Barac-643;  Vernon-30;  cfWerIich-124.  Gold-rimmed 
red  enamel  cross  upon  black  enamel  and  gold  crowned  double-headed  Austrian  eagle  which  holds  order  chain  in  beaks, 
central  medallion  is  gold-rimmed  white  enamel  with  “EJ”  initials  on  obverse  and  “1849”  on  reverse;  above  is  red  enamel  lined 
gold  Imperial  crown  hanger  with  sash  loop  above  and  red  moire  neck  ribbon.  In  fitted  plush  and  silk  lined  case  of  issue  from 
Vincent  Mayers  Sohne  Jewelers  of  Vienna,  stamped  “1891”  on  back.  As  with  many  of  the  examples  of  this  type,  the  central 
medallion  has  a locket  opening  on  the  reverse.  Remarkably  well  preserved  example  with  intact  enamel  and  vibrant  ribbon. 

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11188  Order  of  the  Southern  Cross,  Grand  Cross  Set,  Reinstituted 
1932.  Barac-89  & 90;  Vernon- 18  & 19;  Werlich-157  & 158. 
Type  11.  The  Breast  Star  is  78  mm  in  gilt  silver  and  enamels. 
Ten-pointed,  gold  rimmed,  white  enamel  star  with  each 
point  ball  tipped.  Gold  flames  between  the  rays.  A central 
medallion  is  enameled  with  the  5 stars  of  the  southern  cross, 
the  legend  “BENE  ME  RENTIUM  PRAEMIUM”  around. 
Reverse  with  a single  hinged  tunic  pin  and  medallion  with 
the  maker  “LA  ROYALE/  RIO/  BRASIL”  inscribed.  The 
Badge  is  105  x 73  mm  and  is  composed  of  the  same  elements 
as  the  star,  but  with  the  flames  replaced  by  a green  and  red 
enameled  wreath  suspended  from  a smaller  oval  wreath 
of  the  same  design.  The  reverse  is  a copy  of  the  obverse, 
but  the  central  medallion  bears  a bust  of  Liberty  and  the 
BRASIL”.  In  green  compartmented  case  of  issue,  which 
is  showing  wear  and  coming  apart  at  the  hinge,  otherwise 


1 1 187  Order  of  Elisabeth  Grand  Cross  Breast  Star,  ca.  1898- 

1918.  72.28  mm.  Barac:  693;  Vernon-38;  Werlich-131.  Eight 
pointed  silver  Star  comprised  of  beveled  beads  giving  a 
glittering  diamond  like  appearance,  atop  which  is  a gold- 
rimmed  red  and  white  enamel  cross  with  green  and  pink 
enamel  rose  branches  in  angles.  In  center  a gold  framed  white 
enamel  medallion  featuring  a gold  profile  of  Saint  Elisabeth. 
Reverse:  Lapel  clasp  featuring  two  hallmarks  and  on  the  back 
of  the  central  medallion  are  three  more  hallmarks.  A beautiful 
order  in  its  own  right  and  this  piece  showing  few  signs  of 
wear  or  handling.  All  enamel  is  intact  without  cracks  or  chips. 

1 1 1 89  Order  of  the  Rose  Officer’s  Breast  Star  in  Gold  & Enamels, 
ND  (Established  1829).  cf.Werlich-169;  Barac- 110; 
Vernon-unlisted.  Six-pointed,  gold-rimmed,  white  enamel 
star,  each  point  gold  ball-tipped.  Central  round  medallion 
with  monogram  and  inscription  “AMOR  E EIDELIDADE”. 
The  whole  mounted  on  a gold  plaque  adorned  with  a ring 
of  eighteen  roses.  The  reverse  is  blank  except  for  two  tiny 
hallmarks  on  the  hinged  pin.  This  Star  has  suffered  significant 
damage  to  the  white  enamel  of  one  ray  of  the  Star,  as  well  as,  to 
the  green  leaves  of  the  proximal  group  of  roses.  Additionally, 
there  are  a few  hairline  cracks  to  the  white  enamel  Star  rays. 

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11191  Military  Order  of  Christ,  Grand  Officer  Star,  ND.  52  x 

60  mm.  cf.Barac-117.  Silver,  gilt  and  enamel.  Multi-faceted 
rayed  Star  with  a silver  and  gilt  medallion  at  the  center  and 
a red  and  white  cross  in  a white  field.  Sacred  Heart  in  red, 
green  and  black  enamel  on  the  uppermost  ray  of  the  Star. 
Reverse  with  a single  hinged  pin  and  no  hallmarks.  Single 
tiny  hairline  crack  to  white  enamel  of  the  central  medallion. 


11190  Order  of  the  Rose,  Silver  Gilt  Officers  Breast  Badge 
with  Crown,  ND  (Instituted  1829).  73.28  x 54.35  mm. 
cfBarac-110;  Werlich-169.  Six  pointed  ball-tip  white 
“cross”  on  starburst  of  six  points  with  three  pink  rose 
blossoms  in  each  angle.  Domed  center  disc  with  love 
knot  and  “AMOR  E FIDELIDADE”  around  initials  of 
Don  Pedro  I and  Amelia.  At  top  is  a gilt  silver  Imperial 
crown  with  a green  enamel  liner;  Reverse:  Hinged  tunic 
pin.  The  upper  right  ray  of  the  Star  has  some  enamel  loss 
at  the  tip  and  one  of  the  rose  blossoms  has  been  chipped. 

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11192  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Grand  Officer’s  Set,  ND  (ca.  1881-1900).  Barac-162-163;  Vernon-40  & 43;  Werlich- 198/9.  2 pieces  in 
set.  The  Type  I Cross  measures  89.91  x 49.96  mm  and  is  gilt  silver- rimmed  white  enamel  cross  with  red  enamel  central  medallion 
surrounded  by  white  enamel  band  displaying  gilt  lettering;  Reverse:  White  enamel  medallion  surrounded  by  gold  band  and  featuring 
gold  lettering,  above  is  a gilt  silver  princely  crown  suspender  topped  by  sash  loop  and  red  ribbon  of  the  order.  The  79.34  mm  Star 
is  silver  and  eight  pointed  with  a large  central  medallion  of  alternating  gold  and  white  enamel  bands  surrounding  the  red  enamel 
center  of  the  obverse  of  the  cross;  Reverse:  Long  tunic  pin  which  bears  three  hallmarks.  In  plush  red  leather  case  which  seems  to  be  of 
more  recent  manufacture.  Little  sign  of  wear,  intact  enamels  on  the  cross,  but  the  star  has  some  chips  out  of  the  white  enamel  band. 

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11193  Order  of  St.  Alexander  First  Class  Set,  ND  (ca.  1900-44).  Barac-187-188;  Vernon-72  & 77;  Werlich- 198/9.  2 pieces  in  set.  The  Cross 

measures  87.29  x49.6 1 mm,  and  the  Star  84.66  mm.  Type  II.  Gold-rimmed  green  enamel  cross  with  red  enamel  central  medallion  surrounded 
by  white  enamel  band  with  gilt  lettering;  Reverse:  White  enamel  central  medallion  with  gold  lettering  and  surrounded  by  gold  band,  above 
is  gold  royal  crown  suspender  with  red  enamel  lining  above  which  is  sash  loop  with  red  black  trimmed  ribbon  of  the  order.  The  Star  is  silver 
eight  pointed  with  central  medallion  of  alternating  gold  and  green  enamel  band  around  a red  enamel  medallion  displaying  a gold  royal  lion; 
Reverse:  Long  tunic  pin  with  the  hall  marks,  “C  F ROTHE”,  “WIEN”,  “A”  (x2)  and  underneath  on  the  back  of  the  medallion  are  three  more 
hallmarks.  In  plush  fitted  red  leather  case  with  embossed  gold  lettering.  A beautiful  and  virtually  untouched  set  with  intact  vibrant  enamels. 
UNCIRCULATED $5000-$7000 

11194  Order  of  St.  Alexander  with  Swords  on  Ring  “1878”  Type  II,  Military  Commander’s  Cross,  (1908-44).  113  x 51  mm, 

plus  approximately  1 m (including  ties).  Barac-201;  Werlich- 198;  Vernon-48.  Gilt  and  enamel.  Cravat  in  claret  moire  silk. 


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11195  Order  of  Military  Merit  Grand  Cross  Set,  ND  (ca.  1900-37).  Barac-270-271;  Vernon-140  & 142;  Werlich-204-205.  2 pieces 
in  set.  The  Cross  measures  109.84  x 74.86  mm,  the  Star  97.51  mm.  The  Cross  is  gold-rimmed  red  enamel  pointed  cross  with 
two  swords  bisecting  the  angles  between  the  arms,  the  red  enamel  central  medallion  has  a dark  green  enamel  outer  band  and 
a white  enamel  monogram  of  Ferdinand  I on  the  obverse  and  a gold  crowned  rampant  lion  on  the  reverse,  above  is  a gold  crown 
suspender  with  red  enamel  lining  and  colored  enamel  jewels  connected  to  a hanger  and  sash  loop  complete  with  the  yellow/ 
black/ white  sash  of  the  order.  The  Star  is  eight  pointed  with  alternating  points  of  silver  and  gold  upon  which  is  superimposed  the 
enameled  obverse  of  the  cross  complete  with  gold  swords;  Reverse:  Long  tunic  pin  with  clasp  and  underneath  on  the  back  of  the 
medallion  is  the  makers  mark,  “JOHANN  SCHWEDTNER  / WIEN”.  The  entire  set  is  in  a plush  silk  lined  red  leather  case  from 
Bacqueville  of  Paris.  A stunning  set  with  completely  intact  enamels  and  hardly  any  sign  that  it  has  ever  been  removed  from  its  case. 
UNCIRCULATED $3000-$4000 

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11196  Order  of  Military  Merit  Grand  Officer’s  Set,  ND.  Barac-278  & 279;  Vernon-168  & 172;  cf.Werlich-204  & 205.  2 pieces  in  set.  The 
Cross  is  a gilt  rimmed  red  enamel  pointed  cross  with  swords  bisecting  the  angles  between  the  arms;  in  the  center  is  a red  enamel  central 
medallion  encircled  by  a green  enamel  band,  the  medallion  displays  a white  enamel  monogram  of  Ferdidnand  I on  the  obverse  and  a 
rampant  lion  on  the  reverse;  above  all  is  a gold  royal  crown  suspension  with  a red  enamel  lining;  and  at  top  is  a gold  hanger  loop  and 
sash  loop  with  the  yellow  and  white/ white  striped  ribbon  of  the  order.  The  Star  is  a silver  four  point  burst  surmounted  by  the  enamel 
reverse  of  the  cross  including  the  bisecting  swords;  on  the  reverse  is  a long  tunic  pin  and  underneath,  the  makers  inscription,  “JOHANN 
SCHWERDTNER/WEIN”.  Some  chips  and  flakes  in  the  red  enamel  arms  of  the  crosses  and  in  the  green  enamel  band  around  the 
medallions.  EXTREMELY  FINE $4000-$5000 

11197  People’s  Republic.  Order  of  Hero  of  Socialist  Labor,  ND 
(Founded  1948).  31.29  mm  (across  points).  Werlich-184; 
Barac-unlisted;  Vernon-unlisted.  Five  pointed  gilt  silver 
star  with  hammer  and  sickle  at  center.  Reverse  with  the 
title  of  the  order.  The  Star  is  suspended  from  a gilt  pin-back 
frame  embellished  with  a short  length  of  red  moire  ribbon. 


11198  Order  of  Carlos  Manuel  Cespedes  Grabd  Officer’s  Set, 
ND  (Instituted  1926).  Barac-58-59;  Werlich-pg.  102.  2 
pieces  in  set.  The  54.13  x 48.88  mm  Badge  features  a central 
medallion  of  gilt  silver  displaying  a facing  bust  of  Carlos 
Manuel  Cespedes  on  the  obverse  and  painted  white  enamel 
arms  of  Cuba  on  the  reverse,  surrounded  by  a blue  enamel 
band  which  is  in  turn  surrounded  by  a band  of  gilt  silver 
and  another  band  of  blue  enamel  and  silver  decoration, 
surrounding  all  is  a wreath  of  oak  and  laurel  of  green  enamel 
leaves  and  orange  enamel  acorns  and  berries,  at  12  o’clock 
is  a gilt  silver  decoration  and  hanger  loop.  The  89.09  mm 
Star  is  gilt  silver  of  ten  points,  and  in  the  center  is  a larger 
version  of  the  obverse  of  the  badge;  on  the  reverse  is  a long 
tunic  pin  and  two  hanger  pins,  the  tunic  pins  clasp  loop  has 
snapped  off.  Both  pieces  are  house  in  a plush  silk  lined  red 
leather  case  of  issue  from  A.  Chobillon  of  Paris.  A RARE 
and  very  handsome  set  with  only  a few  small  spots  where 
the  gilding  has  weakened  and  some  small  bits  of  the  green 
wreath  enamel  and  enameled  berries  missing.  The  badge  is 
slightly  bent.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $700-$1000 

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11199  Order  of  the  White  Lion  Civil  Division  Grand  Officer’s  Set,  ND  (ca.  1922-45).  Barac-37  & 39;  cf.Vernon-2  & 4;  Werlich-287-288.  2 
pieces  in  set.  The  84.35  x 60.41  mm  Badge  is  gilt  silver-rimmed  five  rayed  red  enamel  burst  with  three  silver  ball-tipped  points  on  each  ray 
and  gilt  silver  linden  leaves  between  each;  in  the  center  is  a silver  crowned  upright  Czechoslovakian  lion;  above  all  is  a gilt  silver  wreath 
suspension  with  crossed  palm  leaves  above  which  is  the  sash  loop  with  red  enamel  and  the  red  and  white  edged  ribbon  of  the  order; 
Reverse:  The  rays  of  the  burst  each  contain  an  enameled  crest  and  the  center  medallion  bears  the  monogram  “CSR”,  the  ring  between 
the  suspension  and  the  sash  loop  is  hallmarked  “KK”  and  “900”.  The  88.72  mm  Star  is  silver  of  eight  rays  with  a red  enamel  medallion 
in  the  middle  displaying  a silver  lion;  Reverse:  A long  tunic  pin  which  is  hallmarked  “KK”,  “900”  and  “3”,  underneath  on  the  back  of 
the  medallion  is  the  monogram  “CSR”.  A very  original  looking  set  with  only  a loss  in  the  gilding  to  attest  to  use,  all  enamels  are  intact. 

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11200  The  Order  of  Dannebrog  Grand  Cross  Breast  Star,  ND  (Instituted  1671).  80  x 85  mm.  cf.Werlich-308;  cf.Barac-225.  Seven-pointed 
star  with  blunt  rays  with  decorated  edges.  An  oblong  gold-rimmed,  red-bordered  white  enamel  cross  inscribed,  “OG/GUD  (crowned 
“W”)  KON/GEN”  mounted  on  the  star,  offset  to  the  bottom.  The  reverse  bears  a double-tined  hinged  tunic  pin  and  the  initials  “A.M.” 
(Anton  Michelson,  Royal  Jeweler  1848-).  No  faults  of  note.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 

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11201  Order  of  Dannebrog  Commander  First  Class  Set,  ca.  1972-1990’s.  Barac-pg.  391;  Vernon-60-61;  Werlich-307  & 309;  Stevensborg-209. 
2 pieces  in  set.  The  Neck  Badge  measures  83.1  x 41.1  mm,  the  Cross  69.4  x 54.3  mm.  The  Neck  Badge  is  a gold-rimmed  red  and 
white  enamel  cross  with  gilt  inscriptions  and  gold  crowns  in  the  angles  topped  by  a gold  monogram  of  Queen  Margrethe  II, 
above  which  is  a gold  crown  hanger  with  sash  loop  above  and  white  red  bordered  neck  ribbon  and  Commander  First  Class 
ribbon  bar.  The  Cross  (or  Star)  is  a gold-rimmed  cross  with  a red  enamel  border  and  silver  center  with  gold  inscription  on  arms, 
on  the  reverse  is  a long  lapel  clasp  beneath  which  is  a crowned  “AM”  hallmark  and  the  serial  number  “925S”.  All  in  fitted  plush 
and  silk  lined  case  of  issue  and  in  good  condition  with  only  a small  bump  and  enamel  chip  on  the  bottom  arm  of  the  neck  badge. 

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1 1 202  Order  of  National  Merit,  First  Class  Grand  Cross  Set,  ND 
(Founded  1921).  Werlich-321;  Barac-19,  20.  2 pieces  in  set. 
Badge  56  mm,  Breast  Star  69  x 74  mm.  This  is  the  Type  II  set 
of  1937.  The  Badge  is  a twelve-rayed  star  in  red  enamel  on  a 
green  enamel  laurel  wreath.  At  the  center  is  a brass  medallion 
with  the  Arms  of  Ecuador  with  the  additional  inscription 
“AL  MERITO”.  Reverse  is  blank  and  unhallmarked.  The  Star 
is  four-armed  double  ball-tipped  silver  cross  on  a gilt  laurel 
wreath.  At  the  center  is  an  oval  medallion  in  multicolored 
enamels  showing  the  Ecuadorian  Arms  with  the  additional 
inscription  ‘AL  MERITO”.  The  back  is  blank,  unhallmarked 
and  bears  one  hinged  and  two  unhinged  tunic  pins. 


11203  Badge  of  the  Order  of  Istiklal  (Order  of  Independence), 

Established  1955.  Barac-unlisted;  Werlich-331.  Issued 
to  individuals  who  contributed  to  the  overthrow  of  the 
monarchy.  Eirst  class  Sash  and  Badge,  65  x 96  mm  including 
medallion  hanger.  Eive  pointed,  gold  rimmed,  red  enamel 
star  with  silver  flames  between  each  point.  Central  medallion 
with  Arabic  inscription  in  a blue  enamel  field  surrounded  by 
gold,  blue  and  white  bands.  The  blue  and  gold  suspension 
medallion  bears  the  image  of  a phoenix.  The  red,  white 
and  black  sash  is  about  13  meters  long  and  100  mms  wide. 


11204  The  Order  of  the  Eagle  Cross  Third  Class,  Established 

1928.  Barac-35;  Vernon-60;  Werlich-342.  Gold-edged,  black 
enamel,  eight  pointed  cross.  A frosted  silver  eagle  at  its  center 
holding  a sword  and  the  Estonian  coat  of  arms.  Suspended 
orange  and  blue  ribbon  from  a 56  x 40  mm  neck  ribbon. 

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11205  Bavaria.  Lot  of  (2)  Military  Orders  of  Maximilian  Joseph.  Barac-135  & 138;  Vernon-294  & 279;  Werlich-469.  Gilt.  A pair  of  RARE 
orders.  Includes:  Grand  Cross  Sash  Badge  and  Commanders  Cross.  97  x 68  mm  and  54  x 38  mm.  Both  are  gold  rimmed,  eight-point 
white  enamel  crosses  with  ball  tipped  ends  (the  larger  one  having  gold  rays  in  the  angles).  There  is  a blue  enameled,  gold  rimmed  central 
medallion  with  “VIRTUTI/  pro/  PATRIA”  on  the  obverse  and  the  “MK”  Monogram  of  King  Maximilian  Joseph  on  the  reverse.  Both  are 
suspended  from  openwork  crown  hangers.  The  only  fault  of  note  is  a large  enamel  chip  on  the  upper  reverse  arm  of  the  Grand  Cross. 



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11206  Prussia.  Order  of  the  Red  Eagle  First  Class  Cross  Set,  ND  (ca.  1892-1918).  Barac-322  & 334;  Vernon- 1406  & 1415; 
Werlich-528.  2 pieces  in  set.  The  Cross  measures  62.6  x 57.75  mm,  the  Badge  91.78  mm.  Gold-rimmed  white  enamel  cross 
with  gold-rimmed  central  medallion  featuring  facing  red  eagle  with  wings  spread  on  obverse  and  gold  monogram  of  Prince 
George  William  on  reverse.  Above  is  sash  loop  with  white  and  orange  striped  ribbon  of  the  order  attached.  The  Breast  Badge 
is  a silver  eight  point  star  with  white  enamel  central  medallion  featuring  the  motto  of  the  order  and  the  crest  design  from  the 
cross.  All  enamel  and  gilt  lettering  is  intact.  In  plush  fitted  gold  embossed  red  leather  case  of  issue. 
ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $9000-$!  1,000 

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1 1207  Most  Distinguished  Order  of  St.  Michael  & St.  George  Knight  Commander’s  Set,  ND  (After  1859).  Barac-758-759; 
Vernon-53-54;  Werlich-579  & 581;  L&S-pg.  35/6.  2 pieces  in  set.  The  Cross  measures  97.63  x 72.34  mm,  the  Star  81.55  mm.  Silver 
gilt  edged  white  enamel  fourteen  point  star  of  seven  rays  with  central  medallion  comprised  of  a blue  enamel  band  with  the  orders 
motto;  in  center,  a colored  vignette  of  St.  Michael  trampling  Satan  on  obverse  and  St.  George  slaying  the  dragon,  topped  by 
crown  hanger  and  suspension  loop  with  red/blue  striped  neck  ribbon.  The  Breast  Star  is  a silver  box-cornered  star  overlayed  with 
a red  enamel  cross  and  a central  medallion  similar  in  design  to  the  obverse  of  the  Badge  with  a more  finely  rendered  depiction 
of  St.  Michael  defeating  Satan.  In  fitted  plush  black  leather  case  of  issue  from  R & S Garrard  & Co.  The  enamel  and  paint  is  intact 
and  attractive,  the  lapel  pin  on  the  back  of  the  Star  is  missing  its  hook,  and  the  case  has  some  wear/damage  and  has  some  repair. 

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11208  Royal  Guelphic  Order  of  Hannover  Grand  Cross  Breast  Star,  ND  (ca.  1815-37).  72.01  mm.  Barac-44;  Vernon-65;  Werlich-488  (under 
Hannover);  L&S-pg.  34-35.  Silver  eight  pointed  star,  in  center,  an  oak  leaf  wreath  of  green  enamel  within  which  is  a light  blue  enamel 
band  with  gold  lettering  of  the  orders  motto  within  which  is  the  central  red  enamel  medallion  featuring  a white  horse  galloping  left  (the 
insignia  of  the  Kingdom  of  Hannover);  Reverse:  Long  tunic  pin  with  securing  ring,  underneath  is  the  inscription,  “RUNDELL  BRIDGE 
would  date  this  piece  to  the  reigns  of  George  IV  and  William  IV,  as  after  Williams  death,  the  Kingdom  of  Hannover  split  from  Great  Britain, 
and  this  order  was  no  longer  awarded  to  British  citizens.  A RARE  early  type  of  this  order  with  only  the  slightest  evidence  of  age  and  wear. 
Specifically,  a nearly  imperceptible  scuff  on  the  central  medallion,  and  a few  of  the  acorns  in  the  wreath  have  lost  their  orange  enamel. 
ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $10,000-$12,000 

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Star  of  India  with  Diamonds 

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11209  Most  Exalted  Order  of  the  Star  of  India  Knight  Commander’s  Neck  Badge  & Breast  Star,  ca.  1900-47.  Vernon-76/7;  Werlich-577/8; 
Joslin-7c.  The  80.8  x 50  mm  Neck  Badge  consists  of  an  onyx  cameo  of  a youthful  Queen  Victoria  facing  left  on  a red/brown 
background  within  a gold  oval  frame  which  has  a blue  enamel  band  running  around  it  upon  which  is  the  orders  motto,  “HEAVEN’S 
LIGHT  OUR  GUIDE”,  which  is  set  with  diamonds;  above  all  of  this,  a silver  five  point  star  surmounted  by  a hanger  and  the  light 
blue/ white  ribbon  of  the  order.  The  84.4  mms  Breast  Star  is  a silver  sunburst  with  eight  prominent  points;  in  the  center,  a blue 
enamel  ribbon  forming  a central  circle  and  once  again  displaying  the  motto  of  the  order  beset  with  diamonds  and  in  the  center  of 
this  is  a silver  star.  On  the  back,  a hinged  lapel  clasp  and  the  maker’s  mark  for  R&P  Garrard  & Co.  The  ribbon  included  with  the 
Neck  Badge  appears  to  be  of  more  modern  materials  and  points  to  this  being  a twentieth  century  issue.  A few  diamonds  are  absent 
here  or  there  and  a couple  of  letters  have  bent  legs,  but  overall  a handsome  set  of  one  of  Britain’s  most  visually  striking  orders. 

11210  The  Most  Excellent  Order  of  the  British  Empire.  Knight’s 
Grand  Cross  Set,  Before  1937,  Instituted  1917.  Vernon- 136 
& 137;  Werhch-587-588;  My-16.  Type  I.  The  Breast  Star  is 
a six-pointed  multi-rayed  silver  star  with  smooth  rays,  a 
red  enamel  & gilt  medallion  at  the  center  with  an  image  of 
Britannia  seated  and  pointing  right,  legend  “EOR  GOD  AND 
THE  EMPIRE”  around.  The  reverse  is  unhallmarked  and 
bears  a single  hinged  tunic  pin  and  clasp.  The  Badge  is  a 70  mm, 
gold  rimmed  light  blue  enamel  cross,  each  arm  in  the  form 
of  a Eleur-de-lis.  At  the  center,  a gold  and  enamel  medallion 
similar  to  that  of  the  Star,  and  at  the  top  a bronze  crown  with  a 
loop  for  suspension.  The  reverse  is  gold  and  blank,  except  for 
a crowned  monogram  of  George  V at  the  center.  The  96  x 560 
mm  sash  is  of  deep  purple  watered  silk.  In  original  Garrard 
& Co  Calcutta  compartmented  case,  gold  stamped  “G.B.E.” 


11211  National  Order  of  Honor  & Merit  Grand  Officer  Set  of 
Badge  & Star,  Established  1925.  Werhch-648  & 649.  2 
pieces  in  set.  The  64.29  mm  Badge  is  an  eight  pointed,  gold- 
rimmed,  white  enamel  cross.  The  center  of  the  obverse  is  a 
gold  medallion  portraying  the  Arms  of  the  Haitian  Republic, 
surrounded  by  a blue  band  inscribed,  “MEDAILLE 
HONNEUR  ET  MERITE”;  Reverse:  The  central  medallion 
is  inscribed,  “REPUBLIQUE  D’HAITI”  and  the  blue  band 
reads,  “LIBERTE  EGALITE  ERATERNITE”.  No  enamel 
flaws  of  note,  EXTREMELY  FINE.  The  Star  measures 
84.46  mm  and  is  eight  pointed  and  faceted  with  a central 
medallion  portraying  Haiti’s  coast  of  Arms  and  the  legend, 
“L’INION  FAIT  LA  FORCE”.  There  is  a central  hinged 
tunic  pin  on  the  reverse  flanked  by  two  fixed  tunic  pins. 

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11212  Order  of  Merit  Grand  Cross  Set,  ND.  Vernon- 15  & 20;  Werlich-691  & 692.  2 pieces  in  set.  Includes:  Badge  with  neck  sash  and  Breast 
Star.  The  ribbon  badge  is  51.61  mm  without  bale  or  hanger,  and  the  Breast  Star  measures  78.71  mm  across  the  rays.  The  green  moire 
cravat  is  40  x 400  mm.  The  set  is  housed  in  a 96  x 220  mm  hinged  red  leather  with  white  plush  and  satin  case  decorated  with  the 
Hungarian  Crown.  No  significant  flaws  to  the  enamel.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $2500-$3500 

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11213  Order  of  the  Icelandic  Falcon,  ND  (Founded  1921,  Post  1944  Type  without  Royal  Crown).  Werlich-694, 695. 2 pieces  in  lot.  Includes: 
Grand  Cross  set  with  the  Badge,  its  cravat  and  the  Star.  The  Badge  is  70  x 45  mm  and  consists  of  gilt-silver  edged  white  enamel  cross 
with  a blue  enamel  center  displaying  a falcon  with  wings  outspread.  The  reverse  is  similar,  but  with  the  legend,  “SEYTJANDI  JUNI 
1944”  on  a blue  garter  replacing  the  falcon.  The  Badges  cravat  is  of  watered  silk  and  approximately  100  x 500  mm.  The  gilt  silver 
Breast  Star  is  83  mm  across  at  its  widest  point  and  is  formed  from  an  eight-pointed  star  with  the  obverse  of  the  badge  mounted  on 
it.  The  reverse  has  a double-tined  hinged  tunic  pin;  below,  the  fineness  and  makers  marks,  “925S/KA”.  A beautiful  set  with  no  flaws. 

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1 1214  Gold  Medal  to  Shyam  Sundar  Goswami.  63.02  mm;  27.1 
gms.  For  Goswami  (1891-1978)  a premier  Yoga  exponent 
from  British  India  from  the  Maharajah  of  the  Princely  State 
of  Kapurthala,  Jagatjit  Singh  Bahadur  (1872-1949).  This 
gold,  diamond  (9)  and  ruby  (8)  eight  pointed  star-shaped 
medal  was  a personal  gift  in  1926  from  the  Maharajah  to 
his  mentor  and  yogi,  to  whom  he  granted  the  title  of  the 
“Lion  of  Bengal”.  The  reverse  of  the  medal  bears  a hinged 
pin  and  clasp.  The  obverse  inscription  reads,  “TO/PROF. 
APRIL  1,  1926.”  VERY  RARE.  In  plush  presentation  case. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $5000-$7000 

1 1215  Order  of  Pahlavi,  Second  Class,  1925.  Werlich-703  & 704. 
2 pieces  in  set.  Includes  the  Badge  with  its  sash  and  the 
Star.  The  highest-ranking  order  of  Iran,  this  Second  Class 
version  awarded  to  male  members  of  the  royal  family  and 
crown  princes  of  foreign  nations.  The  Badge  measures  64.37 
mm  and  appears  to  have  some  repaired  damage  near  the 
base  of  the  enameled  image  of  Mt.  Demavand.  The  sash  is 
approximately  105  x 1300  mm  and  deep  blue  edged  in  gold. 
The  Star  is  94.07  mm  at  its  widest  and  has  repaired  damage 
to  the  white  enamel  at  the  upper  right.  Both  the  Badge 
and  the  Star  bear  the  mark  of  the  French  jeweler  Arthus 
Bertrand  & Co.  VERY  RARE  and  a truly  spectacular  set. 

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11216  Order  of  Haft  Paykar  Badge,  Sash  & Star  Set,  ND  (Founded  1957).  Werlich-706.  2 pieces  with  sash  included.  Gilt  and  silver  enamels. 
The  Badge  measures  54.36  mm,  the  Star  68.53  mm,  and  the  yellow  and  blue  sash  approximately  1400  mm.  Both  metal  pieces  bear  the 
mark  of  famous  Parisian  jeweler  Arthus  Bartered  & Co.  Awarded  to  female  royalty  and  distinguished  ladies.  Quite  RARE,  particularly 
so,  with  the  sash.  EXTREMELY  FINE $2500-$3500 

EXTREMELY  RARE  Order  of  the  Sun  with  Diamonds 

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11217  Order  of  the  Sun  (Aftab)  Badge,  Sash  & Breast  Star  Set,  ND  (Instituted  1873).  Werlich-714  (Star).  2 pieces  in  set.  Silver, 
gold,  enamel  and  diamonds.  Includes:  The  Badge  (66  x 72  mm),  its  sash  (approximately  1350  x 63  mm),  and  Star  (66  mm) 
with  one  hinged  and  two  fixed  pins.  No  hallmarks  or  makers  name,  but  housed  in  a 160  x 320  x 50  mm  leather,  velvet  and 
satin  case  by  Saniolmamalek  of  Tehran  case.  A gorgeous  and  VERY  RARE  set  originally  awarded  only  to  reigning  queens. 

ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $60,000-$80,000 

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11218  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Italy,  Instituted  1866.  Includes:  Grand  officers  star,  badge  and  sash.  In  original  Raviolo  & Gardino 
case.  The  Breast  Star  measures  89  mm  point-to-point,  and  the  six  points  are  semi-faceted.  At  the  center  is  a gold  rimmed  blue  and 
white  enameled  medallion,  with  a gold  crown.  The  reverse  bears  a single  hinged  tunic  pin  and  a medallion  with  the  makers  name 
“E.  GARDINO  SUGG.  CRAVANZOLA  ROMA.”  The  Badge  is  50  mm  in  the  form  of  a gold  rimmed  white  enamel  cross  with  a gold 
knot  between  each  arm.  A central  medallion  portrays  the  Crown  of  Savoy,  on  one  side  a crowned  eagle  bearing  the  white  cross  of 
Savoy  on  its  breast.  The  Badge  is  suspended  from  a 145  mm  rosette  in  red  and  white.  The  100  x 1050  mm  sash  is  in  red  watered  silk 
with  a central  white  stripe.  There  is  some  enamel  loss  (12  pearls  and  one  green  gem)  from  the  crown  on  the  breast  star,  otherwise 

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11219  Order  of  the  Rising  Sun  Grand  Cordon  Set,  ND.  Werlich-772  & 773;  Vernon-5.6;  Peterson-21 . 2 pieces  in  set.  Includes:  Badge  with  its  sash 
and  Breast  Star.  The  Badge  measures  76  x 1 1 5 mm  with  no  significant  defects,  and  its  sash  approximately  1 04  x 1250  mm  and  of  cream  colored 
watered  silk  with  red  edges.  The  Breast  Star  measures  9 1 mm  across  its  widest  part  with  no  defects  of  note;  the  reverse  has  one  hinged  and  two 
fixed  tunic  pins  and  the  Order  of  Merit  decoration  inscription  is  bold.  One  of  the  four  screw  on  the  reverse  is  missing.  A premium  set  of  orders. 


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11220  Order  of  the  Sacred  Treasure  First  Class  Breast  Star,  ND 
(Founded  1888).  76  mm.  Peterson-39;  Vernon-38/39.  Silver 
and  enamels.  There  are  many  hairline  cracks  to  the  white 
enamel  of  the  rays  and  some  flaws  and  chipping  to  the  red 
enamel  of  the  jewels.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1000-$1400 


11221  Maximilian.  Order  of  Our  Lady  of  Guadalupe,  Civilian 
Knight’s  Badge,  ND  (ca.  1 863-67) . 40x37  mms;  Grove-O-26; 
Vernon-6;  cf  Werlich-913.  On  a wreath  of  palm  and  laurel,  a 
four-armed  double  pointed  cross  with  ball-tipped  ends  and 
rays  in  angles.  The  cross  arms  are  enameled  green,  red  and 
white.  On  the  white  enameled  central  medallion  is  a standing 
flgure  of  the  Virgin  of  Guadalupe,  inscription  around  in 
gold  letters  on  green  enamel.  A four  line  inscription  on  the 
reverse,  “AL  MERITO  Y VIRTUDES”,  is  in  gold  letters  on 
white  enamel  with  green  border.  The  suspension  devise  is 
a crowned  imperial  eagle  with  wings  spread,  topped  with 
lilac  and  blue  ribbon.  A few  tiny  chips  in  green  enamel. 

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11222  Order  of  Our  Lady  of  Guadalupe,  Knight’s  Badge,  ND 
(1863-67).  37  X 61  mm.  Werlich-913;  Vernon-6;  Grove-026. 
Four-armed  double  pointed  ball-tipped  cross  in  red,  white 
and  green  enamel.  Central  oval  medallion  with  image  of  the 
Virgin  of  Guadalupe.  The  whole  on  a wreath  of  palm  and 
laurel  and  suspended  from  a Mexican  Imperial  Eagle  with 
wings  outspread.  The  reverse  is  similar,  except  the  figure  is 
replaced  with  the  inscription,  “AL  MERITO  Y VIRTUDES” 
on  a green  bordered  white  field.  There  is  significant 
damage  to  the  white  enamel  on  the  reverse,  and  the  eagles 
crown  has  been  expertly  removed.  The  38  mm  violet-blue- 
violet  ribbon  shows  some  wear  near  the  suspension  loop. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1700-$2200 


11224  Order  of  the  Netherlands  Lion  Commander’s  Badge,  ND 
(Established  1815).  62  x 80  mm.  cf.Werlich-961;  Vernon-22. 
Early  issue  without  W s between  arms.  Silver,  gilt  silver  and 
enamels.  Hallmarks  on  pin  and  clasp  significant  enamel 
loss  to  the  central  medallion,  otherwise  a gorgeous  Badge. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $1500-$2000 


1 1 223  Order  of  the  Netherlands  Lion  Knight’s  Cross  in  Gold,  ND 
(Established  1815).  40  x 60  mm.  Werlich-961;  Vernon-23. 
Gold  and  enamels.  Stamped  ‘A(anchor)M”  on  the  ring. 
Moderate  damage  to  the  blue  enamel  on  the  obverse  and 
minor  damage  to  the  white:  tiny  chip  and  hairline.  No 
ribbon.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $1400-$1800 

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11225  Order  of  Orange-Nassau  Grand  Cross  Set,  Werlich-963  & 964;  Vernon-25  & 27.  2 pieces  in  set.  Includes  the  Badge  with  its  sash  and 
the  Breast  Star.  The  Badge  is  57  x 86  mm;  its  sash  orange  edged  in  blue,  separated  by  a narrow  white  stripe  and  measuring  approximately 
100  X 1400  mm.  The  Breast  Star  is  silver  and  enamel  measuring  88  mm  at  its  widest  point.  The  Badge  has  an  uncertain  hallmark 
on  its  attachment  ring,  and  the  Star  has  the  initials  of  the  maker  “M.J.  GOUDSMIT”  and  the  Script  I (1906-53  style)  “without 
guarantee”  mark.  There  are  a few  very  minor  flaws  to  the  white  enamel  of  the  Badge  and  one  moderate  chip,  which  has  been 
repaired.  Also  of  note  is  that  the  attachment  loop  between  the  cross  and  the  crown  hanger  of  the  Badge  has  been  repaired.  Overall 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2500-$3500 

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11226  Order  of  Saint  Olav  Grand  Cross  Star,  ND  (Founded  1847).  73.21  mm.  Werlich-983;  Vernon-4.  First  model  with  monogram  of  King 
Oscar  I (1844-59).  Eight  rayed  faceted  Star  within  the  Badge  of  the  order  (minus  the  crown  hanger)  superimposed.  The  white  enamel  of 
the  Badge  has  several  tiny  hairline  cracks,  but  no  enamel  is  missing.  The  reverse  of  the  Star  bears  a single  hinged  tunic  pin  and  no  maker  s 
mark.  EXTREMELY  FINE $14,000-$17,000 

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1 1 227  Order  of  Saint  Olav  Grand  Cross  Set,  Post  1937  Issue  without  the  Lion  atop  the  Crown.  Werlich-982, 983;  Vernon- 15,17.2  pieces  in  set. 
Includes  the  Badge  with  its  sash  and  the  Breast  star.  The  62  x 85  mm  Badge  has  no  flaws  of  note;  its  sash  is  approximately  100  x 1400  mm  and  of 
red  moire  with  white-blue- white  border  stripes  at  each  edge.  The  Breast  Star  measure  88  mm  at  its  broadest  point  and  carries  the  medallion  of 
its  maker,  I.  Tostrup,  below  the  single  hinged  tunic  pin  on  the  reverse.  No  hallmarks  are  seen  on  either  the  Badge  or  the  Breast  Star.  The  white 
enamel  on  one  ray  of  the  star  has  three  tiny  hairline  cracks.  Werlich  notes  that  this  is  one  of  the  most  esteemed  of  all  European  decorations. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $4000-$5000 

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11228  Military  Order  of  Aviz,  ND  (Established  1144).  cf.Werlich-1027,  1032.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Set  of  Badge  and  Breast  Star.  The 
Badge  is  a 86  x 57  mm  silver-rimmed  oval  white  enamel  medallion  with  a gold-rimmed  green  enamel  cross  surmounted 
by  a gold  and  enamel  Sacred  Heart.  The  reverse  is  identical.  The  Breast  Star  measures  76  mm  at  its  widest  and  is  multi- 
rayed  faceted  silver  star  with  a gilt  edged  green  enamel  star  on  a white  field  at  the  center.  At  the  top  is  a red  enamel 
Sacred  Heart.  The  reverse  of  this  piece  displays  the  medallion  of  the  maker:  “SOUZA/ 107/RUA  AUREA”  (Rio  de  Janeiro). 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 

Photo  Reduced 


11229  Order  of  the  Three  Orders,  Grand  Cross  Set.  Werlich-unlisted;  Vernon-51  & 52.  2 pieces  in  set.  Includes  the  Badge  with  ribbon  and 
Breast  Star.  The  Badge  is  5 x 10  mm  and  is  suspended  from  a 100  mm  green-red-purple  moire  ribbon.  The  hanger  for  the  medal  is  marked 
with  a maker  s mark  that  appears  to  be  a crowned  “W”  in  a recessed  diamond.  There  is  a tiny  amount  of  enamel  lost  in  the  green  wreath. 
The  Breast  Star  is  silver  and  gilt  and  measures  66.59  mm  across  the  tips.  The  reverse  is  blank  and  has  a hinged  tunic  pin  marked  with  the 
same  crowned  “W”  in  a sunken  diamond  mark  as  the  badge.  Part  of  the  blue  enamel  border  of  each  of  the  three  orders  pictured  is  missing. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $9000-$12,000 

Bid  online  at 

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11230  Order  of  the  Crown  Grand  Cross  Set,  ND  (Established  1881).  Werlich-1064;  Vernon-71,  75.  2 pieces  in  set.  The  70  mm  Badge  is 
of  silver,  gilt  and  enamel  with  “ARG.  JRF”  stamped  on  suspension  ring.  The  90  mm  Breast  Star  also  silver,  gilt  and  enamel,  with  a 
reverse  medallion  bearing  the  name  of  the  manufacturer  “JOSEPH  RESCH/FILS/BUCAREST”.  No  flaws  of  note  to  this  attractive  set. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $1400-$1800 

Photo  Reduced 

11231  Order  of  the  Star  Grand  Officer’s  Cross  & Breast  Star  with  Swords,  ca.  1864-1947.  Vernon-78  & 82;  cf.Werlich-1067  & 1069.  2 pieces 
in  set.  The  103.8  x 65.6  mm  Cross  is  a gold-rimmed  blue  enamel  crosslet  cross  with  gilt  rays  between  each  arm,  the  central  medallion  is  a 
green  enamel  and  gilt  wreath  surrounding  a blue  enamel  ring  bearing  the  motto,  “IN  FIDE  SALUS”,  which  in  turn  surrounds  a gilt  eagle 
on  a red  enamel  field,  the  entirety  being  surmounted  by  a pair  of  gilt  crossed  swords  which  are  below  the  gilt  crown  hanger  with  ring 
and  sash  loop;  Reverse:  Same  as  obverse  except  the  central  medallion  is  only  the  green  enamel  wreath  surrounding  the  gilt  monogram 
of  Carol  I on  a red  enamel  field.  The  88.5  mm  Breast  Star  is  a silver  eight  point  star  with  gilt  crossed  swords  and  rays  beneath  a blue 
enamel  crosslet  cross  with  same  center  medallion  as  cross  obverse;  Reverse:  Long  lapel  clasp  and  makers  stamp,  “ JOSEPH  RESCH/FILS/ 
BUCAREST”.  A very  nice  set  with  almost  no  signs  of  handling  or  wear,  the  enamel  is  virtually  perfect  only  the  Breast  Star  has  a small 
chip  in  the  top  of  the  medallion  and  a very  small  light  dig  on  the  top  cross  bar.  Likely  a set  made  towards  the  end  of  the  orders  existence. 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 

Photo  Reduced 


11232  Order  of  the  Star  Grand  Cross  Set,  ND  (Instituted  1877).  Werlich-1067,  1069;  Vernon-125,  127.  2 pieces  in  set. 
The  115  X 75  mm  Badge  in  gilt  and  enamel;  and  the  95  mm  Star  is  of  gilt,  silver  and  enamels.  The  Badge  has  a few 
tiny  areas  of  loss  to  the  green  enameled  leaves  of  the  wreath,  and  the  Star  has  a single  leaf  missing  the  green  enamel. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$2500 

Bid  online  at 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


11233  Order  of  Maria  Louisa  Badge,  ND  (ca.  1792-1931).  82.49 
X 49.36  mm.  Vernon-121;  Werlich-1208;  Guerra-pg.  24. 
Gilt  silver  rimmed  cross  of  white  and  purple  enamels  with 
lions  and  crosses  in  angles  connected  by  a hanging  chain;  in 
center,  a purple  enamel  band  surrounding  the  white  enamel 
central  medallion,  which  features  the  figure  of  St.  Ferdinand 
holding  a sword  and  orb.  On  reverse,  the  medallion  has 
gilt  monogram  of  Maria  Louisa  and  the  motto  of  the  order 
on  the  outer  band.  Above  is  a gilt  wreath  with  suspension 
loop  above  and  purple/ white  striped  and  red  edged  ribbon 
of  the  order.  The  enamels  are  intact  and  attractive,  some 
small  signs  of  wear  on  the  high  points  of  the  medallion 
and  the  tips  of  the  cross.  The  ribbon  is  also  in  good 
condition  and  seems  to  be  of  more  modern  manufacture 
dating  this  piece  toward  the  end  of  the  orders  existence. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$2500 

11234  Order  of  Isabella  the  Catholic,  ND  (Instituted  1817  by 

King  Ferdinand  VII).  Miniature  gold  collar  composed 
of  eight  gold  knots  pierced  by  crossed  arrows  and  seven 
oval  enameled  medallions  bearing  either  a “F7”  (4)  or  an 
image  of  the  two  hemispheres  crowned  (3),  at  either  end 
is  about  50  mm  of  fine  chain.  A pendant  of  the  Order  of 
Isabella  should  hang  from  the  center  medallion,  but  it  is 
missing.  Overall,  about  280  mm.  Minor  enamel  chipping. 


11235  Order  of  the  North  Star,  Collar  & Badge,  ND  (Instituted 

1748).  Werlich-unlisted,  1222;  Vernon- 15,  16.  2 pieces  in 
lot.  In  original  19th  Century  Carlman  case.  The  excessively 
RARE  Collar  is  composed  of  ten  white  enameled  five-pointed 
stars  and  an  equal  number  of  blue  double  “F”  monograms, 
all  linked  with  gilt  chain.  The  Badge  is  84  x 55  mm,  also  gilt 
and  enameled  white  and  blue.  Two  arms  of  the  cross  had 
extensive  damage  to  the  enamel,  which  is  now  repaired. 
Otherwise  EXTREMELY  FINE $8000-$10,000 


11236  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand 

Commander’s  Breast  Star  & Sash  Badge,  Established 
1869.  cf.Werlich- 1246- 1247.  The  Star  is  91.29  mms  and  is  in 
gilt,  silver,  enamels  and  brilliants.  It  has  a single  hinged  tunic 
pin  which,  along  with  the  reverse  of  the  star,  bears  hallmarks 
and  makers  name.  The  Sash  Badge  is  94  x 57  mms,  of  the 
same  composition  and  bears  hallmarks  on  the  reverse  of 
the  suspension.  The  Grand  Cordon  is  100  mms  wide  and 
the  sash  is  approximately  1.6  meters  long  of  blue  watered 
silk  with  narrow  stripes  of  red  and  white  at  the  edges.  The 
compartmentalized  case  is  blue  with  a white  interior.  An 
embossed  replica  of  Garuda  appears  on  the  lid.  The  edges  of 
the  case  are  faded  and  the  bottom  is  worn.  The  medals  are 
both  UNCIRCULATED $1400-$1800 

11237  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand 
Knight’s  Grand  Cordon  Breast  Star  and  Sash  Badge, 

cf.Werlich- 1246- 1247.  First  type.  In  silver,  gilt  and 
enamels  with  brilliants  on  the  star.  The  sash  is  10  x 170 
cm.  Set  is  housed  in  original  compartmentalized  box 
with  an  embossed  metal  figure  of  Garuda  on  the  lid. 
The  box  shows  some  wear,  but  the  Star  and  Badge  are 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  B Starts  3:30  PM  CT,  Tuesday,  August  13, 2013 


11238  Order  of  King  George  Tupou  I,  Knight’s  Grand  Cross  Breast  Star,  ND  (Instituted  1875/90).  93  mm.  Werlich-unlisted;  Vernon- 

unlisted.  Multi-rayed  gilt  silver  star  with  four  silver  crowns  at  right  angles  and  a central  round  multicolored  medallion  with  the  Tongan 
Arms  surrounded  by  the  legend,  “KOE  OTUA  MOTOGA  KO  HOKU  TOFIA”.  The  reverse  is  unmarked  with  a single  hinged  tunic 
pin.  A VERY  RARE  Order  of  Knighthood  from  a remote  South  Pacific  location.  The  enamels  are  all  intact  and  undamaged;  however, 
the  raised  silver  parts  of  the  Arms  in  the  central  medallion  exhibit  some  scuffing,  which  was  present  prior  to  the  firing  of  the  enamel. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $8000-$10,000 


11239  The  Order  of  Osmania  2/3  Class  Set  with  Badge  & Star,  ND  (Created  1862).  Werlich-1259,  1260;  Vernon-67.  2 pieces  in  set. 

The  64  mm  neck  Badge  is  silver  and  enamels  with  a silver  crescent  in  the  central  medallion.  It  is  suspended  on  a hinged  silver 
star  and  crescent  hanger  from  a 38  x 470  mm  green  and  red  cravat.  The  83  mm  Breast  Star  is  silver,  gilt  and  enamels  with  a gilt 
crescent  in  the  central  medallion.  The  reverse  bears  one  hinged  and  two  fixed  tunic  pins;  at  center,  a makers  medallion  in  Arabic. 
The  Badge  has  a significant  area  of  enamel  loss  to  the  green  ring  surrounding  the  central  medallion  on  the  obverse.  Otherwise 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2000-$2500 

End  of  Session  B 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

Page  59 

The  Most  Anticipated  Auction  of  Asian 
Coins  and  Paper  Money  in  2013! 

Join  Stack's  Bowers  and  Ponterio  in  Hong  Kong  in  August 

This  is  the  auction  event  that  collectors  worldwide  are  waiting  for  - 
join  us  at  the  live  auction,  or  place  your  bids  online  wherever  you  are! 

The  Hong  Kong  Auction 

Auction  August  19-21, 2013  Highlights 

CHINA.  Pattern  K'uping  Tael  Struck  in  Gold,  CHINA.  Sinkiang.  Ration  Gold  2 Mace,  ND 
CD  (1907).  Tientsin  Mint.  (1906).  Tihwa  Mint.  NGC  MS-63. 

CHINA.  Sinkiang. 

Ration  Gold  1 Mace,  ND  (1907). 

L&M-1024.  NGC  MS-62. 

Tihwa  Mint.  NGC  MS-64. 

CHINA.  1914.  Tientsin  Mint. 
L&M-859  "L.  GIORGI."  NGC  MS-65. 

CHINA.  Pattern  Dollar,  ND  (1910). 
L&M-24.  NGC  MS-65. 

CHINA.  Dollar,  ND  (1914). 
L&M-858.  PCGS  MS-66. 
Secure  Holder. 

KOREA.  Warn,  Year  497  (1888).  FRENCH  INDO-CHINA.  Piastre,  1885-A. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder.  NGC  PROOF-65. 

HONG  KONG.  5 Cents,  1877-H. 
PCGS  MS-68.  Secure  Holder. 

Call  or  email  to  request  a printed  catalog,  or  bid  online  at 

+1.949.253.0916  California  | +1.212.582.2580  New  York  | 852.2890.5767  Hong  Kong 
info@stacksbowers.conn  • 

P-N'G  Richard  H.  Ponterio  PNG#308 
RonGillio  PNG#204 

Richard  H.  Ponterio  LM#2163 
RonGillio  LM#950 

1063  McGaw  Avenue  Ste  100 
Irvine,  CA  92614 

California  • New  York  • 

A Spectrum  Group  International  Company  HompshirO  • HOOg  KOOg 

SBPWCN  Aug  HK  Ad  07.05.13 



The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Session  C 


Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 
Start  Time:  9:30  AM  CT 

Lots  12001- 12541 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Gold  Coins 


12001  8 Escudos,  1832/1-RA  P.  Fr-2;  KM-21;  CJ-17;  La  Onza  1566. 
Although  some  references  suggest  the  existence  of  both  a 
clean  date  and  an  overdate  for  this  year,  this  is  not  the  case. 
There  is  only  one  date  side  die  for  this  issue  which  can  be 
easily  identified  by  a small  bulge  near  the  “2”  of  the  date.  As 
stated  in  Jansen,  the  reverse  die  from  1831  was  re-worked 
in  1832,  hence  all  examples  of  this  date  are  overdates. 
NGC  AU-58 $9000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 752903 

12002  8 Escudos,  1834-RA  P.  Fr-2;  KM-21;  CJ-19.  RARE  date. 
Nice  strike.  NGC  AU-50 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 752905 


12003  Sovereign,  1864  (SY).  Fr-10;  KM-4. 

NGC  MS-61 $1500-$1800 

PCGS#  113178 

12004  Sovereign,  1864.  Fr-10;  KM-4. 

NGC  MS-61 $1500-$1800 

12005  Sovereign,  1864.  Fr-10;  KM-4. 

NGC  MS-61 $1500-$1800 

PCGS#  113178 

12006  Sovereign,  1864.  Fr-10;  KM-4. 

NGC  MS-61 $1500-$1800 

PCGS#  113178 

12007  Sovereign,  1864.  Fr-10;  KM-4. 

NGC  MS-61 $1600-$1800 

PCGS#  113178 

12008  Five  Piece  Platinum  Proof  Set,  1989.  Koala  Series. 

Fr-B20-B24;  KM-Ps63.  5 pieces  in  set.  Includes:  5, 15,  25,  50 
and  100  Dollars.  All  pieces 

PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 508018 
Emperor  Collection. 

12009  200  Dollars,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

Fr-B44;  KM-667. 

PCGS  MS-69  Secure  Holder. $2800-$3500 

PCGS#  114619 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12010  100  Dollars,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

Fr-L34;  KM-528. 

PCGS  MS-69  Secure  Holder. $1500-$1800 

PCGS#  114623 

12011  200  Dollars,  2004.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Monkey. 

Fr-B44;  KM-717.  The  only  example  of  this  type  with  a 
perfect  70  grade  from  either  PCGS  or  NGC. 

PCGS  MS-70 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 501986 


12012  100  Schillings,  1929.  Fr-520;  KM-2842. 

NGC  PL-61 $900-$1100 

PCGS#  117566 

12013  100  Schillings,  1936.  Fr-522;  KM-2857. 

NGC  PL-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 478139 


12014  200  Rubles,  2005.  Fr-7;  KM-103. 

NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $2000-$2500 

PCGS#  150786 


12015  Brabant.  Mouton  d’or,  ND  (1355-1383).  Jeanne  & 

Wenceslas  (1355-83).  Fr-8;  Delm-43.  Slightly  uneven  strike. 
Peripheral  luster. 

PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS#  161998 

12016  25  Franc,  1848.  Fr-405;  KM-13.1. 

NGC  MS-63 $2400-$2800 

PCGS  # 353072 

12017  100  Franc,  1853.  Fr-409;  Bruce-M3.1.  Struck  to 

commemorate  the  marriage  of  the  duke  and  duchess  of 
Brabant.  Mintage  of  only  482  pieces. 

NGC  AU-58 $4500-$6000 

PCGS  #213916 

Bid  online  at 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


12018  Ducat,  1588.  Rudolf  II  (1576-1612).  Fr-12. 

NGC  AU-55 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 608001 

Holy  Roman  Empire  Presentation 
10  Ducats 

12019  10  Ducats,  1637.  Prague  Mint.  Ferdinand  II  (1619-37). 
Fr-38.  VERY  RARE.  Holed  and  expertly  repaired  at  12 
o’clock  but  still  quite  attractive. 

NGC  EE  Details— Plugged $8000-$10,000 

EX:  Louis  E.  Eliasberg  collection  (ANR,  April,  2005,  lot  # 105):  previously 
from  the  John  H.  Clapp  collection  to  Eliasberg  via  Stacks,  October,  1 942. 


12020  8 Escudos,  1791-PR.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808). 

Fr-10;  KM-77.  Laureate  bust.  RARE  one  year  type.  Well 
struck  and  attractive.  One  of  the  finest  known. 

NGC  AU-58 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 739250 

12022  8 Escudos,  1837-LM.  Fr-21;  KM-99.  Uniformed  bust.  Flashy 
mint  luster.  NGC  MS-62 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  # 721422 

12023  8 Escudos,  1847-R.  Fr-26;  KM-108.2.  Small  laureate. 
Bust  right.  Nice  strike.  NGC  MS-62 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  # 721440 

Ex:  Millennia  Collection. 


12024  4,000  Reis,  1719-B.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-30;  KM-106; 
LDMB-065.  NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 870320 

12025  20,000  Reis,  1724-M.  Fr-33;  KM-117;  LDMB-248; 

Gomes-105.01.  NGC  AU-53 $15,000-$17,000 

PCGS  # 426467 

12021  8 Escudos,  1807-PTSPJ.  Fr-14;  KM-81.  A few  small 
natural  planchet  flaws.  Lustrous  and  choice.  Reverse  is 

UNCIRCULATED.  NGC  AU-55 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 245553 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12026  20,000  Reis,  1726-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-33;  KM-117;  LDMB-250;  Gomes-105.03.  Sharply  Struck  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-63 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 426469 

The  Largest  19th  Century  Circulating  South  American  Gold  Coin 

12027  20,000  Reis,  1726-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-33;  KM-117; 
LDMB-250;  Gomes-10503.  Nicely  struck  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-62 $9000-$12,000 

PCGS  #426469 

12028  10,000  Reis,  1725-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-34;  KM-1; 
LDMB-245;  Gomes- 104.02.  Sharply  struck  with  attractive 
luster.  NGC  MS-62 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 180778 

12029  1,000  Reis,  1727-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-37;  KM-1 13; 
LDMB-235;  Gomes-92.04.  VERY  RARE  type. 

NGC  AU  Details — Removed  From  Jewelry. 


12030  12,800  Reis,  1730-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-40;  KM-139; 
LDMB-286;  Gomes-139.05.  NGC  MS-61.  ...$7000- $10,000 

PCGS  #426448 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

Page  65 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


12031  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1747-R.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-46;  KM- 
149;  LDMB-222;  Gomes-131.34. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 766992 

12032  12,800  Reis,  1732-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-55;  KM-139; 
LDMB-288;  Gomes- 139.08.  NGC  AU-58 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  #426451 

Gem  Minas  Mint  Dobra 

12033  12,800  Reis,  1733-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-55;  KM-139;  LDMB-289;  Gomes-139.09.  Exceptionally  choice  and  VERY 
RARE  in  this  high  grade.  A similar  example  also  graded  NGC  MS-65  realized  $41,250  in  our  January,  2012  NYINC  auction. 
NGC  MS-65 $25,000-$35,000 

PCGS  # 426452 

12034  800  Reis,  1734/2-M.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-59;  KM-120; 
LDMB-263;  Gomes- 114. 10.  Very  scarce  type. 

NGC  AU-58 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #263164 

12035  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1754-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-422;  Gomes-55.06. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 767064 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12036  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1757-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 

KM- 172.2;  LDMB-425;  Gomes-55.09. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 778003 

12037  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1757-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 

KM- 172.2;  LDMB-425;  Gomes-55.09. 

NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 778003 

12038  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1758-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-426;  Gomes-55.10. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 778004 

12039  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1758-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-426;  Gomes-55.10. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  #778004 

12040  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1759-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-427;  Gomes-55.11. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-82500 

PCGS  #778005 

12041  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1770-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-438;  Gomes-55.23.  Tiny  lamination  just 
in  front  of  mouth.  NGC  AU-58 $1000-$1200 

PCGS  #393878 

12042  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1777-R.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-65; 
KM-172.2;  LDMB-445;  Gomes-55.31. 

NGC  AU-58 $900-81200 

PCGS  # 722839 

12043  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1756-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-386;  Gomes-54.07. 

NGC  MS-65 $3000-84000 

PCGS  #767026 

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12044  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1756-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-386;  Gomes-54.07. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 





PCGS  # 767026 

12045  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1756-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-386;  Gomes-54.07. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 767026 

12046  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1756-B.  Fr-69;  KM-172.1;  LDMB-386; 
Gomes-54.07.  NGC  AU-55 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 767026 

12047  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1757-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-387;  Gomes-54.08. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 767027 

PCGS  # 269172 

6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1758-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-388;  Gomes-54.09.  Sharply  struck  with 
superb  luster.  NGC  MS-65 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 767028 

6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1758-B.  Jose  I (1750-77).  Fr-69; 
KM-172.1;  LDMB-388;  Gomes-54.09. 

NGC  MS-64 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 767028 

4,000  Reis,  1775-(L).  Lisbon  Mint.  Jose  1 (1750-77). 

Fr-73;  KM- 171.1;  LDMB-335;  Gomes-335.  Third  type  with 
inverted  reverse.  Large  crown.  “lOSEPHUS”. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1400 

4,000  Reis,  1774-(L).  Jose  1 (1750-77).  Fr-73;  KM-171.1; 
LDMB-297;  Gomes-63.06.  First  type  with  inverted  reverse. 
Large  crown  “lOSEPHUS”.  NGC  MS-62 $900-$1200 

PCGS  #269171 

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12052  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1789-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 

KM-226.1;  LDMB-527;  Gomes-33.01.  Bejeweled  headdress. 

NGC  MS-63 $1200-$1600 

PCGS#  192938 

PCGS#  192936 

12053  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1790-R.  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-528;  Gomes-33.02. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 192937 

12054  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1791-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-529;  Gomes-33.04. 

PCGS  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS#  192938 

12055  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1791-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-529;  Gomes-33.04. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12056  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1793-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-531;  Gomes-33.09. 

NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS#  188373 

12057  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1795-R.  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-533;  Gomes-33.11. 

NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 188375 

12058  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1796-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-534;  Gomes-33.13. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  188376 

12059  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1796-R.  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-534;  Gomes-33.12. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS#  188376 

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12060  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1797-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-534;  Gomes-33.15. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 188377 

12061  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1799-R.  Maria  1 (1786-99).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-537;  Gomes-33.18. 

NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 188379 

12062  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1801-R.  Fr-87;  KM-226.1;  LDMB-539; 
Gomes-33.22.  NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 188381 

12063  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1802-R.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-87; 
KM-226.1;  LDMB-540;  Gomes-33.23. 

NGC  MS-63 $1500-12000 

PCGS  1 188382 

12064  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1801-B.  Maria  I (1786-1805).  Fr-88; 
KM-226.2;  LDMB-519;  Gomes-32.09.  Mintage  of  only 
12,037  pieces.  NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  t 267424 

12065  1,000  Reis,  1787-(L).  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-91;  KM-223; 
LDMB-492;  Gomes-24.01.  NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 263275 

12066  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1806-R.  Joao  Prince  Regent  (1805- 
18).  Fr-93;  KM-236.1;  LDMB-556;  Gomes-33.03. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 277258 

12067  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1809-R.  Joao  Prince  Regent  (1805- 
18).  Fr-93;  KM-236.1;  LDMB-559;  Gomes-33.09. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  #398581 

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12068  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1810-R.  Joao  Prince  Regent  (1799- 
1818).  Fr-93;  KM-236.1;  LDMB-560;  Gomes-33.12. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$2500 

PCGS#  277265 

12069  4,000  Reis,  1812.  Rio  De  Janeiro  Mint.  Fr-95;  KM-235.2; 
LDMB-572;  Gomes-34.18.  NGC  MS-64 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #729266 

12070  4,000  Reis,  1810-(R).  Fr-97;  KM-235.2;  LDMB-549; 

Gomes-33.1 1.  NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 729263 


12071  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1824-R.  Pedro  I (1822-31).  Fr-109;  KM-370.1;  LDMB-599.  EXTREMELY  RARE.  Crosses  in  legend.  Sharply 
struck.  NGC  MS-61 $34,000-$42,000 

PCGS  # 759627 

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12072  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1832-R.  Fr-115;  KM-387.1;  LDMB-613. 
Mintage  of  only  29,712  pieces.  NGC  MS-62. ..  $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 28016 

12073  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1832-R.  Fr-115;  KM-387.1;  LDMB-613. 
NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $1000-$  1500 

PCGS  # 28016 

12074  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1833-R.  Fr-115;  KM-387.1;  LDMB-614. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Excessive  Surface  Hairlines 


12075  10,000  Reis,  1835.  Fr-117;  KM-451;  LDMB-617.  Mintage  of 
only  13,294  pieces.  NGC  AU-58 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 226780 

12077  10,000  Reis,  1883.  Fr-122;  KM-467;  LDMB-666. 

Mintage  of  only  10,024  pieces.  Sharply  struck  and  frosty. 

NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 229328 


12078  10  Dollars,  1912.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 32681 

12079  10  Dollars,  1912.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32681 

12080  10  Dollars,  1912.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32681 

12081  10  Dollars,  1913.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-64 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 32682 

12076  20,000  Reis,  1856.  Fr-121a;  KM-468;  LDMB-676. 

NGC  MS-61 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 229343 

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12082  10  Dollars,  1913.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32682 

Ex:  Bank  of  Canada  Hoard. 

12083  10  Dollars,  1913.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32682 

Ex:  Bank  of  Canada  Hoard. 

12084  10  Dollars,  1913.  Fr-3;  KM-27. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32682 

Ex:  Bank  of  Canada  Hoard. 

12085  5 Dollars,  1914.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  Scarce  year. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32670 

12086  Newfoundland.  2 Dollars,  1881.  Fr-1;  KM-5. 

NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #31712 


12087  8 Escudos,  1751-J.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-5;  KM- 
3.  Small  area  of  saltwater  encrustation.  Fully  lustrous. 

PCGS  MS-63 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 730237 

12088  8 Escudos,  1751-J.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-5;  KM-3. 
From  the  Wreck  of  the  “Luz”. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Surface  Hairlines $2500-$3200 

PCGS  # 730237 

Erom  the  Wreck  of  the  “Luz”. 

12089  8 Escudos,  1762-J.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-9;  KM-20. 
Attractively  toned.  NGC  AU-55 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 730254 

12090  8 Escudos,  1763-J.  Charles  III  (1760-88).  Fr-9;  KM-20. 

NGC  AU  Details— Excessive  Surface  Hairlines 


PCGS  # 730255 

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12091  8 Escudos,  1766-J.  Charles  III  (1760-88).  Fr-11;  KM-25. 
Rat  nose.  NGC  VF-20 $2200-$2700 

PCGS  t 720449 

12095  8 Escudos,  1789-DA.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-19; 
KM-42.  “CAROL.IV”  with  portrait  of  Charles  III. 
NGC  EF  Details — Surface  Hairlines $1200-$1500 

PCGS  t 720487 

12092  8 Escudos,  1776-DA.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-15;  KM-27. 
NGC  AU-53 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 720467 

12093  8 Escudos,  1786-DA.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-15;  KM-27. 
NGC  AU-55 $1700-$2200 

PCGS  1 720483 

12094  8 Escudos,  1787-SO  DA.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-15; 
KM-27;  Cal-247.  NGC  AU-55 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 720484 

12096  8 Escudos,  1791-DA.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-23; 
KM-54.  “CAROL  III”  with  portrait  of  Charles  III. 
NGC  AU-53 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #720491 

12097  8 Escudos,  1798-DA.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-23; 

KM-54.  NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 720499 

12098  8 Escudos,  1800-AJ.  Fr-23;  KM-54. 

NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 720503 

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12099  8 Escudos,  1801-AJ.  Fr-23;  KM-54. 

NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 720504 

12100  8 Escudos,  1802-JJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-23;  KM-54. 
Old  bust  of  Charles  III.  NGC  MS-62 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 720505 

12101  8 Escudos,  1804-FJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-23;  KM-54. 
Bust  of  Charles  III  with  title  of  Charles  IV.  Well  struck  and 
lustrous.  NGC  MS-61 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 720508 

12102  8 Escudos,  1804-FJ.  Fr-23;  KM-54.  NGC  AU  Details— 
Excessive  Surface  Hairlines $1300-$  1600 

PCGS  # 720508 

12103  8 Escudos,  1806-JF.  Fr-23;  KM-54.  Very  scarce. 

NGC  AU-58 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 720512 

12104  8 Escudos,  1809-FJ.  Ferdinand  VII  (1808-21).  Fr-28; 
KM-72.  Bust  of  Ferdinand  VII.  Lustrous  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-62 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 720518 

12105  8 Escudos,  1811-FJ.  Ferdinand  VII  (1808-21).  Fr-28; 
KM-72.  Bust  of  Ferdinand  VII.  Sharply  struck  and  lustrous. 

NGC  MS-62 $3000-$4000 

PCGS#  110473 

12106  8 Escudos,  1813/2-FJ.  Fr-29;  KM-78. 

NGC  AU-53 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 720525 

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12107  8 Escudos,  1816-FJ.  Fr-29;  KM-78. 

NGC  AU-58 $1700-$2200 

PCGS  # 720529 

12108  8 Escudos,  1836-lJ.  Fr-37;  KM-93.  Well  struck. 

NGC  MS-62 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 726983 

12109  100  Pesos,  1976.  Fr-62;  KM-213.  Mintage  of  only  2900 
pieces.  NGC  MS-64 $900-$!  100 

PCGS  # 756569 


12110  Fantasy  Dollar,  ND.  Fr-unlisted;  K-B92;  Bruce-M155. 
Struck  in  gold.  Emperor  Kuang  Hsu  issue. 

NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

Ex:  Italia  Collection. 

12111  Taiwan.  1,000  Yuan,  Year  54  (1965).  Fr-16;  L&M-1041; 
Y-541;  Hsu-42.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  centennial  of 
Sun  Yat-sehs  birth.  NGC  MS-63 $750-$1000 

PCGS  # 393598 

12112  Taiwan.  2,000  Yuan,  Year  55  (1966).  Fr-17;  L&M-1042; 
Y-544.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  80th  birthday  of  Chiang 
Kai-Shek.  NGC  MS-64 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 163996 

12113  Taiwan.  2,000  Yuan  Medal,  ND  (1971).  L&M-1128; 
Bruce-M616.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  60th  anniversary 
of  the  Republic.  NGC  MS-63 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 797870 

12114  Taiwan.  1,000  Yuan,  Year  65  (1976).  Fr-unlisted; 

L8cM-1134;  Bruce-M630.  NGC  MS-64 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 797865 

12115  Taiwan.  2,000  Yuan,  Year  65  (1976).  Fr-unlisted; 
L&M-1133;  Bruce-M635.  NGC  MS-63 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 797872 

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12116  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1979.  Fr-1/4;  KM-Psl.  4 pieces  in 

set.  30th  Anniversary  of  the  Peoples  Republic  of  China  Set. 

12117  300  Yuan,  1980.  Olympic  Series,  Archers.  Fr-6;  KM-37.  NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $1500-$2000 

PCGS#  143155 

12118  Six  Piece  Proof  Set,  2008.  Olympic  Series,  Set  1 Children’s  Games.  Fr-279(2);  KM-1700/05.  Includes  (2)  150  Yuan  in  gold  and 
(4)  10  Yuan  in  silver.  In  case  and  wooden  box  of  issue,  but  missing  one  of  the  six  certificates  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $700-$1000 

12119  Two  Piece  Proof  Set  & Brass  Medal,  1981.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Cock.  Fr-B60;  KM-40  & 41.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Includes: 
30  & 250  Yuan,  and  a 33  mm  brass  medal  which  features  the  same  obverse  design  of  a standing  cock  as  the  regular  issue  coins.  The  medal 
is  NGC  MS-69,  the  other  (2)  are  NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $3000-$4000 

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10  & 150  Yuan,  1989.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 
Fr-B66;  KM-231  & 235.  2 pieces  in  lot,  both 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $900-$1200 

100  Yuan,  1996.  Unicorn  Series.  Fr-B102;  KM-947. 
NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $4500-$6000 

PCGS  # 399585 

12126  50  Yuan,  1984.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM-90. 

NGC  MS-69 $900-$1200 

PCGS#  171372 

12127  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1983,  84  & 85.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B7; 

KM-69,  88  & 115.  3 pieces  in  lot.  A matched  trio  of  early  10 
Yuan  gold  pandas.  NGC  MS-69 $700-$  1000 

12128  1 Ounce  Gold  Medal,  1987.  Panda  Series.  cf.Fr-B4; 

Bruce-MB14.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  ANA  convention 
in  New  Orleans. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $3000-$4000 

12129  1 Ounce  Gold  Medal,  1987.  Panda  Series.  Fr- unlisted; 
Bruce-MB7.  Struck  for  the  San  Francisco  International 
Coin  Exposition. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1700-$2100 

12130  50  Yuan,  1988.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM-186. 

NGC  MS-69 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 163927,  786218 

1 Ounce  Gold  Panda,  1982.  Panda  Series.  cfFr-B4; 
Bruce-MBl  1.  PCGS  MS-68 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 130994 

5 Yuan,  1983.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B8;  KM-68.  One  of 
only  (5)  pieces  in  this  grade  by  either  NGC  or  PCGS. 
NGC  MS-70 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 768686 

50  Yuan,  1984.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM-90. 

NGC  MS-69 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 171372 

50  Yuan,  1983.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM-71. 

NGC  MS-69 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 171372 

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12131  100  Yuan,  1989.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B30;  KM-230.  Struck  in  platinum.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 389219 

12132  100  Yuan,  1989.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-229.  Large  date.  NGC  MS-68. 

PCGS  # 508838 


12133  Lot  of  (2)  100  Yuan,  1989.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-229.  2 pieces  in  lot.  (1)  small  date  variety  and  (1)  large  date  variety.  Both  pieces 

PCGS  MS-69 $3000-$3500 

PCGS  # 413309 

12134  1 & 1/4  Ounce  Medals,  1989.  Panda  Series.  Fr-unlisted;  Bruce-MB53/4.  2 pieces  in  lot.  18th  New  York  International  Numismatic 
Convention  commemoratives.  The  smaller  medal  is  with  its  case  of  issue  and  certificate  of  authenticity.  Both  pieces 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $700-$1000 

12135  Three  Piece  Proof  Set,  1990.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B31/3;  KM-Ps30.  3 pieces  in  set.  Struck  in  platinum. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $2000-$2500 

12136  100  Yuan,  1992.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-395.  Large  date  variety.  NGC  MS-69 $1700-$2100 

PCGS  # 404339 

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12137  Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  1992-P.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4/8;  KM-391/5.  Large  date.  In  original  case  of  issue  and  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $9000-$12,000 

12138  10  Yuan,  1993.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B33;  KM-486.  Struck  in 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $900-$1200 

PCGS#  131283 

12142  25  Yuan,  1999.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B6;  KM- 1219.  Large  date 
with  serif  on  “1”.  NGC  MS-70 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 395746 

12139  25  Yuan,  1994.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B6;  KM-613.  Small  date 
variety.  NGC  MS-69 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 508109 

12140  50  Yuan,  1996.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM-886.  Large  date 
variety.  NGC  MS-69 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 508722 

12143  25  Yuan,  1999.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B6;  KM-1219.  Large  date, 
plain  T”  variety.  PCGS  MS-69 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 395746 

12144  100  Yuan,  1999.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-1221.  Large  date, 
plain  “1”  variety.  PCGS  MS-69 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 393201 

12141  10  Yuan,  1998.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B7;  KM- 1127.  Large  date. 
NGC  MS-69 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 506839 

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12145  50  Yuan,  2000.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B5;  KM- 1306.  Frosted  ring. 
PCGS  MS-68 $2000-$2500 

PCGS#  411294 

12146  100  Yuan,  2000.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-1307.  Frosted 
ring.  PCGS  MS-69 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  #393203 

12147  100  Yuan,  2000.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B4;  KM-1307.  Mirrored 

ring.  PCGS  MS-68 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #393204 

12148  20,  50  & 100  Yuan,  2001.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B16-B18; 
KM-1366-1368.  3 pieces  in  lot.  NGC  MS-69. ...  $700-$1000 

12149  500  Yuan,  2002.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B14;  KM- 1460. 

NGC  MS-69 $1800-$2200 

PCGS#  172739 

12150  10  &20  Yuan,  2003.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B18;  KM-1466  & 1467. 

2 pieces  in  lot,  both  frosted  variety.  A perfectly  matched  pair. 
(1)  piece  is  certified  by  NGC,  the  other  PCGS.  Both  graded 
MS-70 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  146281 

12151  200  Yuan,  2003.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B15;  KM- 1472. 
NGC  MS-69 $1400-$1800 

PCGS#  146278 

12152  500  Yuan,  2003.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B14;  KM-1474. 
NGC  MS-69 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  #166102 

12153  500  Yuan,  2003.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B14;  KM-1474. 

Small  sculf  in  left  field. 


PCGS#  166102 

12154  100  Yuan,  2004.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B41;  KM-A1531. 
Struck  in  palladium.  With  certificate  of  authenticity. 
PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO $700-$1000 

PCGS  #396552 

12155  200  Yuan,  2004.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B15;  KM-1535. 

NGC  MS-69 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 146279 

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12156  200  Yuan,  2005.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B15;  KM-1583. 
NGC  MS-69 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  159278 

12157  200  Yuan,  2006.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B15;  KM-1658. 
NGC  MS-69 $1000-$1300 

PCGS  # 144655 

12158  Twenty-Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  2007.  Panda  Series.  KM- 

1740-88.  26  pieces  in  lot.  25th  anniversary  of  Panda 
coinage  set  of  silver  3 Yuan  coins.  Each  with  a different 
obverse  design  from  the  preceding  years  and  a common 
2007  commemorative  reverse.  Also  included  is  a perfect 
PRO  OF- 70  gold  15  Yuan  (KM- 1759)  from  the  gold  version 
of  this  set.  The  set  is  accompanied  by  its  original  display  case 
of  issue  and  certificate  of  authenticity.  All  pieces  are  NGC 
certified  and  graded.  PROOF-68  (1),  PROOF-69  (21)  & 
PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO  (3) $1000-$1500 

12159  500  Yuan,  2011.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B14;  KM-1975. 
PCGS  MS-70  First  Strike $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 505040 


12161  2 Escudos,  ND  (1633-41)-NRA.  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota 
Mint.  Philip  IV  (1621-65).  Fr-2;  KM-4.1;Cal-Type-36  #150. 
Well-centered,  nice  cross.  NGC  AU-53 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 727243 

12162  2 Escudos,  ND  (1667-93).  Bogota  Mint.  Charles  11 
(1665-1700).  Fr-3;  KM-14.1;  RL-M66. 

NGC  MS-62 $1600-$2000 

PCGS  # 738861 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Feet 

12163  8 Escudos,  1760-PNJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-24; 
KM-38.2.  Bust  of  Ferdinand  VI,  “CAROLS  III”. 

NGC  EF  Details — Excessive  Surface  Hairlines 


PCGS  #230180 

12164  8 Escudos,  1762-PNJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-24; 
KM-38.2.  Bust  of  Ferdinand  VI,  “CAROLS  III”. 

NGC  EF  Details — Excessive  Surface  Hairlines 


PCGS  #230183 


12160  500  Yuan,  2011.  Panda  Series.  Fr-B14;  KM-1975. 
PCGS  MS-70  First  Strike $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 505040 

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12165  4 Escudo,  1761-PNJ.  Popayan  Mint.  Charles  III  (1759-88). 
Fr-26;  KM-37;  Restrepo-64.4. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2000 

12166  2 Escudos,  1768-PNJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-28; 
KM-36.2.  RARE  in  this  high  grade.  Sharply  struck. 
NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #234298 

12167  8 Escudos,  1786-NRJJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-35; 
KM-50.1a.  NGC  AU-55 $1700-$2200 

PCGS  #230233 

12168  8 Escudos,  1779-PSF.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-36; 

KM-50.2.  NGC  AU  Details — Bent,  Scratched 


PCGS  #230250 

12169  8 Escudos,  1783-PSF.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-36; 

KM-50.2.  NGC  AU-58 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #230254 

12170  8 Escudos,  1784-PSF.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-36; 
KM-50.2.  NGC  AU-58 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 230255 

12171  8 Escudos,  1789-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-43; 
KM-50.1a.  Bust  of  Charles  III. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 134814 

12172  Escudo,  1772-PJS.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-42;  KM-48.2. 
Sharply  struck  and  lustrous.  PCGS  MS-64 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 759818 

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12173  8 Escudos,  1791-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808). 
Fr-43;  KM-53.1.  “CAROL  IV”  with  bust  of  Charles  III. 
NGC  VF-35 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 230274 

PCGS  # 230264 

12174  8 Escudos,  1794-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-51; 
KM-62.1.  NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  1 230271 

12175  8 Escudos,  1796-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-51; 
KM-62.1.  NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 230273 

12176  8 Escudos,  1797-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-51; 
KM-62.1.  NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 





8 Escudos,  1800/799-NRJJ.  Fr-51;  KM-62.1. 

NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 230277 

8 Escudos,  1801-NRJJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-51; 
KM-62.1.  Well  struck.  NGC  MS-63 $2500-$3500 

PCGS#  132241 

8 Escudos,  1801-NRJJ.  Fr-51;  KM-62.1. 

NGC  MS-62 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 230280 

8 Escudos,  1803-NRJJ.  Fr-51;  KM-62.1. 

NGC  AU-58 $1600-12000 

PCGS  # 230284 

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12181  8 Escudos,  1804-NRJJ.  Fr-51;  KM-62.1. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 230286 

12185  8 Escudos,  1799-PJF.  Popayan  Mint.  Charles  IV  (1788- 
1808).  Fr-52;  KM-62.2;  Restrepo-98.18. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12182  8 Escudos,  1805-NRJJ.  Fr-51;  KM-62.1.  Frosty  mint  luster. 
NGC  MS-63 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 230287 

12183  8 Escudos,  1794-PJF.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-52; 
KM-62.2.  NGC  EF-45 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 761002 

12184  8 Escudos,  1797-PJF.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-52; 
KM-62.2.  NGC  AU-50 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 761005 

12186  8 Escudos,  1800-PJF.  Popayan  Mint.  Fr-52;  KM-62.2; 
Restrepo-98.20.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $1200-$  1500 

12187  8 Escudos,  1802-PJF.  Fr-52;  KM-62.2. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 752612 

12188  8 Escudos,  1805-PJF.  Fr-52;  KM-62.2. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 725616 

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12189  8 Escudos,  1806-PJF.  Popayan  Mint.  Fr-52;  KM-62.2; 

Restrepo-98.34.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $1200-$1500 

12190  8 Escudos,  1813-NRJF.  Fr-60;  KM-66.1. 

NGC  AU-53 $1400-$  1700 

PCGS  # 752640 

12192  8 Escudos,  1818-NRJF.  Fr-60;  KM-66.1. 

NGC  AU-53 $1400-$  1700 

PCGS  # 752647 

12193  8 Escudos,  1819-NRJF.  Fr-60;  KM-66.1. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 752648 

12194  8 Escudos,  1809-PJF.  Ferdinand  VII  (1808-24).  Fr-61; 
KM-66.2.  Lustrous.  Nice  strike. 

NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 752665 

12195  8 Escudos,  1810-PJF.  Fr-61;  KM-66.2. 

NGC  AU-53 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 747957 


12196  8 Escudos,  1818-PFM.  Fr-61;  KM-66.2. 

NGC  EF-45 $1400-$1800 

PCGS#  132305 

12191  8 Escudos,  1815/4-NRJF.  Fr-60;  KM-66.1. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 752643 

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12197  8 Escudos,  1834- RS.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-67;  KM-82.1: 
Restrepo-165.  NGC  AU-50 $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 737713 

12198  2 Escudo,  1836-RS.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-70;  KM-83. 
Very  scarce  type  and  RARE  in  this  high  grade. 
NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #225331 

12199  16  Pesos,  1840-RS.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-74;  KM-94.1. 

Well  struck  with  frosty  mint  luster.  NGC  MS-63 


PCGS#  186127 

Ex:  Millennia  Collection. 

12200  8 Escudos,  1843-UM.  Popayan  Mint.  Fr-75;  KM-94.2. 

NGC  MS-60 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 186164 

Ex:  Dr.  Erank  Sedwick  Collection. 

12201  10  Pesos,  1857.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-85;  KM-122.1. 
Exceptionally  attractive  with  nice  luster. 

NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 746582 

Ex:  Dr.  Erank  Sedwick  Collection. 

12202  20  Pesos,  1868.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-99;  KM-142.1.VERY 
RARE  in  this  high  grade.  Nice  strike  and  very  attractive. 
NGC  MS-62 $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 272594 

Ex:  Dr.  Erank  Sedwick  Collection. 

12203  10  Pesos,  1876/5.  Medellin  Mint.  Fr-104;  KM-141.4.  RARE 
in  mint  state.  NGC  MS-61 $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 272581 

12204  10  Pesos,  1857.  Popayan  Mint.  Fr- 122.2;  KM-86.  A superb 
example  of  this  type.  Nicely  struck  and  dripping  with  mint 
luster.  NGC  MS-65 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 746587 

Ex:  Dr.  Erank  Sedwick  Collection. 

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12205  Peso,  1916.  Fr-7;  KM- 16.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  100 
pieces.  Exceptional  quality. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $9000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 274508 

PCGS#  741814 


12206  2 Dukaty,  1936.  Er-1;  KM-9.  RARE  date.  Erom  a lower 
mintage  year  of  only  819  pieces. 

NGC  MS-64 $6000-$8000 

12207  5 Dukatu,  1932.  Er-5;  KM-13.  Mintage  of  only  1,827  pieces. 

PCGS  Genuine— Filed  Rims,  Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12208  4 Daler,  1904.  Fr-2;  KM-72.  NGC  MS-63 $1100-$1300 

PCGS  # 769851 


12209  Frederick  d’or,  1828-IC//FF.  Fr-287;  KM-699. 

PCGS  MS-61 $3800-$4700 

PCGS  # 185727 

12210  20  Kroner,  1909- VBP.  Fr-297;  KM-810;  Sieg-2;  H-1. 
EXTREMELY  RARE  as  specimen.  Beautiful  reflective 
surfaces  with  lightly  cameo ed  devices. 

NGC  SP-65 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 214936 


12211  4 Escudos,  1837-FP  A.  Er-4;  KM-19;  Letort-73;  Seppa-81. 
NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #764316 


12212  500  Piastres,  AH  1340  (1922).  Er-26;  KM-342.  Yellow  gold. 
PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $1900-$2200 

PCGS  #948831 


12213  Talari  Coronation  Gold  Medal,  EE  1923  (1930). 

Gill-ph.  149-58;  Bruce-9.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
Coronation  of  Haile  Selassie  1.  Designed  at  the  Vienna  Mint 
and  struck  at  Addis  Ababa.  Dig  and  edge  nick  on  the  reverse. 

PCGS  Genuine — Damage,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 486898 

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High  Grade  Gold  Angel  D’or 
of  Philippe  V 


12214  Angel  D’or,  ND  (1316).  Philip  V (1316-22).  FR-260; 
Duplessy-237;  C-243;  L-241.  WeU  struck  with  good  details 
and  mint  luster  remaining.  NGC  AU-58 $7000-$9000 

12215  Ecu  d’or,  ND  (1380-1422).  Charles  VI  (1380-1422).  Fr-291; 
Dup-369;  Ciani-484.  NGC  MS-61 $900-$1100 

PCGS#  168980 

12216  Salut  d’or,  ND  (ca.  1422-53).  Henry  VI  (1422-53).  Fr-301; 
Dup-443A.  NGC  MS-62 $2400-$3000 

PCGS#  160153 

12217  40  Franc,  1806-A.  Fr-481;  KM-675.1;  Gad-1082. 

NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157911 

12219  40  Franc,  1812-A.  Fr-505;  KM-696.1;  Gad-1084. 

NGC  AU-50 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157948 

12220  40  Franc,  1813-A.  Fr-505;  KM-696.1. 

NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157950 

12221  40  Franc,  1810-W.  Lille  Mint.  Fr-506;  KM-696.6. 
NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157958 

12222  40  Franc,  1824-A.  Louis  XVIII.  Fr-532;  KM-713.1. 
NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157999 

12223  40  Franc,  1818-W.  Lille  Mint.  Fr-536;  KM-713.6. 
PCGS  MS-62 $1000-$1300 

PCGS#  157994 

12218  40  Franc,  1808-H.  La  Rochelle  Mint.  Fr  495;  KM  688.2. 
Mintage  of  only  1 1,577  pieces.  NGC  EF-45 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  157930 

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12224  40  Franc,  1830-A.  Fr-547;  KM-721.1.  Incuse  letters. 
NGC  AU-53 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  158004 

12225  40  Franc,  1834-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1. 

NGC  AU-50 $700-$1000 

PCGS#  158015 

12226  100  Franc,  1857-A.  Fr-569;  KM-786.1.  Sharply  struck  and 
very  attractive.  NGC  MS-63 $1400-$  1800 

PCGS#  158133 

12227  100  Franc,  1900-A.  Fr-590;  KM-832;  Gad-1137. 

NGC  AU-58 $1500-$1700 

PCGS#  158194 

12228  100  Franc,  1936.  Fr-598;  KM-880;  Gad-1148. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  158246 

12229  500  Franc,  1993.  Fr-639;  KM-1183.  Louvre  Bicentennial, 
Nike  (Victory)  of  Samothrace.  From  a mintage  of  only  99 
pieces.  In  original  plush  case  of  issue  with  certificate  of 
authenticity.  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $7000-$8000 

PCGS  # 249083 

12230  100  Franc  Essai,  1807.  Maz-601b.  Struck  in  bronze. 
Highest  graded  by  PCGS. 

PCGS  SP-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 502934 

12231  100  Franc  Essai,  1929.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-E54;  cf  Maz-2558. 
Struck  in  gilt  copper.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  15  pieces. 
Highest  graded  by  PCGS. 

PCGS  SP-65  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 651626 

12232  100  Franc/5  Franc  Essai,  1929/1933.  cf  KM-Obv.  E54;  Rev. 
E66;  cf.Maz-Obv.  2558,  Rev.  2568.  Struck  in  gilt  bronze. 
Possibly  unique  mule  essai. 

PCGS  SP-65  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 429176 

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12233  Gold  Pieforts,  1974.  KM-P487,  P490,  P493,  P496,  P499,  P502,  P505,  P508,  P510.  9 pieces  in  set.  All  gold  piefort  pieces  from  1974. 
Denominations  include:  Centime  to  50  Franc.  All  are  PCGS  certified  and  in  secure  holders.  Grades  range 

PCGS  SP-65  to  SP-68  Secure  Holders $12,000-$15,000 

PCGS#  112442 

12234  Gold  Pieforts,  1976.  KM-P541,  P544,  P547,  P550,  P553,  P556,  P559,  P562,  P564.  9 pieces  in  set.  All  (9)  gold  piefort  pieces 
from  1976.  Denominations  include:  Centime  to  50  Franc.  All  are  PCGS  certified  and  in  secure  holders.  Grades  range 

SP-65  to  SP-69 $12,000-$15,000 

PCGS#  112476 

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12235  Gold  Pieforts,  1979.  KM-P624,  P627,  P630,  P633,  P636,  P639,  P642,  P646,  P649,  P651.  10  pieces  in  set.  All  gold  piefort 
pieces  from  1979.  Denominations  include:  Centime  to  50  Franc.  All  are  PCGS  certified  and  in  secure  holders.  Grades  range 

PCGS  SP-64  to  SP-69  Secure  Holders $13,500-$16,000 

PCGS#  112521,  112524,  112527,  112530,416013,  112534,  112536,  112539,  112541,415914 

12236  Libertas  Americana  Gold  Medal,  1783  (2000).  45.86  mm; 
64  gms.  By  Augustin  Dupre.  Official  Paris  Mint  restrike  in 
2000  with  a mintage  of  only  500.  This  piece  is  #55  of  500. 
Commemorates  the  American  Revolution  and  French  aid 
against  the  British.  Flowing  hair  head  left  with  liberty  cap 
on  pole;  Reverse:  Infant  Hercules  (America)  is  strangling 
serpents  while  protected  by  Minerva  (France)  against  the 
cowardly  British  lion.  The  Latin  inscription  states,  “The  infant 
is  not  bold  without  divine  aid.”  The  medal  is  encapsulated 
in  mint  issue  plastic  and  is  contained  in  the  original  mint 
issue  plush  velvet  display  case.  Also  included  is  the  certificate 
of  authenticity,  numbered  55  of  500  and  signed  by  the  Paris 
Mint  director  Francoise  Saliou.  The  display  case  is  housed 
within  a small  white  box  which  contains  an  informative 
pamphlet.  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $2900-$3500 

PCGS  # 509469 


12237  Anhalt-Dessau.  20  Mark,  I904-A.  Fr-3751;  KM-28. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 368489 

12238  Bavaria.  Ducat,  1835.  Fr-270b;  KM-737.2. 

NGC  AU-58 $I500-$2000 

PCGS  # 473643 

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12239  Mecklenburg-Schwerin.  20  Mark,  1872-A.  Fr-3800; 

KM-319.  PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 286734 

12240  Prussia.  20  Mark,  1888-A.  Fr-3816;  KM-505.  Wilhelm  1. 
Highest  graded  by  NGC. 

NGC  PROOF-65  ULTRA  CAMEO $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 458953 

12241  Prussia.  20  Mark,  1888-A.  Fr-3828;  KM-515.  Friedrich 
III.  Tied  for  highest  proof-cameo  graded  by  NGC. 
NGC  PROOF-64  CAMEO $2200-$2700 

PCGS  # 458955 

12242  Prussia.  20  Mark,  1905-A.  Fr-3831;  KM-521.  Highest 
graded  proof-cameo  by  NGC.  Only  287  proofs  struck. 
NGC  PROOF-64  CAMEO $2200-$2700 

PCGS  # 652626 

12243  Prussia.  20  Mark,  1909-J.  Fr-3832;  KM-521. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  DEEP  CAMEO $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #509231 

12244  Saxony.  Ducat,  1763-FWoF.  Friedrich  August  II  (1733-63). 
Fr-2847;  KM-887;  Kopicki-11520.  RARE,  especially  this 
nice.  NGC  AU-58 $4000-$6000 

PCGS#  194910 

12245  Westphalia.  20  Franken,  1808-J.  Fr-3517;  KM-102 

(prev.  C-33).  Horse  head  mint  masters  mark.  Restrike. 
NGC  MS-65 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 250572 

12246  Westphalia.  20  Franken,  1809-C.  Fr-3517;  KM-103.  Eagle’s 
head  mint  mark.  NGC  AU-58 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 250575 

12247  Westphalia.  40  Franken,  1813-C.  Fr-3516;  KM-129  (prev. 
C-34A).  1867  restrike.  NGC  MS-65 $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 250580 


12248  England.  Noble,  ND  (1356-61).  Edward  III  (1327-77). 
Er-89;  S-1490;  North- 11 80.  Eourth  coinage,  pre-treaty 
period.  PCGS  AU-58 $2800-$3500 

PCGS  #610158 

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12249  England.  Angel,  ND  (1505-09).  Henry  VII  (1485-1509). 
Fr-I5I;  S-2I87;  North-1698;  Woodhead-544.  Downward 
pheon  mint  marks.  New  type,  angel  has  both  feet  on  dragon. 
NGC  EF-45 $2200-$2700 

PCGS#  151883 

12250  Noble,  ND  (1377-1399).  Richard  II  (1377-1399).  Fr-IOO; 
S-I653;  North-1300;  CF.  Woodhead-I2I.  Fist  over  sail.  Very 
scarce  issue.  Nice  strike,  lightly  cleaned  at  one  time.  Very 
attractive.  MINT  STATE $8000-$10,000 

12251  Ryal  (Rose  Noble),  ND  (1464-70).  London  Mint.  Edward 
IV,  First  Reign  (1461-70).  Fr-I32;  S-I95I;  North-1549; 
Woodhead-367.  Light  coinage,  crown  mint  mark. 

NGC  VF-35 $1500-12000 

PCGS  # 170547 

12252  Unite,  ND  (1613-15).  James  I (1603-25).  Fr-234;  S-2619; 
KM-46;  North-2084.  Cinquefoil  mint  mark. 

PCGS  AU-50 $2700-$3200 

PCGS  # 412943 

12253  England.  Laurel,  ND  (1619-20).  James  I (1603-25).  Fr-242; 
S-2638C;  KM-75.  NGC  AU-53 $2800-$3300 

PCGS  #619079 

PCGS  #499276 

12254  England.  Laurel,  ND  (1623-24).  Fr-242;  S-2638B;  KM-75; 
North-21 14.  NGC  AU-50 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 168698 

12255  England.  Laurel,  ND  (ca.  1624).  James  I (1603-25).  Fr-242; 
S-2638B;  North-2114;  Woodhead-86. 

NGC  EF-40 $1800-$2200 

PCGS#  161212 

12256  England.  5 Guineas,  1679.  Charles  II  (1660-85).  Fr-281; 
S-3331;  KM-444.1.  NGC  VF-30 $4500-$6000 

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12257  5 Guineas,  1692.  William  and  Mary  (1688-94).  Fr- 
299;  S-3422;  KM-479.1.  Small  planchet  flaw  on 

obverse,  light  surface  marks.  Some  luster  remaining. 

NGC  EF-45 $8000-$10,000 

12258  England.  5 Guineas,  1693.  William  & Mary  (1689-94). 
Fr-300;  S-3423;  KM-479.2.  Elephant  and  castle.  A few  light 
surface  marks.  NGC  AU-53 $9000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 379860 

12259  1/2  Guinea,  1691.  William  and  Mary  (1688-94).  Fr- 
308;  S-3431;  KM-476.2.  Only  2 examples  certifled 
higher.  Elephant  and  castle  mint  mark  below  busts. 

PCGS  EF-40 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  #785314 

12260  2 Guinea,  1738.  George  II  (1727-60).  Fr-336b;  S-3667b; 

NGC  EE  Details — Removed  From  Jewelry. ....  $700-$1000 

12261  Guinea,  1776.  Fr-355;  S-3728;  KM-604. 

PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 610029 

12262  Guinea,  1794.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-356; 

S-3729;  KM-609.  Only  4 examples  certifled  higher. 

NGC  MS-63 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  #618050 

12263  Guinea,  1798.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-356;  S-3729; 
KM-609.  NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1300 

PCGS  #610030 

12264  Sovereign,  1820.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-371;  S-3785C; 
KM-674.  Short  date,  closed  “2”. 

PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 515280 

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12265  2 Sovereign,  1823.  Fr-375;  S-3798;  KM-690.  Sharply  struck 
with  reflective  surfaces.  NGC  MS-63 $4500-$5500 

PCGS  # 207267 

12266  2 Sovereign,  1823.  Fr-375;  S-3798;  KM-690. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $1200-$  1600 

PCGS  # 207267 

12267  Sovereign,  1821.  Fr-376;  S-3800;  KM-682.  Sharply  struck. 
NGC  MS-63 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 517593 

12268  Sovereign,  1838.  Fr-387;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  RARE  date 
and  exceptional  quality. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $5000-$6000 

PCGS  # 206947 

12269  Sovereign,  1843.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  Broad 
shield.  Tied  with  one  other  for  finest  certified. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $2300-$2700 

PCGS  # 206951 

12270  Sovereign,  1843.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  Broad 
shield.  Tied  with  two  others  for  second  finest  certified. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 206951 

12271  Sovereign,  1844.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  Small 
“44”.  Finest  certified. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $2300-$2700 

PCGS  # 517543 

12272  Sovereign,  1847.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  Tied  with 
one  other  for  second  finest  certified  with  only  one  finer. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 206957 

12273  Sovereign,  1847.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 206957 

12274  Sovereign,  1848.  Fr-387e;  S-3852;  KM-736.1.  First  head. 
Finest  certified 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 652580 

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12275  Sovereign,  1851.  Fr-387e;  S-3852c;  KM-736.1. 

Second  head.  Second  finest  certified  with  three  finer. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 206961 

12276  1/2  Sovereign,  1841.  Fr-389b;  S-3859;  KM- 

735.1.  Second  finest  certified  with  only  one  finer. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 206624 

12277  Sovereign,  1843.  Fr-387d;  S-3852b;  KM-736.1.  VERY 
RARE.  Narrow  shield  variety.  There  are  several  key  elements 
that  differentiate  this  from  the  earlier  1838  Narrow  shield. 
The  harp  has  7 strings  as  opposed  to  6.  The  emblems  below 
are  thicker  and  are  flanked  by  hyphens  instead  of  rosettes. 
NGC  VF-30 $4500-$6000 

PCGS  # 206951 

12280  Thames  Tunnel  Completion  Medal  in  Gold,  1842.  42 

mm;  35.5  gms.  BHM-2084;  Eimer-1372.  By-  W.J.  Taylor 
after  W.  Warrington.  Left  facing  head  of  Sir  Marc  Isambard 
Brunei;  Reverse:  View  of  the  twin  entrances  to  the  Thames 
tunnel  with  river  ship  traffic  above,  date  in  exergue. 
Originally  presented  “TO  THE  RT.  HONORABLE  EARL 
SPENCER”  as  the  now  obscured  edge  inscription  attests. 

NGC  Medal  PROOF-64  CAMEO $6000-$8000 

Ex:  Pittman  Collection. 


12281  100  Drachma!  Essai,  1968.  Fr-unlisted;  cfKM-101 
(for  type).  Private  restrike  in  gold,  reported  mintage  of  only 
20  pieces.  ANACS  MS-69 $3000-$4000 

12278  1/2  Sovereign,  1848.  Fr-389b;  S-3859;  KM-735.1.  Wide 
date.  Finest  certified. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 517598 

12279  1/2  Sovereign,  1937.  Fr-412;  S-4077;  KM-858. 

NGC  PROOF-66  ULTRA  CAMEO $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 388522 

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12282  8 Escudos,  1757/6-GJ.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-6;  KM-21;  Cal-Type-3#7;  Cayon-10901;  Sanchez-24;  La  Onza-553.  One  year 
type.  Previously  believed  to  have  a mintage  of  only  462  according  to  the  Eliasberg  and  Krause  catalogues,  recent  research  by 
Carlos  Jara  M.  places  the  figure  at  2,322.  However,  he  later  classifies  this  piece  as  “EXTREMELY  RARE”  stating  that  less  than  10 
specimens  are  known.  NGC  EF-40 $45,000-$55,000 

PCGS  # 736610 

Ex:  Louis  E.  Eliasberg,  Sr.  Collection  (ANR,  April  2005,  lot  3020),  Erom  the  John  EL.  Clapp  Collection;  Clapp  estate  to  Louis  E.  Eliasberg,  Sr.,  1942. 

The  Eliasberg  1757/6  Guatemala  8 Escudos 

12283  20  Quetzales,  1926.  Er-48;  KM-246. 

NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 733761 

12284  10  Quetzales,  1926.  Er-49;  KM-245. 

NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 733774 



5 Pesos,  1902.  Er-6;  KM-53. 

NGC  VF  Details— Mount  Removed $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 732973 


12286  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.99  gms.  Kanishka  I (ca.  127- 
152  A.D.).  Fr-14;  cf.Mitchiner-3061/3.  King  standing  left 
holding  scepter  in  left  hand,  right  hand  lowered  toward 
fire  altar;  Reverse:  Winged,  radiant  goddess  standing  left, 
tamgha  to  left.  Good  strike  and  centering  with  attractive 
luster.  MINT  STATE $4000-$5000 

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12287  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.96  gms.  Kanishka  I (ca. 
127-152  A.D.).  Fr-14;  Mitchiner-3062;  Sunrise-531.  King 
standing  left  holding  scepter  in  left  hand,  right  hand  lowered 
toward  fire  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Nanaia  nimbate  standing 
right,  tamgha  to  right,  deity  name  to  left.  Well  struck  with 
nice  luster.  MINT  STATE $4000-$5000 

12288  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.98  gms.  Kanishka  I (ca.  127- 
152  A.D.).  Fr-14;  cf.Mitchiner-3062;  cf.Sunrise-531.  King 
standing  left  holding  scepter  in  left  hand  and  lowering 
right  towards  fire  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Nanaia  nimbate 
standing  right,  tamgha  to  right,  abbreviated  deity  name  to 
left.  Nicely  struck  and  with  luster  around  devices.  With  only 
faint  rub.  NEARLY  MINT  STATE $4000-$5000 

12289  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.98  gms.  Kanishka  I (ca. 
127-152  A.D.).  Fr-14;  Mitchiner-3063.  King  standing 
left  holding  scepter  in  left  hand  and  lowering  right 
to  fire  altar;  Reverse:  Siva  standing  left,  two  arms  one 
lowered,  tamgha  to  left.  Nicely  struck,  perfectly  centered 
with  attractive  luster  showing  only  faint  traces  or  rub. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $4000-$5000 

12290  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.96  gms.  Huvishka  (ca.  147- 
191  A.D.).  Fr-21;  Mitchiner-3190;  Sunrise-542.  Crowned 
and  diademed  bust  left,  holding  mace  scepter  and  sword 
hilt;  Reverse:  Winged  goddess  standing  left,  tamgha  to 
left,  abbreviated  deity  name  to  right.  Strike  from  slightly 
worn  dies,  but  legends  legible  and  all  elements  present. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $2500-$3000 

12291  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  8.01  gms.  Vasu  (ca.  260- 
300  A.D).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3547.  King  standing  left 
holding  trident  sacrificing  over  fire  altar,  trident  above 
altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho  enthroned  facing. 

NEARLY  MINT  STATE $1000-$1500 

12292  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.96  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II  (ca. 
290-320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3546.  King  standing 
left  holding  trident  in  left,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar  with 
right,  second  trident  over  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess 
Ardoksho  enthroned  facing.  Deep  strike  giving  full  detail. 

12293  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.87  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II  (ca. 
290-320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3548.  King  standing 
left  holding  trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar 
with  right,  second  trident  over  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess 
Ardoksho  enthroned  facing.  Light  rub  on  the  high  points. 

12294  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.88  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II  (ca. 

290-320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3548.  King  standing  left 
holding  trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar  with 
right,  second  trident  over  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho 
enthroned  facing. 


12295  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.85  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II  (ca.  290- 
320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3548.  King  standing  left  holding 
trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar  with  right,  second 
trident  above  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho  enthroned 
facing.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1000 

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12296  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.84  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II 
(ca.  290-320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  cf.  Mitchiner-3549.  King 
standing  left  holding  trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to 
fire  altar  with  right,  second  trident  over  altar;  Reverse: 
Goddess  Ardoksho  enthroned  facing.  No  control 
mark  between  kings  legs.  Light  orange  toned,  lustrous. 

12297  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.87  gms.  Vasu  Deva  II  (ca. 
290-320  A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3542.  King  standing 
left  holding  trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar 
with  right,  second  trident  over  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess 
Ardoksho  enthroned  facing.  Light  rub  on  the  high  points. 

12298  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.76  gms.  Shaka  (ca.  320-350 
A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3571.  King  standing  left  holding 
trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar  with  right,  second 
trident  above  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho  enthroned 
facing.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $800-$1000 

12299  Kushan  Kipanada.  AV  Stater,  ca.  330-360  A.D.  7.80 
gms.  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3581.  King  standing  facing  left, 
holding  trident,  altar  at  right;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho 
enthroned  facing.  Sharp  struck,  lustrous. 

NEARLY  MINT  STATE $700-$1000 

12300  Kushan  Empire.  AV  Dinar.  7.83  gms.  Gadahara  (ca.  330-360 
A.D.).  Fr-44a;  Mitchiner-3592.  King  standing  left  holding 
trident  in  left  hand,  sacrificing  to  fire  altar  with  right,  second 
trident  over  altar;  Reverse:  Goddess  Ardoksho  enthroned 
facing.  Toned.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $600-$800 

12301  Guptas.  AV  Dinar.  7.79  gms.  Kumaragupta  I (414-455 
A.D.).  BMC-pl.  XIII  #2-5;  Mitchiner-4836-4839.  Horseman 
type.  King  on  horseback  right;  Reverse:  Lakshmi  seated  left. 

VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 

12302  Mughal  Empire.  Mohur,  AH  1085  Year  18  (1674/5). 
Sholapur  Mint.  Aurangzeb  Alamgir  (1658-1707). 
Fr-808;  KM-3 15.43.  Mild  doubling  on  reverse.  Lustrous  and 
attractive.  NGC  MS-64 $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 863751 

12303  Mughal  Empire.  Mohur,  ND  (ca.  1719-48).  Muhammad 
Shah  (AH  1131-61  (1719-48)).  KM-438. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 518960 

1 2304  Jaipur.  Mohur,  Year  37.  Fr- 1190. 

PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. ... 

PCGS  # 470491 

12305  Jodhpur.  Mohur,  VS  1997  (1940).  Umaid  Singh  (1918- 
47).  Fr-1228;  KM-150.  Fully  lustrous  and  choice.  Joint 
issue  in  the  name  of  Umaid  Singh  and  George  VI. 
NGC  MS-63 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 492715 

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12306  Bengal  Presidency.  Mohur,  AH  1202//19  (1788).  Fr-1537; 
KM- 113.  NGC  MS-62 $1100-$1500 

PCGS  # 470743 

12307  15  Rupees,  1918-(B).  Fr-1608;  KM-535;  S&W-8.L 
Smoothing  on  a small  scratch  in  left  field. 

NGC  AU  Details— Obverse  Repaired $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 824726 

12308  Tola,  ND.  Fr-1612;  Bruce-45.  Issued  by  M/S  Mailal 
Chimanlal  & Co.  of  Bombay.  NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 486751 

Impressive  Indonesian  20  Ducats 


12309  Imitative  20  Ducat,  ca.  19th  Century.  52.39  mm;  74.55  gms.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-unlisted.  RARE.  A locally  produced  piece  using 
the  design  and  iconography  of  a Dutch  silver  Ducaton  of  1759,  but  on  a much  larger  scale  and  in  gold.  The  size  and  weight 
roughly  corresponding  with  a coin  of  20  Ducats.  Of  fairly  decent  artistic  style  considering  the  area  and  period  in  which  they  were 
produced,  but  with  garbled  legends  and  reversals  in  the  order  and  position  of  date  numerals.  A fine  example  of  this  little  known 
but  intriguing  type.  EXTREMELY  FINE $20,000-$30,000 

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12310  25  Rupiah,  ND  (1952).  Fr-unlisted;  Bmce-1. 

NGC  MS-64 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 757823 


12311  Toman,  AH  1213  (ca.  1798-99).  Isfahan  Mint.  Fr-34; 
KM-739.1;  A-2859.  NGC  AU-55 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 796137 

12312  Toman,  AH  1213  (ca.  1798-99).  Rasht  Mint.  Fath  Ali  Shah 
(1797-1834).  Fr-34;  KM-739.5;  A-2859. 

NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  1 796129 

12313  Toman,  AH  1217  (ca.  1802-03).  Yazd  Mint.  Fr-34; 
KM-739.10;  A-2860C.  Good  centering  and  luster. 

NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  #796119 

12314  Toman,  AH  1221  (ca.  1806-07).  Fr-34;  KM-739  (for  type); 
A-2860C.  NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 796140 

12315  2 Tomans,  AH  1281  (1864).  Fr-48;KM-864.  Very  scarce  one 
year  type.  Finest  certified.  Nice  strike  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-64 $3000-14000 

12316  2 Toman,  AH  1322  (1904).  Fr-69;  KM-997.  Lustrous  and 
attractive.  NGC  MS-61 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 956535 

12317  Toman,  AH  1332  (1913).  Fr-83a;  KM-1073.  Muled 
with  the  reverse  of  the  unadopted  Pattern  2 Toman. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  130585 

12318  1/2  Pahlavi,  SH  1310  (1931).  Fr-96;  KM-1132.  RARE.  From 
a mintage  of  only  696  pieces.  NGC  MS-61 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 462555 

12319  5 Pahlavi,  SH  1339  (1960).  Fr-99;  KM- 1164. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1900-$2200 

PCGS  # 852335 

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12320  5 Pahlavi,  SH  1351  (1972).  Fr-99;  KM-1 164. 

NGC  MS-65 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 852342 

12321  5 Pahlavi,  MS  2536  (1977).  Fr-99;  KM-1202. 

NGC  MS-67 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 852347 

12322  2 1/2  Pahlavi,  SH  1340  (1961).  Fr-100;  KM-1 163. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1200 

PCGS  #211705 

12323  2 1/2  Pahlavi,  SH  1348  (1969).  Fr-100;  KM-1 163. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 209927 

12324  2 1/2  Pahlavi,  SH  1355  (1976).  Fr-100;  KM-1201. 

NGC  MS-64 $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 852330 

12325  Nine  Piece  Proof  Set,  1971.  Fr-106-109;  KM-Ps2. 25  to  2,000 
Rials.  2,500  Years  of  Iranian  Monarchy  and  the  Coronation 
of  their  Imperial  Majesties  commemoratives.  In  original  blue 
presentation  case  of  issue.  The  five  silver  piece  boast  very 
attractive  multicolored  toning.  GEM  PROOF.$2200-$3000 

12326  Five  Piece  Proof  Set  & Gold  Medal,  SH  1350  (1971)  & 

MS  2536  (1977).  Fr-unlisted;  KM-Ps3.  25  to  200  Rials 
in  set.  Contained  in  original  blue  wallet  of  issue.  The 
gold  medal  is  approximately  32  mms  and  20.5  gms  and  is 
sealed  in  mint  plastic.  The  obverse  depicts  the  busts  of 
Mohammad  Reze,  Reza  and  Farah  Pahlavi  all  facing  left; 
Reverse:  Three  line  inscription  with  date  and  fineness  below. 
BRILLIANT  PROOF. $800-$1000 

12327  2 1/2  Azadi,  SH  1358  (1979).  Fr-113;  KM-1241.  Reported 
mintage  of  6 pieces,  but  more  exist. 

NGC  MS-64 $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 452548 


12328  Buwayhid.  AV  Dinar,  AH  398  (ca.  1007/8).  Suq  al-Ahwaz 
Mint.  4.22  gms.  Baba  al  Dawla  Abu  Nasr  (989-1012). 
Fr-25d;  A-1573. 


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12329  Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  1991.  Cats  Series.  Fr-B50-51  & 53-55;  KM-292b  & 294/7.  1/25  to  1 Crown.  Norwegian  cat.  With  case  of  issue 
and  certificate  of  authenticity.  All  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 702328 


12330  Genoa.  Ducat,  ND  (1466-76).  Fr-383;  CNI  III-pg.l50,  #16; 
Biaggi-940.  NGC  MS-61 $2000-$2500 

12331  Naples  & Sicily.  Scudo  d’oro,  ND.  Philip  II  (1st  period). 
Fr-836a;  Nomisma-28;  CNI-Obv.  1,  Rev.  10. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 515453 

12332  Naples  & Sicily.  Scudo  d’oro,  1582.  Philip  II  (2nd  period). 
Fr-836a;  Nomisma-31b;  CNI-1171. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 515454 

12333  Naples  & Sicily.  Scudo  d’oro,  1626-MCC.  Philip  IV  of 
Spain  (1621-65).  Fr-840;  Varesi-237/4;  Nomisma-33g. 
PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 248285 

12334  Papal  States.  Scudo  d’or,  ND.  Paolo  (1534-49).  Fr-65; 
Nomisma-69.  Scarce. 

NGC  VF  Details — Rim  Filing $700-$  1000 

PCGS#  161907 

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12335  Papal  States.  Zecchino,  1756-XVIIL  Benedict  XIV 
(1740-58).  Fr-231;  KM-943;  Berman-2729.  Slab 

erroneously  identifies  the  coin  as  a Venetian  Zecchino. 
NGC  MS-65 $1500-$2000 

12336  Piacenza.  Doppia  Con  Data,  1585-PC.  Ottavio  Farnese 
(1556-86).  Fr-894;  Varesi-1 117/3;  CNI-14;  Nomisma-7B. 
VERY  RARE.  Several  natural  planchet  flaws.  Cleaned. 


PCGS  # 518962 

12337  Piedmont-Subalpine  Republic.  20  Franc,  Year  9 (1800). 

Fr-1172;  C-5.  Napoleonic  issue  celebrating  the  victory  at 
Marengo.  PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $1000-$  1500 

PCGS  # 335499 

12338  Sardinia.  50  Lire,  1833.  Fr-1140;  KM-137.1.  Eagles 
head  mint  mark.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  1,773  pieces. 
NGC  AU  Details— Rim  Damage $2500-$3500 

PCGS  #800114 

12339  50  Lire,  191 1-R.  Fr-25;  KM-54;  Mont-34;  Gig- 19.  50th 
Anniversary  of  the  Kingdom. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #381323 

12340  50  Lire,  191 1-R.  Fr-25;  KM-54;  Mont-34;  Gig-19.  50th 
Anniversary  of  the  Kingdom. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $1400-$1800 

PCGS  #381323 

12341  50  Lire,  1912-R.  Fr-27;  KM-49;  Mont-30;  Gig-16. 

PCGS  AU-58 $1200-$1600 

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Choice  & Original  Manen  Oban 


12342  Oban,  ND  (1860-62).  112.8  gms.  Fr-7;  JNDA-09-11;  C-24a.2.  A large  beautiful  gold  Manen  era  Oban  with 
machine-made  horizontal  crenellations.  The  bold  ink  is  original,  as  certified  by  the  JNDA  (Japan  Numismatic 
Dealers  Association)  official  certification  placard  which  is  included,  and  numbered  as  34449.  Also  included  is 
a red  leather  JNDA  holder,  and  a wooden  display  case.  Exceptional  quality.  Inking  EXTREMELY  EINE,  overall 


PCGS  # 518963 

12343  Koban,  ND  (1819-28).  Er-14;  C-22a;  JNDA-09-20.  Bunsei  era.  PCGS  AU-50. 


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12347  5 Yen,  Year  29  (1896).  Fr-47;  Y-lla;  JNDA-01-3A.  RARE 
date.  PCGS  Genuine— Mount  Removed,  VF  Details  Secure 
Holder. $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #501038 

12348  20  Yen,  Year  45  (1912).  Fr-50;  Y-34;  JNDA-01-6. 

PCGS  Genuine — Tooled,  Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  #501161 

12349  10  Yen,  Year  36  (1903).  Fr-51;  Y-3;  JNDA-01-7.  Sharply 
struck.  Frosty  surfaces  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

12350  10  Yen,  Year  42  (1909).  Fr-51;  Y-33;  JNDA-01-7. 

PCGS  MS-65  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  #501121 

12351  20  Yen,  Year  9 (1920).  Fr-53;  Y-40.2;  JNDA-01-6.  A superb 
gem  with  frosty  surfaces.  NGC  MS-66 $2000-$3000 





Koban,  ND  (1837-58).  Fr-15;  C-22b;  JNDA-09-21.  Tempo 
era.  PCGS  Genuine — Scratch,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 

Koban,  ND  (1860-67).  Fr-17;  C-22d;  JNDA-09-23. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 392755 

Koban,  ND  (1837-58).  Fr-15;  C-22b;  JNDA-09-21.  Tempo 
era.  PCGS  Genuine— Scratch,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 

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12352  Gold  King  Hussein  & Queen  Noor  Royal  Court,  1988. 

30.02  mms;  25.95  gms.  Edgemarked  750.  Conjoined  busts 
of  King  Hussein  and  Queen  Noor,  left.  Reverse:  Jordanian 
arms.  Edge  reads,  “HUSSEIN  I AND  NOOR  AL  HUSSEIN 
1988  750”  (HE  monogram)  and  Arabic  inscription. 
A RARE  modern  model,  never  available  publicly. 


12353  Gold  Medal,  1993.  KM-unlisted;  Bruce-unlisted. 
Struck  to  commemorate  the  50  Years  of  Independence. 

PCGS  MS-67 $1200-$1500 

PCGS#  518617 


12354  20  Scudi,  1774.  Erancisco  Ximenez  de  Texeda  (1773-75). 
Er-41;  KM-294;  Restelli-5;  Schembri-2. 

NGC  MS-62 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 991082 


12355  8 Escudos,  ND  (1695-99).  Charles  II  (1665-1700).  Er- 
2;  KM-56.  Scarce  type  for  Charles  II,  this  cross  type 
was  only  used  for  a brief  time  near  the  end  of  his  rule. 
A small  portion  of  date  is  visible  and  slightly  doubled. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $4500-$5500 

PCGS  # 709671 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

12356  8 Escudos,  1713-MxoJ.  Er-6;  KM-57.1;  Cal-type-22  #106. 
Eull  shield  and  cross.  Date  a bit  off  planchet  but  discernable. 

NGC  MS-62 $8000-$10,000 

PCGS#  169017 

12357  4 Escudos,  ND  (1713)-J.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Er-7a; 
KM-55.1.  NGC  MS-63 $5000-$6000 

PCGS  # 709666 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

12358  2 Escudos,  (1714)-J.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Pr-7b;  KM- 
53.2.  Pull  shield  and  cross.  Nice  strike  and  luster. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 709648 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

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12359  Mexico  City.  Escudo,  1713-J.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-7c; 
KM-51.1;  Calico-509.  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 755828 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

12360  8 Escudos,  1741-MF.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-8;  KM-148. 
Well  struck  and  attractively  toned. 

NGC  AU-58 $3500-$5000 

PCGS#  169025 

12361  8 Escudos,  1742-MF.  Philip  IV  (1700-46).  Fr-8;  KM-148. 
NGC  AU-53 $3000-84000 

PCGS#  670173 

12362  8 Escudos,  1743-Mo  ME  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-8;  KM-148. 
Very  attractive  and  exceptional  quality  for  this  popular  type. 
NGC  MS-62 $7000-810,000 

PCGS  #670067 

12363  8 Escudos,  1744-MF.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-8;  KM-148. 
NGC  AU  Details — Surface  Hairlines $2000-83000 

PCGS#  169027 

12364  4 Escudos,  1736-MoMF.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-9;  KM-135. 
NGC  EF-45 82500-83200 

PCGS  #239172 

12365  Escudo,  1733/2-F.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-11;  KM-113. 
VERY  RARE  date.  NGC  AU-50 $3500-85000 

PCGS  #263408 

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RARE  One  Year  Type  Transitional  8 Escudos 

12366  8 Escudos,  1747-MF.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-13;  KM-149;  Cal-type-12#33.  Tied  with  one  other  for  second  finest  with  only 
one  finer.  A splendid  example  of  this  RARE  one  year  portrait  type.  NGC  AU-55 $23,000-$27,000 

PCGS  # 246787 


12367  8 Escudos,  1749-MR  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-17; 
KM- 150.  NGC  AU-55 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 246790 

12368  8 Escudos,  1754-MR  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-17; 
KM-151.  NGC  AU-55 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 670174 

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12369  8 Escudos,  1756-MM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60). 
Fr-17;  KM-151.  Nice  strike,  lustrous  and  very  attractive. 
NGC  AU-55 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 246797 

12370  2 Escudos,  1748-MoMR  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-19; 
KM-126.1.  NGC  VF-25 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 264424 

12371  2 Escudos,  1749/8-MoMR  Fr-19;  KM-126.1.  RARE  type. 
Nicely  toned.  PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder,....  $1300-$  1700 

PCGS  # 670106 

12372  8 Escudos,  1757-MM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-21; 
KM- 152.  Peripheral  toning.  NGC  AU-55 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 173458 






8 Escudos,  1759-MM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-21; 
KM- 152.  Nice  strike,  lustrous  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  AU-58 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 670180 

Escudo,  1757-MM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-24; 
KM-Al  16.  NGC  EF-45 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 266048 

2 Escudos,  1760-MM.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-27; 
KM-128.  NGC  VF-30 $1500-$2200 

PCGS  # 264435 

Escudo,  1760-MM.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-28;  KM-116. 
Nice  strike  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  EF-45 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 266050 

8 Escudos,  1783-MoFR  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-33; 
KM-156.2.  NGC  AU-55 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 773910 

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12382  8 Escudos,  1809-HJ.  Fr-47;  KM- 160. 

NGC  MS-63 $3500-$4500 

PCGS#  513442 

12383  8 Escudos,  1809-HJ.  Fr-47;  KM-160. 

NGC  AU-58 $2200-12700 

PCGS  #513442 

12384  8 Escudos,  1809-MoHJ.  Fr-47;  KM-160. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Rim  Filing $1700-$2200 

PCGS  #513442 

12385  8 Escudos,  1817-MoJJ.  Fr-52;  KM-161. 

NGC  EF-45 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  #513458 


12378  8 Escudos,  1796/5-FM.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-43; 
KM- 159.  Attractive  lustrous  surfaces. 

NGC  MS-62 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 237892 

12379  8 Escudos,  1797-FM.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-43; 
KM- 159;  Cal-type-8#48.  RARE.  Legend  error,  “EFLIX”. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $1800-$2200 

PCGS  # 879102 

Ex:  Eliasberg  Collection. 

12380  8 Escudos,  1807-TH.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-43;  KM- 
159.  Lustrous.  PCGS  MS-62 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #513431 

12381  8 Escudos,  1808-TH.  Fr-47;  KM- 110. 

NGC  AU-58 $1500-$2000 

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RARE  Guadalajara  Mint  War  for  Independence  8 Reales 


12386  Guadalajara.  8 Escudos,  1821-GaFS.  Fr-53;  KM-161.1.  RARE  type.  NGC  EF-45 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS#  718139 

12387  8 Escudos,  1871/61-CaMM.  Fr-67;  KM-383.1.  Last  year  of 
issue.  RARE  in  this  grade.  Nice  strike  with  flashy  mint  luster. 
NGC  MS-64 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 520950 

12388  8 Escudos,  1849-GCMP.  Fr-71;  KM-383.6.  RARE  in  this 
grade.  Sharply  struck.  NGC  AU-58 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 263083 

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12389  Hermosillo.  8 Escudos,  1868-HoPR.  Fr-73;  KM-383.8. 
Very  scarce  mint. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 521286 

12390  Maximilian.  20  Pesos,  1866-MO.  Fr-62;  KM-389.  Sharply 
struck,  lustrous  and  very  attractive.  An  excellent  example  of 
the  scarce  one  year  type.  NGC  MS-62 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  #521601 

12391  10  Peso,  1903-MoM.  Fr-128;  KM-413.7. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 524387 

12392  5 Pesos,  1903-MoM.  Fr-139;  KM-412.6. 

NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 524228 

12393  5 Pesos,  1904-MoM.  Fr-139;  KM-412.6. 

NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 524229 

12394  2.5  Pesos,  1888.  Fr-148;;  KM-411.5.  Mintage  of  540  pieces. 
NGC  MS-63  PL $900-$!  100 

PCGS  # 524136 

12395  Oaxaca.  10  Pesos,  1915.  Fr-176;  KM-752. 

NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 162338 

12396  50  Pesos,  1931/0.  Fr-172;  KM-481.  Very  scarce  overdate  and 
exceptional  condition.  NGC  MS-64 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 515442 

12397  50  Pesos,  1931/0.  Fr-172;  KM-481. 

ICG  MS-64 $2800-$3500 

PCGS  # 515442 

12398  50  Pesos,  1931/0.  Fr-172;  KM-481. 

ICG  MS-63 $2500-$3200 

PCGS  # 515442 

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12399  Medal,  1979.  Fr-unlisted?;  KM-unlisted?.  Pope  John  Paul  II 
gold  medal.  NGC  MS-63 $1500-$1800 

12400  Onza,  1987-MoP.  Fr-unlisted;  Bruce-MB22.  Struck  in 

PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  #419116 


12401  500  Dirhams,  ND  (1954).  Bruce- 12.  Issued  by  First  Banking 
Corporation,  Tangier.  NGC  MS-64 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 442581 


12402  100  Rand  Probe,  1987.  Fr-unlisted;  cf.Bruce-El.  Struck  in 
platinum.  Reported  mintage  of  only  20  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 982349 


12403  Utrecht.  14  Gulden,  1763.  Fr-288;  KM-104;  Delmonte-970. 
NGC  MS-61 $1300-$1600 

PGGS  # 529902 

12404  Utrecht.  7 Gulden,  1760.  Fr-289;  KM-103;  Delmonte-971. 
NGC  MS-62 $900-$!  100 

PGGS  # 492533 

12405  10  Gulden,  1825-B.  Fr-329;  KM-56. 

NGC  MS-62 $900-$!  100 

PGGS  # 532589 

12406  5 Gulden,  1843.  Fr-334;  KM-72.  RARE.  Low  mintage  of 
1,595.  NGC  MS-63 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 959005 


12407  Merentibus.  50  Dollars,  2012.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-unlisted. 
NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1500-$1800 

PCGS  # 518966 

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12408  8 Escudos,  (1)71 1-M.  Fr-7;  KM-38.2;  Cal-type-5#22.  Sharp 
strike  with  bold  central  details.  Light  evidence  of  salt  water 
exposure.  NEARLY  MINT  STATE $7000-$9000 

PCGS  # 776977 

Ex:  1715  Plate  Fleet. 

12409  2 Escudos,  1741-V.  6.7  gms.  Philip  V (1700-46).  Fr-9;  KM- 
36;  Cal-type-67#318.  RARE.  NGC  AU-55 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 256891 

12410  8 Escudos,  1749/8-R.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-12;  KM- 
47.  RARE  type  with  two  dates.  Second  date  faintly  engraved 
below  cross  on  obverse.  NGC  MS-61 $5500-$6500 

PCGS  # 256944 

Ex:  Sotheby’s  March  1993  Auction,  Lot  #533.  “The  Uruguayan  Treasure  of 
the  River  Plate.”  Recovered  from  the  Wreck  of  the  Nuestra  Senoradela  Lus. 


12411  8 Escudos,  (1)749-LR.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-12; 
KM-47;  Cal-type-5#15.  Cob  type  with  two  dates. 

NGC  VF-30 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 256945 

12412  4 Escudos,  (1)750-R.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-13; 
KM-A47.  Clear  “7”  and  “5”  of  date  on  obverse  and  “750”  on 
reverse.  Full  cross  on  reverse,  nice  strike  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  AU-58 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  # 256916 

12413  8 Escudos,  1752-J.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-59).  Fr-16; 
KM  - 50 . Sharply  struck,  lightly  toned  with  subdued  mint  luster. 
NGC  AU-58 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 244426 

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The  Finest  Certified  Colonial  Milled  4 Escudos  of  Peru 


12414  4 Escudos,  1753-J.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-17;  KM-49;  Cal-type-28#96.  The  finest  certified  colonial  milled  Peru  4 Escudos 
of  any  type  by  NGC  NGC  MS-63 $20,000-$25,000 

PCGS  # 244370 

12415  Escudo,  1753-J.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-19;  KM-56.1; 
Cal-type-59#204.  VERY  RARE.  Pierced  at  12  o’clock. 

NGC  AU  Details— Holed $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 703204 

12416  8 Escudos,  1755-JM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-20; 
KM-59.1;  Cal-type-7#22.  Cob  type  with  two  dates. 

NGC  EF-45 $2300-$3000 

PCGS  # 244429 

12417  8 Escudos,  1756-JM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-60).  Fr-20; 
KM-59.1.  Sharply  struck,  flashy  mint  luster  and  very 
attractive.  NGC  AU-58 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 244430 

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12418  8 Escudos,  1758-JM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-59).  Fr-20; 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12419  8 Escudos,  1760-JM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-59).  Fr-20; 
KM-59.2.  PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

1 2420  Escudo,  1 759- JM.  Ferdinand  VI  ( 1 746-60) . Fr-23; 
KM-56.2;  Cal-type-60#210.  VERY  RARE. 

NGC  AU-50 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 703512 

12422  8 Escudo,  1772-JM.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Er-28;  KM-73. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  EF  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12423  8 Escudos,  1778-MJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-32;  KM-82.1; 
Cal-type-8#34.  NGC  AU-55 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  #879180 

12421  8 Escudos,  1765-JM.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-27a;  KM-70. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


12424  8 Escudos,  1783-Ml.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-32;  KM-82.1. 
NGC  AU-58 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  #879185 

12425  8 Escudos,  1788-IJ.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  Fr-32;  KM-82.1a. 
NGC  AU-55 $1700-$2200 

PCGS  # 244457 

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12426  8 Escudos,  1789-IJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-36;  KM-92. 
NGC  AU-55 $1800-$2300 

PCGS  # 244459 

12430  8 Escudos,  1809-JP.  Fernando  VII  (1808-24).  Fr-44;  KM- 
107.  Sharply  struck,  lustrous  and  an  exceptional  example  of 
this  very  scarce  type.  NGC  AU-58 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #245556 

12427  8 Escudos,  1795-IJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  Fr-40; 
KM-101.  Small  chopmark  in  left  field. 

NGC  AU  Details — Chopmarked $1500-$1800 

12431  8 Escudos,  1810-JP.  Fr-44;  KM- 107. 

NGC  AU-55 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 245557 

12428  8 Escudos,  1806-JP.  Fr-40;  KM-101. 

NGC  AU-53 $1500-$1800 

PCGS  #245552 

12429  8 Escudos,  1808-JP.  Fr-40;  KM-101. 

NGC  AU-55 $1500-82000 

PCGS  #245554 

12432  8 Escudos,  1810-JP.  Ferdinand  VII  (1808-24).  Fr-44; 
KM-107;  Cal-type-9#14.  NGC  EF-40 $1800-$2200 

PCGS  #245557 

12433  8 Escudos,  1819-JP.  Fr-54;  KM-129.1. 

NGC  EF-45 $1300-81600 

PCGS  #245568 

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12434  8 Escudos,  1824-CoG.  Cuzco  Mint.  Fr-55;  KM- 129.2. 
PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

12435  4 Escudos,  1819- JP.  Fr-56;  KM- 128.  Scarce  type. 

NGC  AU-50 $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 244422 

12436  4 Escudos,  1819- JP.  Fr-56;  KM- 128. 

PCGS  VF-25  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

12437  Escudo,  1814- JP.  Fr-58;  KM- 126.  Bare  bust.  RARE  type. 
Nice  strike,  light  toning  and  attractive. 

NGC  AU-55 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 723325 

Ex:  Caballero  De  Las  Yndias. 

12439  50  Soles,  1930.  Fr-77;  KM-219.  Very  scarce  mintage  of  only 
5,584  pieces.  NGC  MS-63 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 188987 

12440  50  Soles,  1931.  Fr-77;  KM-219. 

NGC  MS-64 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 188988 

12441  50  Soles,  1968.  Fr-77;  KM-219.  RARE  date,  mintage  of  only 
300  pieces.  PCGS  MS-65 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 795772 

12442  100  Soles,  1950.  Fr-78;  KM-231.  Mintage  of  only  1176 
pieces.  ICG  MS-63 $2500-$3000 

PCGS  # 128725 

12438  South  Peru.  8 Escudos,  1838-MS.  Cuzco  Mint.  Fr-92; 
KM-171.  Two  year  type.  NGC  MS-61 $3500-$5000 

PCGS  # 990192 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12443  4 Pesos,  1862.  Fr-1;  KM-144.  RARE  in  this  high  grade.  NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 450868 

Remarkable  Wilson  Dollar  in  Gold 

12444  Wilson  Dollar  in  Gold,  1920.  Bruce-1  lb;  HK-1031;  Basso-128  (silver).  VERY  RARE.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  opening  of  the 
Manila  mint,  July  16th,  1920.  Erom  an  original  mintage  of  only  5 pieces,  it  the  second  finest  just  one  point  lower  than  the  finest. 
An  incredibly  RARE  and  important  item  to  collectors  in  many  areas.  NGC  MS-61 $35,000-$50,000 

PCGS  # 643796 


12445  Danzig.  Ducat,  1653-GR.  John  Casimir  (1649-68).  Er-24;  Gum-1926;  KM-41.1  Parchimowicz-1759;  Kopicki-7654;  Kaminski-916. 
RARE  and  choice  for  type.  NGC  MS-62 $7000-$  10,000 

PCGS  # 858838 

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Low  Mintage  Poland  Under  Russia  Gold  50  Zlotych 


12446  50  Zlotych,  1829-FH.  Fr-109;  C-119;  Parchimowicsz-1052;  Kopicki-2744;  Kaminski-732.  Mintage  of  1,878  pieces. 

NGC  AU-58 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 556327 

12447  20  Zlotych  (3  Rubles),  1837-CNBNA.  Fr-111;  C-136.2. 
NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 556241 

12448  Ducat,  1831.  Fr-114;  C-125;  Parchimowicz-1059;  Bit- 
1020;  Kopicki-2750;  Kaminski-801.  Revolutionary  coinage. 
Eagle  and  torch  privy  marks.  Variety  with  dot  before  torch. 

NGC  MS-61 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 556351 

12449  Ducat,  1831.  Fr-114;  C-125;  Parchimowicz-1059;  Bit-1020; 
Kopicki-2750;  Kaminski-801.  Revolutionary  coinage.  Eagle 
and  torch  privy  marks.  Variety  with  dot  before  torch. 

NGC  AU-58 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 556351 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12450  500  Zlotych,  1976-MW.  Fr-1 17;  Y-83.  Tadeusz  Kosciuszko. 
Mintage  of  2,318  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $1600-$2000 

PCGS#  160176 

12451  500  Zlotych,  1976-MW.  Fr-1 17;  Y-83.  Tadeusz  Kosciuszko. 
Mintage  of  2,318  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $1600-$2000 

PCGS#  160176 

12452  500  Zlotych,  1976-MW.  Fr-1 18;  Y-85.  Kazimierz  Pulaski. 
NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $1600-$2000 

PCGS  # 389414 

12453  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1987.  Fr-132-135;  KM-168-171. 

1,000  to  10,000  Zlotych.  Papal  visit  to  America.  Mintage 
of  only  201  sets.  In  original  wooden  case  of  issue  with 
certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $11,000-$14,000 

12454  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-137-140;  KM-174-177. 
1,000  to  10,000  Zlotych.  Pope  John  Paul  II.  From  a mintage 
of  only  1,000  sets.  In  original  wooden  case  of  issue. 

GEM  CAMEO  PROOF. $4000-$5000 

12455  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1989.  Fr-142-145;  KM-186-189. 
1,000  to  10,000  Zlotych.  Pope  John  Paul  II.  Mintage  of 
only  1,000  sets.  In  wooden  case  of  issue  and  with  certificate 
of  authenticity.  GEM  CAMEO  PROOF. $4000-$5000 


12456  500  Reis,  ND.  Sebastian  (1557-78).  Fr-41;  Gomes-58.01. 

NGC  AU-55 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 702849 


12457  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1747.  Joao  V.  Fr-86;  KM-221; 

Gomes- 126.28.  Frosty  mint  luster,  nice  strike. 

NGC  MS-64 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 249771 

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12458  2 Escudo,  1741.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-88;  KM-220; 
Gomes-121.14.  NGC  VF-35 $700-$1000 

PCGS 1 249736 

12459  4 Escudos,  1792.  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-1 16;  KM-299, 
Gomes-30.03.  Highest  graded  by  PCGS. 

PCGS  MS-65 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  #262331 

12462  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1822.  Fr-128;  KM-364;  Gomes- 18.05. 
NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS#  152118 

12463  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1823.  Fr-128;  KM-364;  Gomes-18.15. 
NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #720841 

12460  4 Escudos  (Peca),  1796.  Maria  I (1786-99).  Fr-116; 
KM-299;  Gomes-30.06. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Surface  Hairlines $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 262333 

12461  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1805.  Fr-123;  KM-336;  Gomes-32.02. 
NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730456 

12464  6,400  Reis  (Peca),  1824.  Fr-128;  KM-364;  Gomes- 18.20. 
NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS#  169377 


12465  3,200  Reis  (1/2  Peca),  1818.  Fr-129;  KM-363;  Gomes-17.02. 
VERY  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  100  pieces. 

NGC  AU-58 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 730441 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  C Starts  9:30  AM  CT,  Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 


12466  3,200  Reis  (1/2  Peca),  1822.  Fr-129;  KM-363;  Gomes- 17.05. 
NGC  MS-64 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730445 

12467  4 Escudos  (Peca),  1830.  Fr-138;  KM-397;  Gomes-16.01. 

Mintage  of  only  2,274  pieces.  Wonderfully  preserved  detail 
with  light  toning  in  protected  areas. 

NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 726029 

12468  4 Escudos  (Peca),  1834.  Fr-141;  KM-405;  Gomes-19.01. 
Excellent  detail  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 720853 

12469  5,000  Reis(l/2Coroa),1886.Fr-153;KM-516;Gomes-16.14. 

A superb  example  of  this  low  mintage  (27,000)  date. 
NGC  MS-65 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 717024 


12470  25  Lei,  1906.  Fr-7;  KM-38.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
40th  anniversary  of  the  reign  of  Carol  I. 

NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 375953 


12471  2 Rubles,  1718-L.  Peter  I (the  Great)  (1699-1725).  Fr-91; 
KM- 158.1;  Bit-64;  Dia-6;  Sev-51.  With  normal  date,  not 
split.  Light  tooling  on  reverse  field. 

NGC  AU  Details— Tooled $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 772296 

12472  2 Rubles,  1720.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1699-1725). 
Fr-91;  KM-158.2;  Bit-100;  Dia-27;  Sev-65;  Uzd-32.  Date 
divided,  planchet  flaw  in  center  of  obverse.  Lightly  toned. 

PCGS  Genuine— Filed  Rims,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. . 

PCGS  # 772300 

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12473  2 Rubles,  1726.  Catherine  I (1725-27).  Fr-101;  KM-178;  Bitkin-2;  Severin-106B;  Diakov-2. 

NGC  AU-58 $15,000-$20,000 

PCGS  # 680198 

High  Grade  Catherine  I Gold  2 Rubles 

12474  Ducat,  1739.  Anna  Ivanovna  (1730-40).  Fr-106; 

KM-201;  Bit-9;  Dia-1;  Sev-134;  Uzd-47.  VERY  RARE. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 680086 

12475  2 Rubles,  1756.  Elizabeth  (1741-62).  Fr-115;  C-23.1;  Bit-51. 
Legend  ends  with  a colon.  NGC  AU-55 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 689840 

12476  10  Rubles,  1769/8-CNB.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  Fr-129a; 
C-79a;  Bit-22.  Overdate. 

PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  VF  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 682108 

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12477  5 Rubles,  1782-CNB.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  Fr-130b; 
C-78b;  Bit-80. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 186887 

12478  Ducat,  1796-CMTA.  Paul  I (1796-1801).  Fr-143;  C-103; 
Bit-13.  RARE.  NCS  VF-30 $9000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 264968 

12479  Coronation  Jeton  in  Gold,  1826.  Nicholas  1 (1825- 
55).  Diakov-446.9;  Smirnov-414.  Struck  for  the 

Coronation  of  Nicholas  I.  Crowned  cipher  of 
Nicholas  1;  Reverse:  Three  line  inscription  below 
crown.  Specific  gravity  testing  16.12,  essentially  850 
fine  gold.  This  is  the  RAREST  metal  for  this  medal. 

PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  #516415 

12480  5 Rubles,  1831-CNBNA.  Fr-154;  C-174;  Bit-6;  Sev-408. 

PCGS  Genuine — Scratch,  VF  Details  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 930086 

12481  5 Ruble,  1846-CNBAT.  Fr-155;  C-175.3;  Bit-27;  Sev-450. 
NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 930126 

12482  5 Ruble,  1852-CNBAT.  Fr-155;  C-175.3;  Bit-35;  Sev-461. 
NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #930132 

12483  6 Rubles,  1829-CNB.  Fr-159;  C-178;  Bit-55;  Sev-596.  From 
a mintage  of  828  pieces.  NGC  AU-58 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 930291 

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Amazing  Gem  Proof  Platinum  3 Rubles 


12484  3 Ruble,  1833-CNB.  Fr-160;  C-177;  Bitkin-79;  Severin-608.  Finest  certified  of  this  date  by  either  PCGS  or  NGC. 

PCGS  PROOF-66  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  #518587 

Ex:  Hans  M.F  Schulman;  reportedly  Ex:  Tolstoi  Collection. 

12485  5 Ruble,  1859-CNBNO.  Fr-163;  Y-B26;  Bit-5;  Sev-471. 
NGC  AU— Details,  Brushed $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 454537 

12486  5 Ruble,  1876-CNBHL  Fr-163;  Y-B26;  Bit-24;  Sev-500. 
NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 444538 

12487  3 Rubles,  1874-CNBHL  Fr-164;  Y-26;  Bit-36. 

NGC  MS-61 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #930031 

12488  3 Rubles,  1879-CNBHO.  Fr-164;  Y-26;  Bit-42;  Sev-508. 
RARE.  Bitkin  reports  a mintage  of  5 pieces. 

PCGS  Genuine— Mount  Removed,  EF  Details  Secure 
Holder. $1000-$2000 

PCGS  # 930037 

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3 Rubles,  1884-CNBAT.  Fr-166;  Y-26;  Bit-13;  Sev-523. 
PCGS  MS-62+  Secure  Holder. $6000-$8000 

PCGS#  181181 

10  Ruble,  1886-AT.  Fr-167;  Y-A42;  Bit-15;  Sev-530.  VERY 
RARE.  PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 413595 

10  Ruble,  1894-AT.  Fr-167;  Y-A42;  Bit-23.  VERY  RARE. 
Mintage  of  only  1,007  pieces.  NGC  AU-55 $5500-$7000 

PCGS  # 930349 

5 Rubles,  1887-AT.  Fr-168;  Y-42;  Bit-25;  Sev-531. 

NGC  AU-55 $900-$1100 

PCGS  # 930242 

15  Ruble,  1897-AT.  Fr-177;  Y-65.1;  Bit-1.  Last  two  letters  of 
legend  under  base  of  neck.  Truly  exceptional  quality  for  this 
type.  NGC  MS-64 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 930426 

12494  15  Rubles,  1897-AT.  Fr-177;  Y-65.2;  Bit-2.  Narrow  rim. 
NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #398031 

12495  10  Rubles,  1911-EB.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-16. 

NGC  MS-62 $1 100-$1400 

PCGS  # 930385 

12496  Lot  of  (8)  10  Rubles,  1899-1903.  Fr-179;  Y-64.  8 pieces  in 
lot.  Comprised  of  the  following  years:  1899  (6),  1900  (1) 
and  1903  (1).  Some  small  light  scratches  on  one  piece  and 
a small  dig  on  another,  but  the  rest  are  wholesome. 



12497  5 Rubles,  1909-EB.  Fr-180;  Y-62;  Bit-34;  Sev-588. 

NGC  MS-65 $900-$1100 

PCGS#  164314 

12498  Lot  of  (19)  5 Rubles,  1897-1904.  Fr-180;  Y-62.  19  pieces  in 
lot.  Comprised  of  the  following  years:  1897  (2),  1898  (5), 
1899  (6),  1900  (3),  1902  (2)  and  1904  (1).  A wholesome 
group  without  surface  issues. 

UNCIRCULATED $3000-$3500 

12499  Chervonetz,  1923.  Fr-181;  Y-85. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #931911 

12500  Chervonetz,  1923.  Fr-181;  Y-85. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #931911 

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12501  150  Ruble,  1978.  Fr-183;  Y-163.  Struck  in  platinum. 
Olympics  commemorative. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $700-$1000 

PCGS#  797511 

12502  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-193  & 196;  Y-210-212  & 
215.  Russian  history  set  including  150  Ruble  in  platinum, 
25  Ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in  silver.  In 
original  case  of  issue  and  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12503  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-193  & 196;  Y-210- 
212  & 215.  Russian  history  set.  Includes  150  Ruble  in 
platinum,  25  Ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in  silver. 
In  original  case  of  issue,  with  certificates  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12504  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-193  & 196;  Y-210- 
212  & 215.  Russian  History  Set.  Includes  150  Ruble 
in  platinum,  25  ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in 
silver.  In  case  of  issue,  with  certificates  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12505  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-193  & 196;  Y-210- 
212  & 215.  Russian  history  set.  Includes  150  Ruble  in 
platinum,  25  Ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in  silver. 
In  original  case  of  issue,  with  certificates  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12506  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1989.  Fr-197  & 200;  Y-222-224  & 227. 
500th  Anniversary  of  the  Russian  State.  Includes  150  Ruble 
in  platinum,  25  Ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in  silver. 
Double  sealed  in  case  of  issue,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12507  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1989.  Fr-197  & 200;  Y-222-224  & 227. 
500th  Anniversary  of  the  Russian  State.  Includes  150  Ruble 
in  platinum,  25  Ruble  in  palladium  and  (2)  3 Ruble  in  silver. 
In  original  case  of  issue,  with  certificates  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$1800 

12508  100  Rubles,  1991.  Fr-209;  Y-278.  Leo  Tolstoy. 

PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 797487 

12509  100  Rubles,  1992.  Fr-216;  Y-375. 

PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 464589 
Emperor  Collection. 

12510  100  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-221;  Y-412.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1500-$1800 

PCGS#  141917 

12511  50  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-222;  Y-411.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 388876 

12512  50  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-222;  Y-411.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 
NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $750-$1000 

PCGS  # 388876 

12513  100  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-226;  Y-454.  Tchaikovsky. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 464606 

12514  100  Rubles,  1995.  Fr-249;  Y-497.  Icebreaker  ship  “Krassin”. 
In  mint  issue  case,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1100-$1300 

PCGS  # 463094 

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12515  5 Ruble,  1996.  Fr-256;  Y-537.  Wildlife  protection 

series,  Amur  tiger.  From  a mintage  of  only  1,500  pieces. 

PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 414694 

12516  100  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-Bl;  Y-419.  Ballerina. 

ANACS  PROOF-68  HEAVY  CAMEO $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 464593 

12517  Four  Piece  Gold  Ballerina  Proof  Set,  1994.  Fr-Bl/B4;  KM- 

PslO.  4 pieces  in  set.  Includes  a 10,  25,  50  and  100  Ruble 
denomination  gold  proofs.  Also  includes  a gold  medal 
with  the  Russian  double  eagle,  Moscow  Mint,  and  the 
date  (1994).  Contained  within  the  mint  issue  display  case. 
GEM  PROOF. $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 762114,  757852,  426533,  464607 


12518  4 Pounds,  ND  (ca.  1945-46).  Fr-190;  KM-34.  Struck  at  the 
Philadelphia  Mint  for  a concession  payment  for  oil  to  the 
Saudi  Government.  NGC  AU-58 $2200-$2700 

PCGS  # 557990 

12519  Sovereign  (Pound),  ND  (1947).  Fr-191;  KM-35.  Struck  at 
the  Philadelphia  Mint  for  a concession  payment  for  oil  to  the 
Saudi  Government.  NGC  MS-63 $2800-$3300 

PCGS  # 557991,  189590 

12520  Sovereign  (Pound),  ND  (1947).  Fr-191;  KM-35.  Struck  at 
the  Philadelphia  Mint  for  a concession  payment  for  oil  to  the 
Saudi  Government.  NGC  MS-61 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 557991,  189590 


12521  Leone,  1974.  Fr-8;  KM-26b.  Struck  for  the  10th  anniversary 
of  the  Bank  of  Sierra  Leone.  Mintage  of  only  100  pieces. 

PCGS  PROOF-63  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 517495 


12522  1 Ounce  Medal,  1986.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Tiger. 

Fr- unlisted;  Bruce-A21.  Struck  in  platinum.  From  a mintage 
of  only  1,000  pieces.  PCGS  PL-69 $1400-$1600 

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The  Finest  Certified  1894  Pond 


12523  Pond,  1894.  KM- 10.2;  KJ- 196/ 189;  Z40.  Single  shaft  wagon.  Full  mint  brilliance  with  satin  luster,  exceptional  quality  for  this 
issue.  The  finest  certified  by  both  NGC  and  PCGS.  NGC  MS-65 $20,000-$25,000 

PCGS  # 560738 

12524  1/2  Pond,  1892.  Fr-3;  KM-9.1;  KJ-178.  Double  shaft  wagon 
tongue  NGC  AU-58 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  #560711 

12525  1/2  Pond,  1892.  Fr-3;  KM-9.1;  KJ-178.  Double  shaft  wagon 
tongue.  NGC  AU-55 $1000-$1300 

PCGS#  560711 

12526  Kaalpond,  ND  (1900).  Fr-unlisted;  KJ-193.  Gold  planchet 
with  rim.  Confiscated  from  the  Pretoria  Mint  before 
the  coin  could  be  struck.  In  NGC  holder  without  grade. 


12527  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1994.  Natura  Series.  Fr- 

Bll/3;  KM-167  & 189/91.  4 pieces  in  set.  Includes: 
1/10  to  1/2  oz.  Lion  Natura  pieces  and  a silver  1 Rand 
Wildlife  Conservation  commemorative.  In  wooden 
case  of  issue.  The  silver  piece  has  taken  some  toning. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1100-$1400 

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12528  Ounce,  1995.  Natura  Series.  Fr-BlO;  KM-198.  With  case  of 

issue  and  certificate  of  authenticity,  serial  #1,  the  C.O.A.  states 
a maximum  mintage  of  6,000  pieces;  however,  KM  suggests  a 
mintage  of  only  2,150  for  both  types  of  proof,  1,800  pieces  for 
the  regular  proofs  and  250  pieces  for  the  Hluhluwe  proofs. 
NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1700-$2000 

PCGS  # 164052 

12529  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1996.  Fr-BlO-13;  KM-Psl57.  4 

pieces  in  set.  Natura  series,  elephant.  Includes:  1/10  to  1 oz. 
pieces.  Without  case  of  issue  or  certificate  of  authenticity. 
The  (3)  larger  denominations  are  PCGS  PROOF-66  DEEP 
CAMEO  & the  1/10  is  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $2200-$2700 

12530  Four  Piece  Proof  Set  & 50  Rand,  2000-08.  Fr-BlO;  KM- 

Psl92  & 449.  Wildlife  series,  lion.  5 pieces  in  lot.  Includes: 
5 to  50  Cents,  struck  in  silver  in  conjunction  with  gold 
Natura  series.  Also  included  is  a 2008  50  Rand  featuring 
the  years  animal,  the  elephant.  The  set  is  in  the  original 
velvet  lined  case  of  issue,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 
(2)  of  the  silver  pieces  have  taken  a bit  of  toning. 
BRILLIANT  PROOF. $700-$1000 



2 Excellentes,  ND  (1474-1504)-S.  Seville  Mint.  Ferdinand 
& Isabella  (1474-1504).  Fr-129;  Cayon-2932. 

NGC  AU-55 $2800-$3500 

PCGS  # 163555 

Ex:  Roehrs  Collection. 

12533  2 Excellente,  ND  (ca.  1497).  Seville  Mint.  Ferdinand  & 
Isabella  (1474-1504).  Fr-129;  Cal-type-72#78;  Cayon-2926. 

PCGS  Genuine— Ex  Jewelry,  VF  Details  Secure  Holder.... 

PCGS  # 165654 

12534  2 Escudos,  ND.  Valladolid  Mint.  Philip  II  (1556-98).  Fr- 
171;  cf.Cal-type-63  #98;  Cayon-4107.  An  interesting  variety, 
with  a combination  of  points  around  the  mintmark  unlisted 
in  Calico.  NGC  AU-58 $1500-$1800 

Ex:  Huntington  Collection. 


12535  Death  of  Carl  XII  Medal  in  Gold,  1718.  32  x 23  mm; 

10.42  gms.  Hildebrand-217;  Bernheimer-144.  Laureate, 
draped  and  cuirassed  bust  of  Carl  XII  right,  date  below 
and  legend  around;  Reverse:  Allegorical  figures  of  Courage 
and  Immortality  standing  beside  broken  column.  By 
G.W  Vestner  of  Nuremburg.  An  attractive  and  lustrous 
piece  featuring  a timely  portrait  of  the  late  monarch. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $1500-$2500 


12536  Bern.  Ducat,  ND  (1772).  Fr-172;  KM-126. 

NGC  MS-64 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 690056 

12532  2 Excellentes,  ND  (1474-1 504) -S.  Seville  Mint.  Ferdinand 
& Isabella  (1474-1504).  Fr-129;  cf.Cal-Type-63;  Cayon-2937. 
NGC  EF-40 $2200-$2700 

PCGS  # 163555 

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12537  Solothurn.  1/4  Duplone,  1789.  Fr-393;  KM-55.  Light 
orange  toning  on  highly  lustrous  surfaces. 

NGC  MS-64 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 690045 

12538  Zurich.  2 Ducats,  1776.  Fr-485b;  KM-165. 

NGC  MS-62 $2200-$2800 

PCGS  # 690094 

12539  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  1988.  Fr-unlisted;  cf.Bruce- 
MB22-25a.  Lion  of  Lucerne.  Includes:  1/10  to  1 Oz. 
Struck  in  platinum  instead  of  gold  as  the  references  cite. 
In  wooden  case  of  issue  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  FROSTED  PROOF. $2500-$3000 


12540  500  Kurush,  AH  1293  Year  31  (1906/7).  Fr-39;  KM-733. 
NGC  AU  Details — Removed  from  Jewelry. ..  $1200-$  1500 

PCGS  # 760499 


12541  100  Bolivares,  1886.  Fr-2;  Y-34.  8 and  6 of  date  apart. 
NGC  MS-61 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 941336 

End  of  Session  C 

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The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Session  D 

Wednesday,  August  14, 2013 
Start  Time:  6:00  PM  CT 

World  Crowns  & Minors  Lots  13001-13445 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

World  Crowns  & Minors 


13001  Prova  2 Franga  Ari,  1927-R.  KM-Pr21.  Struck  in  silver. 
Seed  sower  and  standing  eagle.  NGC  MS-65....  $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 165520 

13002  Prova  2 Franga  Ari,  1928-R.  KM-PrA36.  Struck  in  silver. 
NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 755183 

13003  Prova Lek,  1930-V.  KM-unlisted  (as  Prova);  cf.  KM-5  (type). 
Struck  in  nickel.  NGC  MS-66 $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 419536 

13004  Prova  Lek,  1931-L.  KM-unlisted  (as  Prova);  cf.  KM-5  (type). 
Struck  in  nickel.  NGC  MS-64 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #443126 


13005  1/4  Lang,  ND  (1841-47).  KM-271;  Sch-249.  Toned. 
NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 


13006  8 Reales,  1815-PTSF.  KM-14;  CJ-5.1.12. 

NGC  AU-53 $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 752779 

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RARE  Proof  with  Mintage  of  100  Pieces 


13007  1/2  Penny,  1934.  KM-22.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  100  pieces.  Only  one  certified  higher  by  NGC.  Brilliant  and  attractive. 

NGC  PROOF-64  RB $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 143872 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13008  1/2  Penny,  1938.  KM-35.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  250 

pieces.  Tied  for  highest  graded  by  NGC. 

NGC  PROOF-63  RB $3500-$5000 

PCGS  # 16752 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13010  1/2  Penny,  1938.  KM-35.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  250  pieces. 
Tied  for  second  highest  graded  by  NGC.  Lustrous  and 
attractive.  NGC  PROOF-62  RB $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 16752 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13009  1/2  Penny,  1938.  KM-35.  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  250  pieces. 
Tied  for  second  highest  graded  by  NGC.  Lustrous  and 
attractive.  NGC  PROOF-62  RB $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 16752 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13011  3 Pence  Token,  1858.  KM-Tnll6.3.  Hogarth,  Erichsen  and 
Company.  Sydney  New  South  Wales.  RARE.  Dark  toned. 

PCGS  Genuine — Environmental  Damage,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 217277 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

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13012  30  Dollars,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit.  KM-505. 

1 Kilo.  In  original  mint  case,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 
GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 718632 

13013  30  Dollars,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon.  KM- 

525.1. 1 Kilo.  In  original  mint  case,  of  issue  with  certificate  of 
authenticity.  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $800-$1100 

PCGS  # 209808 

13014  30  Dollars,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake.  KM- 

542.  1 Kilo.  In  original  mint  case  of  issue,  with  certificate  of 
authenticity.  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $800-$1100 

PCGS  #427011 

13015  Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the 
Rabbit.  KM-501/5.  50  Cents  through  30  Dollars  struck  in 
silver.  In  original  box  and  plush  case  of  issue,  with  certificate 
of  authenticity.  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF....  $1000-$  1500 

13016  Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year 
of  the  Dragon.  KM-424,  522/4  & 525.1.  50  Cents 
through  30  Dollars  struck  in  silver.  In  original  box 
and  plush  case  of  issue,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1000-$1500 

13017  Five  Piece  Proof  Set,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of 
the  Snake.  KM-535/7,  539  & 542.  Includes:  50  Cents 
through  30  Dollars  struck  in  silver.  In  original  mint  box 
and  plush  case  of  issue,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1000-$1500 


13018  Auersperg.  Taler,  1805.  Dav-39;  KM-5.  Light 

toning  over  lustrous  surfaces.  Old  green  holder. 
PCGS  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 872077 

13019  Taler,  1583-KB.  Kremnitz  Mint.  Rudolph  II  (1576- 
1612).  Dav-8066;  Voglhuber- 100/type  III;  Huszar-1030. 
Attractively  toned.  NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 507156 

13020  Taler,  1603.  Hall  Mint.  Rudolf  11  (1576-1612).  KM-37.1; 
Dav-3005.  NGC  MS-61 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 370303 


13021  2 Taler,  ND  (1621).  Ensisheim  Mint.  Leopold  V (1619-32). 
Dav-3339;  KM-258  (under  Germany,  Alsace),  DeMay-47. 
Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $1500-$2500 


13022  600  Reis,  ND  (Decree  of  1887).  KM-26.3.  Crowned 
“G.P.”  countermark  on  a Portugal  400  Reis  from  1835 
( KM  -403.2).  Highest  graded  by  N GC . RARE  in  this  high  grade . 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 848741 

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13023  50  Centimes  to  5 Francs,  1887.  KM-5-8.1.  4 pieces  in  set.  Includes:  50  Centimes,  Franc,  2 Franc  and  5 Franc. 
All  display  a lovely  light  toning.  A beautiful  evenly  matched  set.  All  in  PCGS  Secure  Holders.  MS-66+  (1)  & 
MS-67+  (3) $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 167981 


13024  1/2  Franc,  1833.  KM-6;  Eeckhout-NBFB-64;  Dup-39. 
Toned  with  electric  blue  coloring  on  obverse  and  rose  on  the 
reverse.  NGC  PROOF-67 $1800-$2400 

13025  Franc,  1833.  KM-7.1;  Eeckhout-NFB-84;  Dup-33.  Coin 
alignment.  Toned  with  cobalt,  rose  and  russet  highlights. 

NGC  PROOF-67 $3000-$4000 

13026  Franc,  1844.  KM-7.1;  Eeckhout-NFB-84.  Wide  reeding. 
Toned  with  cobalt  highlight  coloring  on  obverse  and 
periphery  of  reverse.  NGC  PROOF-67 $2000-$3000 


13027  Penny,  1793.  KM-5.  Double  pennant  of  the  main  mast. 
PCGS  MS-64  BN $700-$1000 

PCGS#  126713 

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13028  Penny,  1793.  KM -7;  Pn-7.  Copper  restrike. 

NGC  PROOF-63  BN $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 493323 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


13029  8 Reales  Royal,  1666-PE.  Philip  IV  (posthumous  issue) 
(1621-65).  KM-R21;  Cal-type- 106-430;  LAZ-177(R3).  Final 
date  for  Philip  IV.  Royal  type.  Pierced  as  usual,  gilt.  Struck 
on  a round  planchet  with  well  centered  dies.  Very  nice  strike. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $6000-$7000 

PCGS  # 266017 

13030  8 Reales,  1691-PVR.  Potosi  Mint.  Charles  II  (1665-1700). 
KM-R26;  Lazaro-229;  Calbeto-1110;  Ca-type-75#329.  Royal 
presentation  strike.  Holed  at  1 1 o’clock  with  some  spots  of 
tooling,  traces  of  gilding.  VERY  FINE $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 266043 

13031  8 Reales,  1773-JR.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  KM-55;  FC-5; 
El-11.  First  year  of  bust  coinage.  Toned  with  cobalt  and  sea 
green  highlights.  NGC  MS-61 $700-$  1000 

13032  8 Reales,  1774-JR.  Charles  111  (1759-88).  KM-55;  FC-6; 
El-12.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1300-$1700 

PCGS  # 222679 

13033  8 Soles,  1852-PTSFM.  KM-112.1.  Well  struck,  lustrous  and 
choice  for  type.  NGC  MS-62 $800-$1200 

PCGS  # 750607 


13034  300  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-18.2; 
LDMB-011;  Gomes-46.01.  Type  III,  crowned  300  Reis 
countermark  on  a (16)60-E  4 Reales  of  Philip  IV  of  Bolivia. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-20 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 760713 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13035  600  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-19.1; 
LDMB-012;  Gomes-47.01.  Type  III,  crowned  600  Reis 
countermark  on  a 1655-P  8 Reales  of  Philip  IV  of  Mexico. 
Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-35 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 760772 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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13039  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-27; 
LDMB-020;  Gomes-08.10.  Type  IV,  crowned  100  Reis 
countermark  with  a Portuguese  Type  I (1642),  rectangular 
120  Reis  countermark  on  undated  80  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto 
Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  120  Reis  countermark 
VERY  FINE,  crowned  100  Reis  countermark 

EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-30 $700-$I000 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13040  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-27; 
LDMB-020;  Gomes-40.03.  Type  IV,  crowned  100  Reis 
countermark  on  undated  80  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-20 $700-$I000 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

I304I  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-27;  LDMB- 
021;  Gomes-08.06.  Type  IV,  crowned  100  Reis  countermark 
on  undated  (1663)  80  Reis  of  Alfonso  IV  of  Lisbon  Mint. 
Cleaned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF  Details— Rim  Filing $700-$I000 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13042  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.2; 
LDMB-024;  Gomes-42.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-20 $I200-$I600 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 


13036  600  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM- 
19.2;  LDMB-012;  Gomes-47.01.  Type  III,  crowned  600 
Reis  countermark  on  a 166 1-E  8 Reales  of  Philip  IV  of 
Bolivia.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-30 $I400-$I800 

PCGS  # 760775 

13037  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-27; 
LDMB-019;  Gomes-41.04.  Type  IV,  crowned  100  Reis 
countermark  on  undated  80  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  FINE,  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  FINE-15 $700-$I000 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13038  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-27; 
LDMB-019;  Gomes-08.11.  Type  IV,  crowned  100  Reis 
countermark  with  a Portuguese  Type  I (1642),  rectangular 
120  Reis  countermark  on  undated  80  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Evora  Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  are 
FINE.  NGC  FINE-12 $700-$I000 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

Bid  online  at 

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13043  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.1; 
LDMB-025;  Gomes-42.12.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora 
Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730485 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13044  500  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-36;  LDMB- 
028;  Gomes-44.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  500  Reis  countermark 
on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon  Mint.  Toned. 
Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  EF-40 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13045  500  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-36; 
LDMB-028;  Gomes-45.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  500  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Three  small  “PR”  punch  marks  on  reverse  at  7 o’clock. 
Light  evidence  of  lacquer.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE, 
countermark  EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF  Details— 
Countermarked  PR $1000-$  1500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13046  500  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-36; 
LDMB-030;  Gomes-44.03.  Type  IV,  crowned  500  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto 
Mint.  Lightly  toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-35 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13047  150  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-31; 
LDMB-066;  Gomes-11.09.  Type  IV,  crowned  150  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  Tostao  of  Sabastian  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  FINE-15 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 840501 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13048  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.1; 
LDMB-078;  Gomes-42.09.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora 
Mint.  Dark  toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-35 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 730485 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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13049  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.2; 
LDMB-080;  Gomes-43.14.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Alfonso  VI  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Dark  toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-30 $I500-$2000 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13050  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.2; 
LDMB-080;  Gomes-43.14.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Alfonso  VI  of  Lisbon  Mint. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $I500-$2000 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

I305I  500  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-36;  LDMB- 
081;  Gomes-45.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  500  Reis  countermark 
on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon  Mint.  Toned. 
Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $I000-$I500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13052  500  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-36;  LDMB- 
083;  Gomes-45.03.  Type  IV,  crowned  500  Reis  countermark 
on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint.  Dark 
attractive  toning.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  EF-45 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13053  600  Reis,  ND  (1686).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  cf.KM-65; 
cf.LDMB-087;  cf.Gomes-38.01.  Type  VIII,  crowned 
globe  countermark,  twice  with  a Type  I (1643),  crowned 
480  Reis  countermark  on  an  undated  Spanish  Colonial 
8 Reales.  Moderate  corrosion.  Host  coin  GOOD, 
countermarks  VERY  FINE.  NGC  Good  Details — Saltwater 
Damage $1000-$  1 500 

PCGS  # 248035 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13054  320  Reis,  ND  (1679).  Pedro  as  Prince  Regent  (1667-83). 
KM-52;  LDMB-090;  Gomes-03.01.  Type  VI,  crowned  32- 
Reis  countermark  on  an  undated  4 Reales  of  Philip  II  of 
Mexico.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark  EXTREMELY 
FINE.  NGC  EF-45 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 714063 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

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13055  320  Reis,  ND  (1679).  Pedro  as  Prince  Regent  (1667-83). 
KM-52;  LDMB-090;  Gomes-03.01.  Type  VI,  crowned  320 
Reis  countermark  with  a Type  III  (1663),  crowned  300  Reis 
countermark  on  a (16)66-E  4 Reales  of  Philip  IV  of  Bolivia. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 714063 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13056  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.2  (for 
type);  LDMB-092;  Gomes-101.01  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark 
of  Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Lisbon  Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  and  crowned  countermark 
VERY  FINE,  circular  overstrike  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  EF-45 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13057  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.1  (for 
type);  LDMB-093;  Gomes- 103  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark 
of  Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Evora  Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  and  crowned  countermark 
VERY  FINE,  circular  overstrike  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  EF-40 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 730485 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13058  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.1  (for 
type);  LDMB-093;  Gomes- 103  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark  of 
Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora  Mint. 
Dark  toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730485 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13059  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.3  (for 
type);  LDMB-094;  Gomes-102.01.  Act  of  June  14,  1688 
circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends,over 
a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark  of  Alfonso 
VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint.  Dark 
toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermarks  EXTREMELY 
FINE.  NGC  EF-45 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 730490 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13060  500  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-36  (for 
type);  LDMB-096;  Gomes- 112  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  500  Reis  countermark  of 
Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-25 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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13061  500  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-36  (for 
type);  LDMB-097;  Gomes- 114  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  500  Reis  countermark 
of  Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora 
Mint.  Dark  toning.  Host  coin  and  crowned  countermark 
VERY  FINE,  circular  overstrike  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  EF-40 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13062  500  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-36  (for 
type);  LDMB-098;  Gomes- 114  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  500  Reis  countermark  of 
Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint. 
Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermarks  EXTREMELY 
FINE.  NGC  EF-45 $I500-$2000 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13063  500  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-36 
(for  type);  LDMB-102;  Gomes-116  (for  type).  Act  of 
June  14,  1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and 
reverse  legends,  over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  500  Reis 
countermark  of  Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao 
IV  of  Lisbon  Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermarks 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-35 $I000-$I500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13064  500  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-36  (for 
type);  LDMB-104;  Gomes-117  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  500  Reis  countermark  of 
Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  400  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint. 
Dark  toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-35 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 714054 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13065  600  Reis,  I756-B.  Jose  1 (1752-60).  KM-179;  LDMB- 
225;  Gomes-48.03.  Toned.  NGC  VF— Details,  Surface 
Hairlines $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 725381 

13066  600  Reis,  1758-B.  Jose  1 (1752-60).  KM-179;  LDMB-227; 
Gomes-48.05.  Toned.  NGC  VF-30 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 725383 

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13067  Mato  Grosso.  960  Reis,  ND  (1818).  KM-331.1;  LDMB- 

483;  Gomes-29.03.  Type  A,  crowned  shield  above  “MATO 
GROSSO”  on  the  obverse  and  banded  globe  on  the  reverse 
countermark  on  a 1796-PP  8 Reales  of  Charles  IV  of  Bolivia. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-20 $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 760883 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13068  Cuiaba.  960  Reis,  ND  (Authorized  1820).  cf.KM-345; 
LDMB-486;  Gomes-30.04.  VERY  RARE.  Type  B,  crowned 
shield  above  “CUYABA”  on  obverse,  and  banded  globe 
on  the  reverse  countermark  on  an  1821-PJ  8 Reales  of 
Ferdinand  VII  of  Bolivia.  Authorized  in  late  1820,  the 
Type  C countermark  being  authorized  in  January  of  1821. 
This  piece  shows  that  there  was  some  overlap  and  both  sets 
of  countermarks  were  used  simultaneously.  Dark  toned. 
Both  host  coin  and  countermark  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  EF-40 $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 743265 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13069  Cuiaba.  960  Reis,  ND  (1821).  KM-352;  LDMB-487; 
Gomes-31.04.  Type  C,  crowned  960/C  (.C.)  within  wreath 
obverse  and  shield  on  globe  reverse  countermark  on  an 
1817-PJ  8 Reales  of  Ferdinand  VII  of  Bolivia.  Toned.  Host 
coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark  EXTREMELY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-35 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 474021 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

13070  Cuiaba.  960  Reis,  ND  (1821).  KM-352;  LDMB- 

487A;  Gomes-34.02.  Type  C,  crowned  960/C  (C) 

within  wreath  obverse  and  shield  on  globe  reverse 
countermark  on  an  1819-PJ  8 Reales  of  Ferdinand  VII 
of  Bolivia.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-35 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 474021 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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13071  1,200  Reis,  1839.  KM-454;  LDMB-555.  EXTREMELY  RARE.  Mintage  of  only  186  pieces.  A classic  rarity,  estimated  that  only  8 
to  10  pieces  exist  today.  NGC  VF-30 $15,000-$20,000 

PCGS#  186120 

13072  50  Reis  Pattern,  1871.  KM-Pnl43;  LMDB-E061.  VERY  RARE.  Struck  in  copper-nickel.  NGC  MS-61 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 739037 

13073  4,000  Reis,  1900.  KM-502.1;  LDMB-680.  Star  with  16  rays.  Toned  and  very  attractive.  NGC  MS-64 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 750436 

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13074  4,000  Reis,  1900.  KM-502.1;  LDMB-680.  Discovery  anniversary.  Star  with  16  rays.  NGC  MS-63 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 750436 

13075  4,000  Reis,  1900.  KM-502.2;  LDMB-680A.  Discovery  anniversary.  Star  with  20  rays.  NGC  MS-63. 

PCGS  # 746347 


13076  10  Cents,  1894.  KM-8.  Possibly  only  25  minted  according  to  KM.  Toned.  NGC  PROOF-63. 

PCGS  # 438200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


13077  50  Cents,  1894.  KM- 10.  Very  attractive  toning. 
NGC  AU-58 

PCGS  # 756871 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 




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13078  10  Sanyim  Essai,  1880-OM.  KM-El.  Struck  in  copper. 
NGC  MS-65  RB $1500-$2000 

PCGS#  124141 


13079  5 Cents,  1885/5.  KM-2.  Large  five  over  small  five. 
PCGS  AU-53 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 165907 

13080  25  Cents,  1872-H.  KM-6.  PCGS  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #31707 

13081  25  Cents,  1875-H.  KM-5.  PCGS  VF-35 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #31709 

13082  25  Cents,  1915.  KM-24.  PCGS  AU-53 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #31799 

13083  50Cents,  1871. KM-6. ShowssignsofEnvironmentalDamage. 

PCGS  # 32068 

13084  50  Cents,  1872-H.  KM-6.  PCGS  AU-55 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 32070 

13085  50  Cents,  1894.  KM-6.  Key  date  to  series.  Toned. 
PCGS  VF-35  Secure  Holder. $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 32076 

13086  50  Cents,  1911.  KM- 19.  Deeply  toned  with  russet  and  sea 
foam  coloring.  Toned.  NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #32137 


13087  8 Reales,  1787-SO  DA.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  KM-31;  Eliz- 
36;  WR-3;  FC-25  (R9).  RARE.  Nice  strike.  Old  cabinet  toning. 

NGC  AU-58 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  #239011 

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Mint  State  Wei  Stele  Style  50  Cents 


13088  Chekiang.  3 Mace  6 Candareens  (50  Cents),  ND  (1899).  L&M-283;  K-120;  Y-54;  Hsu- 166;  Wenchao-pg.  394#589  (rarity  three 
stars).  Quite  remarkable,  while  RARE  as  a type,  this  coin  is  VERY  RARE  in  this  state  of  preservation.  Toned  with  sharp  details. 

NGC  MS-61 $15,000-$25,000 


13089  Hupeh.  7 Mace  2 Candareens  (Dollar),  ND  (ca.  1909-11). 

L8cM-187;  K-45;  Y-131;  Hsu-199;  WS-0883.  No  swirl  on 
flaming  pearl.  Satiny  luster. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

PCGS#  115697 

13090  Copper-Nickel  Medal,  ND  (1943).  26.13  mm.  L&M-970/1; 
CCC-708  & 710.  Muled  medal  using  the  reverse  dies  of  the 
above  referenced  medals. 

NGC  Medal  AU-58 $1500-$2000 

Ex:  J.C.  Lee  Collection. 

13091  Lot  of  (3)  5 Yuan,  1986-88.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Historical 
flgures  series.  Comprised  of  a 1986  Zu  Chong  Zhi  (KM- 
144),  a 1987  Princess  Chen  Wen  & Song  Zan  Ban  (KM-172) 
and  a 1988  Yue  Eei  (KM-210).  All  pieces  are  perfect 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $700-$1000 

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13092  10  Yuan,  1989-P.  Panda  Series.  KM-A221.  With  original 
case  of  issue  and  certificate  of  authenticity. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 388544, 146132 

13093  10  Yuan,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

KM- 1325.  Scalloped  edge.  One  of  only  fourteen 
pieces  in  this  grade  from  either  NGC  or  PCGS. 
With  case  of  issue  and  certificate  of  authenticity. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 404354 

13094  50  Yuan,  2001 . Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1377.  Rectangle. 

PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 512623 

13095  50  Yuan,  2001 . Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1377.  Rectangle. 

PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 512623 

13096  50  Yuan,  2001 . Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1377.  Rectangle. 

PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 512623 

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13097  50  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1377.  Rectangle.  PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 512623 

13098  50  Yuan,  2002.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 
KM  1421.  Rectangle.  PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 800166 

13099  50  Yuan,  2003.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Sheep. 

KM  1484.  Rectangle.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $900-$  1200 

PCGS  #512621 

13100  50  Yuan,  2003.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Sheep. 

KM  1484.  Rectangle.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $900-$  1200 

PCGS  #512621 

13101  100  Yuan,  1991.  Panda  Series.  KM-352. 

PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 512602 

13102  5 Ounce  Silver  Medal,  1989.  Bruce-MB45.  Goddess 
Guanyin.  With  original  case  of  issue  and  certificate 
of  authenticity.  From  a mintage  of  2,000  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $1000-$1500 

13103  Lot  of  (2)  Seven  Piece  Mint  Sets,  1980.  KM-113  & 115/8. 

14  pieces  in  lot.  Two  sets  from  Fen  to  Yuan.  Both  sets  are  still 
sealed  in  mint  plastic,  one  in  a blue  vinyl  folder  and  one  in  a 
black  vinyl  folder.  GEM  UNCIRCULATED $700-$1000 

13104  Four  Piece  Proof  Set,  ND  (1984).  4 pieces  in  set.  Struck  in 

silver.  Commemorates  ancient  Chinese  pagodas  including 
the  Shi  Jia  Pagoda,  Songyue  Temple,  Kai  Yuan  Temple  and 
Zhenjiao  Temple.  From  a mintage  of  only  1,000  sets.  With 
mint  case  of  issue.  (1)  piece  is  NGC  PROOF-69  CAMEO,  all 
others  NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $1500-$2000 

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13105  Two  Piece  Proof  Set,  1985.  KM-1 1 1 & 128.  2 pieces 
in  set.  Sinkiang  Autonomous  Region  30th  anniversary 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $2000-$3000 

13106  Eight  Piece  Proof  Set,  1985.  KM-Psl6.  Fen  to  Yuan.  Also 
includes  a small  copper  medal  featuring  the  years  lunar 
animal,  the  ox.  In  original  mint  packaging. 

GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $1500-$2000 

13107  Four  Piece  Goldfish  Silver  Medal  Set,  ND  (1990).  36  mm; 

18  gms.  Cheng-pg.96  #1-4.  From  a mintage  of  only  2,000 
sets.  NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $700-$1000 


13108  8 Reales,  1846-RS.  KM-98;  Retrepo-Type  194  #15.  Lightly 
toned  with  good  luster  beneath.  RARE  in  this  grade. 

NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 843965 

13109  2 1/2  Centavo  Pattern,  1881.  KM-Pn65.  Struck  in  silver. 
Dark  toned.  NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 443049 

13110  5 Decimos,  1886.  KM-164.1;  Retrepo-Type  303  #1.  With 
two  stars  and  two  dots  in  reverse  legend.  Fineness  “LEV”. 

RARE.  NGC  EF-45 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 270404 


13111  5 Franc,  AH  1308-A  (ca.  1890-91).  KM-3;  Gad-3.  Mintage 

of  only  2,050  pieces.  NGC  MS-61 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 486105 


13112  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage  of  the  Crusader  States, 

12th- 14th  Century.  33  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  included 
are  a Denier  of  Baldwin  III,  a Denier  of  Amaury,  and  a 
1/2  Gros  and  Gros  of  Bohemond  VI.  As  well  as  a wide 
variety  of  other  interesting  pieces.  Most  are  attributed. 
Some  have  minor  porosity  deposits,  planchet  cracks  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/ 
NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $2,800.  Grades 
GOOD-CHOICE  VERY  FINE $1200-$1700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


13113  Peso,  1898.  KM-A8.  Mintage  of  only  1,000  pieces.  Toned. 

PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  AU  Details $800-$  1000 

PCGS  # 773851 

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13114  Peso,  1938.  KM-22.  ABC  type.  Exceptionally  choice  and 
RARE  in  this  high  grade.  NGC  MS-65 $700-$  1000 

PCGS#  741819 


13115  18  Piastre,  1907.  KM- 10.  Exceptional  quality  for  this  RARE 
date.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $2700-$3500 

PCGS  # 148281 


13116  5 Haleru,  1924.  KM-6.  VERY  RARE.  Erom  a mintage  of 
only  10  pieces  and  the  only  example  to  be  graded  by  PCGS 
or  NGC.  NGC  MS-61  BN $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 744890 


13117  Ore,  1876-CS.  KM-792.1;  Sieg-1.1;  H-19a.  RARE  date. 
NGC  MS-62  BN $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 633256 

13118  Complete  Set  of  Silver  Commemorative  2,  5,  and  10 
Kroner,  ca.  1888-1972.  16  pieces  in  lot.  Included  are:  2 
Kroner,  1888-CS.  25th  Anniversary  of  Reign  (KM-799) 
NGC  MS-66;  2 Kroner,  1892-CS(h)  Golden  Wedding 
Anniversary  (KM-800)  PCGS  MS-65;  2 Kroner,  1903-P(h) 
40th  Anniversary  of  Reign  (KM-802)  PCGS  MS-66,  tied  for 
finest  certified  by  PCGS;  2 Kroner,  1906-VBP(h)  Death  of 
Christian  IX  and  Accession  of  Erederik  VIII  (KM-803)  PCGS 
MS-65;  2 Kroner,  1912-VBP(h)  Death  of  Erederik  VIII  and 
Accession  of  Christian  X (KM-811)  PCGS  MS-64;  2 Kroner, 
1923-HCN-GJ  Silver  Wedding  Anniversary  (KM-821)  NGC 
MS-64;  2 Kroner,  1930-HS.  Kings  60th  Birthday  (KM-829) 
NGC  MS-63;  2 Kroner,  1937-N(h)S  25th  Anniversary  of 
Reign  (KM-830)  PCGS  MS-67,  tied  for  finest  certified  by 
PCGS;  2 Kroner,  1945-NS  Kings  75th  Birthday  (KM-836) 
Rare  NGC  PROOF-64,  misattributed  as  the  denomination- 
less medallic  issue  (KM-X5)  by  NGC,  making  this  the  only 
Proof  of  this  2 Kroner  commemorative  graded  by  NGC;  2 
Kroner,  195 3 -NS  Eoundation  for  the  Campaign  Against 
Tuberculosis  in  Greenland  (KM-844)  NGC  PROOF-66 
ULTRA  CAMEO;  2 Kroner,  1958  Princess  Margrethes 
18th  Birthday  (KM-845)  PCGS  PROOF-63  DEEP 
CAMEO,  misattributed  as  the  denomination-less  medallic 
issue  (KM-M7)  by  PCGS,  making  this  the  only  Proof  of  this 
2 Kroner  commemorative  certified  by  PCGS;  5 Kroner,  1960 
Silver  Wedding  Anniversary  (KM-852)  PCGS  PROOF-66 
DEEP  CAMEO,  misattributed  as  the  denomination-less 
medallic  issue  (KM-M8)  by  PCGS,  making  this  one  of  only 
2 Proofs  of  this  5 Kroner  commemorative  certified  by  PCGS; 
5 Kroner,  1964  Wedding  of  Princess  Anne  Marie.  (KM- 
854)  PCGS  PROOF-67  DEEP  CAMEO,  misattributed  as 
the  denomination-less  medallic  issue  (KM-M9)  by  PCGS, 
making  this  the  only  Proof  of  this  5 Kroner  commemorative 
certified  by  PCGS;  10  Kroner,  1967-C(h)S  Wedding  of 
Princess  Margrethe  (KM- 8 56)  PCGS  MS-67;  10  Kroner, 
1968-CS  Wedding  of  Princess  Benedikte  (KM-857)  NGC 
MS-68,  tied  for  finest  certified  by  NGC;  10  Kroner,  1972-SB 
Death  of  Erederik  IX  and  Accession  of  Margrethe  II  PCGS 
MS-64.  These  are  among  the  finest  specimens  of  these  silver 
commemoratives  graded  by  PCGS  and  NGC,  and  the  Proofs 
contained  in  this  set  are  especially  desirable  for  their  high 
grade  and  great  rarity.  $2500-$5000 

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13119  Colon,  1925.  KM-131.  400th  anniversary  of  San  Salvador. 
From  a mintage  of  only  2,000  pieces. 

NGC  MS-66 $800-$1000 

PCGS  # 780439 


13120  50  & 20  Cent  Reverse  Mule,  ND  (ca.  2002-05).  Y-345 
& 346  (for  types).  Muling  of  the  two  denominations’ 
reverse  dies.  country  of  issue  unascertainable. 

NGC  Mint  Error  MS-66 $700-$1000 


13121  50  Euro  Cent  Reverse  Mule,  ND  (ca.  2002-05). 

Y-346  (for  type).  Muling  of  two  reverse  dies  from 
a 50  Euro  Cent.  Country  of  issue  unascertainable. 

NGC  Mint  Error  MS-62 $700-$1000 

13122  Teston,  ND  (ca.  1515-40).  Lyon  Mint.  Francis  I (1515-47). 
Roberts-3464;  Duplessy-810.  Toned. 

NGC  EF-40 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 651834 


13123  Lorraine.  Teston,  ND  (1545-1608).  Charles  III  (1545- 
1608).  Roberts-9563;  cf.Saulcy-pl.XXIII  #7.  Dark  toned. 
NGC  EF-45 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #421381 

13124  1/2  Ecu,  1642A-Rose/2  Points.  Louis  Xlll  (1610-43). 
KM-121;  Gad-49. 

NGC  AU  Details — Surface  Hairlines $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 342780 

13125  1/2  Ecu,  1645-A.  Louis  XIV  (1643-1715).  KM-163.1; 
Gad-168;  Dup-1462;  DFW-151;  Droolers-474.  With  point 
above  crown.  Evenly  toned  with  luster  around  devices. 

NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 160007,  789912 

13126  2 Franc,  1813-A.  KM-693.1.  PCGS  MS-62 $700-$1000 

13127  5 Franc,  1815-1.  KM-704.4;  Gad-595.  Minted  at  Limoges.  A 
very  attractive  example  of  this  scarce  and  popular  “100  days” 
issue.  PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 155839 

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13128  5 Franc,  1816-W.  Lille  Mint.  KM-711.13;  Gad- 
614.  Toned  with  attractive  underlying  luster. 
NGC  MS-65 $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 870702 

13130  5 Franc  Essai,  1830.  KM-unlisted;  Maz-1 109.  Struck  in 
silver.  Lovely  iridescent  toning. 

NGC  PROOF-64 $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 503791 

13131  Royal  & Feudal  Silver  & Bronze  Coinage,  ca.  950- 1 640.  40 

pieces  in  lot.  Consisting  of  a nice  variety  of  early  French  coins 
with  a couple  of  tokens  and  jetons.  Pieces  of  note  included  are 
a 1/2  Gros  of  Charles  IV,  a Blanc  au  K of  Charles  V,  a Double 
Gros  of  Charles  VII,  a Dizdain  of  Louis  XII,  a 1/4  Testone 
of  Anthony  of  Lorraine,  and  an  Esterlin  of  Gaucher  II  de 
Chatillon  of  Florennes.  As  well  as  other  interesting  issues. 
Most  are  attributed.  Some  have  verdigris,  corrosion  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  Retail  value 
in  excess  of  $2,000.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 
GOOD-VERY  FINE $800-$1200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13129  5 Franc,  1837-B.  Roven  Mint.  KM-749.2;  Gad-678.  Light 
toning  over  lustrous  surfaces.  NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

Tied  for  Second  Finest  Certified 


13132  5 Mark,  1894-A.  KM-7.  Tied  with  one  other  example  for  second  finest  with  only  one  finer.  Toned  with  electric  blue  and  russet 
highlights  amongst  devices.  NGC  PROOF-66 $20,000-$25,000 

PCGS  # 550042 

A similar  example  also  graded  PROOF-66  hammered  for  $25,500  in  Stacks  April,  2010  auction. 

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13133  5 Mark,  1894-A.  KM-7.  Lustrous  and  attractive  with 
full  plumage  detail  and  colored  peripheral  highlights. 
NGC  MS-64 $3500-$4500 

PCGS  # 550041 

13135  Brandenburg.  2 Taler,  1627.  Georg  Wilhelm  (1619-40). 
KM-133;  Dav-6140.  VERY  RARE. 

NGC  VF-20 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 196262 

13134  Baden.  2 Mark,  1880-G.  KM-265.  KM-265. 

RARE  date.  Attractive  multicolored  peripheral 
toning  in  pleasant  contrast  to  frosty  silver  portrait. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 242345 

13136  Bremen.  Taler,  1641-PT.  Eriedrich  11,  Prince  of  Denmark 
(1634-44).  KM-38;  Dav-5078.  Lightly  toned.  RARE. 
NGC  AU-55 $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 364295 

13137  Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.  1 1/2  Taler,  1662-(S).  August  II  (1634-66).  Dav-LS75;  KM-450.3.  Evidence  of  old  cleaning,  otherwise 

PCGS  # 271898 

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13138  Donauwurth.  Taler,  1544.  Karl  V (1519-56).  Dav-1970; 
MB-3.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $1200-$1500 

PCGS  # 386874 

13139  Eichstatt.  Taler,  1757-MF.  Sede  Vacante.  KM-75;  Dav-2208. 
Sharply  struck,  lightly  toned  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 193452 

13140  Frankfurt.  Taler,  1796-HGBH.  KM-288;  Dav-2229. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $800-$1000 

PCGS  # 404266 

13141  Hamburg.  Taler  (32  Schilling),  1628.  KM-123;  Dav-5365. 
NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 473367 

13142  Munster.  Taler,  1661.  Christof  Bernhard  von  Galen  (1650- 
78).  KM-77;  Dav-5604. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $700-$  1000 

PCGS#  121082 

13143  Nurnberg.  60  Kreuzer,  1615.  Dav-90;  KM- 19.  Attractive 
old  cabinet  tone.  NGC  MS-63 $800-$  1200 

PCGS  # 243080 

13144  Ottingen-Ottingen.  Taler,  1623.  Ludwig  Ederhardt  (1622- 
1634).  Dav-7136;  KM-20.  NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 499669 

13145  Prussia.  5 Mark,  1874-A.  KM-503. 

PCGS  PROOF-65 $6000-$7000 

PCGS  # 289879 

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PCGS  # 286306 

13150  Saxe- Weimar.  Taler,  1623-GA.  Joint  Rule  of  Eight. 
Dav-7532;  KM-94.  NGC  AU-53 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 449761 


13146  Regensburg.  Taler,  1787-BK.  Sede  Vacante.  Dav-2606; 
KM-450.  NGC  MS-62 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 171406 

13147  Regensburg.  Taler,  1787-BK.  D-2606;  KM-450.  Toned. 
PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 171406 

13148  Reuss-Schleiz.  Taler,  1764-lCH.  Heinrich  Xll  (1744-84). 
KM-44;  Dav-2641.  Toned.  NGC  AU-50 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 871983 

13149  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.  2 Mark,  1911-A.  KM-166. 

VERY  RARE.  Erom  a mintage  of  only  100  pieces. 
Toning  streak  on  obverse  and  some  peripheral  toning. 

NGC  PROOF  Details — Surface  Hairlines. ...  $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 872123 

13151  Saxony.  Taler,  1649-CR.  Dav-7612;KM-425;  Schmee-879. 
Sharply  struck  and  exceptional.  Very  attractive. 

NGC  MS-65 $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  191819 

13152  Saxony.  Taler,  1669.  Johann  Georg  11  (1656-80). 

Dav-7632;  KM-528.  One  small  edge  flaw.  Dark  toned. 

NGC  AU-58 $1000-$1500 

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13153  Saxony.  2 Mark,  1892-A.  Bruce- 12;  J-126.  Muldner  Hutte 
Mint  visit  of  King  Albert.  RARE. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 458654 

13154  Saxony-Ernestine.  1 1/2  Taler,  1539.  Dav-9725;  MB-230. 
NGC  AU-53 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  #82917 

13155  Schmalkaldic  League.  1/4  Taler,  (15)45.  Philip  of  Hesse 
(1509-67)  & Johann  Friedrich  of  Saxony  (1532-54). 
Schulten-1260.  VERY  RARE.  Mount  mark  on  edge.  Toned. 
FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13156  Stolberg.  Taler,  1546.  Ludwig  11  (1544-74).  Dav-9866; 
MB-1 1.  Toned.  NGC  AU-50 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 386876 

13157  Wurttemberg.  2 Taler,  1871.  KM-618.  Restoration  of 
Ulm  Cathedral  commemorative.  Tied  with  one  other 
example  for  the  finest  known  with  the  next  best  being 
64.  Toned  with  attractive  blue  and  green  highlights. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $4000-$6000 

PCGS#  191311 

13158  Wurttemberg.  5 Mark,  1902-F.  KM-632.  Lightly  toned. 
PCGS  MS-65 $1000-$1500 

13159  Wurttemberg.  5 Mark,  1907-F.  KM-632. 

NGC  PROOF-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 458209 

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13160  3 Mark,  1928-D.  KM-58.  Albrecht  Durer. 

NGC  MS-66 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 301676 

13161  3 Mark,  1931-J.  KM-74.  Frosty  white. 

NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 301774 

13162  3 Mark,  1932-J.  KM-74.  A cameo  frosted,  blast  white  gem. 

NGC  PROOF-65  CAMEO $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 797572 

13163  5 Mark,  1927-A.  KM-51.  “BREMERHAVEN”. 

Touches  of  light  golden  toning,  a superb  gem. 

PCGS  PROOF-67  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  #417831 

13164  5 Mark,  1927-F.  KM-55.  University  of  Tubingen.  Cameo 
frosted  gem. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 651726 

13165  5 Mark,  1927-A.  KM-56.  Oaktree.  Obverse  toned, 
a superb  gem.  PCGS  PROOF-67  CAMEO  Secure 
Holder. $900-$1200 

PCGS  #513103 

13166  5 Mark,  1927-J.  KM-56.  Oaktree.  Brilliant  white, 

a superb  gem.  PCGS  PROOF-66  CAMEO  Secure 
Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  #518308 

13167  5 Mark,  1928-F.  KM-56.  Oaktree.  Frosty  mint  luster. 
NGC  MS-66 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 301822 

13168  5 Mark,  1932-E.  KM-77.  Centenary  of  the  death  of 
Johann  Geothe.  Lightly  toned,  cameo  frosted  gem. 

NGC  PROOF-65  CAMEO $3000-$4000 

PCGS  #301968 

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13169  5 Reichsmark,  1927-F.  KM-55.  40th  Anniversary  of  Tubingen  University.  Very  attractive  toning. 

PCGS  MS-66  Secure  Holder. $900-$1200 

PCGS#  301810 

13170  Official  Gold  (Gilt  Silver),  1936.  Olympic  Winter  Games  at  Garmisch-Partenkirchen.  Gad-1.  By  Richard  Klein.  Standing 
female  figure  in  chariot  drawn  left  by  three  horses.  Below  her  are  images  symbols  of  the  four  sports  of  the  games,  a sled,  a 
ski,  a hockey  stick,  and  an  ice  skate.  Below  these,  the  location  of  the  games:  “GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN”.  Reverse:  At 
center  the  linked  Olympic  rings,  IV.  “OLYMPISCHE”  above,  and  “WINTERSPIELE  1936  below.  Edge  is  lettered  “990 
SILBER”.  Housed  in  its  original  red  snap  lock  box  with  Olympic  rings  on  the  cover.  VERY  RARE,  only  17  pieces  made. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $3500-$5000 

13171  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage,  llth-18th  Century.  51  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  include  an  Otto  II  Denar  of  Cologne,  a Henry 
II  von  Klingenberg  Bracteate,  a 1522  Batzen  from  Leuchtenberg,  a Bracteate  from  Magdenburg,  a Witten  Pre-Hanseatic  League  (pre 
1379),  a Witten  Hanseatic  League  (after  1379)  and  an  Otto  IV  Denar  from  Wetzlar.  As  well  as  many  other  interesting  issues.  Most  are 
attributed.  Some  have  deposits,  minor  porosity,  planchet  defects  and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO 

RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $3,000.  Grades  GOOD-EXTREMELY  FINE $1400-$! 800 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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13172  Ackey,  1818.  KM-9.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 732648 

13173  AR  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1017-23).  London  Mint. 

Cnut  (1016-35).  S-1157;  North-785.  Nice  strike. 

NGC  AU-58 $700-$100 

PCGS  # 163506 

13174  England.  Groat,  ND  (1509-26).  Henry  VIII  (1509-26). 
S-2316;  North- 1762.  First  Coinage.  Bust  of  Henry  VII. 
Minted  in  London.  Pheon,  castle  and  portcullis.  Toned. 
NGC  EF-45 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 894541 

13175  Pound,  1642.  Oxford  Mint.  S-2939;  KM-239.1;  Brooker-861;  North-2399;  Morrieson-C2.  Plume/Seven  pellets.  Shrewsbury 
horseman  with  plume  behind  trampling  armaments,  without  cannon  at  right,  “CAROLVS  D G MAGNI  BRITANI  FRA  FT 
HIBER  REX”;  Reverse:  Declaration  “RELIG  PROT  LEG/ANGL  LIBER  PAR”  between  two  lines,  three  plumes,  two  flank  “XX” 
with  one  above  and  date  below,  legend  “EXVRGAT  DEVS  DISSIPENTVR INIMICI”  around  perimeter.  A very  wholesome  and 
well  struck  example  with  strong  details  in  the  center  of  the  horseman  and  along  the  ground-line  armament  details.  The  surfaces 
and  toning  are  pleasing  on  both  sides.  There  is  a top  edge  depression  on  the  reverse.  A textbook  example  for  the  technical  grade. 

During  the  reign  of  Charles  I,  a number  of  factors  put  strain  on  the  relationship  between  the  King  and  Parliament.  The  Kings 
marriage  to  a Roman  Catholic,  failure  in  wars  with  Spain  and  France,  the  levying  of  taxes  without  the  consent  of  Parliament 
and  the  use  of  antiquated  laws  to  fine  individuals  led  to  revolts  from  both  the  Scots  and  the  Irish.  These  factors  also  resulted  in 
estranging  the  King  from  main  factions  in  Parliament.  One  of  the  final  blows  before  the  start  of  the  war  was  Charles’  attempted 
arrest  of  five  members  of  the  House  of  Commons,  actually  entering  the  House  by  force  with  an  armed  guard.  After  this  failed 
arrest  attempt.  Parliament  seized  control  of  London  and  Charles  marched  north  to  raise  an  army  against  them.  Eventually 
controlling  the  west  and  north  of  England,  Charles  set  up  his  court  at  Oxford  in  October  of  1642,  where  this  coin  was  later 
minted.  While  assembled  in  Wellington  before  one  of  the  first  battles  of  the  war,  the  King  made  what  became  known  as  the 
“Wellington  Declaration”  wherein  he  declared  he  would  uphold  “the  Protestant  Religion,  the  Laws  of  England  and  the  Liberty 
of  Parliament”.  This  slogan  was  afterward  given  a Latin  abbreviation  which  was  added  to  the  design  of  several  of  his  coins 
including  the  Pound  of  1642,  which  displays  it  on  the  reverse  surmounted  by  a banded  plume  mintmark.  On  the  obverse,  we 
see  Charles  astride  a muscular  war  horse  which  is  trampling  arms  and  armor  below.  This  equestrian  warrior  image  is  prevalent 
in  much  of  Charles’  coinage  and  was  meant  to  inspire  as  many  of  his  subjects  as  possible.  However,  his  cause  was  all  but  lost 
by  1645  in  the  face  of  the  Parliamentarians’  New  Model  Army  under  Sir  Thomas  Fairfax  and  Oliver  Cromwell.  While  seeking 
assistance  from  a Scottish  army  in  Nottinghamshire,  he  was  handed  over  to  Parliament  only  to  broker  a secret  deal  with  the 
Scots,  leading  to  the  Second  Civil  War,  where  he  was  once  again  defeated  and  this  time  he  was  tried,  convicted  and  executed. 
NGC  VF-30 $7000-$9000 

PCGS  # 793303 

Ex:  The  Michael  S.  Tallent  Collection.  Stacks  Auction,  April  2008,  Lot  #100. 

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13176  6 Pence,  1656.  S-3219;  KM-389.1.  Commonwealth  issue.  Toned  and  attractive.  PCGS  AU-50 $700-$1000 

Mint  State  Cromwell  Crown 

13177  England.  Crown,  1658/7.  Oliver  Cromwell.  S-3226;  ESC-10;  KM-D207;  Dav-3773.  Very  attractive  toning. 

NGC  MS-62 $8000-$  10,000 

PCGS  #788453 

13178  Shilling,  1658.  Oliver  Cromwell,  Lord  Protector  (1649-60). 
S-3228;  ESC-1005;  KM-A207;  North-2745.  Dark  toned. 

NGC  MS-62 $3000-$4000 

IwmthTDemarete  Collection.  13179  Crown,  1695.  William  III  (1694-1702).  S-3470;  KM-486; 

Esc-87.  “OCTAVO”  on  edge.  NGC  MS-62 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 616702 

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13180  1/2  Crown,  1703-VIGO.  Anne  (1702-14).  S-3580;  ESC-569; 
KM-518.2.  “VIGO”  under  bust.  Struck  from  silver  seized  at 
Vigo  Bay,  Spain.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 610052 

13181  Crown,  1739.  George  II  (1727-60).  S-3687;  KM-575.2; 
ESC- 122.  Sharply  struck  with  prooflike  luster.  Deep  beautiful 
old  English  cabinet  toning.  The  finest  certified  by  both  NGC 
& PCGS  for  all  types  of  young  head  crowns  for  George  II. 

NGC  MS-65 $5000-$7000 

13182  Crown,  1746.  George  II  (1727-60).  S-3690;  KM-585.2.  Tied  for  finest  certified.  Very  attractive.  Old  cabinet  toning. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  Secure  Holder. $20,000-$25,000 

PCGS  # 616820 

Choice  Proof  George  II  Old  Head  Crown 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

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13187  Silver  Boulton’s  Traflgar  Medal,  1805.Eimer-960;BHM-584; 
MY-84.  Finely  sculpted  bust  left,  “HORATIO  VISCOUNT 
NELSON.  K.B.  DUKE  OF  BRONTE.  Reverse:  Battle 
scene  involving  more  than  twenty  warships;  in  a banner 
across  the  top,  “ENGLAND  EXPECTS  EVERY  MAN  WILL 
DO  HIS  DUTY”,  and  in  exergue,  “TRAFALGAR/OCT:  21. 
1805”.  On  the  edge,  “TO  THE  HEROES  OF  TRAFALGAR 
FROM  M:  BOULTON.”  The  popular  and  attractive  medal 
produced  at  Matthew  Boultons  own  expense  to  honor  the 
seamen  involved  in  this  decisive  battle  against  the  French 
and  Spanish  during  Napoleonic  Wars.  This  is  a special  silver 
striking,  pierced  for  suspension,  and  housed  in  a round 
leather  box  by  Carrington  & Co.  apparently  made  for  a 
slightly  larger  medal.  The  finish  is  an  overall  steely-gray 
with  areas  of  orange  and  blue  toning,  especially  in  the  fields. 

13188  Crown,  1818-LIX.  S-3787;  KM-675.  “LIX”  on  edge. 
NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 206357 

PCGS  # 475739 


13183  1/2  Crown,  1741.  S-3693;  KM-574.3.  Only  4 examples 
certified  higher.  Large  lettering.  Very  attractive  “gun  metal” 
toning.  PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 610055 

13184  1/2  Crown,  1750.  George  II  (1727-60).  S-3696;  KM-584.2. 
Tied  for  finest  certified.  A sharply  struck  gem  with  very 
attractive  toning. 

PCGS  MS-65  Secure  Holder. $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 610053 

13185  Shilling,  1763.  S-3742;  KM-597.  Northumberland.  Scarce 
one  year  type.  Toned.  PCGS  EF-40 $700-$  1000 

13186  1/2  Penny  Pattern,  1799.  George  III  (1760-1820).  P-1258. 
Bronzed  restrike.  NGC  PROOF-65  BN $700-$1000 

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13189  Copper  Electroplate  Waterloo  Medal,  1819  (1849).  134.17 
mm.  Eimer-1067;  BHM-870.  By  Benedetto  Pistrucci. 
This  medal,  which  was  never  struck  in  this  size  due  to  die 
hardening  concerns,  is  presented  as  two  electrotype  shells  in 
a plush  wooden  box  of  modern  manufacture.  The  obverse 
piece  features  conjoined  busts  of  Britain’s  Prince  Regent  (soon 
to  be  King  George  IV),  Austria’s  Emperor  Franz  I,  Russian 
Tsar  Alexander  I and  Prussia’s  King  Wilhelm  III,  surrounded 
by  a broad  border  of  his  chariot  at  top.  Reverse  module 
shows  Victory  riding  with  Wellington  and  General  Blucher 
into  battle,  encircled  by  nineteen  battling  mermen-each 
representing  one  of  nineteen  years  of  struggle  lasted,  Jupiter 
in  quadriga  at  top.  Pistrucci  spent  thirty  years  perfecting  the 
dies,  and  in  the  end  the  Royal  Mint  was  unwilling  to  risk 
the  die  hardening  process.  Instead  of  struck  medals,  the 
mint  ordered  twenty  sets  of  electrotype  shells,  plus  a few  in 
gutta-percha  castings.  Some  of  the  electrotypes  were  joined 
together  to  form  two-sided  medals,  and  other  left  uniface,  as 
these.  Appealing  gilt  surfaces.  In  custom  made  wooden  box, 
attractive.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $1500-$2000 

13190  Penny,  1826.  S-3823;  KM-693. 

NGC  PROOF-64  BN $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 202281 

13192  Crown,  1831.  S-3833;  KM-715.  “W.W”  engraver’s  initials  on 
William’s  neck.  NGC  PROOF-61 $8000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 206408 

13193  1/2  Crown,  1831.  S-3834;  KM-714.1.  Plain  edge. 

NGC  PROOF-61  CAMEO $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 206026 

13194  Anti-Slavery  Convention  Medal,  1840.  51.49  mm; 

Eimer-1342.  Bust  three-quarter  right  of  Thomas  Clarkson, 
British  and  Foreign  Anti-Slavery  Society  president;  Reverse: 
Classic  image  of  shackled  negro  with  bound  hand  upraised 
and  question  ‘AM  I NOT  A MAN  AND  A BROTHER” 
below.  Additionally,  in  concentric  circles  around,  the  name 
of  the  society  and  notice  of  the  convention,  along  with  the 
President’s  signature.  Attractive  Mahogany  surfaces  with 
a trace  of  friction  on  the  highest  portions  of  the  design. 

13191  Crown,  1826.  KM-699.  “SEPTIMO”.  Mintage  of  150  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-55 $6000-$8000 

PCGS  # 206397 

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13195  Crown,  1847.  S-3883;  KM-744.  Gothic  type,  “UNDECIMO”  on  edge.  A superb  example  with  attractive  iridescent  toning. 

PCGS  PROOF-67 $18,000-$22,000 

Immaculate  Gothic  Crown 

13196  Crown,  1847.  S-3883;  KM-744.  Gothic  type.  “UN  DECIMO” 
on  edge.  Attractively  toned. 

PCGS  PROOF-63  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

13197  Crown,  1847.  S-3883;  KM-744.  “UN  DECIMO”  on  edge. 
PCGS  PROOF-61  Secure  Holder. $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 206439 

13198  Crown,  1893.  S-3937;  KM-783. 

NGC  PROOF-63  CAMEO $900-$  1200 

PCGS  #389151 

13199  1/2  Penny,  1853.  S-3949;  KM-726. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  #201395 

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13200  Penny,  1862.  S-3954;  KM-749.2.  VERY  RARE.  Small  date  numerals  from  a 1/2  Penny  die.  NGC  AU-50  BN $1100-$1300 

PCGS  # 878083 

13201  Farthing,  1860.  S-3958;  KM-747.2.  Mule:  toothed  border  on  the  obverse  and  beaded  border  on  the  reverse.  Nice  luster.  Tied  with  two 
other  coins  for  highest  certified  by  NGC  or  PCGS.  NGC  MS-64  RD $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 200579 

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13202  S.S.  Sirius  Medal,  ca.  1898.  9.56  mms;  468.11  gms.  An  interesting  fifteen  line  inscription  on  a medal  formed  from  the  salvaged  pump 
rod  of  the  S.S.  Sirius.  This  ship  was  the  first  passenger  steamer  to  cross  the  Atlantic.  The  Sirius  sank  off  the  coast  of  Ireland  after  nearly  a 
decade  of  service.  51  years  later  the  wreck  was  salvaged  and  this  medal  was  created  from  the  pump  rod.  Comes  in  an  original  box  from 
Samuel  Mason  LTD  of  Birmingham.  Box  severely  damaged.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1000-$1500 

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13203  ShilUng,  1905.  S-3982;  KM-800.  Scarce  date.  Toned. 
PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 205415 

13204  Trade  Dollar,  1910/00-B.  KM-T5.  Scarce  overdate.  Satiny 
luster.  NGC  MS-64 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 239939 

13205  6 Pence  Reverse  Silver  Model,  1937.  cf.S-4084  for  type; 
cf.KM-852  for  type.  NGC  PROOF-63  Matte.  $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 434446 

13206  Copper  Coins  of  George  111,  George  IV  & Victoria,  1799- 

1889.  11  pieces  in  lot.  All  are  graded  and  encapsulated  by 
NGC  (7)  or  PCGS  (4).  Includes  (1)  1854  Penny  MS-64  RB; 
(4)  1/2  Pennies:  1799  AU-55  BN,  1854  MS-63  BN,  1887  MS- 
62  RB  & 1889  MS-61  RB;  (5)  Farthings:  1799  MS-62  BN, 
1806  MS-63  BN,  1826  MS-63  RB,  1861  MS-62  RB  & 1872 
MS-62  RB;  and  (1)  1884  1/3  Farthing  MS-65  BN.  KM  value 
over  $1,400.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS $700-$1000 

13207  Maundy  Oddments  of  Charles  II  Through  George  II. 

35  pieces  in  lot.  Comprised  of  Penny  (4),  2 Pence  (12),  3 
Pence  (13)  and  4 Pence  (6).  Pieces  of  note  include  a 1693 
William  and  Mary  4 Pence  and  a 1727  George  1 Penny. 
Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
Catalog  value  in  excess  of  $1,800.  All  are  toned.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13208  Medieval  & Later  Silver  Coinage,  Henry  V to  Charles 

11.  34  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  included  are  a Henry  V 
Groat,  a Henry  VII  1/2  Groat,  a Philip  and  Mary  Groat, 
and  a Charles  II  Shilling.  Also  included  are  Charles  I and 
George  I Medalets.  Some  have  been  holed  and/or  have 
other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/ 
NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $2,200.  Grades 
VERY  GOOD-VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13209  Bronze  Set  of  (35)  Medals.  The  Kings  & Queens  of  England, 
By:  Dassier.  35  pieces  in  lot,  all  40  mm  medals.  Includes  the 
first  (33)  English  rulers  (Oliver  Cromwells  just  a bit  smaller 
than  the  others,  since  he  wasn’t  quite  a king!),  plus  the  Queen 
Caroline  medal  and  the  George  II  Dedication  medal.  Housed 
in  a tight-fitting  wood  and  green  velvet  contemporary  case. 
A pleasing  complete  set  in  well  matched  mahogany  bronze. 


13210  Ionian  Islands.  Lepton,  1821.  KM-30;  Geo-7.  RARE. 
PCGS  VF-35  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 393400 

13211  5 Lepta,  1828.  KM-2;  Geo-2a;  Chase-136-E-c;  Divo-5. 

PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 140407 

13212  10  Lepta,  1830.  KM-8;  Geo-7a;  Chase-27 1-H-h.  Pearl  circle. 

PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 147797 

13213  50  Lepta,  1921-H.  KM-65;  Geo- 166.  RARE.  Most  were 
melted  down,  only  about  40  to  50  are  know  according  to 

KM.  NGC  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #319241 

13214  Drachma,  1846.  KM-15;  Geo-81.  VERY  RARE  date. 

NGC  Fine  Details — Surface  Hairlines $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 167609 

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PCGS  # 163829 

13216  100  Drachma!,  ND  (1940).  KM-75;  Geo-1. 5th  Anniversary: 
Restoration  of  Monarchy.  From  a mintage  of  only  500  pieces. 
Toned.  PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  Unc  Details  Secure 
Holder. $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 965605 


13217  El  Salvador.  8 Reales,  ND  (1840).  KM-120.3  (for  Guatemala 
countermark  as  a type);  KM-unlisted  for  El  Salvador  (should 
be  type  105).  Type  111  (1840)  Guatemala  countermark 
and  Type  II  (1834)  El  Salvador  Zig-Zag  test  mark  on  an 
1833-MM  Lima  Mint  8 Reales  of  Peru  (KM-142.3).  The 
El  Salvador  Zig-Zag  test  mark  was  used  to  visually  check 
the  purity  of  the  coins  core.  A very  pleasing  example  of 
this  RARE  type  with  attractive  iridescent  old  cabinet  tone. 
PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 741894 

13219  8 Reales,  1796-NGM.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  KM-53; 
FC-42  (rarity  3);  El-53.  NGC  MS-61 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 259499 

13220  8 Reales,  1804-NGM.  KM-53;  FC-50  (R5);  E-61.  Beautifully 
toned  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $800-$  1200 

PCGS  # 966589 

13221  8 Reales,  1809-M.  KM-64;  FC-55a;  El-68.  Toned  with 
underlying  lustrous  surfaces.  NGC  MS-62 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 259515 

13222  8 Reales,  1830-NGM.  KM-4.  RARE  date.  Toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 720291 

13218  Peso,  1859-R.  KM-178.  RARE.  NGC  VF-25....  $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 736216 

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13223  Escalin,  ND  (1802).  KM-22;  Rudman-27.  Very  scarce. 
NGC  VF-20 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 448466 

13224  Pattern  1/2  Crown,  1812.  KM-Pnl3.  Struck  in  copper. 
PCGS  SP-45  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 829830 


13225  Taler,  1631-KB.  Kremnitz  Mint.  Ferdinand  II  (1619- 
37).  Dav-3129;  KM-75;  Huszar-1179;  Voglhuber-142. 
Nicely  toned  with  luster  amongst  devices  and  legend. 

NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 784105 


13226  East  India  Company.  Madras  Presidency.  1/2  Pagoda,  ND 
(1808-11).  KM-353;  Mitchiner-1836. 

NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 183941 


13227  1/2  Penny,  1775.  George  III  (1760-1820). 
S-6614;  KM- 140.  Medal  die  axis,  thick  planchet. 

PCGS  PROOF-65+  BN  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 343285 

13228  6 Shilling  Token,  1 804.  S-66 1 5;  KM-Tn  1 . A fewlight  scratches. 
NGC  Proof  Details— Scratches,  Cleaned $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 435678 

13229  1/2  Crown,  1943.  S-6633;  KM-16.  Key  date.  About  500 
known.  Tied  with  two  others  in  this  grade,  only  one  finer. 

NGC  MS-64 $3000-$5000 

PCGS  # 827570 

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13230  5 & 10  Lire,  1925-R.  KM-7-8;  Gig-32-33;  Mont-478  & 481.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Light  peripheral  toning  on  5 Lire  and  deeper  more 
complete  toning  on  the  10  Lire.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 559564 


13231  Benevento.DenarOjND.  Luis  II  &Angilberga  (866-71).  MEG- 11 16-1 7;  Biaggi-342.  Well  struck andattractively  toned.  EXTREMELYFINE. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13232  Bergamo.  Grosso  of  4 Denari,  ND.  Commune,  in  the  name  of  Federico  II  (1236-85).  MIR-17;  Biaggi-352.  Some  light  deposits.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13233  Carmagnola.  Cavallotto,  ND  (1475-1504).  Lodovico  II  di  Saluzzo  (1475-1504).  Biaggi-566;  cf.CNI-11  pg.  60#43.  Incorrect  B#  on  slab. 
Dark  toned.  NGC  EF-40 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 518930 

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13234  Ferrara.  Teston,  ND.  Ercole  I d’Este  (1471-1505).  CNI-X,  pg.436#26;  Biaggi-770.  Toned  and  very  attractive. 

NGC  EF-45 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 518926 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Classic  Rarity  of  the  Italian  Renaissance 

13235  Ferrara.  Teston,  ND.  Ercole  1 d’Este  (1471-1505). 

CNI-X,  pg.436#20;  Biaggi-769.  Hydra.  Toned. 
NGC  VF-35 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 518927 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13236  Florence.  Testone,  ND.  Alessandro  De  Medicci 
(1532-37).  MIR-103.  Dies  by  Benvenuto  Cellini. 

VERY  FINE $2000-$2500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13237  Massa  Di  Lunigiano.  8 Bolognini,  1664.  Alberico  II  Cybo 
Malaspina  (1662-90).  KM-38;  CNI-XI,  pg.249#19.  Toned 
and  very  attractive.  NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 247724 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13238  Milan.  Teston,  ND  (1481-94).  Giovanni  Galeazzo  Maria  e 
Ludovico  Maria  Sforza  (1481-94).  CNI-V,  pg.l89#25.  Toned. 

NGC  EF-40 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #518921 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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13239  Milan.  Teston,  ND.  Ludovico  Maria  Sforza  (1494-99). 
Biaggi-1578;  Grippa-2.  NGC  AU-50 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 518920 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13240  Milan.  Testone  Della  Salute  (Denaro  Da  25  Soldi),  ND. 

Charles  V (1535-56).  Crippa-12;  MIR-285.  Dies  by  Leone 
Leoni.  EXTREMELY  FINE $1000-$1500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13241  Milan.  Testone  Della  Pieta,  ND.  Charles  V (1535-56). 

CNl-38;  Crippa-26.  Dies  by  Leone  Leoni.  VERY  RARE. 
Toned.  Scratches  and  tooling  on  obverse  and  reverse. 
VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13242  Naples  & Papal  States.  Silver  & Copper  Coinage,  13th- 

18th  Century.  Approximately  33  pieces  in  lot.  Most  are 
attributed.  Pieces  of  note  include  a Julius  II  Grosso,  a Paul 
III  Bianco,  a Clement  XIII  of  Anjou  Gigliato  from  Naples, 
a Ferdinand  I Coronat  from  Naples,  and  a Ferdinand  II  1/2 
Carlino  from  Naples.  As  well  as  other  interesting  issues. 
Some  have  deposits,  verdigris,  cracks,  chips,  holed  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  2,800.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 




Naples  & Sicily.  Piastra  of  120  Grana,  1799-P  AP. 

Ferdinando  IV,  First  Reign  (1759-99).  KM-66b;  Dav-1409; 
CNI-XX  264;  Gigante-62  van  Nice  grade  for  type.  Lightly 
toned.  NGC  MS-62 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 234107 

Papal  States.  1/2  Scudo,  1829-R.  KM- 1302;  Gig-5; 
Berman- 3264.  “Sede  Vacante”  issue.  Sharply  struck,  toned 
and  very  attractive.  NGC  MS-64 $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 855853 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  1/2  Piastre,  1706.  Clement  XI  (1700-21).  KM- 
682;  Berm-2390;  Mutoni  III-55.  Port  of  Ripetta.  Sharply 
struck  and  very  attractive.  NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 189453 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Bid  online  at 

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13246  Papal  States.  1/2  Piastre,  Year  11  (1711).  Clement 
XI  (1700-21).  KM-742;  Berm-2388;  Mutoni  HI- 

SS. Lightly  toned,  sharply  struck  and  very  attractive. 
NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 189457 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13247  Papal  States.  Piastra,  1672.  Clement  X (1670-76).  KM-353; 
Dav-4075;  Berman-2009.  Port  of  the  Civitavecchia,  home  of 
the  Papal  fleet.  Toned. 

NGC  EF— Details,  Mount  Removed $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 959566 

13248  Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Calixtus 
III  (1455-58).  Biaggi-2169.  RARE.  Toned.  Clipped. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13249  Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Sixtus  IV 
(1471-84).  Biaggi-2211;  Berman-451.  First  papal 
coinage  with  a portrait  of  the  Pope  on  it.  Toned. 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13250  Papal  States.  Double  Carlino,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Clement 
VII  (1523-34).  Berman-841.  Dies  by  Benvenuto  Cellini. 
Cleaned  long  ago,  now  retoning. 


From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13251  Savoy.  Teston,  ND  (1482-90).  Carlo  I (1482-90). 
CNI-I,  pg.l01#33.  Nice  strike,  toned  and  very  attractive. 
NGC  AU-58 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  #518931 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13252  Savoy.  Lira,  1562-P.  Emanuele  Philiberto  (1538-80). 
CNI-I,  pg.l99#101;  M.I.R.  (Savoie) -pg.274#506B. 

NGC  EF  Details— Mount  Removed $700-$  1000 

PCGS  #518918 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13253  Trento.  Soldo  of  12  Denari,  ND.  Imperial  Pudesta,  in 
the  name  of  Frederick  II  (1235-55).  Biaggi-2688.  RARE. 
Attractively  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$  1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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13254  Tuscany.  Teston,  ND  (1536-74).  Cosimo  I de 
Medici  (1536-74).  CNI-voL  XII,  plate  XXI#9.  Toned. 
NGC  VF-35 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 518932 

13255  Tuscany.  1/2  Tollero,  1683.  Cosimo  111  de  Medici 
Grandruca  (1670-1723).  CNI-XI  pg.36  #18.  Toned. 
NGC  VF-30 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 360629 

13256  Tuscany.  Francescone  (10  Paoli),  1790.  Pietro 
Leopoldo  (1765-90).  Dav-1518;  C-24.5;  Mont-60. 

NGC  MS-62 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 868706 

13257  Venice.  Osella,  Year  1 (1675).  Nicolo  Sagredo  (1675-76). 
Paolucci-158;  Gamberini-1013.  File  mark  on  edge.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13258  Venice.  Osella,  1727.  Alvise  II  Mocenigo  (1722-32). 
Paolucci-210;  Gamberini-1373.  Attractively  toned. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13259  Venice.  Osella,  1795.  Ludovico  Manin  (1789-97).  CNI-VIII, 

pg.558#160;  Paolucci-278.  Sharply  struck,  toned  and  very 
attractive.  NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #518917 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13260  Venice.  Small  Silver  Coins  of  Various  Doges,  12th- 

15th  Century.  Approximately  44  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces 
of  note:  Andrea  Dandalo  Mezzanino  (7)  and  a Marino 
Faliero  Soldino.  As  well  as  other  interesting  issues.  All  are 
attributed.  Some  have  deposits,  verdigris,  chips,  cracks  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  2,000.  Grades 
VERY  GOOD-VERY  FINE $900-$1200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13261  Venice.  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage  of  Various  Doges, 

13th- 16th  Century.  Approximately  46  pieces  in  lot.  Most  are 
attributed.  Pieces  of  note  include  a Jacopo  Contarini  Grosso, 
a Giovanni  Dandolo  Grosso,  a Andrea  Dandolo  Gross,  a 
Michele  Steno  Grosso  and  an  Andrea  Gritti  Marcello.  As  well 
as  other  interesting  issues.  Some  have  deposits,  bent,  scratches 
and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  2,800.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13262  Italian  States.  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage,  11th- 

18th  Century.  Approximately  43  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of 
note  include  a Cermona  Republic  era  Grosso,  a Francesco 
II  Gonzaga  Quattrino  from  Mantua,  a Ferdinando 
Gonzaga  Grosso  from  Mantua  and  a Galeazzo  Maria 
Sforza  Grosso  da  5 Soldi  from  Milan.  As  well  as  many 
other  interesting  pieces,  many  of  which  are  attributed. 
Some  have  deposits,  minor  porosity  planchet  defects  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  2,900.  Grades 
GOOD-VERY  FINE $1200-$1700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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13263  Italian  States.  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage,  10th- 16th 
Century.  32  pieces  in  lot.  Primarily  consists  of  coins  from 
Sicily,  but  also  includes  many  other  interesting  issues.  Pieces 
of  note  include  a Perugia  Republic  era  Bolognino,  a Nicolo 
Maltraversi  Grosso  from  Emilia,  a Sicily  and  Calabria  Trifollrio 
of  Roger  I (The  Great),  a William  III  Follaro  from  Sicily  and 
a Guidobaldo  III  della  Rovere  Armellino  from  Urbino.  Most 
other  pieces  have  deposits,  verdigris,  chips,  cracks  and/ 
or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  2,800.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

PCGS  # 506790 

13267  20  Lire,  1936-RXIV.  KM-81;  Mont-78;  Gig-45.  Toned. 
PCGS  MS-64+  Secure  Holder. $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 338451 


13268  Ansei  Trade  Dollar  (3  Bu  or  San  Bu) , ND  ( 1 859) . KM- 101.2; 
JNDA-09-57  (44A);  J&V-JIOI.  Four  Japanese  characters 
‘Aratame  San  Bu  Sada”  countermarked  at  12  o’clock  on  the 
obverse  translating  to,  “changed  to  3 Bu  of  determined  silver” 
on  an  1859  Mexican  8 Reales  of  Guanajuato  Mint.  Mexican 
“Dollars”  were  exchangeable  for  3 Bu  of  silver,  which  was 
in  accordance  with  Article  V of  the  Treaty  of  Amity  and 
Commerce,  signed  March  31,  1858  and  enacted  July  1859  as 
set  forth  by  the  Consul-General  Townsend  Harris.  It  wasn’t 
until  Yokohama  opened  up  for  trade  in  1859  that  silver  coins 
were  countermarked.  VERY  RARE  and  very  interesting, 
finest  of  only  (3)  graded  at  both  NGC  and  PCGS.  NGC 
slab  mislabeled  with  wrong  date  of  the  host  coin  as  “1869”. 
Lightly  toned  and  lustrous.  Both  countermarks  and  host 
coin  are  MINT  STATE.  NGC  MS-62 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 860354 

Ex:  Master  Sergeant  LB.  Whittier,  purchased  private  treaty  while  sta- 
tioned in  Nagoya,  Japan  (ca.  1945).  Whittier  was  deployed  in  Japan  un- 
der General  Mac  Arthur  serving  in  the  Army  Air  Corp.,  later  the  U.S.  5th 
Air  Force  until  the  early  1950  s.  He  was  a coin  collector  prior  to  the  war 
and  used  the  opportunity  to  purchase  many  Japanese  coins. 


13269  5 Franken,  1924.  Y-10;  Divo-104.  Choice  grade  for  type. 
Fully  lustrous  and  very  attractive. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

13264  50  Centesimi,  1867-T  BN.  Torino  Mint.  KM- 14.3;  Gig-82; 
Mont-220.  PCGS  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 254620 

13265  5 Lire,  1873-R.  KM-8.4;  Mont-181;  Gig-47.  RARE 
and  exceptional  quality  Mintage  of  only  17,000  pieces. 

NGC  MS-63 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  # 700372 

13266  5 Lire,  1879-R.  KM-20;  Gig-24;  Mont-33.  Very  scarce  type 
in  mint  state.  NGC  MS-63 $700-$  1000 

PCGS  #416231 

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13270  Four  Piece  Silver  Type  Set,  1924.  Y-7-10.  4 pieces  in 
set.  Includes:  1/2  to  5 Franken.  A nicely  matched  set  of 
the  silver  issues  of  this  type.  All  are  evenly  toned  with 
nice  underlying  luster.  The  Franken  is  NGC  MS-62,  the 
2 Franken  is  NGC  MS-63  and  the  1/2  & 5 Franken  are 
NGC  MS-64 $1000-$1500 


13271  4 Tari,  1728.  Antonio  Manoel  de  Vilhena  (1722-36).  KM- 
170;  Schembri-pg.l41#13;  Restelli-pg.l46#109.  Toned  and 
sharply  struck.  NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 982707 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13272  2 Scudi,  1738.  Ramon  Despuig  (1736-41).  Dav-1598 
(van);  KM-204.2  (van).  Schembri-Plate  8,  fig.  3,  Restelli- 
Sammut-(var.)  Plate  IVI,  fig.  5 (van).  VERY  RARE. 
The  reverse  is  a variant  type  not  listed  in  Schembri  or 
Restelli/Sammut.  The  altered  date  is  possibly  a 1738/7 
over  date.  The  reverse  also  appears  double  struck  in  areas. 
NGC  EF-40 $1400-$1600 

PCGS  #991158 


13273  Carlos  & Johanna.  Early  Series.  1/2  Real  Assayer  R, 
ND  (1536)  Francisco  del  Rincon.  KM-6;  Nesmith-2;  Cal- 
type-118  #168.  This  piece  ranks  among  the  first  coins  struck 
in  Mexico  and  the  New  World  (1536).  It  was  produced 
with  the  first  set  of  punches  with  all  gothic  lettering  in  both 
obverse  and  reverse  legends.  VERY  RARE  and  essential  in 
assembling  a denomination  set  of  the  first  assayer  of  the  first 
coins  produced  in  the  new  world.  Toned  and  wholesome  for 
type.  FINE $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 846755 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13274  Carlos  & Johanna,  Early  Series.  2 Reales,  ND  (1537-38). 
Francisco  del  Rincon.  KM- 10;  Nesmith-4;  Cal-type-106 
(unlisted  variety  with  Latin  assayer  s letter).  Assayer  R,  Latin 
assayer  s letter  (oMo-oMo).  A quite  RARE  assayer  variety 
bearing  the  Latin  assayer  s initial  instead  of  gothic.  Although 
generally  much  more  RARE  than  the  gothic  assayer  s letter, 
it  has  remained  somewhat  less  appreciated  and  underrated 
for  its  rarity  due  to  its  later  chronological  placement.  The 
abundant  use  of  Latin  punches  and  abbreviated  spelling 
of  “PLVS”  suggests  a striking  towards  the  end  of  Rincons 
tenure,  most  likely  1538.  Well  struck,  minor  doubling,  lightly 
toned.  NGC  EF-40 $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 751070 

Ex:  Kent  M.  Ponterio  Collection  of  Carlos  & Johanna  Coinage. 

13275  Carlos  & Johanna,  Early  Series.  2 Reales,  ND  (1541- 
42).  Assayer  P (oMo-oPo).  6.47  gms.  KM- 11;  cf.Nes-25a. 
Assayer  Pedro  de  Espina.  Minor  corrosion  on  the  reverse, 
toned.  VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 751080 

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13276  Carlos  & Johanna  Series.  4 Reales,  ND  (1536)-R. 
Assayer  R.  13.22  gms.  KM- 16;  cf.Nes-6b.  Gothic  M, 
Assayer  Francisco  del  Rincon.  Doubling  on  reverse. 
FINE $2000-$3000 

PCGS#  670101 

PCGS  # 421507 

13277  8 Reales,  1754-ME  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-1759). 
KM- 104.1;  FC-27a;  El-37.  Obverse  contact  marks. 

NGC  MS-61 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 402778 

13278  8 Reales  Proclamation  Medal,  1789.  Mexico  City 
Mint.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  KM-Q28;  Grove-C-9. 
NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

13279  Pattern  Grano,  1769.  KM-PnDl;  Cal-type-pg.  160#1870. 
RARE  and  very  interesting.  Struck  in  copper.  Most 
traditional  references  suggest  these  types  are  patterns  with 
the  attribution  as  such  being  purely  speculative.  In  fact  even 
the  attribution  of  the  denomination  as  Grano  for  the  1769 
issues  is  purely  speculative  as  this  denomination  had  never 
seen  use  in  Mexico  before  and  is  based  purely  on  the  presence 
of  “Go”  to  the  left  of  the  shield.  Further,  some  authors  have 
even  suggested  these  pieces  were  produced  for  use  in  the 
Philippines.  It  is  possible  that  these  are  actually  part  of  a very 
rare  and  short  lived  issue  intended  for  circulation  in  Mexico 
rather  than  patterns.  NGC  EF-45  BN $7500-$9500 

13280  Guadalajara.  Peso,  1870-GaC.  KM-408.3.  VERY  RARE 
date.  The  finest  example  known,  being  the  only  one  of  this 
key  date  certified  mint  state.  Light  toning,  one  small  planchet 
flaw.  PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $4500-$5500 

PCGS  # 523717 

13281  Real,  1845-CaRG.  KM-372.  VERY  RARE. 

NGC  VF-35 $1000-$1500 

13282  Lot  of  (20)  8 Reales,  1783-FF.  KM-106.2;  FC-66;  El-93.  20 
pieces  in  lot,  all  graded  Genuine  and  encapsulated  by  NGC. 
All  from  the  El  Cazador  shipwreck  which  sank  in  1783  in 
the  Gulf  of  Mexico  and  was  salvaged  in  the  1990  s.  Each 
NGC  holder  notes  the  El  Cazador  as  their  source.  All  with 
salt  water  corrosion.  With  all  details  distinct,  but  clearly 
sea  salvaged.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  Genuine $1000-$2000 

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13283  Para  Essai,  1919.  KM-Pnl.  Struck  at  Paris.  VERY  RARE.  PCGS  SP-66  RD  Secure  Holder. $6000-$7500 

PCGS  # 652605 


13284  10  Dirhams,  AH  1299  (1882).  Paris  Mint  Silver  Proof.  Y-8;  cf.Gad-54  (unlisted  in  proof);  cf.VG-3991  (unlisted  in  proof). 
EXTREMELY  RARE  and  the  first  milled  machine  struck  crown  sized  coin  of  Morocco  with  reportedly  only  two  examples  known 
in  proof.  Exceptionally  well  struck  with  proof  fields  and  lightly  frosted  details,  accentuated  by  beautiful  old  collection  toning, 
with  hints  of  blues  and  purples  giving  it  exquisite  eye  appeal.  PCGS  PROOF-66 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 234613 

EXTREMELY  RARE  Proof  Striking  of  the  First  Modern 
Machine  Struck  Crown  of  Morocco 

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13285  10  Dirhams,  AH  1313  (1895).  Berlin  Mint.  Y 13;  Lee- 
190.  Scarce  type  and  RARE  in  this  exceptional  quality. 
Toned  with  underlying  luster.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure 
Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 173943 


13286  Gulden,  1945-R  KM- 16 1.2.  Though  KM  shows  as  having 
a combined  mintage  for  both  the  1944-P  and  1945- 
P of  25,375,000  pieces,  they  also  state  that  only  a small 
number  were  placed  into  circulation.  PCGS  MS-64  Secure 
Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 167340 

13287  Gulden,  1945-P.  KM-161.2.  VERY  RARE  date. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 


13290  1/2  Speciedaler,  1821-IGP.  KM-289;  Sig-13.1. 

NGC  EF  Details— Surface  Hairlines $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 758071 

13291  Specie  Daler,  1778-HIAB.  Christian  VII  (1766- 
1808).  Sieg-17;  KM-253;  Dav-1308;  ABH-5;  H-2. 

NGC  MS-61 $900-$1200 

PGGS#  375431 

13292  Specie  Daler,  1835.  KM-301;  ANH-13a;  Sieg-17.  No  star 
below  date.  Attractive  with  good  luster  around  devices. 

NGC  AU-58 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 766558 

13288  2 1/2  Gulden,  1863.  KM-82.  Key  date.  Toned.  PCGS  VF-30 
Secure  Holder. $800-$  1000 

PCGS  # 532287 

Lot  13289  No  Lot 

13293  4 Mark  (Krone),  1681-PG.  Christian  V (1670-99). 
KM-148.1;  Sieg-38;  ABH-75;  H-55;  Dav-3663.  Toned. 
NGC  EF-45 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 790523 

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13294  50  Centesimos,  1904.  KM-5.  Tied  with  one  other  example 
for  finest  certified.  Lacking  any  bag  marks  which  are 
normally  encountered  on  this  issue,  due  to  having  been 
minted  in  Philadelphia  and  sent  to  Panama  via  rail  and  ship. 
Light  attractive  plum  and  russet  toning,  over  fully  lustrous 
surfaces.  NGC  MS-64 $500-$700 


13295  4 Reales,  ND  (1558-98).  Philip  II  (1556-98).  KM-IO.I; 
Cal-type-202;  Cayon-3739.  Assayer  R.  RARE  columnario 
type,  first  coinage  of  Peru.  Nice  full  round  planchet. 
Partially  toned  with  vibrant  highlights  among  devices. 

NGC  EF-45 $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 262410 

13296  8 Reales,  1686-L  R.  Charles  11  (1665-1700).  KM-R24; 
Lazaro-2;  Cal-type  66-#217.  Royal  type,  prepared  on  a 
special  round  planchet  for  presentation  purposes.  Holed  at  4 
o’clock.  VERY  RARE.  PCGS  Genuine— Holed,  VF  Details 
Secure  Holder. $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 262254 


50  Centavos,  1903.  KM- 167.  Toned. 

NGC  PROOF-67 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 90342 

Ex:  Goldbergs  May  2008  Auction,  Lot  #3011,  where  it  realized  $1,650. 

13299  50  Centavos,  1904.  KM- 167.  Attractive  toning. 

NGC  PROOF-67 $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 90368 

13300  50  Centavos,  1904.  KM-167. 

PCGS  PROOF-66 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 90368 

Ex:  Eliasberg  Collection. 

13301  50  Centavos,  1904.  KM-167.  Sharply  struck  with  beautiful 
iridescent  toning.  NGC  MS-66 $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 90344 


13297  10  Centavos,  1908.  KM- 169.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 90272 

13302  50  Centavos,  1905.  KM-167.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 90369 

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13303  50  Centavos,  1908.  KM-171.  From  a mintage  of  only  500 
pieces.  NGC  PROOF-66 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 90371 

13304  50  Centavos,  1908.  KM-171.  From  a mintage  of  only  500 
pieces.  NGC  PROOF-65 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 90371 

13305  50  Centavos,  1908.  KM-171.  From  a mintage  of  only  500 
pieces.  ICG  PROOF-64 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 90371 

13306  Peso,  1906-S.  KM- 168.  Key  date.  Toned  with  underlying 
luster.  PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 90386 

13307  Peso,  1908.  KM- 172.  Mintage  of  only  500  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $1200-$1800 

PCGS  # 904906 

13308  Peso,  1908.  KM- 172.  From  a mintage  of  only  500  pieces. 

PCGS  PROOF-63 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 90406 

13309  “Wilson”  Dollar,  1920.  Bruce- 11;  HK-449.  Lightly  toned 

and  very  attractive.  NGC  MS-64 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 643969 

13310  Seven  Piece  Proof  Set,  1903.  KM-Psl.  7 pieces  in  set. 
Includes:  1/2  Centavo  to  Peso.  From  a mintage  of  2,558 
pieces.  Set  in  a custom  plastic  holder.  Light  hairlines  on 
the  silver  pieces.  Most  show  nice  luster  and  light  toning. 

PROOF. $700-$1000 

13311  Seven  Piece  Date  Set,  1904.  KM-162-168.  7 pieces  in  set. 

Includes:  1/2  Centavo  to  Peso.  A complete  date  set  for  1904, 
all  are  certified  by  NGC  and  graded  MS  with  the  exception 
of  the  5 Centavo  piece,  which  is  PROOF-64.  The  silver 
pieces  show  underlying  luster  and  the  copper  pieces  are  a 
choice  red  brown.  Grades  MS-64,  MS-65,  MS-65  RB  (2), 
MS-66  (2)  & PROOF-64 $700-$1000 

13312  Seven  Piece  Mint  Set,  1904.  KM-162-168.  7 pieces  in  set. 

Includes:  1/2  Centavo  to  Peso.  The  silver  pieces  all  display 
evenly  matched  old  cabinet  style  tone  that  is  quite  attractive. 
The  5 Centavos  is  choice,  but  a bit  dark  on  the  reverse.  The 
coppers  are  gem  with  a few  dark  patches.  All  are  housed  in  a 
custom  plastic  holder  that  reads  “10,000  SETS  STRUCK  FOR 
1904”.  All  are  MINT  STATE $700-$1000 

13313  Partial  Mint  Set,  1904.  KM-164-168.  5 pieces  in  lot. 

Includes:  5 Centavos  to  Peso.  All  are  PCGS  certified  and 
in  secure  holders.  The  5 Centavos  piece  is  PROOF-65,  the 
20  Centavos  is  Genuine— Tooling,  AU  Details,  all  others 
graded  MS-64  & MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 90383 

13314  Seven  Piece  Proof  Set,  1908.  KM-Ps5.  7 pieces  in  set. 

Includes:  1/2  Cent  to  Peso.  From  a mintage  of  only  500  sets. 
All  NGC  certified.  (2)  PROOF-63,  (1)  PROOF-63  RB,  (3) 
PROOF-65  & (1)  PROOF-65  RB $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 90028,  90160,  90221,  900272,  90327,  90371,  90406 

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13315  Seven  Piece  Proof  Set,  1908.  KM-Ps5.  7 pieces  in  set. 

Includes:  1/2  Centavo  to  Peso.  From  a mintage  of  only 
500  sets.  In  a custom  plastic  case.  A few  faint  hairlines, 
and  small  area  of  porosity  on  the  Peso.  The  bronze 
pieces  are  bright,  and  the  silver  pieces  show  nice  luster. 
PROOF. $1000-$1500 


13316  Danzig.  5 Gulden,  1935.  KM-158;  Parchimowicz-55. 
NGC  MS-64 $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 763558 

13317  Danzig.  5 Gulden,  1935.  KM-158;  Parchimowicz-55. 
NGC  MS-62 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 763558 

13318  Danzig.  10  Gulden,  1935.  KM-159;  Parchimowicz-56. 
NGC  MS-64 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 763559 

13319  Grand  Duchy  of  Warsaw.  Taler,  1911-lB.  C-87;  Gum- 
2472;  Dav-247.  The  Grand  Duchy  of  Warsaw  was  created 
by  Napoleon  and  granted  to  his  ally.  King  Frederick 
August  I of  Saxony,  who  held  it  from  1807  to  1815. 

PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 555691 

13320  Lithuania.  6 Groszy,  1585.  Stephen  Bathory  (1576-86). 
Gum-767;  Ivan-5SB9-6. 

NGC  EF  Details— Spot  Removal $1000-$  1500 

PCGS  # 518940 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13321  Taler,  1631-11.  Sigismund  111  (1587-1632  A.D.).  KM-48.5; 
Dav-4316;  Gum- 1221.  Lustrous. 

NGC  AU-55 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 344659 

13322  10  Zlotych,  1820-lB.  C- 10 1.1;  Parchimowicz-1041. 

Only  543  pieces  minted.  Scarce  type.  Toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

PCGS  # 556186 

13323  100  Zlotych  Proba,  1925.  KM-Pn282;  Parchimowicz- 
P167a.  A Proba  or  pattern  piece  commemorating  Kopernik. 
Struck  in  silver  from  a mintage  of  only  100.  Beautiful  deep 
gun  metal  blue  toning.  NGC  MS-63 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 126292 

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13324  Zlote-30  Kopeks,  1837-MW.  C-132;  Parchimowicz-1037. 

Toning  around  the  devices,  attractive.  Highest  graded  by 
NGC  or  PCGS.  NGC  MS-65 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 413009 

13325  Zloty- 15  Kopeks,  1832-HT.  C-129;  Parchimowicz-1031a. 
Eagle  type.  NGC  MS-64 $600-$1000 

PCGS  # 189656 

13326  5 Zlotych,  1934.  KM-Pn340;  Parchimowicz-146a.  “PROBA’ 
in  obverse  field.  Light  toning  and  exceptionally  choice. 

NGC  PROOF-65  CAMEO $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 650450 


13327  500  Reis,  1894.  KM-535;  Gomes-11.07.  RARE  date.  Highest 
graded  by  NGC.  NGC  AU-50 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 707533 

13329  Peso,  1895-PGV.  KM-24.  Reverse  is  dark  toned. 

PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. ... 

PCGS  # 725694 


13330  Crimea.  Kurus,  AH  1191//4  (1781).  Shahin 

Giray  (1191-97  (1777-83)).  KM-72;  Bit-5.  RARE. 

NGC  EF-40 $7000-$10,000 

13331  Crimea.  20  Kopek,  1787-TM.  Catherine  II  (1762-96). 
KM-92;  Bit-4.  NGC  MS-63 $5000-$7000 

PCGS  #991021 

13332  Yefimok,  1655.  Alexi  Mikhailovich  (1645-76).  KM-unlisted 
(for  this  host  coin);  Zander-pg.  12a.  Countermarked 
on  a 1606  Schwarzburg  Hesselgesser.  Dark  toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $2000-$4000 

PCGS#  165013 


13328  Peso,  1895-PGV.  KM-24.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 725694 

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13333  Yefimok,  1655.  Alexi  Mikhailovich  (1645-76).  KM-unlisted 
(for  this  host  coin);  Zander-pg.  12a.  Countermarked 
on  a 1564  Ostfriesland  Hesselgesser.  Dark  toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $2000-$4000 

PCGS  # 716289 

PCGS  # 518767 

PCGS#  165014 

13334  Yefimok  (Jefimok),  1655.  Alexei  Mikhailovich  (1645-76). 
cf.KM-423;  Spassky-1179.  Czar  on  horse  back  counter 
stamp  and  date  in  rectangle  on  a German  Mansfeld- 
Eigentliche-Hinterort  Taler. 

PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $2000-$4000 

PCGS#  165017 

13335  Tynf,  1707-lLL.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1699-1725). 
KM- 127;  cf  Bit-3806.  Choice  grade  for  type. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $3500-$5000 

13338  Ruble,  1735.  Anna  (1730-40).  KM-197;  BIit-121;  Sev- 
1207.  Small  planchet  flaw  on  reverse.  Fully  lustrous. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $3000-$5000 

PCGS  # 680039 

13339  Ruble,  1755-CNBRI.  Elizabeth  (1741-62).  C-19c.2;  Bit-276; 
Dav-1679.  PCGS  MS-62 $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 395007 

1/2  Ruble,  1749-CNB.  Elizabeth  (1741-62).  C-18.3;  Bit-264. 
Fully  lustrous  with  the  eye  appeal  of  a mint  state  example. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $3000-$4000 

13337  10  Kopeks  (Grivennik),  1735.  Anna  (1730-40).  KM-194; 
Bit-195.  PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 427743 


13336  10  Kopeks  (Grivennik),  1734/3.  Anna  (1730-40).  KM-194; 
Bit-190.  PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 427742 

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13341  Victory  at  Kunersdorf  Medallic  Ruble,  1759.  45.4  mm 
(with  loop);  26.25  gms.  Elizabeth  (1741-61).  Bit-273.A; 
Diakov- 105.1;  Romanov-pg.  80-81.  Draped  crowned 
bust  of  Elizabeth  right;  Reverse:  Ancient  soldier  holding 
Russian  flag  amidst  battlefield,  abandoned  weapons  and 
fleeing  enemies  in  the  distance;  at  top  is  a suspension 
loop.  An  original  striking  with  signature  and  initials  of 
the  engraver,  Timofey  Ivanov.  Awarded  as  a medal  to 
participants  of  the  Battle  of  Kunersdork.  Lightly  gilt.  Some 
scratches  in  fields  and  evidence  on  edge  of  former  mounting. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 512756 

13342  Poltina  (1/2  Ruble),  1762-MMAAM.  Catherine  11  (1762- 
96).  C-66.1;  Bit-135.  NGC  EF-45 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 233854 

13343  1/2  Ruble,  1763-CNBRL  Catherine  II  (1762- 
96).  C-66.2;  Bit-273.  Lustrous  and  attractive. 

NGC  MS-61 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 233859 

13344  1/4  Ruble,  1783-CNBMM.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  C-65c; 
Bit-334.  NGC  AU-58 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 377736 

13345  Polupoltinnik  (1/4  Ruble),  1785-CNBRA.  Catherine  II 
(1762-96).  C-65c;  Bit-338;  Dia-508.  Beautiful  fully  lustrous 
surfaces.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $800-$  1200 

PCGS  # 158849 

13346  Ruble,  1792  CNBRA.  Catherine  II  (1762-1796).  C-67c; 
Dav-1686;  Bit-257. 

PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS  #455313 

13347  Ruble,  1764-CNBRI.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  C-67.2a; 
Bit-185.  NGC  AU-58 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 402073 

13348  Ruble,  1765-CNBCA.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  C-67.2a; 
Bit- 188;  Dia-82.  Partially  toned  with  luster  around  devices. 
NGC  AU-55 $1400-$1800 

PCGS  # 402075 

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13349  Ruble,  1794-CNBAK.  Catherine  11  (1762-96).  C-67c;  Bit- 
264;  Dav-1686.  Lustrous,  attractive  and  conservatively 
graded.  NGC  AU-58 $1500-$2500 

PCGS#  455316 

13350  Lot  of  (5)  10  Kopeks,  1769, 1779  & 1883-85.  Catherine  II 
(1762-96).  C-6Ia.2,  6Ib  & 6Ic.  5 pieces  in  lot. 



13351  1/2  Ruble,  1755-CNBIM.  Elizabeth  (1741-61). 
C-18.4;  Bitkin-326.  Lustrous  and  quite  choice. 

NGC  AU-58 $3000-$5000 

PCGS  # 459675 

13352  1/4  Ruble,  1757-MMAMB.  Elizabeth  (1741-61). 
C-17;  Bit-178.  Light  attractive  blue  and  grey  toning. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 377696 

13353  Ruble,  1742-CNB.  Elizabeth  (1741-61).  C-19B.3;  Bit-247; 
Dia-32;  Sev-1415.  A stunning  piece  with  clear  fields  and 
brilliant  luster  throughout,  a true  rarity  in  this  high  grade. 

NGC  MS-62 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 160228 

13354  Kopek  Novodel,  1755-CNB.  Elizabeth 

(1741-61).  KM-unlisted;  Bit-H585.  Novodel. 
NGC  MS-63  BN $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 244067 

13355  Poltina  (1/2  Ruble),  1798-CMMB.  Paul  I (1796-1801). 
C-99.1a;  Bit-39.  Nicely  toned  with  underlying  luster. 
NGC  AU-58 $3000-$5000 

PCGS  # 387387,  387380 

13356  Ruble,  1741-CNB.  Ivan  VI  (1740-41).  KM-207.2; 
Dav-1676;  Bit-22;  Dia-2.2.1-7.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-50 $10,000-$15,000 

PCGS  # 682075 

13357  Ruble,  1704.  Peter  1 (The  Great)  (1699-1725). 

KM- 122.2;  Bit-796;  Dia-2;.  Without  mintmark. 

NGC  VF-30 $7000-$10,000 

PCGS  # 172229 

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13361  Ruble,  1728.  Peter  II  (1727-30).  KM-182.2;  Dav-1668; 
Dia-2.2.47.  “HOBAA”.  NGC  VF-30 $900-$1200 

PCGS#  680119 



NGC  MS-62. 

PCGS  # 930334 


C-125;  Bit-40. 



13358  Lot  of  (8)  Kopeks,  ND  (1711-15)-MA/HA.  Peter  I (The 
Great)  (1689-1725).  KM-118  & 142;  Bitkin-3393,  3453/4, 
3523,  3050,  3028  & 3026.  8 pieces  in  lot.  Contains  some  well 
struck  examples.  Included  mints  are  Moscow  (Naval  Mint) 
and  Moscow  (Embankment  Mint).  All  are  NGC  certified 
and  graded  as  follows:  (1)  AU-50  BN,  (2)  AU-53  BN  and  (5) 
AU-55  BN $750-$1500 

13360  Peace  of  Nystadt  Silver  Medal,  1721.  39.25  mm.  Peter  I (the 
Great)  (1682-1725).  cf.Bitkin-248;  cf.Diakov-57.13;  Iversen- 
LII,  4.  Noahs  Ark  in  curling  waves  with  dove  above  holding 
olive  branch,  two  cities  connected  by  rainbow  behind  arc, 
inscription  and  date  in  exergue;  Reverse:  Thirteen  line 
inscription.  Edge  is  plain  and  shows  signs  of  being  ground 
smooth  and  the  medal  having  been  mounted.  Planchet 
flaws  on  the  reverse,  light  numeral  “10”  scratched  in 
obverse  field  to  right  of  dove.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
signing  of  the  Treaty  of  Nystadt,  which  ended  the  Great 
Northern  War  between  Sweden  and  Russia,  establishing 
the  later  as  a new  world  empire.  BOLD  VERY  FINE- 

13359  10  Dengas  (5  Kopecks)  Novodel,  1701.  Peter  I (The  Great) 
(1689-1725).  KM-N-A7;  Bit-H773;  Dia-Nl.  Well  struck. 
Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13362  Ruble,  1762  CNBHK.  Peter  III  (1761-62).  C-47.2;  Bit-12. 
Lettered  edge.  One  year  type. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $3000-$5000 

PCGS  # 169435 

13363  Ruble,  1804-CNBOT.  C-125;  Bit-38.  Toned  with  attractive 
underlying  luster.  NGC  MS-62 $4000-$5000 

PCGS  # 149003 

13364  Ruble,  1804-CNBOT.  C-125;  Bit-38.  Toned  with  attractive 
plum  and  cobalt  tones.  NGC  AU-55 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 149003 

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13366  Ruble,  1807-CNBOT.  C 125a;  Bit-69. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 925641 

13367  Ruble,  1810-CNBOT.  C-125a;  Bit-75.  Toned  with 

some  underlying  luster  and  colored  highlights. 

NGC  AU-53 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 783963 

13368  Ruble,  1818  CNBNC.  C-130;  Bit-123. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $800-$1200 

PCGS  # 164874 

13369  Ruble,  1823-CNBNA.  C-130;  Bit-137. 

NGC  MS-63 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 164994 

13370  Ruble,  1824-CNBNA.  C-130;  Bit-138.  Light  golden  toning. 
NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 925676 

13371  Ruble,  1837-CNBHT.  C-168.1;  Bit-169. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  165167 

13372  Ruble,  1839.  C-170;  bit-895.  Struck  to  commemorate 
the  Unveiling  of  the  Battle  of  Borodino  Memorial. 
Toned.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  Unc  Details  Secure 
Holder. $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 929991 

13373  Ruble,  1846-CNBNA.  C-168.1;  Bit-208. 

NGC  MS-63 $1200-$1600 

PCGS  # 163553 

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13374  Ruble,  1846-CNBNA.  C-168.1;  Bit-208. 

NGC  MS-62 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 163553 

13375  Ruble,  1848-CNBHL  C-168.1;  Bit-213.  Light  peripheral 
toning  on  lustrous  surfaces. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 925727 

13376  Ruble,  1858-CNBOB.  C-168.1;  Bit-48.  Light  peripheral 
toning.  Tied  with  two  others  for  finest  certified. 

NGC  PROOF-65  ULTRA  CAMEO $8000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 169977 

13377  Ruble,  1859.  Y-28;  Bit-567;  Severin-3681.  Struck  to 
commemorate  the  opening  of  the  monument  to  Nicholas  1. 
Toned.  PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 925784 

13378  Ruble,  1872-CNBHI.  Y-25;  Bit-85;  Sev-3825. 

PCGS  MS-63 $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 925816 

13379  Ruble,  1886-AT.  Y-46;  Bit-60. 

NGC  AU  Details — Surface  Hairlines $900-$1200 

PCGS  # 925861 

13380  Ruble,  1890- AT.  Y-46;  Bit-64.  Nicely  toned. 

PCGS  MS-62+  Secure  Holder. $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 925865 

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PCGS  # 925867 


13381  Ruble,  1892-AT.  Y-46;  Bit-75;  Sev-4010;  Julian-1192.  RARE.  Striking  cameo  appearance  with  very  light  peripheral  toning. 

PCGS  PROOF-62+  DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $15,000-$20,000 

13382  Ruble,  1894-AT.  Y-46;  Bit-78;  UZD-2058.  RARE 

date.  Mintage  of  only  3,007  pieces.  Attractive  toning. 

PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $4000-$6000 

PCGS  # 925869 

13383  Ruble,  1894-AT.  Y-46;  Bit-78;  Sev-4022;  Julian-1194. 
RARE,  from  a low  mintage  year  at  the  end  of  Alexander  Ills 

reign.  PCGS  PROOF-62  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. 


PCGS  # 652565 

13384  Ruble,  1912-EB.  Y-68;  Bit-323.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
centennial  of  Napoleons  defeat. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $2000-$3000 

PCGS  # 925956 

13385  Ruble,  1914-BC.  Y-59.3;  Bit-69.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning, 
Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 925915 

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13386  Ruble,  1915-BC.  Y-59.3;  Bit-64. 

NGC  MS-63 $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 925916 

13387  Ruble,  1915-BC.  Y-59.3;  Bit-70. 

PCGS  MS-61  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 925916 

13388  3 Kopeks,  1917.  KM-11.3.  RARE  date. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 709056 

13389  10  Kopek,  1827-CNBHT.  C-157;  Bit-123. 

NGC  MS-63 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 488781 

13390  10  Kopek,  1827-CNBHT.  C-157;  Bit-144.  Lustrous 
and  attractive  with  partial  multicolored  toning. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 488781 

13391  15  Kopeks,  1916-BC.  cf.Y-21a.3;  Bit-143.  Struck  at 
Petrograd,  without  mintmaster  s initials.  Only  one  certified 
higher  (at  67).  NGC  PROOF-66  CAMEO $700-$1000 

PCGS#  150719 

13392  20  Kopeks,  1914-CNBBC.  V-22a.l;  Bit-116.  Highest  graded 
by  NGC.  NGC  PROOF-66  ULTRA  CAMEO. . $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 506633 

13393  25  Kopek,  1900.  Y-57;  Bit-98.  RARE  date.  Highest  certified 
by  NGC.  NGC  PROOF-66 $8000-$12,000 

PCGS  # 925357 

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Low  Mintage  25  Kopek  Proof 

PCGS  # 145573 


13394  25  Kopek,  1901.  Y-57;  Bit-99;  Sev-4089;  Julian-676.  VERY  RARE  proof  only  issue  from  an  estimated  mintage  of  only  200  to 
300  pieces.  Light  plum  toning  with  cobalt  peripheral  highlights. 

PCGS  PROOF-62  Secure  Holder. $10,000-$15,000 

13395  Silver  Peace  with  Sweden  Award  Medal,  1790.  39  x 27  mm. 

Vernon- 166;  Dia-221.8;  Romanov-71.  Bust  of  Catherine  II 
right  within  an  oval  frame,  which  rests  on  branches  of  laurel 
and  oak;  Reverse:  Three  line  inscription  (for  service  and 
bravery),  3 additional  lines  (peace  with  Sweden  concluded  3 
August  1790)  in  exergue.  VERY  FINE $1000-$  1500 


13396  Real,  ND.  Seville  Mint.  Ferdinand  & Isabella  (1474-1504). 
Cal-type-224  #388.  Struck  at  the  Seville  mint  for  use  in  the 
new  world.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


13397  Penny,  ND.  Robert  Bruce  (1306-29).  S-5076.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $900-$1200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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13398  Groat,  ND  (1526-39).  James  V (1513-42).  S-5376. 
NGC  VF-35 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 383405 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13399  5 Shillings,  1694.  William  & Mary  (1689-94).  S-5665;  KM- 
136.  Inverted  “A”.  Dark  toned.  NGC  AU-55 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #791501 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13400  Lanark  Mills.  2 Shillings  6 Pence,  ND  (1811).  KM-CC69; 
Davis-87;Brunk-52640;  Manville-75,  plate  #2;  “PAYABLE 
AT  LANARK  MILLS”  in  circle  with  “2/6”  incuse  in  center. 
Countermark  on  a 1/2  Ecu  of  Erance.  Elegantly  engraved 
on  the  reverse  with  “HBJ”  with  four  stars.  Half  dollar 
sized  countermarked  coins  from  the  industrial  revolution 
are  seldom  encountered  and  should  all  be  considered 
EXTREMELY  RARE.  During  his  extensive  study  if  this  series, 
the  specialist  and  author  Harry  Manville  was  able  to  locate  only 
nice  examples  of  this  denomination  for  Lanark  Mills,  of  this 
they  consist  of  2 separate  types  (with  and  without  additional 
quatrefoil  countermark).  The  rarity  of  the  two  types  is  fairly 
comparable  with  five  known  with  additional  countermark 
and  four  without.  Of  the  four  known  to  Manville  of  this  type, 
most  are  housed  in  museums  #1  Birmingham  City  Museum 
(Ex:  Bristol  City  Museum;  Ex:  Bowles  Collection  1909); 
#2  Lanark  Mills  Museum  (Ex:  Allen  1984);  #3  National 
Museum  of  Scotland  (Ex:  Lingford  1950;  Ex:  Cokayne  1946; 
Ex:  Virgil  Brand);  #4  reported  in  a private  Scottish  collection. 
The  piece  offered  here  is  reportedly  only  the  fifth  known 
example,  and  one  of  only  two  in  private  hands  available  to 
collectors.  A fantastic  piece  for  the  specialized  collector  of 
tokens  of  pleasing  old  collection  tone.  Host  coin  ALMOST 
GOOD,  countermark  VERY  FINE.  PCGS  Genuine — 
Graffiti,  AG  Details $1500-$2500 

PCGS  # 847609 


13401  Bar  (Antivari).  Grosso,  ND.  Balsa  III  (1403-21).  Do 
Brinic-;  Dimitrijevic-60.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


13402  Griquatown.  Penny  Pattern,  ND  (1890).  KM- 

Pm6;  Bruce-9.  Struck  in  copper.  Partially  toned 
with  mint  luster  around  the  legend  and  devices. 

NGC  PROOF-63  RB $1200-$1700 

PCGS  # 560014 

13403  Orange  Free  State.  Pattern  Penny,  1888.  Bruce- 
Pn7  (Prev.  Pn-13);  Hern-08.  Struck  in  bronze. 
PCGS  PROOF-61  BN  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  171298 

13404  ZAR.  Pattern  2 Pence,  1874.  Brussels  Mint.  KM-PnS; 
Bruce-Pn3.  Struck  in  bronze.  By:  Charles  Wurden. 
PCGS  SP-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1500 

PCGS#  161955 

13405  6 Pence,  1892.  KM-4;  KJ-69.  Toned 

NGC  MS-62 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 560646 

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13406  Shilling,  1892.  KM-5;  KJ-90.  Toned. 

NGC  MS-63 $1400-$1700 

PCGS  # 560661 

13407  2 Shillings,  1892.  KM-6;  KJ-111.  RARE.  From  a surviving 
mintage  of  only  about  50-60  pieces.  Very  attractive. 
Conservatively  graded.  NGC  PROOF-61 $2200-$3000 

PCGS  # 560679 

13408  2 1/2  Shillings,  1892.  KM-7;  KJ-131.  Toned. 

NGC  MS-63 $2000-$2500 

PCGS  # 560689 

13410  5 Shillings,  1892.  KM-8.2;  KJ-147.  Single  shaft  wagon 
tongue.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $1000-$  1200 

PCGS  # 560701 

13411  Rand,  1965.  KM-71.2.  Afrikaans  legend.  Very  scarce. 
Mintage  estimated  at  85  to  120  pieces.  ANACS  PROOF-63 
CAMEO $1000-$1500 

PCGS  # 843307 

13409  5 Shillings,  1892.  KM-8.2;  KJ-146.  Double  shaft  wagon 
tongue  toned.  NGC  AU-58 $1300-$1600 

PCGS  # 560702 

13412  Five  Piece  Partial  Proof  Set,  1923.  cf.KM-Ps2.  5 pieces 
in  lot.  The  silver  portion  of  the  proof  sets  for  this  year.  3 
Pence  to  2 1/2  Shillings.  All  have  at  least  a moderate  degree 
of  toning  with  several  having  some  colored  highlights. 

NGC  PROOF-64  to  PROOF-66 $1800-$2400 


13413  4 Reales,  1621-A-i-.  Segovia  Mint.  Philip  III  (1598- 
1621).  KM-98;  Cal-type-89  #260;  Cayon-4833.  Toned. 
PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  #711620 

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13414  8 Reales,  1620-A+.  Segovia  Mint.  Philip  III  (1598-1621). 
KM-28.3;  Cal-type-66  #165;  Cayon-4937.  Inverted  As 
in  place  of  Vs  in  obverse  and  reverse  legends.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $1000-$1200 

PCGS  # 730015 

13415  20  Reales,  1823-BSP.  KM-563.1;  Cal-type-83  #369. 
De  Vellon.  NGC  MS-62 $2200-$2600 

PCGS  # 846972 

13416  Peseta,  1869-SNM.  KM-653;  Cal-type-5  #15;  Cayon-17423. 
Dark  toned  with  underlying  luster.  Very  attractive. 

PCGS  AU-55 $1500-$2000 


13417  Silver  1/4 to 8 Reales, ca.  1555-1821. 37pieces inlot.  Includes 
pieces  from  Spain,  Mexico,  Guatemala,  Bolivia  and  Peru. 
Highlights  include  (3)  nice  “Pillar  Dollars”,  some  interesting 
cobs  and  several  very  choice  Guatemala  Reales.  A few  pieces 
holed  or  damaged.  Retail  value  more  than  $1,600.  SOLD  AS 




13418  Brabant.  Brussels.  Ducaton,  1673.  Brabant  Mint. 

Charles  II  (1665-1700).  Dav-4475;  KM-79.2.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-50 $800-$1000 

PCGS  # 474666 


13419  Viking  Coinage.  AR  Denar,  ND.  Sintuna  Mint.  Olaf 
Skotkonung  (994-1022).  cf.  Malmer-602.1112;  cf. 
Lagerquist-33.  VERY  RARE  bust  left,  long  cross  type.  Struck 
at  the  mint  of  Sigtuna  shortly  after  its  founding.  This  city  of 
Sigtuna  has  an  important  place  in  Viking  history  as  it  is  one 
of  only  a few  cities  mentioned  in  the  Viking  Sagas.  A few 
small  peck  marks.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $2500-$3500 

13420  4 Mark,  1617.  Gustaf  II  Adolphus  (1611-32).  SM-48;  KM- 

64.  NGC  EE  Details— Mount  Removed $700-$  1000 

PCGS  # 125942 

13421  4 Caroliner  (2  Daler  Silvermynt),  1718-LC.  Karl 
Xll  (1697-1718).  KM-32B;  AAH-142.  Light  toning. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 165397 

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13422  2 Daler  Plate  Money,  1721.  Frederick  I (1720-51). 
KM-PM71;  AAH-211.  All  stamps  clear  and  complete. 
VERY  FINE $700-$1000 

13423  Silver  Queen  Christina  Succession  Medal,  ND  (1650). 

49.16  mm;  40.85  gms.  Hildebrand-I  254.  Christina  facing 
half  left  in  fine  dress  and  small  crown,  name  and  title  around; 
Reverse:  Phoenix  rising  from  pyre  atop  mountainous 
islet,  legend  “PHOENIX  PHOENICIS  GUSTAVI  E 
FUNER  E NATA.”  A fine  and  impressive  medal  of  one 
of  Europe’s  most  important  and  controversial  monarchs. 
BOLD  VERY  FINE $1000-$1500 


13424  Aargau.  10  Batzen,  1809.  KM- 14.  Palm  frond  in  wreath. 
Only  the  lightest  peripheral  toning  on  gem  surfaces.  In  old 
green  holder.  PCGS  MS-68 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 882637 

13425  Graubunden.  4 Franken,  1842.  KM- 17.  Issued  for  the 
1842  shooting  festival.  Mintage  of  only  6,000  pieces.  Toned. 

NGC  Unc  Details— Surface  Hairlines $900-$  1200 

PCGS  # 887142 

13426  Graubunden.  10  Batzen,  1825-N.  KM-12.  One  year  type 
from  a mintage  of  only  2,000  pieces.  Gentle  multicolored 
toning  on  prooflike  surfaces.  Small  hairline  crack  at  11 
o’clock.  Old  green  holder.  PCGS  MS-65 $800-$  1200 

PCGS  # 883083 

13427  Vaud.  40  Batzen,  1812.  KM- 17.  One  year  type.  Toned. 
NGC  MS-61 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 883741 

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13428  Zurich.  20  Batzen,  1826.  KM- 192.  A few  small  spots 
of  russet  toning,  mainly  clear  prooflike  surfaces. 
NGC  MS-67 $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 883786 

13429  Zurich.  20  Batzen,  1826.  KM- 192.  Sharply  struck  with  light 
toning.  A superb  gem.  NGC  MS-66  PL $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 883786 

13431  5 Franc,  1859.  Bruce-S5.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 
Zurich  Festival.  Beautifully  toned. 

NGC  MS-64 $800-$1000 

PCGS  # 887150 


13432  Maracaibo.  2 Reales,  1814.  3.15gms.  KM-4.  RARE.  War  of 
Independence.  Imitative  cob  issue. 

VERY  FINE $2500-$3500 

PCGS  # 957449 

13430  2Franc,  1862-B.  KM-lOa. 

PCGS  MS-61  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 886451 


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13433  Stone  Money  “Fei”,  ND  (19th  Century  or  Earlier).  27.5  inches  x 26  x 5 inches  (deep);  approximately  220  pounds.  Opitz-pg.3 16-321; 
Quiggin-pg.l44,  pi#  12;  Sigler-pg.l9;  Gillilland-Smithsonian  Institute  “The  Stone  Money  of  Yap  a Numismatic  Survey”-pg.58-type-d. 
Pre  O’Keefe  type.  Yap  Island  produced  the  world’s  largest  and  heaviest  coinage.  These  pieces  are  most  commonly  referred  to  as  “Fei”  or 
“Rai”  and  considered  sacred  amongst  the  local  people.  The  largest  examples  are  in  excess  of  12  feet  in  diameter,  weighing  about  2 tons. 
Due  to  their  size,  the  larger  stones  often  traded  ownership  without  physically  being  moved.  The  larger  stones  would  remain  in  place  as 
it  became  common  knowledge  among  the  inhabitants  that  it  now  belonged  to  a new  owner.  As  there  is  no  large  source  of  stone  on  Yap, 
the  stones  were  quarried  and  shaped  on  the  island  of  Malakal  in  Palau,  then  shipped  back  to  Yap  on  native  boats.  The  stones  are  made 
of  calcite,  which  is  abundant  on  Malakal.  Some  of  the  larger  stones  took  as  long  as  two  years  to  quarry  and  shape  using  axes  made  from 
giant  clams.  The  trip  from  Malakal  to  Yap  via  boat  was  a hazardous  voyage  that  claimed  many  lives.  Often  the  value  placed  on  a stone 
directly  related  to  the  amount  of  human  lives  lost  in  order  to  quarry  and  deliver  it  to  Yap.  Although  there  are  many  sizes  and  shapes  of  Yap 
stones,  they  can  be  classified  into  two  basic  types,  pre  and  post  O’Keefe.  The  earliest  stones  were  produced  by  the  locals  using  axe  heads 
made  from  segments  of  the  giant  clam.  Later  stones  or  “O’Keefe  stones”  were  produced  in  the  1800’s  using  metal  tools.  David  O’Keefe 
was  American  of  Irish  heritage  who  came  to  Yap  with  tools  and  a junk  boat  acquired  in  Hong  Kong.  He  used  the  vessel  to  quarry  and 
transport  “Fei”  from  Malakal  to  Yap,  setting  himself  up  as  the  King  of  Yap  island,  as  a result  of  the  process.  The  1954  motion  picture  “His 
Majesty  O’Keefe”  starring  Burt  Lancaster,  albeit  somewhat  dramatized  and  engrossed,  fairly  accurately  portrays  this  series  of  events. 

The  stone  offered  here  is  of  the  pre  O’Keefe  type,  quarried  and  shaped  by  the  native  Yapese  using  the  traditional  axes  made  from  giant 
clam  shells.  In  terms  of  size,  this  is  the  largest  pre  O’Keefe  stone  we  have  offered  for  sale,  weighing  approximately  220  pounds.  Larger 
stones  are  seldom  available  for  sale,  as  removing  them  from  the  island  was  extremely  hard,  due  to  their  size  and  weight.  In  terms  of 
condition,  this  stone  is  complete,  showing  only  minor  chips  at  the  edges  (as  usual  for  a stone  of  this  size).  It  has  often  been  referred  to  as 
the  key  or  “Holy  Grail”  to  assembling  a collection  of  primitive  money.  This  magnificent  stone  was  given  to  an  American  who  was  born  on 
Yap  Island.  At  the  time  of  his  birth  his  father  was  a highly  respected  educator  on  Yap,  teaching  the  local  people  English.  As  is  custom  with 
a first  born  son  on  Yap,  this  fantastic  stone  was  given  as  a gift  at  that  time.  This  exceptional  Yap  Stone  is  worthy  of  the  most  sophisticated 
of  collections  and  dwarfs  most  of  the  specimens  housed  in  major  museums.  A world  class  example $20,000  and  Up 

Note:  Due  to  its  size  and  weight,  this  item  will  be  available  for  viewing  at  our  California  office  only.  The  winning  bidder  assumes  responsibility  for  all  shipping  and 
insurance  charges  that  may  occur.  A wooden  crate  for  freight  transport  has  already  been  assembled  and  is  ready  for  packaging.  We  can  help  with  arrangements  for 
freight  shipping  and  insurance,  or  the  lot  may  be  picked  up  by  the  winning  bidder  at  our  Irvine,  California  office. 

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13434  Starter  Collection  of  Silver  Bullion  & Copper  Coinage, 

3rd- 17th  Century.  Approximately  110  pieces  in  lot.  Includes 
pieces  from  early  Europe,  Asia  and  the  Middle  East.  Primarily 
consists  of  Medieval  coinage,  but  also  includes  many  other 
interesting  issues.  Ostrogothic,  Sassanian,  Byzantine,  Slavic, 
Western  European  and  Armenian  coins.  Little  duplication 
and  most  are  attributed.  Some  have  deposits,  mount  marks 
and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $7,000.  Grades 
GOOD-VERY  FINE $3000-$4000 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13435  Austria,  Bohemia  & Hungary.  Silver  & Bronze  Coinage, 

1 1th- 16th  Century.  53  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  include  (3) 
Wrattslaus  II  Denars  (Cach-350(2)  &Cach-346),  a Wladislaus 
I Denar,  a Denar  from  Hungary  (Huszar-113)  and  a piece 
of  silver  money  of  Salomon  (Huszar-17),  as  well  as  other 
interesting  issues.  All  are  attributed  or  partially  attributed. 
Some  have  deposits,  porosity  been  mounted,  chips,  cracks 
and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  3,000.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13436  Great  Britain,  Ireland  & Scotland.  Medieval  & Earlier 

Silver  Coinage.  53  pieces  in  lot.  Primarily  consists  of 
Medieval  British  silver  coinage,  but  also  includes  coins  of 
Scotland,  Ireland,  Anglo-Gallic  and  Anglo-Saxon.  With  a 
couple  of  bronze  coins.  Pieces  of  note  included  are  a Richard 
Coeur  de  Lion  Denier,  an  Alexander  III  of  Scotland  Penny 
an  Edward  III  of  Great  Britain  Penny  and  Groats  (2),  as 
well  as  other  interesting  issues.  Some  have  chips  and/or 
other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely  SOLD  AS  IS/ 
NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $3,000.  Grades 
VERY  GOOD-VERY  FINE $1200-$1800 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13437  Russia  & Moldavia.  Silver,  Billon  & Copper  Coinage, 

15th- 18th  Century.  43  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note 
included  are  a Denga  of  Ivan  III  Vasilievich,  a Denga 
of  Vasiliy  Ivanovich  and  a Gros  of  Stephen  the  Great 
of  Moldavia,  as  well  as  other  interesting  issues.  All  are 
attributed.  Some  have  planchet  defects,  deposits,  verdigris 
and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely  SOLD 
AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $1,500. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13438  France  & French  Colonies  Coinage,  16th-20th 

Century.  65  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  include  a 
Bearn  and  Navarre  Testone  1564-P,  a Testone  1576- 
A,  an  orange  1/5  Ecu  1666,  Erench  Indo -China  5 Cent 
1938  and  a Togo  Eranc  1925,  as  well  as  a variety  of  other 
issues.  Some  have  been  cleaned  or  damaged.  SOLD 
AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of  $2,800. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13439  Lot  of  (63)  World  Crowns  & Minors,  1663-1930.  63  pieces 

in  lot.  Primarily  European  but  other  areas  represented  as 
well.  Highlights  include:  Canada/Newfoundland  1865  20 
Cents,  German  East  Africa  1901  1/2  Rupie,  Italy  2 Lire 
1906,  Malta  30  Tari  1761.  Also  contains  an  especially 
choice  group  of  18th  and  19th  century  Portuguese  coins, 
including  a 1794  400  Reis  in  EXTREMELY  FINE  and 
a 400  Reis  1820  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED.  Retail 
value  in  excess  of  $2,000.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

13440  British  Colonial  Minors,  18th,  19th  & 20th  Centuries. 

Approximately  93  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  include  an 
1860  Australia  Hogart  and  Eriksen  Token,  1955  PROOE 
Shilling,  1792  Barbados  1/2  Penny  1918  British  Honduras 
Cent,  Ceylon  1/2  Silver  1815,  Rix  Dollar  1821,  1/2  Earthing 
1839  and  1851,  1/4  Earthing  1839  (2),  1850  and  1851,  1842 
Gibralter  2 Quarts  and  an  1865  Guernsey  2 Doubles,  as  well 
as  an  interesting  assortment  of  other  colonies.  Some  have 
been  cleaned  and/or  have  other  defects.  Should  be  examined 
closely  Catalog  value  in  excess  of  $4,200.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO 
RETURNS.  Grades  VERY  GOOD-PROOF...  $1500-$2500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

13441  Lot  of  (25)  World  Crowns  & Minors,  Ca.  1794-1960. 

25  pieces  in  lot.  Comprised  of  a wide  variety  of  countries 
including  Mexico,  Switzerland,  and  Great  Britain  copper 
tokens,  1924  5 Francs  from  Switzerland  is  note  worthy 
Also  of  note  is  a RARE  date  Canadian  25  Cent  piece  from 
1875.  Overall  a nice  variety  with  many  interesting  pieces. 
Some  pieces  may  show  scratches  or  signs  of  cleaning. 
Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

13442  Lot  of  (24)  British  Colonial  Crowns  and  Minors,  ca.  1866- 

1941. 24  pieces  in  lot.  Comprised  of  issues  from  Hong  Kong, 
Sarawak,  Fiji  and  Straits  Settlements.  Also  includes  one  1911- 
B British  Trade  Dollar  (KM-T5).  Includes  a nice  Edward  VII 
Hong  Kong  1905  Cent  (KM- 11).  Also  includes  a Hong  Kong 
medal  from  1919  commemorating  the  end  of  World  War  I,  it 
has  been  pierced  at  12  o’clock  for  suspension.  Also  included 
is  a silver  ingot  (55.43  gms)  that  is  similar  to  a Xianggang 
Yintao.  Some  pieces  may  show  scratches  or  signs  of  cleaning. 
Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
VERY  FINE-NGC  MS-63  RB $500-$1000 

13443  Lot  of  (12)  Asian  Crowns  and  Minors,  ca.  1870-1920.  12 

pieces  in  lot.  Comprised  of  various  pieces  from  Japan,  China 
and  the  Philippines  under  U.S.  administration.  Two  pieces 
of  note  are  a Japanese  Year  3 Yen  (Y-5.1)  and  a Year  8 Trade 
Dollar  (Y-14).  Also  of  note  is  a silver  Chinese  medal  featuring 
Nye  Sze  Chung  (L&M-955).  The  medal  has  been  pierced  at 
12  o’clock  for  suspension.  Some  pieces  show  scratches  or 
signs  of  being  cleaned.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/ 

13444  Lot  of  (15)  Certified  World  Coins.  15  pieces  in  lot.  Includes 

high-graded  coins  from  around  the  world,  crowns  and 
minors.  All  are  graded  and  encapsulated  by  NGC  (10) 
or  PCGS  (5).  Total  catalog  value  over  $1,900.  Highlights 
include  an  1886  Belgian  Franc  MS-62,  an  1898  Belgium 
50  Centimes  MS-63,  an  1873- A Greece  Drachma  AU-55 
and  a 1936  Mozambique  10  Escudos  MS-64  (the  finest 
graded  by  PCGS).  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 
AU-55  to  MS-65 $800-$1300 

13445  Eighteen  Piece  International  Year  of  Disabled  Persons 

Silver  Piefort  Set,  1981.  18  pieces  in  set.  Includes:  Silver 
pieforts  dollar  sized.  Struck  by  the  Royal  Mint.  In  a 
commemorative  mint  issue  display  case,  with  certificate  of 
authenticity  GEM  BRILLIANT  PROOF. $3000-$4000 

End  of  Session  D 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

The  August  2013 
Chicago  ANA  Auction 

Session  F 

Ends  Tuesday,  August  20, 2013 

3:00  PM  PT 

Lots  34001-35406 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 



34001  Gallia.  Belgica.  AV  Quarter-Stater  (1.71  gms), 

ca.  2nd  Century  B.C.  Castelin-283;  Sills-pg.  142, 
class  5a.  Stylized  head  of  Apollo  left;  Reverse: 
Stylized  Nike  in  quadriga  left,  eight  spherical  rosette. 
NGC  VG,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  2/5 $450-$550 


34002  Catuvellauni.  AV  Quarter-Stater  (1.31  gms),  Tasciovanus, 

ca.  20  B.C.  -A.D.  10.  S-223;  VA-1692-1;  BMC-1641.  Crossed 
wreaths  and  two  crescents;  Reverse:  Horse,  “TASC”  below. 

NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  3/5  Surface:  4/5 $400-$600 

34003  Trinovantes.  AV  Quarter-Stater  ( 1 .24gms),  Camulodunum 

(Colchester)  Mint,  Cunobelin  (ca.  10-43  A.D.).  S-292;  VA- 
1927-1;  BMC-1837-42.  Linear  type,  corn  ear  dividing  “CA- 
MV”;  Reverse:  Celticized  horse  right,  branch  above,  “CVN” 
below.  NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  3/5  Surface:  3/5 $400-$600 

34004  Trinovantes.  AV  Quarter-Stater  (1.31  gms),  Camulodunum 

(Colchester)  Mint,  Cunobelin  (ca.  10-43  A.D.).  S-292;  VA- 
1935-1;  BMC- 1 843 -44.  Wild  type,  corn  ear  dividing“CA-M  V”; 
Reverse:  Celticized  horse  right,  branch  above,  “CVN”  below. 
NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  3/5  Surface:  3/5 $400-$600 


34005  Calabria.  Tarentum.  AR  Stater  (7.84  gms),  ca.  480-470 

B.C.  Vlasto-75.  Phalanthos  naked  on  dolphin  right,  pecten 
shell  below;  Reverse:  Wheel  of  four  spokes  with  protruding 
axle.  Well  centered.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$400 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34006  Calabria.  Tarentum  (Taranto).  AR  Stater  (7.82  gms),  ca. 

302-231  B.C.  Vlasto-675.  Nude  on  horseback  right;  Reverse: 
nude  Taras  astride  dolphin  left,  holding  bunch  of  grapes. 
Well  struck  on  nice  full  flan.  Well  centered.  Good  metal. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $600-$800 

34007  Calabria.  Taras.  AR  Stater  (6.07  gms),  ca.  272-235 

B.C.  Vlasto-890;  HN  Italy- 1038.  Warrior  on  horseback 
right  holding  spear  and  shield;  Reverse:  Taras  on  dolphin 
facing  left  holding  flower  and  cornucopia,  monogram  and 
thymiaterion  behind.  Nicely  struck  on  a full  flan.  Lightly 
toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $600-$800 

34008  Lucania.  Thurium.  AR  Stater  (7.55  gms),  ca.  400- 

350  B.C.  SNG  ANS-1019.  Head  of  Athena  facing  right 
wearing  crested  Athenian  helmet  decorated  with  skylla; 
Reverse:  Bull  charging  right  . Minor  flan  cracks.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $300-$500 

Ex:  Stacks  9/1980  Auction,  Lot  #19. 

34009  Lucania.  Heraclea.  AR  Didrachm  (6.52  gms),  ca.  281-272 

B.C.  BMC- 1.231,  49.  Head  of  Athena  left,  wearing  crested 
Corinthian  helmet;  Reverse:  Heracles  standing  left  holding 
vase  and  club,  lions  skin  over  left  arm.  Flan  split  at  10  o’clock. 
Nicely  toned.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

Ex:  Stacks  9/1980,  Auction  Lot  #11. 

34010  Lucania.  Velia  (Hyele,  Elea).  AR  Didrachm  (7.60),  4th 

Century  B.C.  SNG  Cop- 1553.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena 
right,  ornamented  with  a pegasus;  Reverse:  Lion  facing  left. 
Well  centered.  Toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

Ex:  Stacks  August  1976  Auction,  Lot  #1507. 

34011  Lucania.  Velia  (Hyele,  Elea).  AR  Didrachm  (7.51  gms), 

ca.  290-275  B.C.  CNG  Cop-1591;  BMX-1.316,  111.  Head 
of  Athena  facing  left,  wearing  crested  Athenian  helmet 
decorated  with  a pegasus;  Reverse:  Lion  attacking  stag  left. 
Small,  neat  test  cut  on  edge.  Otherwise,  well-centered  and 
nicely  toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

Ex:  Stacks  9/1980  Auction,  Lot  #23. 

34012  Bruttium.  Caulonia.  AR  Stater  (6.65  gms),  ca.  530-500 

B.C.  cf.SNG  Ans-141-151.  Slightly  crude  type,  Apollo 
standing  right  holding  a daimon  on  out  stretched  left  arm, 
stag  to  right  with  head  reverted;  Reverse:  Incuse  of  obverse. 

FINE- VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


34013  Himera.  AE  Hemiltron  (16.11  gms),  ca.  430-420  B.C. 

Calciati-24-5.  Facing  gorgon,  tongue  protruding;  Reverse: 
Six  pellets.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

34014  Himera.  AR  Didrachm  (8.09  gms),  ca.  481-467  B.C. 

BMC-2.78,  24;  SNG  Cop-303.  Cock  left,  “HIMERA”  before; 

Reverse:  Crab.  Light  graininess.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34015  Himera.  AR  Obol  (Litre)  (0.76  gms),  ca.  550-515  B.C. 

Kraay-286.  Cock  standing  left,  claw  raised;  Reverse: 
Mill-sail  clockwise.  Well  centered  on  an  uneven  flan. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34016  Selinus.  AR  Didrachm  (8.58  gms),  ca.  460-440  B.C. 

SNGANS-704  (same  dies).  Nude  Herakles  to  right  pressing 
left  knee  against  Cretan  bull  and  grasping  right  horn  with  left 
hand,  right  hand  wields  club  about  to  strike  the  bull,  ethnic 
around,  here  indistinct  due  to  die  wear;  Reverse:  Nude  river- 
god  Hypsas  standing  left  holding  branch  and  patera,  pouring 
libation  over  altar  around  which  a serpent  twines,  to  right 
heron  walking  right,  parsley  leaf  above.  Light  silver-gray. 
ALMOST  VERY  FINE $600-$800 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34017  Messana.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.16  gms),  ca.  478-476 

B.C.  cf.Caltabiano-72.  Mule  driven  biga  right,  olive  leaf  in 
exergue;  Reverse:  Hare  running  right,  dot  below,  legend 
around.  Old  gray  toning.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34018  Syracuse.  First  Democracy  (530-485  B.C).  AR  Tetradrachm 

(15.10  gms),  ca.  510-485  B.C.  cf  Boehringer-46.  Diademed 
head  of  Arethusa  right,  four  dolphins  around;  Reverse: 
Quadriga  trotting  right,  Nike  above  crowning  horses.  The 
position  of  the  obverse  legend  varies.  Nice  oblong  flan. 
FINE- VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


34019  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 

323  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.15  gms),  Babylon  Mint, 
ca.  325-323  B.C.  Pr-3602;  Mueller-671.  Head  of  Heracles 
wearing  lion’s  scalp  right;  Reverse:  Zeus  enthroned  left 
holding  eagle  and  scepter,  monogram  below  throne, 
“M”  in  left  fleld.  Small  light  deposits  in  some  devices. 
NGC  EF,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  3/5 $300-$500 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  F Ends  3:00  PM  PT,  Tuesday,  August  20, 2013 


34020  Kingdom  of  Macedon.  Alexander  III  (the  Great)  336- 

323  B.C.  AR  Tetradrachm  (16.98  gms),  Babylon  Mint, 
ca.  325-323  B.C.  Pr-3630.  Head  of  Hercules  right  wearing 
lions  scalp;  Reverse:  Zeus  seated  left  in  throne  holding 
eagle  and  scepter,  star  and  “M”  in  left  field.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 


34021  Kingdom  of  Thrace.  Lysimachos,  305-281  B.C.  AR 

Tetradrachm  (16.49  gms),  Sestus  Mint.  Muller-91. 
Diademed  head  of  Alexander  the  Great  facing  right  wearing 
horn  of  Ammon;  Reverse:  Athena  seated  left  on  prow  holding 
Nike,  monogram  and  herm  at  left.  Nice  style.  Lightly  toned. 
VERY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34022  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.38  gms),  Thrace  Mint,  Probably 

Before  29  B.C.  cf.RPC-1701;  BMC-3.208,  2.  Copied 

from  a Denarius  issued  by  Brutus,  54  B.C.  (Craw- 

443/ 1).  Procession  of  three  men  in  Roman  togas; 

Reverse:  Eagle  standing  left  on  scepter,  holding  wreath. 
NGC  AU,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  5/5 $700-$900 

34023  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.51  gms),  Thrace  Mint,  Probably 

Before  29  B.C.  cf.RPC-1701;  BMC-3.208,  2.  Copied 

from  a Denarius  issued  by  Brutus,  54  B.C.  (Craw- 

443/ 1).  Procession  of  three  men  in  Roman  togas; 

Reverse:  Eagle  standing  left  on  scepter  holding  wreath. 
NGC  EE,  Strike:  2/5  Surface:  4/5 $700-$900 

34024  Koson.  AV  Stater  (8.33  gms),  Thrace  Mint,  Probably 

Before  29  B.C.  cf.RPC-1701;  BMC-3.208,  2.  Copied 

from  a Denarius  issued  by  Brutus,  54  B.C.  (Craw- 

443/ 1).  Procession  of  three  men  in  Roman  togas; 

Reverse:  Eagle  standing  left  on  scepter  holding  wreath. 
NGC  EE,  Strike:  2/5  Surface:  4/5 $700-$900 


34025  Thebes.  AR  Stater  (12.22  gms),  ca.  425-400  B.C.  BCD 

Boiotia-387;  Head-pg.  36-classy,  pi.  III#8.  Boeotian  shield; 
Reverse:  Amphora,  inscription  across  field,  all  within  incuse 
square.  Slightly  off  center  reverse.  Good  metal  quality. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 


34026  Athens.  AR  Fouree  Drachm  (3.01  gms),  ca.  479-429  B.C. 

Svornos-Plate  11,  #20.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right; 
Reverse:  Owl,  olive  spray  and  crescent  above.  Some  copper 
showing.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

Ex:  Stacks  9/1980  Auction,  Lot  #115. 

34027  Athens.  AR  Hemi-obol  (0.33  gms),  ca.  454-404  B.C. 

cf.Svornos-pl.  12#43.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right; 
Reverse:  Owl  standing  right,  head  facing  crescent 
behind.  Nice  round  flan.  Reverse  is  nicely  centered. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34028  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.05  gms),  ca.  440-415  B.C. 

Svor-pl.  13#20.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse:  Owl 
standing  right  head  facing,  crescent  and  olive  sprig  behind. 
NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  2/5 $300-$500 

34029  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.10  gms),  ca.  454-404  B.C. 

Svornos-Plate  14,  #29;  cf.SNG  Cop-39.  Helmeted  head  of 
Athena  right,  helmet  adorned  with  three  olive  leaves  and 
floral  scroll;  Reverse:  Owl,  olive  spray  and  crescent  above. 
Slight  drill  mark  near  earring.  Test  cut  at  12  o’clock.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

34030  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.16  gms),  ca.  403-365  B.C. 

Svornos-pl.  16#9.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse: 
Owl  standing  right  head  facing,  crescent  and  olive  sprig 
behind.  Well  centered  strike  with  pleasing  classical  portrait. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

34031  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.13  gms),  ca.  403-365  B.C. 

Svornos-Plate  16,  #12.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right; 
Reverse:  Owl,  olive  spray  and  crescent  above.  Scratches.  Flan 
damage  at  4 & 8 o’clock.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

Ex:  Stacks  August  1976  Auction,  Lot  #1559. 

34032  Athens.  AR  Tetradrachm  (17.21  gms),  ca.  350-320  B.C. 

Svornos-pl.  20#32.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena  right;  Reverse: 
Owl  standing  right  head  facing,  olive  sprig  behind,  all  within 
incuse  square.  Nice  quality  for  type.  Fully  lustrous.  CHOICE 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34033  Athens.  AR  “New  Style”  Tetradrachm  (16.59  gms),  ca. 

152-151  B.C.  Thompson-547a.  Helmeted  head  of  Athena 
right;  Reverse:  Owl  standing  right  with  head  facing  on 
Amphora,  all  within  wreath.  Well  centered  and  well  struck. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 


34034  AR  Triobol  (2.50  gms),  ca.  480-431  B.C.  BMC- 11.139, 174; 

cf.Milbank-pl.  11  #5.  Tortoise,  upper  limbs  and  head  visible, 
with  approximately  ten  plates  on  shell;  Reverse:  Incuse 
pattern  divided  by  bands  into  five  compartments,  crescent  in 
upper  left.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


34035  Corinth.  AR  Stater  (8.57  gms),  ca.  405-345  B.C. 

Calciati-135.  Pegasus  flying  left,  Koppa  below;  Reverse: 
Athena  bust  right  wearing  Corinthian  helmet,  seated  dog 
to  the  right.  Obverse  is  well-centered  on  a nice  round 

flan.  Good  overall  metal  quality.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

34036  Corinth.  AR  Stater  (8.41  gms),  ca.  345-307  B.C.  Cal-381. 

Pegasus  flying  left,  koppa  below;  Reverse:  Head  of  Athena 
right,  wearing  Corinthian  helmet,  “N”  behind.  Sharp 
strike.  Nicely  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 

■r  -rn  ^ Stocks  9/1 980  Auction,  Lot  #123. 


34037  Mytilene.  EL  Hekte  (2.52  gms),  ca.  521-478  B.C. 

Bodenstadt-13;  SNG  Cop-301.  Head  of  lion  right;  Reverse: 
Incuse  punch  of  cow’s  head  right.  Weak  strike.  VERY 
™E $700-$900 


34038  Islands  off  Ionia.  Chios.  AR  Didrachm  (7.84  gms),  ca.  478- 

412  B.C.  BMC-14.32a,  7;  SNG  Cop-1544.  Sphinx  seated  to 
left,  bunch  of  grapes  over  amphora;  Reverse:  Quadripartite 
incuse  square.  Nice  round  flan.  Obverse  slightly  off  center, 
but  most  details  visible.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34039  Islands  off  Caria.  Rhodes.  AR  Didrachm  (6.73  gms). 

Magistrate  Eukrates,  ca.  229-205  B.C.  SNG  Keckman-549; 
SNG  Cop-760.  Radiate  head  of  Helios  three  quarters  facing 
right;  Reverse:  Rose  with  bud  at  right  and  anchor  at  left, 
magistrate  name  below.  Attractive  old  cabinet  toning.  BOLD 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

Bid  online  at 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


34040  Islands  off  Caria.  Rhodes.  AR  Drachm  (2.92  gms),  ca. 

250-230  B.C.  BMC-18.245,  164;  cf.SNG  von  Aulock-2812; 
cf.SNG  Cop-783.  Magistrate  Roproe.  Head  of  Helios  three 
quarters  facing  right;  Reverse:  Rose  with  bud  to  right,  bow 
and  case  to  left.  Elegant  style,  sharply  struck  on  excellent 
metal.  EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 


34041  Hypaepa.  AE  20  (4.70  gms),  Pseudo- Autonomous  Issue, 

ca.  3rd  Century  A.D.  BMC-22.109,  6.  RARE.  Bare  headed 
and  draped  bust  of  youthful  senate  right;  Reverse:  River 
god  Kaystros  reclining  left  holding  reed  and  cornucopia. 
VERY  FINE $150-$250 


34042  Side.  Salonia.  AE  10  Assaria  (15.47  gms),  A.D.  254-268. 

SNG  von  Aulock-8551  (same  dies).  Draped  bust  right 
wearing  stephane  set  on  crescent,  “I”  (mark  of  value)  before; 
Reverse:  Three  galleys.  Brownish  green  patina.  Minor 
roughness.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $250-$350 


34043  Salamis.  AR  Tetrobol  (2.78  gms),  ca.  445-411  B.C.  SNG 

Cop-49;  BMC-24.57#57.  Nude  Herakles  seated  left  on 
rock  holding  club  and  horn;  Reverse:  Goat  laying  right  on 
exergual  line.  Surface  porosity.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

34044  Salamis.  AR  Tetrobol  (2.87  gms),  ca.  445-411  B.C.  SNG 

Cop-49;  BMC-24.57#57.  Nude  Herakles  seated  left  on 
rock  holding  club  and  horn;  Reverse:  Goat  laying  right  on 
exergual  line.  Surface  porosity.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 


34045  Seleukid  Kingdom.  Seleucus  I,  312-281  B.C.  AR  Stater 

(15.25  gms),  Babylon  Mint,  ca.  310-288  B.C.  SNG  Israel-90. 
Draped  Baal  seated  left;  Reverse:  Lion  standing  left,  anchor 
above  left.  Some  minor  deposits  around  devices.  NGC  VF, 
Strike:  3/5  Surface:  3/5 $300-$400 

34046  Seleukid  Kingdom.  Antiochus  VIII  128-96  B.C.  AR 

Tetradrachm  (16.51  gms).  SNG  Israel-2495;  BMC-4.88, 
10.  Diademed  head  of  Antiochus  VIII  facing  right;  Reverse: 
Draped  Zeus  standing  left,  “N”  in  inner  right  field.  Nice 
toning  around  the  bust  devices  and  reverse.  CHOICE 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34047  Seleucus  and  Pieria.  Antioch.  AE  19  (8.97  gms),  Augustus 
(27  B.C.-A.D.  14),  Year  44  of  the  Actian  Era  (A.D.  13-14). 

McAlee-99;  SNG  Cop-98;  RPC-4269.  Laureate  head  of  Zeus 
right;  Reverse:  Ram  running  right  looking  backward,  star 
above,  date  below.  NEARLY  VERY  FINE $100-$150 

34048  Phoenicia.  Aradus.  AR  Stater  (10.32  gms),  RY3  (ca.338/7 

B.C.).  BMC-26.1 1.  Laureate  diademed  head  of  bearded  male 
water  deity  right;  Reverse:  Galley  right  above  water  lines 
with  Phoenician  date  and  legend  above,  all  within  shallow 
incuse  square  with  beaded  border.  Obverse  struck  with  worn 
die  evidenced  by  some  die  cracks  and  fills.  Reverse  decently 
centered  on  oblong  planchet.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

34049  Phoenicia.  Tyre.  AR  Shekel  (14.24  gms),  79/9  B.C.  BMC- 

26.243,  140.  Laureate  head  of  Melqarth  right;  Reverse:  Eagle 
standing  left  on  prow  of  ship.  Some  light  encrustation  with 
luster  remaining.  EXTREMELY  FINE $600-$800 

34050  Phoenicia.  Tyre.  AR  Shekel  (14.30  gms),  ca.  77/6  B.C. 

BMC-26.243,142.  Laureate  head  of  Melqarth  right;  Reverse: 
Eagle  standing  left  on  prow  of  ship.  Toned  with  some  light 
encrustation.  GOOD  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

34051  Phoenicia.  Tyre.  AR  Shekel  (13.61  gms).  Year  9 (118-117 

B.C.).  BMC-26.235,  65.  Laureate  head  of  Melqarth  right; 
Reverse:  Eagle  standing  left  on  prow  of  ship.  Slightly  grainy. 

GOOD  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

34052  Phoenicia.  Tyre.  AR  Shekel  (13.31  gms),  ca.  109-108  B.C. 

BMC-26.237,  84.  Laureate  bust  of  Melkaart  right;  Reverse: 
Eagle  standing  left  on  prow,  palm  frond  to  right  above  “HP”, 
date  above  club  on  left.  Darkly  toned.  A few  light  scratches. 

GOOD  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34053  Antioch.  Geta,  as  Caesar  (A.D.  198-209).  AR  Tetradrachm 
(13.60  gms),  Antioch  Mint,  ca.  208  A.D.  McAlee-718; 
Bellinger- 13;  Prieur-209;  SNG  Fitz-5898.  Laureate  head  of 
Geta  right;  Reverse:  Eagle  standing  on  leg  and  haunch  of 
animal,  head  right,  wreath  in  beak.  Well  struck  on  full  flan, 
well  centered.  Lightly  toned.  Scarce.  EXTREMELY  FINE. .. 

34054  Laodicea.  Septimius  Severus  (193-211  A.D.).  AR 

Tetradrachm  (13.47  gms),  Laodicea  Mint,  208-209  A.D. 

Prieur-1149.  Draped  laureate  bust  of  Septimius  Severus 
right;  Reverse:  Eagle  seen  from  front  wings  spread,  head 
left  and  laurel  wreath  in  beak,  standing  on  ground  line,  star 
below  eagle.  Lovely  strike  on  a nice  full  flan.  Well-centered. 
Good  metal.  CHOICE  EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 


34055  Abi  ‘el  (Late  3rd  Century  B.C.).  AR  Obol  (0.84  gms),  Mleiha 
Mint,  Southeast  (Macai).  Potts-314;  BMC-unlisted.  Head  of 
Herakles  wearing  lions  skin  headdress  right;  Reverse:  Zeus 
seated  right.  VERY  FINE-EXTREMELY  FINE.  .$250-$350 

Roman  Republic 

34056  AE  Aes  Rude  (117.76  gms),  ca.  5th-4th  Century  B.C.  TV 

Plate  #2.  Irregular  shape  with  no  marks  of  value.  Deep  green 
patina  with  brighter  spots.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

Alice  and  Sid  Belzberg  Collection  of  Roman  Aes  Grave 

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34057  AE  Aes  Grave  Triens  (95.10  gms),  ca.  280-276  B.C.  TV- 

3;  Cr-14/3.  Thunderbolt  dividing  four  pellets;  Reverse: 
Dolphin  right,  four  pellets  below.  Attractive  green  patina. 
VERY  FINE $500-$700 

Alicia  and  Sid  Belzberg  Collection  of  Roman  Aes  Grave. 

34058  Cn.  Lucretius  Trio.  AR  Denarius  (3.93  gms),  ca.  136  B.C. 

Cr-237/1;  S-114;  Syd-450.  Helmeted  head  of  Roma  right, 
“X”  below  chin;  Reverse:  Discouri  galloping  right,  exergual 
“ROMA”  off  flan.  Neatly  struck  on  compact  planchet  . 
Sharply  struck.  MINT  STATE $550-$650 

34059  AR  Didrachm  (6.36  gms),  ca.  225-215  B.C.  Cr-28/3; 

RSC-24;  S-55.  Laureate  janiform  head;  Reverse:  Victory 
and  Jupiter  driving  quadriga  right,  “ROMA”  raised 
on  outlined  tablet.  Well  centered  on  a nice  full  flan. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34060  AE  Aes  Grave  Semis  (104.31  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C.  Cr- 

35/2;  Syd-3;  TV-52.  Laureate  head  of  Saturn  left,  remnant  of 
“S”  below;  Reverse:  Ships  prow  right,  remnants  of  horizontal 
“S”  above.  Dark  patina.  FINE- VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34061  AE  Aes  Grave  Triens  (80.79  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C.  Cr- 

35/3a;  Syd-4;  TV-53.  Head  of  Minerva  in  crested  helmet 
left  with  four  pellets  below;  Reverse:  Ships  prow  right,  four 
pellets  below.  Dark  patina.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34062  Aes  Grave  Quadrans  (60.40  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  225-217 

B.C.  S-582;  Cr-35/4;  TV-54.  Head  of  Hercules  in  lions  scalp 
left,  three  pellets  behind;  Reverse:  Prow  of  galley  right,  three 

pellets  below.  Light  to  dark  green  patina.  VERY  FINE 


From  the  Richard  Weigel  Collection. 

34063  Aes  Grave  Quadrans  (50.73  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  225-217 

B.C.  S-582;  Cr-35/4;  TV-54.  Head  of  Hercules  wearing  lions 
scalp  left,  three  pellets  behind;  Reverse:  Prow  of  galley  right, 

three  pellets  below.  Vibrant  green  patina.  VERY  FINE 


From  the  Richard  Weigel  Collection. 

34064  AE  Aes  Grave  Quadrans  (68.29  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C.  Cr- 

35/4;  Syd-5;  TV-54.  Head  of  Hercules  wearing  lions  scalp 
left,  three  pellets  behind;  Reverse:  Ships  prow  right,  three 
pellets  bellow.  Dark  patina.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34065  AE  Aes  Grave  Sextons  (42.85  gms),  ca.  240-225  B.C.  Cr- 

35/5;  Syd-6;  TV-55.  Helmeted  head  of  Mercury  left,  two 
pellets  behind;  Reverse:  Ships  prow  to  right,  two  pellets 
below.  Light  brown  patina.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34066  AE  Aes  Grave  Uncia  (18.92  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C.  Cr-35/6; 

Syd-7;  TV-56.  Helmeted  head  of  Roma  left,  single  pellet 
behind;  Reverse:  Prow  of  galley  right,  one  pellet  below.  Dark 
patina.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34067  AE  Aes  Grave  Uncia  (16.32  gms),  ca.  225-217  B.C.  CR- 

35/6;  TV-56.  Helmeted  head  of  Roma  left,  pellet  below; 
Reverse:  ships  prow  right,  pellet  below.  Chip  off  edge  at  12 
o’clock.  FINE $70-$100 

Alice  and  Sid  Belzberg  Collection  of  Roman  Aes  Grave. 

34068  C.  Vibius  C.f.  Pansa.  AR  Denarius  (3.96  gms),  ca.  90  B.C. 

Cr-342/1,  RSC-(Vibia)-8,  Syd-689.  RARE.  Mask  of  Silenus 
right  wearing  ivy  wreath;  Reverse:  Mask  of  Pan  right  with 
goat’s  ear.  A bit  unevenly  struck  on  a small  flan.  Lightly 
toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Richard  Weigel  Collection. 

34069  Brutus.  AR  Denarius  (4.00  gms),  Rome  Mint, 

54  B.C.  Cr-433/2;  Syd-907;  S-398.  Bare  head  of  L. 
Junius  Brutus  right;  Reverse:  Bare  head  of  Caius 
Servilius  Ahala  right.  Well  centered  and  nicely  toned. 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34070  GAUL.  Cabellio.  Lepidus,  ca.  44-42  B.C.  AR  Obol  (0.42 

gms).  RPC-528.  Head  of  Apollo  right,  “CABE”  before; 
Reverse:  LE-PI  cornucopia,  all  within  wreath.  Sharp  and 
deeply  toned.  Minor  chipping  at  one  point  on  edge.  BOLD 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Richard  Weigel  Collection.  Ex  unidentified  Tkalec  Auction, 
lot  169. 

Roman  Empire 

AUGUSTUS,  27  B.C.-  A.D.  14 

34071  CU  As  (11.03  gms),  Rome  Mint,  After  A.D.  14.  RIC-6. 

Radiate  head  of  Augustus  left;  Reverse:  “PROVIDENT”, 
square  altar  between  “S.C.”  Bold  portrait,  full  legends.  Light 
grainy  surfaces.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

34072  AR  Denarius  (3.85  gms),  Rome  Mint,  ca.  12  B.C.  RIC-416; 

RSC-383.  Moneyer  L.  Caninius  Gallus.  Bare  head  of  Augustus 
right;  Reverse:  German  kneeling  right  in  submission  offering 
vexillum.  Nice  old  toning.  Small  banker’s  mark  behind 
Augustus  and  some  small  deposits  below.  Several  small 
scratches.  NEARLY  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34073  AE  (8.23  gms),  Ephesus  Mint.  cf.SNG  Cop-361.  Jugate  busts 

of  laureate  Augustus  and  Livia  right;  Reverse:  Stag  standing, 
Eviver  above.  Green  patina  and  rough  reverse.  FINE- VERY 
FINE $75-$125 

AGRIPPA,  12  B.C 

34074  AE  As  (10.63  gms),  Rome  Mint,  37-41  (Posthumous 

Issue).  RIC  (Gaius)-58.  Head  of  Agrippa  wearing  rostral 
crown  left ; Reverse:  Neptune.  NGC  VF,  Strike:  5/5  Surface: 
4/5 $175-$250 

Bid  online  at 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 

TIBERIUS,  A.D.  14-37 

34075  AE  Sestertius  (26.8  gms.),  Rome,  A.D.  21-22.  RIC- 

49.  Augustus  radiate  seated  left  before  altar  with  long 
scepter,  “DIVVS  AVGVSTVS  PATER”  around;  Reverse: 
Large  “SC”  Legend  around.  Minor  old  scratches  and 
scattered  porosity.  Satisfying  olive  brown  patina,  not 
unattractive  in  hand.  Evenly  struck.  A RARER  type. 
NEARLY  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

Ex.  Seaby,  1954;  Garretson  Collection. 

OTHO,  A.D.  69 

34076  AR  Denarius  (3.36  gms),  Rome  Mint.  RIC-4.  Bare  head  of 

Otho  right;  Reverse:  Pax  draped  standing  left  holding  branch 
and  caduceus.  Well  centered.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

TITUS,  A.D.  79-81 

34077  AE  Sestertius  (26.14  gms),  Thracian  Mint,  Issued 

Under  Vespasian  80-81  A.D.  RIC-498.  Laureate  head 
of  Titus  facing  right;  Reverse:  Pax  standing  left  holding 
palm  branch  and  cornucopia.  Nicely  centered  on  a 
lard  round  planchet  with  full  legends  on  both  sides. 
Thick  dark  green  patina.  NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  5/5 
Surface:  3/5  Lt.  Smoothing $300-$500 


34078  AR  Denarius  (3.14  gms),  Rome  Mint,  79.  RIC-246. 

Laureate  head  right;  Reverse:  Clasped  hands,  eagle  and  prow. 
NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  3/5 $175-$250 

NERVA,  A.D.  96-98 

34079  AE  Dupondius  (13.63  gms),  Rome  Mint,  97.  RIC- 

84.  Radiate  head  right;  Reverse:  Fortuna  standing. 
Dark  green  patina.  NGC  Ch  VF,  Strike:  4/5  Surface: 
3/5  Lt.  Smoothing $175-$250 

HADRIAN,  A.D.  11 7- 138 

34080  AE  Sestertius  (23.00  gms),  Rome  Mint,  117-125  A.D. 

RIC-563a.  Laureate  head  of  Hadrian  facing  right;  Reverse: 
Felicitas  standing  left  holding  caduceus  and  cornucopia. 
Attractive  apple  green  patina  with  light  earthen  highlights. 

GOOD  VERY  FINE $800-$1200 

A.D.  222-235 

34081  AE  Sestertius  (24.60  gms),  Rome  Mint,  224  A.D. 

RIG  Serverus  Alexander-694.  Diademed  and  draped 
bust  of  Julia  Mamaea  right;  Reverse:  Venus  standing 
facing  head  right,  holding  scepter  and  cupid. 
NGC  Ch  EE,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  3/5 $175-$250 


34082  AE  Sestertius  (19.03  gms),  ca.  231-235.  RIC-648.  Laureate 

draped  bust  right;  Spes  walking  left.  Bright  green  patina. 
NGC  Ch  FINE,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  3/5 $100-$200 


34083  AE  3 (Bi  Nummus)  (2.76  gms),  Nicomedia  Mint, 

ca.  325-326.  RIG- 124.  Laureate  draped  and  cuirassed 
bust  left;  Camp  gate  with  two  towers  and  star  above. 
NGC  MS,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  5/5  Silvering $120-$160 

JULIAN  II,  A.D.  360-363 

34084  AE  1 (Bi  Maiorina)  (8.94  gms),  Thessalonica  Mint,  ca. 

361-363.  RIC-223.  Draped  pearl  diademed  and  cuirassed 
bust  right;  Reverse:  Bull  standing,  two  stars.  Dark  green 
patina.  NGC  EE,  Strike:  4/5  Surface:  4/5 $175-$250 

THEODOSIUS  II,  A.D.  402-450 

34085  AV  Solidus,  Constantinople  Mint,  A.D  441-450.  RIC-322. 

Helmeted  pearl-diademed  cuirassed  bust  of  Theodisius  II 
facing  right  holding  spear  over  shoulder;  Reverse:  Helmeted 
Constantinopolis  seated  left  holding  globus  cruciger  in  right 
hand,  scepter  in  left,  left  foot  on  prow,  “COMOB”  in  exergue. 
ICG  EF-45 $450-$600 


JUSTIN  II,  565-578 

34086  AR  Half-Siliqua  (1.17  gms),  Carthage  Mint.  S-392. 

Helmeted  bust  facing;  Reverse:  Three  line  inscription  within 
wreath.  Dark  toned.  NEARLY  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34087  AV  Solidus  (4.41  gms),  Constantinople  Mint,  7th 

Officinae.  S-478.  Draped  and  cuirassed  bust  facing 
wearing  plumed  helmet  and  holding  globus  cruciger; 
Reverse:  Angel  standing  facing  holding  long  staff 
and  globus  cruciger.  Slightly  uneven  strike  on  broad 
planchet.  Some  remaining  luster.  GOOD  VERY  FINE- 

PHOCAS,  602-610 

34088  AV  Solidus  (4.41  gms),  Constantinople  Mint.  S-621.  Draped 

andcuirassedfacingbustofPhocaswithpointedbeard,  wearing 
crown  with  pendilia  and  holding  globus  cruciger;  Reverse: 
Angel  standing  facing  holding  globus  cruciger  and  long  staff, 
“N”  in  field  to  right.  Nice  full  planchet  of  lustrous  metal. 
NGC  Ch  AU,  Strike:  5/5  Surface:  4/5 $300-$500 

HERACLIUS,  610-641 

34089  AV  Solidus  (4.40  gms),  Constantinople  Mint. 

S-734.  Heraclius  and  son  facing,  cross  in  field; 
Reverse:  Cross  potent  on  three  steps.  Uneven  strike. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

CONSTANTINE  IV,  668-685 

34090  AV  Solidus  (4.42  gms),  Constantinople  Mint,  4th 

Officinae.  S-1154.  Bust,  three-quarter  right  with  short 
beard,  wearing  cuirass  and  helmet  with  frontal  plume  only; 
Reverse:  Cross  potent  between  Heraclius  and  Tiberius, 
“CONOB”  in  exergue.  MINT  STATE $350-$500 

JOHN  I,  969-976 

34091  AR  Miliaresion  (3.04  gms),  Constantinople  Mint.  S-1792. 

Cross  crosslet  on  globus  above  two  steps,  facing  bust  of 
John  wearing  crown  and  loros  at  center;  Reverse:  Five  line 
inscription.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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CONSTANTINE  IX,  1042  1055 

34092  AV  Histamenon  Nomisma  (4.41  gms),  Constantinople 

Mint.  S-1828.  Enthroned  Christ  facing  wearing 
nimbus,  triple  border;  Reverse:  Bust  facing,  bearded, 
wearing  crown  holding  cruciform  scepter  and  globe 

surmounted  by  a patriarchal  cross,  triple  border.  Lustrous. 
NEARLY  MINT  STATE $400-$600 

ALEXIUS  III,  1195-1203 

34093  AV  Hyperpyron  (4.28  gms),  Constantinople  Mint. 

S-2007.  Christ  standing  facing;  Reverse:  Alexius  and 
St.  Constantine  standing  facing.  Mild  edge  bend. 
GOOD  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

ALEXIUS  II  (OF  TREBIZOND),  1297  1330 

34094  AR  Asper  (2.37  gms).  S-2619.  Eugenius  seated  on  horse 

walking  right;  Reverse:  Alexius  seated  on  horse  walking 
right.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Dark  Ages 

34095  Ostrogoths.  Theoderic,  493-526.  AR  Quarter-Siliqua  (0.75 
gms),  Rome  Mint.  cf. Arslan-44;  MEC-118.  Struck  in  the 
name  of  Anastasius  1.  Diademed  bust  facing  right;  Reverse: 
Monogram  with  cross  above  in  wreath.  Two  small  planchet 

cracks.  Dark  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34096  Ostrogoths.  Witigis,  536-540.  AR  Half-Siliqua  (1.43 

gms),  Ravena  Mint.  Arslan- 173;  MEC-151.  Struck  in 
the  name  of  Justinian  1.  Diademed,  draped  and  cuirassed 
bust  facing  right;  Reverse:  Eour  line  inscription  in  wreath. 
Planchet  flaw  on  obverse.  Light  encrustation.  Dark  toned. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34097  Ostrogoths.  Baduila,  541-552.  AE  2 1/2  Nummi  (0.75 

gms),  Ticinum  (Pavia)  Mint.  Arslan- 195;  MEC-164.  Struck 
in  the  name  of  Anastasius  1.  Diademed  and  draped  bust 
right;  Reverse:  Two  line  inscription  in  wreath.  Encrustation. 
FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Mixed  Lots 

34098  Ptolemaic  Egypt.  Bronze  Issues.  12  pieces  in  lot.  An 

impressive  mix  of  Ptolemaic  Egypt  bronze  pieces.  Most 
pieces  feature  the  head  of  Zeus/ Ammon  on  the  obverse 
and  an  eagle  standing  on  reverse.  An  impressive  collection 
featuring  an  AE  47  denomination  as  well.  Should  be 
examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
FINE- VERY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34099  AR  Stater,  Drachm  & Tetradrachm,  ca.  338  B.C.-A.D. 

147.  4 pieces  in  lot.  A great  mix  of  Ancient  Greek  coins 
including  an  AR  Tetradrachm  of  Antiochus  VIII  from 
Seleucid  Kingdom  of  Syria,  an  AR  Tetradrachm  of  Ptolemy 
VIII  of  Greek  Egypt,  an  AR  Stater  from  Corinth  and  an 
AR  Drachm  from  Vologases  III  of  Parthia.  Average  grade 
VERY  FINE $300-$500 

34100  Lot  of  (8)  AR  Tetradrachms.  8 pieces  in  lot.  Contains 

a lovely  variety  of  Tetradrachms,  including  (2)  pieces 
from  Alexander  the  Great,  Phoenician  pieces  and  other 
stunning  silver  pieces.  (1)  has  been  holed  for  use  as 
a pendant,  but  otherwise  a nice  grouping.  Should  be 
examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
VERY  FINE $500-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34101  Bronze  Coinage.  Approximately  50  pieces  in  lot. 

A large  and  varied  group  of  bronze  minor  coins 
from  all  across  the  Hellenistic  world.  An  interesting 
grouping  from  many  different  regions.  Should  be 
examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
FINE- VERY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34102  Lot  of  (15)  Denarii.  15  pieces  in  lot.  Contains  an 

assortment  of  Republican  Denarii,  as  well  as  some  minor 
Imperial  silver  pieces.  (1)  has  been  holed  for  use  as  a 
pendant;  but  otherwise,  generally  problem  free.  Should  be 
examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Average  grade 
FINE- VERY  FINE $500-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34103  Lot  of  (9)  Struck  Bronzes.  9 pieces  in  lot.  An  exciting 

assortment  of  Aes  Grave  types,  most  of  which  display  a deity 
(Janus,  Jupiter,  Mercury,  etc.)  on  the  obverse  and  a ships 
prow  on  the  reverse.  Most  appear  dark,  but  are  pleasing  to 
the  eye.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
Average  grade  FINE- VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34104  Lot  of  (5)  AR  Denarii,  ca.  A.D.  141-337.  5 pieces  in  lot. 

Includes:  AR  Denarius  of  Geta  (RIC-45),  AR  Denarius  of 
Septimius  Severus  (RIC-265),  AR  Denarius  of  Caracalla 
(RIC-192)  and  AR  Denarius  of  Augusta  Faustina  I (RIC- 
344).  Also  includes  an  AE  of  Constantine  the  great.  Nice 
pieces.  VERY  FINE-EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 

34105  bronze  Issues.  Approximately  60  pieces  in  lot.  A wide 

variety  of  Roman  Imperial  issues,  including  issues  from 
the  era  of  the  twelve  Caesars,  the  Flavian  Dynasty  and 
later  emperors.  A fascinating  group.  Some  pieces  may  be 
damaged,  should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
FINE- VERY  FINE $500-$1000 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34106  Roman  Republic  & Imperial.  Bronze  & Denarii, 

ca.  82  B.C.-306  A.D.  26  pieces  in  lot.  A collection  of 
various  Roman  Republic  and  Empire  issues,  including 
A Denarius  featuring  Mercury,  a Bronze  issue  of  Julius 
Caesar  and  an  AR  Denarius  of  Domitian.  A nice  variety, 
some  pieces  may  show  some  corrosion.  Should  be 
examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 
VERY  GOOD-VERY  FINE $100-$200 

Orders  And  Decorations 


34107  Order  of  Leopold  Knight’s  Breast  Badge,  ND 

(Established  1832).  Barac-200;  Werlich-135;  Vernon-18. 
75  X 40  mm.  With  swords  and  silver  palm.  Silver, 
gilt  and  enamels.  Monogram  of  Leopold  I (1831-65) 
suspended  from  a purple  moire  ribbon,  missing  its 
suspender.  Several  repairs  to  the  white  enamel,  otherwise 

34108  Order  of  the  Crown  Commander’s  Badge,  ND 

(Established  1897).  75  x 57  mm;  Barac-205;  Wer-137; 
Vernon-23.  Gilt  with  blue  and  white  enamel  with  green 
enamel  laurel  wreath  suspender  with  a purple  moire  cravat. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$150 

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34109  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Knights  Cross,  ND  (ca.  1881-1900). 

46.85  X 38.77  mm.  Barac-174;  Vernon-52;  cf.Werlich-198. 
Silver  rimmed  white  enamel  cross  with  red  enamel  central 
medallion  surrounded  by  a white  enamel  band;  Reverse: 
White  enamel  central  medallion  surrounded  by  a silver 
band,  above  is  a small  silver  hanger  loop  and  topped  with  a 
folded  red  ribbon  of  the  order.  Little  sign  of  wear  with  intact 
enamels.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $200-$300 

34110  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Knight’s  Cross  with  Swords,  ND 

(ca.  1881-1900).  46.83  x 39.04  mm.  Barac-175;  Vernon-53; 
cf.Welich-198.  Silver  rimmed  white  enamel  cross  with  silver 
swords  bisecting  the  angles  between  the  cross  arms,  red 
enamel  central  medallion  surrounded  by  a white  enamel 
band;  Reverse:  White  enamel  medallion  surrounded  by 
silver  band,  above  is  a small  silver  hanger  and  folded  red 
ribbon  of  the  order.  Few  signs  of  wear,  slight  signs  of 
rubbing  on  some  of  the  high  points  and  corners,  and  a small 
stain  on  the  ribbon  but  with  intact  enamel  and  lettering. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

34111  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Knight’s  Cross  with  Swords  on 

Ring,  ND  (ca.  1881-1900).  51.79  x 39.12  mm.  Barac-176; 
Vernon-54;  cf.Werlich-198.  Type  I.  Silver  rimmed 
white  enamel  cross  with  red  enamel  central  medallion 
surrounded  by  white  enamel  band;  Reverse:  White 
enamel  central  medallion  surrounded  by  silver  band, 
above  is  silver  hanger  and  sash  loop  to  which  is  affixed  a 
pair  of  crossed  silver  swords  and  above  is  the  red  ribbon 
of  the  order.  Chip  in  the  white  band  on  the  obverse. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

34112  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Fourth  Class  Officer’s  Cross  with 

Rosette,  ND  (ca.  1900-44).  71.54  x 39.24  mm.  Barac-202; 
Vernon-91;  cf.Werlich-198.  Type  II.  Gilt  silver  rimmed  white 
enamel  cross  with  red  enamel  central  medallion  surrounded 
by  a white  enamel  band;  Reverse:  White  enamel  medallion 
surrounded  by  gilt  silver  band,  above  is  a gilt  silver  crown 
suspender  with  enamel  jewels  and  red  enamel  lining,  topped 
with  hanger  loop  and  folded  red  ribbon  of  the  order  with 
rosette.  Small  minor  chip  in  the  white  enamel  band  on  the 
obverse,  but  otherwise  an  attractive  piece  with  intact  gilding. 

34113  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Fourth  Class  Officer’s  Badge, 

ca.  1908-44.  71  x 37.5  mm.  Barac-202;  Vernon-91; 
cfWerlich-198.  Type  II.  Gold  rimmed  white  enamel  cross 
with  red  enamel  central  medallion  surrounded  by  gold 
rimmed  white  enamel  band,  above  is  a red  enamel  lined 
gold  Imperial  crown  hanger  with  gold  ring  attached  to 
red  moire  ribbon  with  rosette.  Shows  few  signs  of  wear,  a 
small  chip  in  the  white  enamel  on  the  band  around  central 
medallion  and  some  darkening  in  the  gilt  inscription. 

34114  Order  of  St.  Alexander  Fourth  Class  Officer’s  Cross  with 

Swords,  ND  (ca.  1900-44).  72.96  x 39.12  mm.  Barac-203; 
Vernon-92;  cf.Werlich-198.  Type  II.  Gilt  silver  rimmed  white 
enamel  cross  with  silver  swords  bisecting  the  angles  between 
the  arms  of  the  cross,  in  center  is  a red  enamel  medallion 
surrounded  by  a white  enamel  band;  Reverse:  White  enamel 
center  medallion  surrounded  by  gilt  silver  band,  above  is  a 
gilt  silver  crown  suspender  with  red  enamel  lining,  above 
is  the  folded  red  ribbon  of  the  order  with  rosette.  Small 
signs  of  wear,  much  of  the  gilding  is  worn  away  and  there 
are  small  chips  on  the  obverse  of  two  arms  of  the  cross. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

34115  Order  of  National  Merit  (Military)  V Class  Knight,  No 

Crown,  ND  (Founded  1900).  50  mm.  cf.Werlich-204; 
cf.Barac-287.  Gilt  and  enamels.  White,  black,  yellow, 
black,  white  41  mm  moire  ribbon,  no  hanger. 

341 16  Civil  Merit  Order  IV  Class  Officer  Badge,  ca.  1908-37. 69.9 

X 47.4  mm.  Barac-245;  Vernon- 135;  cf.Werlich-202.  Type  II. 
Gilt  silver  rimmed  white  enamel  pointed  cross  with  oak  sprigs 
of  green  and  orange  enamel  in  angles,  central  medallion  is  red 
enamel  surrounded  by  white  enamel  band  with  gilt  legend, 
above  is  a red  enamel  lined  gilt  Imperial  crown  topped  by 
ring  and  white,  green,  red  moire  ribbon.  In  good  condition, 
but  with  signs  of  handling  and  wear.  The  enamel  is  intact 
and  in  good  order,  but  the  gilt  crown  and  rims  have  spots  of 
wear  and  tarnish,  and  the  rosette  for  the  ribbon  is  missing. 


34117  Order  of  Victory  Badge  with  Ribbon,  ca.  1945.  71.2  mm, 

with  enameled  hanger  100.7  mm.  Li-pg.  125;  Barac-302; 
Vernon-59;  Werlich-243.  Eight  rayed  gilt  burst  over  which 
is  a smaller  burst  of  red,  white,  blue  enamel  and  silver 
rays,  upon  which  is  a central  medallion  of  red  enamel 
with  gilt  stars  encircling  a portrait  of  Chiang  Kai-shek, 
above  the  Badge  is  a small  enameled  hanger  bearing  the 
Kuomintang  sun  emblem  within  a yellow  and  green  wreath, 
above  that  is  a hanger  ring  and  the  red  ribbon  with  white 
and  blue  stripes  at  sides;  Reverse:  Map  of  China  within 
a Greek  border  and  the  serial  number  15223.  Awarded 
to  individuals,  both  military  and  civil,  for  service  in  the 
resistance  against  Japanese  aggression  during  World  War  II. 
Some  signs  of  wear  including  light  scuffs  and  dings  but  the 
enamels  are  intact  and  overall  it  is  a very  pleasing  example. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 


34118  Order  of  the  Red  Cross  Neck  Badge,  ND  (Instituted 

1909).  67  X 47.38  mm.  Barac-44.  Type  I.  Silver  eight  point 
starburst,  upon  which  is  a red  enamel  cross  with  silver 
stars  between  each  arm,  in  the  center  of  the  cross  is  a white 
enamel  rimmed  central  medallion  displaying  the  arms 
of  Cuba  on  the  obverse  and  the  date  1909  on  the  reverse. 
Above  all  is  a wreath  suspender  of  green  enamel  topped 
by  a sash  loop  with  a short  length  of  the  white/ red  striped 
ribbon  of  the  order.  A very  attractive  little  piece  with  only 
small  signs  of  wear  including  very  small  scuffs  on  the  high 
points  of  the  medallion.  Several  of  the  enamel  berries  in 
the  wreath  are  absent,  and  a few  leaves  have  enamel  loss. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

341 19  Order  of  the  Red  Cross  Second  Class  Star,  ND.  91.08  mm. 

Barac-45.  Type  1.  Silver  eight  point  star  overlaid  with  a red 
enamel  cross  which  has  silver  stars  between  the  arms,  in  the 
center  is  a medallion  with  a white  enamel  outer  band  with 
motto  of  the  order,  the  middle  of  the  medallion  features 
hand  painted  arms  of  Cuba;  Reverse:  Long  lapel  pin  and  two 
lapel  hangers.  Each  arm  of  the  red  enamel  cross  has  small 
cracks;  and  there  is  a small  ding/ chip  in  the  white  enamel 
band  around  the  central  medallion;  but  overall,  an  attractive 
piece.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

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34120  Order  of  Carlos  Manuel  Cespedes  Second  Class  Badge, 

ND  (Instituted  1926).  54.57  x 50.53  mm.  Barac-58;  Werlich- 
pg.  102.  Central  medallion  of  gilt  silver  displaying  a facing 
bust  of  Carlos  Manuel  Cespedes  on  the  obverse  and  painted 
white  enamel  arms  of  Cuba  on  the  reverse,  surrounded 
by  a blue  enamel  band,  which  is  in  turn  surrounded  by  a 
band  of  silver  and  another  band  of  blue  enamel  and  silver 
decoration.  Surrounding  all,  is  a wreath  of  oak,  laurel  of 
green  enamel  leaves,  and  orange  enamel  acorns  and  berries. 
At  twelve  o’clock  is  a silver  decoration  and  hanger  loop.  Some 
signs  of  wear,  including  some  enamel  loss  in  the  wreath  and 
berries.  Light  rub  on  the  highest  points  of  the  medallion. 


341 2 1 Badge  of  the  Order  of  Juan  Pablo  Duarte,  ND 

(Established  1931).  84  x 58  mm.  Barac-11;  Werlich-310. 
Four-armed  double  ball-tipped  blue  and  white  enamel 
silver  star  with  central  medallion  featuring  a gilt  bust  of 
Juan  Pablo  Duarte  on  a white  enamel  field.  Reverse  similar 
except  bust  replaced  by  gilt  Dominican  Republic  Arms. 
The  whole  suspended  from  a partly  gilt  laurel  wreath. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

34122  Order  of  Merit  of  Duarte,  Sanchez  & Mella,  ND  (Founded 

1944).  58  mm.  Werlich-312;  Barac-unlisted.  Silver  and 
enamels.  Four-armed  double  ball-tipped  blue  and  white 
enameled  star  with  central  medallion  with  portraits  of  the 
three  heroes  of  Independence  in  separate  round  medallions. 
Reverse  is  similar  except  the  portraits  are  replaced  by  gilt 
Arms  of  the  Republic.  Suspended  from  a silver  laurel  wreath. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 


34123  Order  ofthe  Star  of  Ethiopia,  First  Class  Grand  Officer  Star, 

ND  (Instituted  1884).  82  mm.  Barac-32;  cf.Werlich-356. 
Gilt.  Housed  in  a green  hinge-top,  red  fitted  case. 



34124  Order  of  the  White  Rose  of  Finland  Medal,  First  Class, 

ND  (Established  1919).  cf.Werlich-361;  Vernon-119.  Silver 
with  gold  cross.  Edge  with  six  hallmarks.  Blue  moire  ribbon. 
In  the  seldom  encountered,  but  correct  30  mm  size.  Original 
box  of  issue.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $I00-$I50 


34125  Legion  of  Honor,  Commander’s  Neck  Badge,  1870.  55  x 

75  mm.  Barac-58 1;  Vernon-68;  cf.Werlich-366.  Gilt  silver 
and  enamels.  Suspended  from  a 37  x 285  mm  neck  ribbon. 



34126  Federal  Republic.  Order  of  Merit  Grand  Cross  Set, 

Established  1951.  Werlich-429  & 432;  Vernon-3426.  2 
pieces  in  set.  Includes:  Neck  Badge  and  Breast  Star.  The  65 
X 60  mm  Neck  Badge  is  a gold-rimmed  red  enamel  cross 
with  a black  German  eagle  at  the  center,  reverse  is  identical. 
It  hangs  from  a short  length  od  red  moire  ribbon  with 
gold-black-gold  stripes  on  each  edge.  The  40  cm  cravat 
is  of  the  same  fabric.  The  Breast  Star  is  a diamond  shaped 
gilt  silver  star  with  45  mm  badge  superimposed.  The  set  is 
housed  in  a 175  x 250  mm  hinged  presentation  case  with 
the  German  Federal  eagle  stamped  in  gold  at  the  top. 


34127  Mutiny  Medal,  1858.  36.13  mm;  30.13  gms.  Medal 

Yearbook- 121.  Crowned  young  bust  of  Victoria  left:  Reverse: 
“INDIA”  above,  date  below,  helmeted  robed  Britannia 
standing  facing  left,  outstretched  right  arm  holding 
wreath.  Lion  standing  behind.  “M.CONNELL,  37th  REG  on 
rim.”  Engraved  by  L.C.  Wyon.  No  clasp.  Loop  removed  at  12 
o’clock,  small  edge  bent $I00-$I50 


34128  National  Order  of  Honor  & Merit  Grand  Officer  Star, 

Established  1925.  82.50  mm.  Werlich-649.  Silver.  Eight 
pointed  faceted  cross  with  central  medallion  portraying 
Haiti’s  coat  of  arms  and  legend  “L’UNION  FAIT  LA  FORCE”; 
Reverse:  Central  hinged  tunic  pin  flanked  by  two  fixed  pins. 


34129  Order  of  Homayoun  (Order  of  the  Lion  & Sun),  ND  (Re- 

Established  1925).  95  mm  Breast  Star,  first  class.  Silver, 
gilt  and  enamels.  Eight  pointed  silver  star  with  central 
medallion  bearing  a lion  left  with  an  upraised  sword  in  his 
right  front  paw,  a rising  sun  in  the  background.  The  central 
ray  of  each  point  of  the  star  in  green  enamel.  Reverse  blank 
with  one  hinged  and  hallmarked  and  two  fixed  tunic  pins. 
Enamel  loss  on  several  of  the  green  star  rays,  otherwise 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34130  Order  of  Homayoun  Star,  New  Type,  ND  (Re-Instituted 

1925).  96  mm.  Werlich-712.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Two  varieties 
in  silver  and  enamels,  both  hallmarked  on  the  hinged 
tunic  pin.  The  silver  eight  pointed  star  on  one  has 
the  central  ray  of  each  point  in  green  enamel;  on  the 
other,  all  the  rays  are  silver.  The  enamels  on  the  central 
medallion  are  fine,  with  only  minor  flaws.  But  there  is  a 
moderate  loss  to  the  green  enamel  of  the  rays.  Otherwise 

341 3 1 Order  of  Homayoun,  Second  Class  Badge  of  the  New  Type, 

ND  (Re-Instituted  1925).  79  mm.  Werlich-710.  Hallmarked 
on  hanger.  A six  pointed  star  with  smooth  rays  and  a central 
medallion  of  the  Persian  lion  and  rising  sun  encircled  by 
red-green-red  rings  of  enamel.  There  is  some  damage  to  the 
enamel  above  the  lion,  as  well  as  a few  tiny  chips  to  the  rings. 
VERY  FINE $I00-$I50 

34132  Order  of  the  Taj  Commander’s  Badge,  1332  (Founded 

1941).  71  mm  across  points.  Werlich-707.  Hallmarked  on 
the  tie  ring.  Ten  pointed,  gold  rimmed,  green  bordered 
white  enamel  star,  each  point  gold  ball-tipped.  Blue 
central  medallion,  enclosed  by  a dated  wreath,  bears 
the  Imperial  crown  in  natural  colors.  Reverse  similar 
except  a golden  sunface  replaces  the  crown  and  wreath. 
Two  star  tips  bent,  and  most  of  the  finial  points  of  the 
star  have  slight  green  enamel  loss.  Additional  slight 
green  enamel  loss  to  suspension  wreath.  There  is  also 
a chip  of  blue  enamel  missing  below  the  sun.  Overall 

34133  Order  of  the  Taj,  Knight’s  Badge,  1332  (Founded  1941). 

45  mm  across  points.  Werlich-707.  Hallmarked  on  ring.  Ten 
pointed,  gold  rimmed,  green  bordered  white  enamel  star, 
each  point  gold  ball-tipped.  Blue  central  medallion,  enclosed 
by  a dated  wreath,  bears  the  Iranian  crown  in  natural  colors. 
Reverse  is  similar  except  there  is  no  wreath  and  the  crown  is 
replaced  by  gold  Persian  sun.  Three  of  the  star  tips  are  bent, 
and  there  is  an  associated  loss  of  enamel.  Additionally,  there 
is  a small  amount  of  green  enamel  loss  to  the  suspension 
wreath.  EXTREMELY  FINE $I00-$200 

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34134  Medal  of  Bravery,  1317  (1899).  37  mm,  with  ribbon.  Lion 
and  sun  on  obverse,  similar  to  circulating  coinage.  Reverse 
with  Arabic  inscriptions  top,  bottom  and  center.  Ribbon  is 
30  mm  in  plain  green  moire  silk.  VERY  FINE.  ...$100-$150 


34135  Republic.  Order  of  Merit  Officer/Commander  Neck  Badge, 

ND  (Established  1951).  55  x 74  mm.  Vernon-420-422; 
Werlich-725.  Gold  rimmed  white  enamel  cross  with  star 
at  center  and  eagles  between  the  arms.  Suspended  by  a 
castle  hanger  from  a 47  x 275  mm  cravat  in  green  watered 
silk  with  narrow  red  bands  near  each  edge.  Housed  in  a 
custom  green  leather  case  by  S.  Johnson,  Milano/Roma. 

34136  Order  of  Merit  to  the  Italian  Republic,  Grand  Officer’s 

Badge,  Founded  1951.  73.8  x 56  mm;  Wer-725;  Vernon-420. 
White  enamel  Greek  cross,  eagles  in  angles,  gold  star  at 
center.  Faded  and  stained  green  cravat  with  red  inset  stripes. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 


34137  Order  of  the  Ghurka  Right  Hand  (or  Gorkha  Dakshina 

Bahu),  Second  Class,  Instituted  1932.  2 pieces  in  set,  in 
silver  and  silver  gilt.  Grand  Cross  set  of  Breast  Star  and  Badge 
with  cravat.  Housed  in  a green  leather,  velvet  and  satin  hinge- 
top  box.  The  59  mm  gilt  Badge  with  sun-face  and  crossed 
kukri  knives,  hallmarked  on  the  reverse  and  suspended  from 
a brown  silk  42  x 600  mm  neck  ribbon.  The  silver  and  gilt 
Breast  Star  measures  80  mm  and  features  a Sanskrit  legend 
surrounding  a five  pointed  multi-rayed  star  with  a central  sun- 
face  and  crossed  knives,  Buddhas  feet  below.  The  reverse  is 
hallmarked  and  fitted  with  a single  hinged  tunic  pin  and  clasp. 


34138  Restoration  of  the  Order  of  the  White  Eagle  Medal,  ND 
(ca.  1705).  44.2  mm;  25.42  gms.  Augustus  II  (the  Strong) 
(1697-1733).  KIuczycki-136;  Forrer-II  pg.3I7.  Struck  in 
silver.  By  Heinrich  Peter  Grosskurt.  Bare  head  of  Augustus 
II  right  with  engraver  signature  beneath;  Reverse:  High 
seat  upon  which  hangs  the  grand  cross  of  the  Order  of 
the  White  Eagle,  a top  the  chair  is  a crown.  The  Order  of 
the  White  Eagle  was  originally  formed  in  1325  by  King 
Ladislaus  I but  had  slowly  dissolved  over  the  centuries,  but 
was  revived  and  more  formally  institutionalized  by  Augustus 

11  in  1705,  which  this  medal  commemorates.  The  order  still 
survives  today  despite  the  violent  political  strife  endured 
by  Poland  in  the  past  century.  Light  traces  of  a mount  at 

12  o’clock  and  a few  scattered  marks,  toned  and  attractive. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $800-$1200 


34139  St.  George  Cross  for  Bravery,  ND  (Pre  1856).  38  mm, 

excluding  loop;  12.8  gms.  cf.Werlich-1107;  Vernon-29. 
Without  class  notation  and  unnumbered.  Hallmarked 
“84  AP”  and  “PT”  on  the  loop.  An  attractive  early  variety 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

34140  St.  George  Cross,  Fourth  Class,  ND.  34  mm,  excluding 

loop;  1 1.59  gms.  Werlich-1 107;  Vernon-36.  Numbered  “628”, 
“020”.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

34141  Military  Badge,  ND.  59  x 48  mm;  Silver.  Double  headed 

Imperial  eagle,  shield  of  Saint  George  on  breast,  mounted  on 
a wreath  of  laurel  and  oak.  Hallmarked  “"^84”  on  left  ribbon 
tie  and  with  an  uncertain  hallmark  on  the  right.  Screwpost 
fastener  on  reverse.  Probable  issue  of  the  Niklaevsky  General 
Staff  War  Academy  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34142  Military  Badge,  ND.  48  x 37  mm;  Silver.  Double  headed 

Imperial  eagle,  shield  of  Saint  George  on  its  breast, 
mounted  on  a pair  of  crossed  rifles  on  a wreath  of  laurel 
and  oak.  Hall  marked  with  a head  and  “84”  and  “KN”  on 
reverse.  The  separate  oval  backing  plate  has  three  additional 
marks  including  “A.K”  over  “1848”  and  “84"^”.  Screwpost 
fastener  on  reverse.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34143  Order  of  the  Badge  of  Honor  & Order  of  the  Mother 

Heroine,  WWII  Era.  Vernon-373  & 386.  2 pieces  in 
lot.  Both  WWII  era  Breast  Badges  of  silver,  gilt  and 
enamel.  Both  issued  and  numbered  on  the  reverse. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 

34144  Pair  of  Soviet  Orders.  2 pieces  in  lot.  The  first  is  a 50  mm 

silver  and  enamels  Order  of  the  Red  Star,  Second  Class 
(1945  issue,  numbered  2091109)  (Vernon-368).  The  second 
is  a 45  mm  Order  of  the  Patriotic  War,  Second  Class  (later 
Cold  War  era  issue,  numbered  2900894).  Both  pieces 
EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 


34145  Order  of  St.  Sava  Commander’s  Neck  Badge,  1883. 

85  X 50  mm.  Vernon-161;  Werlich-1 132.  Gilt,  silver 
and  enamels.  Type  III  with  green/yellow  robes,  issued 
after  1914.  Suspended  from  a 53  x 410  mm,  white  with 
light  blue  stripes  near  the  edges,  neck  ribbon.  Housed 
in  its  original  fitted  Huguenin  Brother’s  blue  case. 


34146  The  Most  Exalted  Order  of  the  White  Elephant,  Sash 

Badge  & Breast  Star,  ND.  cf.Werlich-1242  & 1244.  3 
pieces  in  lot.  The  Breast  Star  measures  76  mm,  has  a single 
hinged  tunic  pin  and  no  hallmarks.  The  Sash  Badge  is  56 
X 103  mm  including  the  gilt  hanger.  Its  reverse  features 
the  king’s  monogram  in  red  enamel,  otherwise  it  is  similar 
to  the  front.  The  Sash  is  red  with  green  edges  separated 
by  narrow  gold  and  blue  stripes.  Also  included  is  a rosette 
and  pin-back  Ribbon  Badge,  each  with  a miniature  of  the 
Star.  The  set  is  housed  in  a red  and  white  hinged  box  with  a 
compartment  for  the  Sash  below  the  displayed  Orders.  An 
embossed  gilt  brass  image  of  Garuda  adorns  the  lid.  The 
box  is  in  need  of  a little  repair,  but  the  Badge  and  Star  are 

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34147  The  Most  Exalted  Order  of  the  White  Elephant, 

Breast  Star  & Neck  Badge,  ND.  Werlich-1242  & 1244. 
2 pieces  in  lot.  The  Star  83  mm  and  the  Badge  49  x 85 
mm.  The  Badge  is  suspended  from  a tattered  neck  ribbon 
about  220  mm  long.  Both  the  Badge  and  the  Star  are 
hallmarked  and  of  silver,  gilt  silver  and  enamels.  Housed 
in  a compartmentalized  red  plush  case  with  an  embossed 
metal  image  of  Garuda  on  the  top.  The  Star  and  Badge  are 

34148  The  Most  Exalted  Order  of  the  White  Elephant, 

Breast  Star  & Neck  Badge,  ND  (Established  1861). 

cf.Werlich-1242  & 1245.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Breast  Star  80 
mm  and  Neck  Badge  95  x 54  mm.  Both  pieces  numbered 
“37/1”  on  reverse.  In  compartmentalized  crimson 
case  with  an  embossed  figure  of  Garuda  on  the  lid. 

34149  The  Most  Exalted  Order  of  the  White  Elephant,  Ladies’ 
Breast  Badge,  ND  (Established  1861).  87  x 49  mm. 

cf  Werlich-1242.  Silver,  gilt  silver  and  enamels.  In  fitted  red 
plush  box  with  an  embossed  metal  image  of  Garuda  on  the 
cover.  Ribbon  bow  included.  Minor  enamel  loss  to  elephant. 


34150  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand,  Breast 

Star  & Neck  Badge,  ND.  Werlich-1246  & 1247.  2 pieces 
in  set.  Second  type  in  silver,  gilt  and  enamels.  Breast  Star 
83  mm  and  Neck  Badge  87  x 55  mm.  Set  with  cravat  and 
housed  in  an  ornate  blue  and  white  plush  presentation  case. 

34151  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand,  Established 

1869.  Werlich-1246  & 1247.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Second  type 
Breast  Star  and  Neck  Badge  in  fitted  compartmentalized 
case  bearing  an  embossed  metal  image  of  Garuda.  The 
Star  82.65  mm  and  marked  “28”  on  the  tunic  pin,  as  well 
as,  on  the  back  of  the  medal.  The  57.12  mm  Neck  Badge 
is  also  marked  “28”  on  both  the  back  of  the  medal  and  its 
suspension.  An  unused  neck  ribbon  is  included.  Both 
pieces  in  silver,  gilt  and  enamels,  and  both  suffering 
from  enamel  loss,  the  Star  particularly  so.  Otherwise 

34152  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand,  Breast  Star 

& Neck  Badge,  ND.  Werlich-1246  & 1247.  2 pieces  in  lot. 
Second  type  in  silver,  silver  gilt  and  enamels.  With  neck 
ribbon.  Star  measures  79  mm.  Badge  87  x 55  mm.  The 
Badge  with  markers  mark.  The  interior  of  the  blue  plush 
box  with  embossed  Garuda  on  the  lid  is  a bit  stained. 

34153  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand,  Breast 

Star  & Neck  Badge  Set,  ND.  cf. Werlich-1246  & 1247. 
2 pieces  in  set.  The  silver,  gilt  and  enamel  Breast  Star 
is  83  mm  and  unhallmarked.  The  87  x 55  mm  Badge 
is  suspended  from  a 40  x 500  mm  cravat.  The  box 
is  showing  signs  of  wear,  but  the  Star  and  Badge  are 

341 54  Most  Noble  Order  of  the  Crown  of  Thailand,  Ladies  Breast 

Star  & Brooch  Badge,  ND.  Werlich-1246  & 1247.  2 pieces  in 
lot.  Silver,  gilt  and  enamels.  With  ribbon  bow  and  original 
purple  plush  box  of  issue  with  an  embossed  figure  of  Garuda 
on  the  lid.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $175-$250 


34155  Order  of  Glory  (Nichan  Iftikar),  Breast  Star,  ND 
(Issued  under  Bey  Muhammad  Al-Amin(  1943-57)). 

cf.Werlich-1255.  Ten  pointed  faceted  silver  star  with 
flames  between  each  point.  Central  green  medallion 
overlain  with  the  ruling  Beys  name.  Reverse  blank  with 
one  hinged  and  two  fixed  tunic  pins.  Hallmarks  on  the 
hinged  pin  and  its  clasp.  The  green  enamel  is  cracked  and 
has  a couple  minor  chips  and  repairs,  but  appears  sound. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 


34156  Order  of  Medjidjie,  Officer’s  Badge  with  Rosette,  ND 

(Established  1852).  Werlich-1262;  Vernon- 15.  Type  with 
concave  reverse,  55  mm  not  including  star  and  crescent 
hanger.  Medallion  on  reverse  bears  a circular  Arabic 
inscription,  and  there  are  hallmarks  front  and  back. 
The  ribbon  and  rosette  are  stained  and  tattered.  There  is 
significant  enamel  loss  to  the  hanger  and  badge,  otherwise 
VERY  FINE $300-$500 


34157  (Australia).  Legion  of  Merit,  Officer’s  Badge,  ND.  46 

mm.  Vernon-79.  With  numbered  (3738)  wrap  brooch. 
Reverse  engraved  “LIEUT.R.FIRTH  R.A.N.V.R.”  (Royal 
Australian  Naval  Volunteer  Reserve).  Ten  pointed,  gold 
rimmed,  red  bordered,  white  enamel  star,  each  point  gold 
ball-tipped.  Crossed  arrows  between  each  ray.  Entire  star 
on  a green  and  gold  wreath.  Blue  center  medallion  with 
thirteen  gold  stars.  Reverse  inscribed  “UNITED  STATES 
OF  AMERICA”  on  banner,  and  “ANNUIT  COEPTIS/ 
MDCCLXXXII”.  Purple  moire  ribbon  with  narrow  white 
stripe  at  either  side.  A bronze  miniature  of  the  enameled 
part  of  the  Badge  is  attached  to  the  ribbon.  In  original 
case  inscribed  “LEGION  OF  MERIT/OFFICER”  in  gold. 

World  Gold  Coins 


34158  2 Amani,  SH  1299//2  (1920).  Fr-30;  KM-888. 

NGC  MS-63 $550-$700 

PCGS  # 718754 


34159  20  Franga  Ari,  1927-V.  Fr-6;  KM- 12.  Skanderbeg. 

NGC  MS-65 $450-$600 

PCGS#  15078 

34160  20  Franga  Ari,  1927-V.  Fr-6;  KM- 12.  Skanderbeg. 

NGC  MS-64 $400-$550 

PCGS  # 865617 


34161  10,000  Dram,  1998.  Fr-2;  KM-90.  Struck  to 

commemorate  the  anniversary  of  Christian 
Armenia,  301-2001.  Mintage  of  only  1,700  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $550-$650 

PCGS  # 397639 

34162  50,000  Dram,  1999.  Fr-5;  KM-92.  Struck  to 

commemorate  the  1,700  anniversary  of  the  adoption  of 

Christianity  in  Armenia.  Mintage  of  only  1,700  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $550-$650 

PCGS  # 397651 

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Sovereign,  1857-SY. 
Secure  Holder. 

PCGS#  113171 



PCGS  VF-30 


Sovereign,  1866-SY. 
Secure  Holder. 

PCGS#  113180 



PCGS  AU-53 


Sovereign,  1870-SY. 
Secure  Holder. 

PCGS#  113183 



PCGS  VF-35 


Sovereign,  1906-M. 

PCGS#  113457 



NGC  MS-62. 


Sovereign,  1912-M. 

PCGS#  113502 



NGC  MS-64. 


20  Dollars  (Gregorian  Millennium),  2001.  9.499  gms 
gold.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-595.  Bi-metal  gold  and  silver.  In 
original  box  and  case  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 
GEM  PROOFLIKE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 144050 


34169  25  SchiUings,  1934.  Fr-521;  KM-2841.  NGC  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 455990 

34170  25  Schillings,  1935.  Fr-524;  KM-2856.  St.  Leopold.  Mintage 

of  only  2,880  pieces.  NGC  MS-64 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 849251 


34171  Penny  Restrike,  1792.  KM-TnlO;  Prid-23.  Struck  in  copper. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 128884 


34172  Flanders.  Florin,  ND  (1499-1506).  Bruges  Mint. 

Philippe  Le  Beau  (Philip  the  Fair)  (1488-1506).  Fr-201; 
cf.Delm-398;  cf.Demey-398.  Unevenly  struck  in  center. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

PCGS  # 518955 

Ex:  HM.  King  Umberto  of  Italy  Hans  Schulman  Nov.  1967  Lot  #694. 


34173  1/2  Scudo,  1839-LM.  Fr-25;  KM-100.  NGC  MS-64. 


34174  10,000  Reis,  1873.  Fr-122;  KM-467;  LDMB-657.  Scarce 
date.  PCGS  Genuine— Mount  Removed,  AU  Details 

Secure  Holder. $400-$500 

PCGS  # 226815 


34175  25,000  Franc,  2007.  Fr-unlisted;  KM- 
unlisted;  Bruce-unlisted.  Essai  struck  in  gold. 
NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $500-$650 

PCGS  #515961 


34176  New  Foundland.  2 Dollars,  1882-H.  Fr-1;  KM-5. 

NGC  AU-58 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 33286 


34177  2 Dollars,  1882-H.  Fr-1;  KM-5.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 33286 

34178  2 Dollars,  1882-H.  Fr-1;  KM-5.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 33286 


34179  5 Dollars,  1912.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 32668 

34180  5 Dollars,  1912.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 32668 

34181  5 Dollars,  1912.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-62 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 516870 

34182  5 Dollars,  1912.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  AU-53 $380-$450 

PCGS  # 516870 

34183  5 Dollars,  1913.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 32669 

34184  5 Dollars,  1913.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 32669 

34185  5 Dollars,  1913.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-62 $400-$500 

PCGS  #516871 

34186  5 Dollars,  1913.  Fr-4;  KM-26.  NGC  MS-62 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 32669 


34187  2 Escudos,  1760-PNJ.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746-59).  Fr- 
20;  KM-30.2.  Posthumous  Issue.  “FERDND  VI”. 

NGC  VF-30 $600-$750 

PCGS  # 234264 

34188  2 Escudos,  1765-NRJV.  Charles  111  (1759-88).  Fr-33;  KM-40. 

NGC  VF-25 $650-$800 

PCGS  #430231 

34189  Peso,  1827-RR.  Bogota  Mint.  Fr-73;  KM-84. 

NGC  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 225272 


34190  20,000  Franc,  1976.  Fr-1;  KM- 12.  Coelacanth  fish. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $400-$500 

PCGS  # 839666 

34191  20,000  Franc,  1976.  Fr-1;  KM- 12.  Coelacanth  fish.  Only  500 

minted.  NGC  MS-67 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 839666 

34192  10,000  Franc,  1976.  Fr-2;  KM-11.  Anjouan  sunbird.  Only 

500  minted.  NGC  MS-68 $225-$275 

PCGS  # 839660 

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34193  10,000  Franc,  1976.  Fr-2;  KM-11.  Colibri 

hummingbird/ Anjouan  sunbird.  NGC  PROOF-66 

ULTRA  CAMEO $150-$200 

PCGS  # 839660 


34194  1,000  Kuna,  1995.  Fr-7;  KM-34.  Independence  anniversary. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$550 

PCGS  # 234567 


34195  Jerusalem.  AV  Dinar  (Saracenic  Bezant),  ND.  3.44 

gms.  Baldwin  III  (1143-1163).  Fr-la;  Malloy-4.  Struck  in 
limitation  of  the  gold  coinage  of  Fatimid  Caliph  Al-Amir. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 

PCGS  # 518957 



4 Pesos,  1916.  Fr-5;  KM- 18.  NGC  MS-63 

PCGS  # 778075 



4 Pesos,  1916.  Fr-5;  KM- 18.  NGC  MS-62 

PCGS  # 778075 



2 Pesos,  1916.  Fr-6;  KM- 17.  NGC  MS-64 

PCGS  #711470 



2 Pesos,  1915.  Fr-6;  KM-21.  NGC  MS-62 

PCGS  #711468 



1 Peso,  1916.  Fr-7;  KM- 16.  NGC  MS-63 

PCGS  #741814 



34201  Sovereign,  1966.  Fr-6B;  Bruce-M4.  Makarios  111. 

NGC  PROOF-65 $500-$650 

PCGS  # 168408 

34202  1/2  & 1 Sovereigns,  1966.  Fr-6b  & 6c;  Bruce-M3  & M4.  2 

pieces  in  lot.  The  Sovereign  is  NGC  PROOF-66,  and  the  1/2 
Sovereign  NGC  PROOF-66  CAMEO $700-$900 

34203  50  Pounds,  1977.  Fr-6;  KM-47. 

NGC  PROOF-64  ULTRA  CAMEO $650-$750 

PCGS  #711111 


34204  Dukat,  1923.  Fr-2;  KM-8.  NGC  MS-64 $375-$475 

PCGS  # 234572 

34205  Ducat,  1923.  Fr-2;  KM-8.  NGC  MS-63 $350-$450 

PCGS  # 234572 

34206  Ducat,  1933.  Fr-2;  KM-8.  NGC  MS-63 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 234582 


34207  10  Kroner,  1909-(h)  VBP;  GJ.  Fr-298;  KM-809. 

NGC  MS-65 $200-$250 

PCGS  #214905 


34208  100  Qirsh  (Pound),  AH  1255//6  (1844).  Fr-5;  KM-235.2. 

NGC  AU-50 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 353895 

34209  100  Qirsh  (Pound),  AH  1255//15  (1852).  Fr-5;  KM-235.2. 
NGC  AU-50 $450-$600 

34210  Pound,  AH  1377  (1957).  Fr-40;  KM-387.  PCGS  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 948966 

34211  100  Pounds,  AH  1404  (1984).  Fr-117;  KM-562. 

Cleopatra  VII.  From  a mintage  of  only  2,121  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $800-$1000 

PCGS  #360187 

34212  100  Pounds,  AH  1406  (1986).  Fr- 

119;  KM-591.  Mask  of  Tutankhamen. 

NGC  PROOF-60  ULTRA  CAMEO $800-$1000 

PCGS  # 949062 

34213  50  Pounds,  AH  1415  (1994).  Fr-170;  KM-781.  Archer  in 

chariot.  NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $400-$500 

PCGS  # 706451 


34214  Coronation  Medal  of  Haile  Selassie,  EE  1923  (1930).  Fr- 

unlisted;  Gill-S14;  Bruce-11.  Crowned  bust  left;  Reverse: 
Throne  of  Solomon  between  two  angels.  Lion  of  Judah  in 
front.  NGC  Medal  MS-64 $400-$600 


34215  Florin  (Gold  gulden),  ND  (1620-45).  Fr-164a; 

cf.KM-12  (entry  under  Germany- Metz).  Scarce 

NGC  VF-30 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 518959 

34216  40  Franc,  AN  XI  (Ca.l802-03)-A.  Fr-479; 

KM-652,  Gad- 1080.  Napoleon  Bonaparte  as  First  Consul. 
NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS#  157901 

34217  40  Franc,  AN  12A(1803/4).  Fr-479;  KM-652. 

NGC  EF-45 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 834460 

34218  40  Franc,  AN  13(1 804-05) -A.  Fr-481;  KM-664.1,  Gad-1081. 

PCGS  AU-50  Original  Green  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 157906 

34219  40  Franc,  AN  14(1805)-A.  Fr-481;  KM-664.1. 

NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 157906 

34220  40  Franc,  1806-U.  Torino  Mint.  Fr-482;  KM-675.5,  Gad- 

1082,  Gig-5,  Mont- 17.  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS#  157918 

34221  40  Franc,  1808-A.  Fr-493;  KM-688.1.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS  # 157929 

34222  40  Franc,  1811-A.  Fr-505;  KM-696.1.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS  # 157947 

34223  40  Franc,  1812-W.  Lille  Mint.  Fr-506;  KM-696.6. 

NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 384825 

34224  20  Franc,  1814-A.  Fr-525;  KM-106.1;  Gad-1026. 

NGC  EF  Details— Surface  Hairlines $250-$325 

PCGS  # 157341,  157441 

34225  40  Franc,  1816-A.  Fr-532;  KM-713.1.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS  # 157976 

PCGS  # 353904 

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34226  40  Franc,  1817-A.  Fr-532;  KM-713.1.  NGC  EF-40. 


PCGS#  157986 

34227  40  Franc,  1816-Q.  Perpignam  Mint. 

Fr-535;  KM-713.5.  NGC  VF-35. 


PCGS  # 157992 

34228  40  Franc,  1830-A.  Fr-547;  KM-721.1;  Gad-1105.  Anchor 

privy  mark.  PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS#  158004 

34229  40  Franc,  1831-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1.  PCGS  EF-45 

Original  Green  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS#  158011 

34230  40  Franc,  1833-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS#  158014 

34231  40  Franc,  1834-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1;  Gad-1106. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS#  158015 

34232  40  Franc,  1835-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1.  NGC  EF-40. 


PCGS  # 781086 

34233  40  Franc,  1836-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1.  NGC  EF-40. 


PCGS  # 781087 

34234  40  Franc,  1837-A.  Fr-557;  KM-747.1.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS#  158018 

34235  50  Franc,  1856-A.  Fr-571;  KM-785.1;  Gad-1111. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS#  158042 


34236  Nurnberg.  Yu  Ducat,  1700  GFN.  Fr-1891,  KM-250; 

NGC  Unc  Details-Rim  Filing $175-$250 

PCGS  # 346339 

34237  Prussia.  10  Mark,  1872-A.  Fr-3819;  KM-502. 

NGC  MS-65 $250-$325 

PCGS#  189411 

34238  Stolberg.  1/8  Ducat,  ND  (1759).  Christoph  Ludwig 
II  (1738-61).  Fr-3341;  KM-242.  Slight  wrinkled  flan. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Bent $300-$400 

PCGS  # 879274 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34239  10  Mark  Medallic  Coinage,  1928.  Bruce-2. 

Karl  Goetz  issue.  Bust  of  Von  Hindenburg. 
NGC  PROOF-65  CAMEO $275-$350 

PCGS  # 849254 


34240  Royal,  1992.  Fr-B20;  KM- 105.  Cocker  Spaniel. 

NGC  PROOF-67 $1300-$1500 

PCGS  # 188490 


34241  Guinea,  1787.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-356;  S-3729; 

KM-609.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  EF  Details 

Secure  Holder. $450-$600 

PCGS  # 618045 

34242  Guinea,  1793.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-362;  S-3729;  KM- 

609.  NGC  EF-45 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 618056 

34243  Guinea,  1794.  George  III  (1760-1820).  Fr-356;  S-3729;  KM- 

609.  NGC  EF-45 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 618050 

34244  Sovereign,  1871.  Fr-387;  S-3853;  KM-736.2.  Shield  reverse. 

Die  #28.  NGC  MS-63 $600-$700 

PCGS  # 206983 



20  Drachmai, 
NGC  AU-53 

PCGS  #319415 

1876- A. 



Geo- 134. 


20  Drachmai, 
NGC  AU-58 

1884- A. 





PCGS  #319419 

34247  20  Drachmai,  1967  (1970).  Fr-22;  KM-92;  Geo-14.  1967 

Revolution.  NGC  MS-67 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 965589 


34248  4 Pesos,  1869-R.  Fr-43;  KM-187.  NGC  AU-55.  ..$600-$750 

PCGS  # 217778 

34249  5 Quetzales,  1926.  Fr-50;  KM-244.  NGC  MS-62. 


PCGS  # 733759 


34250  1 Peso,  1902.  Fr-7;  KM-56.  NGC  AU  Details— 

Surface  Hairlines $350-$500 

PCGS  # 259606 

34251  1 Peso,  1922.  Fr-7;  KM-56.  NGC  MS-62 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 259612 


34252  Kremnitz.  1 1/2  St.  George  Ducat  Restrike, 

ND.  4.78  gms.  cf.Fr-567.  Unlisted  denomination. 

Bee  privy  mark.  Cleaned,  rimfile.  Otherwise 



34253  Guptas.  AV  Dinar,  ND.  9.16  gms.  Samudragupta  (335- 

380  A.D.).  cf.BMC-pl.  I#12;  Mitchiner-4773-4780  (type). 
Standard  type.  King  standing  facing  left;  Reverse:  Lakshmi 
enthroned.  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

34254  Guptas.  AV  Dinar,  ND.  8.54  gms.  Narasimha  (ca.  530 
A.D.).  cf.Mitchiner-4919.  Archer  type.  King  standing  facing 
holding  bow  in  his  left  hand  (off  planchet);  Reverse:  Lakshmi 
seated  facing,  cross-legged  on  a lotus.  Some  encrustation. 

VERY  FINE $350-$500 

34255  AV  Stater,  ND.  3.65  gms.  Kalachuris  of  Kalyan,  Bijjala 

Kalachuri  (ca.  1156-1168).  Fr-325;  cf.Mitchiner-639. 

Five  lions,  two  sri,  sun  and  moon.  Red  coloring. 

BOLD  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

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34256  AV  Pagoda,  ND.  3 .66  gms.  Paramaras  of  Vidarbha, 
Jagadeva.  Fr-unlisted;  Num.  Digest  Vol.  17-pg.  52-3. 
Four  punch  marks  including  rulers  name  in  Nagari, 
a pelleted  spearhead  and  two  other  pellet  designs. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $275-$350 

34257  AV  Stater,  ND.  3.83  gms.  Yadavas  of  Devagiri, 
Ramachandra  (1270-1311  A.D.).  Fr-390;  cf.Mitchiner-643. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $225-$275 

34258  Mughal  Empire.  Mohur,  ND  (ca.  AH  1068-69  (1658- 
59)).  Daulatabad  Mint?.  Shah  Jahan  (AH  1037-68 
(1628-58)).  Fr-797;  KM-529.2.  Mount  mark  on  edge. 

VERY  FINE $500-$700 

PCGS#  518961 


34259  5,000  Rupiah,  1970.  Fr-4;  KM-29.  Manjusri 

Statue.  Mintage:  2,150  pieces.  NGC  PROOF-69 

ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$600 

PCGS  # 777591 


34260  Toman,  AH  1234  (ca.  1818).  Yazd  Mint.  Fr-34;  KM-753.13. 

Type  W.  NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 446915 

34261  Toman,  AH  1311  (1894).  Fr-62;  KM-937. 

NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 835463 

34262  Toman,  AH  1318(1900).  Fr-70;  KM-995.  Nice  grade. 

NGC  MS-63 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 130570 

34263  Toman,  AH  1337(1918).  Fr-84;  KM- 1074.  Choice  and 

original.  NGC  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 130590 

34264  2 Pahlavi,  SH  1308(1929).  Fr-93;  KM-1 1 15.  RARE  date,  low 

mintage  year.  NGC  MS-63 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 956575 

34265  2 Pahlavi,  SH  1308  (1929).  Fr-93;  KM-1 115. 

NGC  AU-55 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 956575 

34266  Pahlavi,  SH  1307  (1928).  Fr-94;  KM-1 114. 

ANACS  MS-64 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 956570 

34267  Pahlavi,  SH  1307  (1928).  Fr-94;  KM-1114. 

NGC  MS-63 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 956570 


34268  Fatamid  Caliphate.  AV  Dinar,  ca.  1040-81.  Al- 

Mustansir  (1036-94).  A-719A.  One  light  scratch. 


34269  Bahri  Mamluks.  AV  Dinar,  AH  764-778  (1363-78).  A1 

Ashraf  Nasir  A1  Din  Shaban  II.  Fr-20;  A-955;  Balog-420. 

VERY  FINE $300-$500 


34270  1/5  Crown,  1990.  Fr-60;  KM-268.  150th  anniversary 
of  the  Penny  Black  Stamp  commemorative. 



34271  Venice.  Zecchino,  ND  (1763-78).  Alvise  Moncenigo  IV 
(1763-78).  Fr-1421;  C-71;  Paolucci-13;  Nomisma-353. 

PCGS  Genuine — Filed  Rims,  AU  Details 

Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 395973 

34272  Venice.  Zecchino,  ND.  Paolo  Rainier  (1779-1789).  Fr-1434; 

C-107,  Gig-72.  NGC  MS-62 $350-$500 

PCGS#  159310 

34273  Venice.  Zecchino,  ND.  Paolo  Rainier  (1779-1789).  Fr-1434; 

C-107,  Gig-72.  NGC  MS-61 $300-$400 

34274  Venice.  Zecchino,  1789.  Ludovico  Manin  (1789-97).  Fr- 

1445;  C-140;  Gig-73.  NGC  MS-64 $450-$600 

34275  Vatican.  100  Lire,  1929-VIH.  Fr-283;  KM-9;  Berman-3352; 

Gig-1;  Mont-421.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  Unc  Details 
Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  #939311 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34276  Vatican.  100  Lire,  1933-34.  Fr-284;  KM- 19;  Berman-3362. 

Jubilee  year.  NGC  MS-64 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 841096 

34277  Vatican.  Pope  John  XXIII  Memorial  Medal,  ND  (ca.  1 963) . 

19.8  mm;  3.52  gms.  Crowned  bust  left,  name  and  title  around; 
Reverse:  Papal  seal,  legends  “OBOEDIENTIA  FT  PAX/ 
MDCCCLXXI.MCMLXIII”.  A Numismatica  Italiana  issue. 
In  original  pouch,  with  certificate  of  authenticity.  Prooflike. 



34278  Koban,  ND  (1860-67).  Fr-17;  C-22d;  JNDA-09-23. 

Manen  era.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  EE  Details 
Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 392755 

34279  Yen,  Year  4 (1871).  Fr-49;  Y-9;  JNDA-01-5.  High  dot  variety. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $350-$450 

PCGS  # 500979 

34280  5 Yen,  Year  44  (1911).  Fr-52;  Y-32;  JNDA- 

01-8.  PCGS  Genuine — Tooled,  AU  Details 

Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 501084 

34281  Gold  Tokyo  Olympic  Games  Medal,  1960.  19.8  mm; 
3.52  gms.  Gad-9.  Quadriga  approaching,  Japanese  arch  in 
background;  Reverse:  Sun  and  Olympic  rings,  “THE  18th 
UEEICIALE”.  A Numismatica  Italiana  issue.  In  original 
pouch,  with  certificate  of  authenticity.  Prooflike. 



34282  25  Dinars,  AH  1397(1977).  Fr-8;  KM-33. 

25th  anniversary  of  Reign.  NGC  PROOF-69 

ULTRA  CAMEO $600-$750 

PCGS  # 379591 


34283  2,500  Liras,  2005.  Fr-unlisted;  Km-unlisted;  Bruce-317. 
Order  of  Malta.  Pope  John  Paul  11.  Mintage:  2,000  pieces. 

NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $500-$650 

PCGS  # 983218 

PCGS  #415197 

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34284  Mexico  City.  Escudo,  1756-MoMM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746- 
60).  Fr-20;  KM-115.2.  NGC  VF-30 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 266047 

34285  Guadalajara.  2 Escudos,  1860/50-GaJG.  Fr-91;  KM-380.3. 

NGC  AU-55 $650-$800 

PCGS  # 719334 

34286  Mexico  City.  Escudo,  1846/5-MoMF.  Fr-97;  KM-379.5. 

NGC  EF-45 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 520551 

34287  Mexico  City.  Escudo,  1863-MoTH.  Fr-97;  KM-379.5. 

NGC  EF-45 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 249827 

34288  Guadalajara.  Escudo,  1848/7-GaJG.  Fr-101;  KM-379.2. 

PCGS  AU-58 $550-$700 

PCGS  # 722957 

34289  Guadalajara.  Escudo,  1848/7-GaJG.  Fr-101;  KM-379.2. 

NGC  AU-55 $500-$650 

PCGS  # 722957 

34290  Guadalajara.  Escudo,  1848/7-GaJG.  Fr-101;  KM-379.2. 

NGC  AU-55 $500-$650 

PCGS  # 722957 

34291  Mexico  City.  1/2  Escudo,  1832-Mo JM.  Fr-107;  KM-378.5. 

NGC  MS-62 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 520405 

34292  Guanajuato.  1/2  Escudo,  1853-PF.  Fr-115;  KM-378.4. 

Holed  and  plugged  at  6 o’clock.  VERY  FINE $70-$  100 

PCGS  # 520537 

34293  Mexico  City.  5 Pesos,  1903-MoM.  Fr-139;  KM-412.6. 
NGC  MS-62 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 524228 

34294  Mexico  City.  5 Pesos,  1904-MoM.  Fr-139;  KM-412.6. 

NGC  MS-62 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 524229 

34295  Mexico  City.  Peso,  1895-MoM.  Fr-157;  KM-410.5. 

NGC  MS-65 $175-$225 

PCGS  # 52398Q 

34296  Mexico  City.  Peso,  1899-MoM.  Fr-157;  KM-410.5. 

NGC  MS-65 $175-$225 

PCGS  # 523986 

34297  Mexico  City.  Peso,  1901/801-MoM.  Fr-157;  KM-410.5. 

ICG  MS-65 $175-$225 

PCGS  # 523991 

34298  Mexico  City.  Peso,  1904-MoM.  Fr-157;  KM-410.5. 

NGC  MS-64 $140-$180 

PCGS  # 523996 

34299  5 Pesos,  1906-M.  Fr-168;  KM-464.  NGC  MS-64. 


PCGS  # 526032 

34300  10  Pesos,  1957-Mo.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-M123a.  “Centennial  of 

Constitution”.  NGC  MS-65 $400-$500 

PCGS#  163192 

34301  Gold  Denomination  Set,  1906-59.  KM-461,  463,  464, 
473  & 478.  5 pieces  in  lot.  Includes:  2,  2 1/2,  5,  10  and  20 
Pesos.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 


From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


34302  10  Perpera,  1910.  Fr-6;  KM-9.  50th  year  of  his  reign  and 
marriage.  NGC  AU-58 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 269982 


34303  Utrecht.  Ducat,  1724.  Fr-285;  KM-7.  NGC  MS-62. 

PCGS  # 679008,  467620 

Ex:  “Akerendam”. 

34304  10  Gulden,  1898.  Fr-348;  KM- 124.  PCGS  MS-63 

Secure  Holder. $450-$550 

PCGS  # 532650 

34305  5 Gulden,  1912.  Fr-350;  KM-151. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $200-$250 

PCGS  # 532558 


34306  20  Kroner,  1902.  Fr-17;  KM-355;  Sieg-104. 

NGC  MS-63 $550-$700 

PCGS  # 270256 


34307  1/2  Libra  (Pound),  1904-ROZF.  Fr-74;  KM-209. 

NGC  AU-55 $175-$225 

PCGS  # 956292 


34308  4 Pesos,  1868.  Fr-1;  KM- 144.  NGC  MS-62 $550-$650 

PCGS  # 450875 

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34309  2,000  Zlotych,  1980-MW.  Fr-120;  Y-111. 

NGC  PROOF-68  ULTRA  CAMEO $400-$500 

PCGS#  149313 


34321  20  Lei,  1890-B.  Fr-3;  KM-20.  PCGS  MS-63 

Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  #978015 

34310  2,000  Zlotych,  1980-MW.  Fr-120;  Y-111. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $375-$475 

PCGS#  149313 

34311  2,000  Zoltych,  1980-MW.  Fr-120;  Y-111. 

Winter  Olympics,  skiing.  In  mint  issue  case. 

Uncertified  Gem  PROOF. $400-$500 

PCGS#  149313 

34312  2,000  Zlotych,  1980-MW.  Fr-120;  Y-111.  Olympics, 

ski  jump.  PCGS  PROOF-64  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $350-$450 

PCGS#  149313 

34313  2,000  Zoltych,  1979-MW.  Fr-123;  Y-107; 

Parchimowicz-P501.  Maria  Curie.  NGC  PROOF-67 
ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$550 

PCGS  # 390332 

34314  Proba  2,000  Zlotych,  1980-MW.  Fr- unlisted;  KM- 

PR428;  Par-P505a.  Olympic  skier.  PCGS  SP-68 
Secure  Holder. $450-$600 

PCGS  # 742732 

34315  2,000  Zoltych  Proba,  1980-MW.  Fr- unlisted;  KM- 

PR  428;  Parchimowicz-505A.  NGC  PROOF-68 
ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$600 

PCGS  # 742732 

34316  100  Zoltych,  2005.  Fr-210;  Y-540.  Pope  John  Paul  11. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $400-$500 

PCGS  # 388473 


34317  1,000  Reis,  1741.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-98;  KM-182; 
Gomes-87.24.  NGC  MS-62 $650-$800 

PCGS  # 262288 

34318  1,000  Reis,  1745.  Joao  V (1706-50).  Fr-98;  KM-182; 

Gomes-87.25.  NGC  MS-62 $650-$800 

PCGS  # 262289 

34319  400  Reis,  1790.  Marial  (1786-99).  Fr-121;  KM-291; 

Gomes-19.02.  NGC  AU-50 $500-$600 

PCGS  #708911 

34320  5,000  Reis,  1861.  Fr-147;  KM-505;  Gomes-12.02. 

NGC  MS-62 $650-$800 

PCGS  # 702972 


34322  5 Rubles,  1888-AT.  Fr-168;  Y-42;  Bit-29.  PCGS  AU-55 

Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 930243 

34323  5 Rubles,  1889-AT.  Fr-169;  Y-42;  Bit-33.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS  # 930244 

34324  7 1/2  Ruble,  1897-AT.  Fr-178;  Y-63;  Bit-17. 

NGC  AU-58 $550-$700 

PCGS  # 930321 

34325  7 1/2  Ruble,  1897-AT.  Fr-178;  Y-63;  Bit-17. 

NGC  AU-53 $500-$600 

PCGS  # 930321 

34326  7 1/2  Rubles,  1897-AT.  Fr-178;  Y-63;  Bit-17. 

NGC  EF-45 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 930321 

34327  7 1/2  Ruble,  1897-AT.  Fr-178;  Y-63;  Bit-17. 

NGC  EF-45 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 930321 

34328  7 1/2  Ruble,  1897-AT.  Fr-178;  Y-63;  Bit-17. 

NGC  EF-45 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 930321 

34329  10  Ruble,  1898-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-3.  NGC  AU-55. 

PCGS  # 149944 

34330  10  Ruble,  1898-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-3.  NGC  AU-53. 

PCGS  # 149944 

34331  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4.  NGC  MS-63. 

PCGS  # 930372 

34332  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4.  NGC  MS-62. 

PCGS  # 930372 

34333  10  Ruble,  1899.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-6.  NGC  AU-58. 

PCGS  # 930373 

34334  10  Ruble,  1899.  Fr-179;  Y-64;Bit-6.  NGC  AU-58. 

PCGS  # 930373 

34335  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4.  NGC  AU-58. 

PCGS  # 930372 

34336  10  Rubles,  1899.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-5;  Sev-567. 

PCGS  AU-55 $425-$525 

PCGS  # 930372 

34337  10  Ruble,  1899-EB.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-5. 

NGC  AU-53 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 930373 

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34338  10  Ruble,  1899-EB.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-5. 

NGC  AU-50 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 930373 

34339  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4. 

NGC  AU-50 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 930372 

34340  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4. 

NGC  AU-50 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 930372 

34341  10  Ruble,  1899-AT.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-4. 

NGC  EF-45 $350-$450 

PCGS  # 930372 

34342  10  Rubles,  1903-AP.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-11. 

NGC  MS-65 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 930379 

34343  10  Ruble,  1903-AP.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-11. 

NGC  AU  Details— Reverse  Damage $350-$450 

PCGS  # 930379 

34344  10  Ruble,  1911-EB.  Fr-179;  Y-64;  Bit-16. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $350-$450 

PCGS  # 930385 

34345  5 Rubles,  1902-AP.  Fr-180;  Y-62;  Bit-29. 

NGC  MS-67 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 930268 

34346  5 Ruble,  1902-AP.  Fr-180;  Y-62;  Bit-29. 

NGC  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 930268 

34347  Chervonetz,  1976.  Fr-181a;  Y-85. 

PCGS  MS-66  Secure  Holder. $500-$600 

PCGS  # 409606 

34348  25  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-223;  Y-410.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$550 

PCGS  # 757841 

34349  25  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-223;  Y-410.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $450-$550 

PCGS  # 757841 

34350  25  Rubles,  1993.  Fr-223;  Y-410.  Wildlife,  brown  bear. 

NGC  PROOF-69  ULTRA  CAMEO $350-$450 

PCGS  # 757841 

34351  50  Rubles,  1995.  Fr-251;  Y-408.  Struck  to  commemorate 

the  50th  Anniversary  of  the  U.N.  PCGS  PROOF-65  DEEP 
CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $400-$500 

PCGS  # 464569 

34352  50  Rubles,  2002.  Fr-294;  Y-757. 

Winter  Olympics  commemorative. 

NGC  PROOF-70  ULTRA  CAMEO $500-$600 

PCGS  # 163466 


34353  20  Dinara,  1882-V.  Fr-4;  KM-17.1.  Type  1. 

NGC  MS-62 $600-$750 

PCGS  # 947344 

34354  20  Dinara,  1882-V.  Fr-4;  KM-17.1.  Type  1. 

NGC  AU-58 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 947344 



Pond,  1892. 






NGC  EF-40 


PCGS  # 560728 


Pond,  1898. 






NGC  AU-58.  ... 


PCGS  # 560741 

34357  1/2  Pond,  1895.  Fr-3;  KM-9.2.  Single  shaft  variety. 

NGC  EF-45 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 560716 

34358  Three  Piece  Founding  of  the  Republic  Medal  Set,  1961. 

Fr- unlisted;  3 pieces  in  set.  Comprised  of  three  medals:  (1) 
bronze,  (1)  silver  and  (1)  gold.  The  obverse  bears  the  South 
African  Coat  of  Arms,  surrounded  by  a dual  language 
legend.  The  reverse  shows  the  date  of  the  founding  of  the 
Republic  “31-5-1961”  in  a Pentagonal  shape.  The  gold  medal 
is  marked  “9  CT”  and  weighs  18.7  gms.  All  are  housed  in  a 
collective  case.  UNCIRCULATED $350-$500 

34359  10  Piece  Proof  Set,  1977.  Fr-11/2;  KM-Ps99.  1/2  Cent  to  2 

Rand.  In  fitted  plush  case  of  issue.  Light  to  heavy  toning  on 
all  but  the  Nickel  pieces  PROOF. $500-$700 


34360  4 Escudos,  1791-MMF.  Madrid  Mint.  Fr-294;  KM-436.1. 

PCGS  AU-55 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 689865 

34361  80  Reales,  1839-M  CL.  Fr-325;  KM-578.2.  PCGS  Genuine- 

Cleaning,  EE  Details  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 772729 

34362  25  Pesetas,  1881  (81)-MSM.  Fr-344;  KM-687. 

NGC  MS-65 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 772946 


34363  20  Kronor,  1884-EB.  Fr-93a;  KM-748. 

PCGS  MS-65 $450-$550 

PCGS  # 122576 

34364  20  Kroner,  1889-EB.  Fr-93a;  KM-748;  Sieg-91;  AAH-16. 

NGC  MS-65 $450-$550 

34365  20  Kroner,  1889-EB.  Fr-93a;  KM-748;  Sieg-91;  AAH-16. 

NGC  MS-65 $450-$550 


34366  3,500  Franc,  2006.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-unlisted.  Mozart. 

NGC  PROOF-67  ULTRA  CAMEO $350-$450 

PCGS  # 518967 

34367  25,000  Franc  Essai,  2007.  Fr-unlisted;  KM-unlisted.  “Grand 
Pangolin”.  Struck  in  gold.  Mintage  of  only  55  pieces. 

NGC  MS-69 $500-$650 

PCGS  # 515962 

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34368  Sharjah.  50  Riyals,  AH  1389  (1970).  Fr-4;  KM-8.  Mexico 

World  Cup.  Mintage  of  1,815  pieces.  PCGS  PROOF-68 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $650-$800 

PCGS  # 512822 


34369  Ducat,  C/M  ca.  1931.  Fr- unlisted;  KM-unlisted.  Yugoslav 

sword  countermark  on  an  Austrian  1861-E  Ducat  (KM- 
2264).  NGC  VF  Details— Bent $200-$400 

PCGS#  192612,  235162 

World  Crowns  & Minors 


34370  10  Lek,  1939-R.  KM-34.  Light  attractive  crescent  tone. 

NGC  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 745735 


34371  10  Centimos,  1873.  Bruce-2.  Struck  in  Copper. 

NGC  MS-63  RB $600-$800 

PCGS  #831525 


34372  2 Tien,  ND  (1848-83).  KM-423;  Sch-351b. 

NGC  AU-55 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 983079 


34373  Aravcania  and  Patagonia  (New  France).  2 

Centavos  Pseudo  Pattern,  1874.  Bruce- 1,  VG-3859. 

NGC  MS-64  BN $350-$500 

PCGS  #417181 


34374  3 Pence,  1934/3  (m).  KM-24.  PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning, 

AU  Details  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 144654 

34375  Penny,  1955.  KM-56. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  RD  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 17458 

34376  3 Pence,  6 Pence,  Shilling  & Florin,  1959-(M).  KM-57- 
60.  4 pieces  in  set.  A nicely  matched  partial  proof  set.  The 
(2)  larger  denominations  are  NGC  PROOF-66  and  the  (2) 
smaller  are  NGC  PROOF-67 $400-$600 

34377  Penny  Token,  ND.  KM-Tn282. 1 . “ADVANCE  AUSTRALIA”. 

NGC  AU-58  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  # 198558 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34378  1/2  Penny  & Penny,  1959-(M).  KM-56  & 61.  2 pieces  in 
lot.  Both  attractively  toned  with  vibrant  cobalt  and  magenta 
hues.  The  1/2  Penny  is  NGC  PROOF-62  RB  and  the  Penny 

is  NGC  PROOF-63  RB $200-$300 


34379  Carinthia.  Batzen,  1515.  St.  Veit  Mint.  Maximilion  (1493- 
1519).  Saurma-756/309.  Lightly  toned.  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34380  Carinthia.  Batzen,  1516.  Maximilion  (1493-1519). 

Saurma-757/310.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34381  Olmutz.  Taler,  1705.  Karl  III  (1695-1711).  Dav-1290;  KM- 

375.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

34382  Salzburg.  Taler,  1794-M.  Hieronymus  von  Colloredo- 

Waldsee  (1772-1803).  Dav-1265;  KM-465.  Lightly  toned. 
NGC  MS-61 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 360932 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34383  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-65 

Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34384  Shilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-65 

Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34385  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-64 

Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34386  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-64 

Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34387  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-64 

Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34388  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-64 

Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34389  Schilling,  1961.  KM-2886.  PCGS  PROOF-63 

Secure  Holder. $75-$150 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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34390  Schilling,  1961.  KM  2886.  PCGS  PROOF-63 

Secure  Holder. $75-$  150 

PCGS  # 125025 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34391  Taler,  ND.  Hall  Mint.  Archduke  Ferdinand  (1564-95). 

D-8094.  Nicely  toned.  NGCAU-58 $250-$350 

PCGS#  162611 

34391  Taler,  ND.  Hall  Mint.  Archduke  Ferdinand  (1564-95). 
D-8094.  Nicely  toned.  NGCAU-58 $250-$350 

PCGS#  162611 


34392  Taler,  ND  ( 1 564-95) . Hall  Mint.  Ferdinand  Erzherog  ( 1 564- 
95).  Dav-8095.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 167808,  504537 

34393  Taler,  1621.  Hall  Mint.  Leopold  (1619-32).  KM-264.6; 
Dav-3330.  NGC  AU-53 $300-$400 

34394  Taler,  1623.  Hall  Mint.  Leopold  (1619-32).  KM-264.3; 

D-3330.  NGC  MS-62 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 518890 

34395  Taler,  1670.  Vienna  Mint.  Leopold  I (1657-1705).  Dav- 

3225;  KM- 1268.1.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 185535 

34396  Taler,  1714.  Hall  Mint.  Charles  VI  (1711- 

40).  Dav-1051;  KM-1570.  NGC  AU  Details— 

Surface  Hairlines $200-$300 

PCGS  # 276665 

34397  Taler,  1715.  Charles  VI  (1711-1740).  Dav-1035,  KM-1522. 

NGC  AU-58 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 854871 

34398  Taler,  1738.  Graz  Mint.  Charles  VI  (1711- 

40).  Dav-1042;  KM-1610.3.  NGC  AU  Details 

— Mount  Removed $150-$200 

PCGS  # 454890 


34399  2 Liards  (2  Oorden),  1790-(B).  KM-45. 

Insurrection  coinage.  Brown.  CHOICE  ALMOST 

PCGS  # 600042 


34400  Penny,  1806.  KM-1.  Engrailed  edge.  NGC  AU-58  BN. 

PCGS  #721031 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34401  Penny,  1806.  KM-1.  EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  #721031 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34402  1/2  Penny,  1792.  KM-Tn9;  Pr-25.  Copper  restrike. 

NGC  PROOF-63  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  # 128804 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34403  1/2  Penny  Restrike,  1792.  KM-Tn9;  Prid-25.  Struck  in 
copper.  PCGS  PROOF-64  BN  Secure  Holder.  ...$200-$300 

PCGS  # 128801 


34404  Moresnet.  2 Franc  Reverse  Trial  Strike,  ND  (1848).  Bruce- 

lA  var.  Moresnet  Commune.  NGC  MS-65 $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34405  Moresnet  Commune.  Fantasy  2 Frames,  1848.  Bruce- lb, 
Ky-161d.  Struck  in  copper.  NGC  MS-62  RB $300-$500 

PCGS  # 771298 


34406  24  Kreuzer,  1620  (ee).  KM-238.  NGC  VF-35 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 792746 

34407  Denar,  ND.  Prague  Mint.  Udalrich  (1012-34).  Cach-288; 

Donebauer-224.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34408  Denar,  ND.  Prague  Mint.  Udalrich  (1012-34).  Cach-296; 

Donebauer-234.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34409  Denar,  ND  (Before  1050).  Prague  Mint. 

Bretislaus  I (1037-55).  Cach-310;  Donebauer-261. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34410  Denar,  ND  (Before  1050).  Prague  Mint.  Bretislaus 

I (1037-55).  Cach-317;  Donebauer-267.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34411  Denarius,  ND.  Prague  Mint.  Spytihnew  II  (1055- 

61).  Cach-331;  Donebauer-292.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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34412  4 Soles,  1830-PTSJL.  KM-96a.2.  Additional  mint  mark  on 

island.  Lustrous  and  attractive.  NGC  MS-63 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 705557 

34413  4 Soles,  1854-PAZR  KM- 125.  Lustrous  and  attractive.  Finest 

certified.  NGC  MS-63 $200-$300 

34414  4 Soles,  1859  PTS  FJ.  KM-123.3.  A in  “BOLIVAR”  is  an 

inverted  V.  Toned.  NGC  AU-50 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 432253 

34415  8 Reales,  ND  (1598-1621).  Potosi  Mint.  Phillip  III  (1598- 

1621).  KM- 10,  Calico- 126.  Assayer  R.  Atocha  Salvage. 
NGC  VF  Details-Sea  Salvaged $150-$250 

PCGS  # 518896 

34416  8 Reales,  (1)765-PVY.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  KM-45; 

Paoletti-430.  Lions  and  castles  a bit  muddled.  Bold  pillars, 
date  and  denomination.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 845362 

34417  8 Reales,  (1)766-PVY.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  KM-45; 

Paoletti-431.  Clear  pillars,  date  and  legible  assayer  initials. 
Lions  and  castles  nearly  complete  with  almost  full  cross. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 845363 

34418  8 Reales,  (1)768-PVY.  Charles  III  (1759-88).  KM-45; 

Paoletti-433.  Bold  cross,  nearly  complete  lions  and  castles. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 845365 

34419  8 Soles,  1844-PTSR.  KM-103.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58. 


PCGS  # 750597 


34420  150  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-17; 
LDMB-010;  Gomes-02.01.  Type  III,  crowned  150  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  2 Reales  of  Philip  III  of 
Potosi  Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermark 

VERY  FINE.  NGC  FINE-15 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 760708 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34421  50  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-20; 

LDMB-013;  Gomes-38.02.  Type  IV,  Crowned.  50  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  40  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  GOOD,  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  GOOD-6 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 760778 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection 

34422  50  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-20;  LDMB- 
015;  Gomes-38.03.  Type  IV,  crowned  50  Reis  countermark 
on  an  undated  40  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Porto  Mint.  Several 
scratches.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

FINE.  NGC  Fine  Details— Scratches $300-$400 

PCGS  # 760778 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 


34423  100  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67). 
KM-27;  LDMB-018;  Gomes-40.01.  Type  IV,  crowned 
100  Reis  countermark  on  an  undated  80  Reis  of  Joao  IV 
of  Lisbon  Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermark 

VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-20 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 760829 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34424  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.2; 

LDMB-024;  Gomes-42.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-25 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34425  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67). 

KM-33.2;  LDMB-024;  Gomes-42.01.  Type  IV,  crowned 
250  Reis  countermark  with  a Type  I (1643),  crowned 
240  Reis  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-20 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 730489 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34426  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.3; 

LDMB-026;  Gomes-42.06.  Type  IV  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  Portio  Mint  200  Reis  of 
Joao  IV.  Slab  tag  erroneously  attributes  the  host  to  the 
Evora  Mint.  Host  EXTREMELY  FINE,  countermark 

PCGS  # 730491 

34427  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.3; 
LDMB-026;  Gomes-42.06.  Type  IV,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Porto  Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 730490 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34428  50  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-22; 

LDMB-033;  Gomes-39.03.  Type  IV,  Crowned.  50  Reis 

countermark  on  an  undated  40  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  FINE,  countermark  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  FINE-12 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 760782 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection 

34429  50  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-22; 

LDMB-035;  Gomes-39.04.  Type  IV,  crowned  50  Reis 

countermark  on  an  undated  40  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Porto  Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

FINE.  NGC  FINE-12 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 760782 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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34430  75  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-26;  LDMB- 

45;  Gomes-07.12.  Type  IV,  crowned  75  Reis  countermark 
with  a Portuguese  Type  I (1642),  rectangular  60  Reis 
countermark  on  a 1/2  Tostao  of  Philip  III  of  Lisbon  Mint. 
Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-20 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 760826 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34431  75  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-26; 

LDMB-045;  Gomes-01.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  75  Reis 
countermark  on  a 1641  1/2  Tostao  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  GOOD,  countermark 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VG-10 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 760826 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34432  75  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-26; 
LDMB-046;  Gomes-01.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  75  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  1/2  Tostao  of  Joao  IV  of  Evora 
Mint.  Scarce.  Toned.  Host  coin  GOOD,  countermark 

VERY  GOOD.  NGC  GOOD-6 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 760826 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34433  75  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM- 
26;  LDMB-047;  Gomes-01.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  75 
Reis  countermark  on  an  undated  1.2  Tostao  of  Joao 
IV  of  Portio  Mint.  Both  host  coin  and  countermark 

FINE.  NGC  Fine  Details — Rim  Filing $300-$500 

PCGS  # 760826 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34434  200  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-32; 
LDMB-071;  Gomes-12.01.  Type  IV,  crowned  200  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  Tostao  of  Joao  III  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  GOOD,  countermark 

VERY  FINE.  NGC  VG-10 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 730467 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34435  200  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-32;  LDMB- 

076;  Gomes- 12.09.  Type  IV,  crowned  200  Reis  countermark 
with  a Portuguese  Type  I (1642),  rectangular  120  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  Tostao  of  Joao  III  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  GOOD,  countermarks 
FINE.  NGC  VG  Details— Scratches $400-$600 

PCGS  # 730467 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34436  200  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-326.1; 

LDMB-076;  Gomes- 12. 13.  Type  IV,  crowned  200  Reis 
countermark  with  a Portuguese  Type  I (1642),  rectangular 
120  Reis  countermark  on  a Tostao  of  Philip  III  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Dark  toned.  Host  coin  VERY  GOOD,  countermarks 
FINE.  NGC  VG  Details — Rim  Filing $400-$600 

PCGS  # 730467 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34437  250  Reis,  ND  (1663).  Alfonso  VI  (1656-67).  KM-33.3; 

LDMB-077;  Gomes-43.01.  Type  I,  crowned  250  Reis 
countermark  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 730490 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34438  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.2  (for 

type);  LDMB-099;  Gomes-104.01  (for  type).  Act  of  June  14, 
1688  circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark  of 
Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of  Lisbon 
Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks  VERY  FINE. 
NGC  VF-30 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 730488 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34439  250  Reis,  ND  (1688).  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-33.3  (for 

type);  LDMB-101;  Gomes-108.01.  Act  of  June  14,  1688 
circular  overstrike  of  both  obverse  and  reverse  legends, 
over  a Type  IV  (1663),  crowned  250  Reis  countermark 
of  Alfonso  VI  on  an  undated  200  Reis  of  Joao  IV  of 
Porto  Mint.  Toned.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-35 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 730491 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34440  320  Reis,  1701P.  Pedro  II  (1683-1706).  KM-89.2, 

LDMB- 145,  Gomes-21.04.  Very  Attractive.  NGC  AU-50. 

PCGS  #446312 

34441  600  Reis,  1754-R.  Jose  I (1752-60).  KM-187;  LDMB-273; 

Gomes-49.01.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 725387 

34442  600  Reis,  1756/5-R.  Jose  I (1752-60).  KM-187;  cf.LDMB-275; 

Gomes-49.06.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 725389 

34443  600  Reis,  1758-R.  Jose  I (1752-60).  KM-187;  LDMB-276; 

Gomes-49.07.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 725391 

34444  600  Reis,  1764-R.  Jose  I (1752-60).  KM- 

187;  LDMB-278;  Gomes-49.10.  Lightly  toned. 

NGC  VF  Details— Surface  Hairlines $600-$800 

PCGS  # 725394 

34445  600  Reis,  1774-R.  Jose  I (1752-60).  KM-194;  LDMB-295; 

Gomes-50.03.  Toned  NGC  EF-40 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 725399 

34446  640  Reis,  ND  (1809).  Joao,  Prince  Regent  (1799-1816). 

KM-300;  LDMB-297;  Gomes- 112.02.  Shield  countermark 
on  a 1771  600  Reis  of  Jose  I of  Rio  Mint.  Toned. 
NGC  VF-25 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 760866 

34447  960  Reis,  1816-R.  Joao,  Prince  Regent  (1799-1818). 

KM-313;  LDMB-426;  Gomes-29.18.  “PREGENS”  in 

legend.  Struck  over  an  Argentina  Sun  Face  8 Reales.  Toned. 
NGC  MS-62 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 263223 

34448  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1809).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450;  Gomes-115.02.  Minas  Gerais  countermark  without 
“M”  on  reverse  on  an  1807-PJ  8 Reales  of  Bolivia.  Toned. 
Host  coin  EXTREMELY  FINE,  countermark  ALMOST 
UNCIRCULATED.  NGC  EF-45 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 734682 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

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34449  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1809).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450;  Gomes- 11 5.02.  Minas  Gerais  countermark  without 
“M”  on  reverse  with  what  appears  to  be  a shield 
countermark  (1809)  commonly  found  on  copper  coinage 
and  the  “JOTAS”  or  “J”  series  of  Jose  I on  an  1804-PJ 
8 Reales  of  Bolivia.  Both  host  coin  and  countermarks 
VERY  FINE.  NGC  VF-30 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 734684 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34450  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1808).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450.  Counterstamp  on  Bolivia  8 Reales,  1806-PJ. 
PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 27340 

34451  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1809).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450;  Gomes-115.02.  Minas  Gerais  countermark 

without  “M”  on  reverse  on  an  1805-PJ  8 Reales 
of  Bolivia.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-25 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 734687 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34452  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1809).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450;  Gomes-115.02.  Minas  Gerais  countermark 

without  “M”  on  reverse  on  an  1807-PJ  8 Reales 
of  Bolivia.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 
EXTREMELY  FINE.  NGC  VF-20 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 734677 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34453  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1808).  KM-242;  LDMB- 

450.  Counterstamp  on  Bolivia  8 Reales,  1804-PJ. 
FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  # 743276 

Ex:  Huntington  Collection. 

34454  Minas  Gerais.  960  Reis,  ND  (1809).  KM-251.1;  LDMB- 
451;  Gomes-115.03.  Minas  Gerais  countermark  without 
“M”  on  reverse  on  an  1803-IJ  8 Reales  of  Peru.  Cleaned, 
now  lightly  toned.  Host  coin  VERY  FINE,  countermark 

Excessive  Surface  Hairlines $600-$800 

PCGS  # 734682 

From  the  Piracicaloa  Collection. 

34455  960  Reis,  1819-R.  KM-326.1;  LDMB-461. 

NGC  EF-40 $70-$100 

PCGS  # 263225 

34456  960  Reis,  1821-R.  KM-326.1;  LMDB-479;  Gomes-25.19. 
Struck  over  an  1816-FJ  Chile  8 Reales.  Santiago  mintmark 
is  clear  and  date  is  discernable.  Lightly  toned  with  some  blue 

highlights  amongst  legends.  NGC  MS-62 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 263228 

34457  2,000  Reis,  1869.  KM-475;  LMDB-634.  Frosty  toning  and 

colorful  peripheral  highlights.  NGC  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS#  186156 

34458  400  Reis,  1900.  KM-499;  LDMB-677.  Discovery 

Anniversary.  NGC  AU-58 $75-$125 

PCGS  # 753858 

34459  1,000  Reis,  1900.  KM-500;  LDMB-678.  Discovery 

Anniversary.  NGC  MS-62 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 754933 

34460  2,000  Reis,  1900.  KM-501;  LDMB-679.  Discovery 

Anniversary.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 750395 


34461  2 Shilling,  1915-H.  KM-13.  Lower  mintage  year.  PCGS  AU- 

55  Secure  Holder. $75-$125 


34462  Hudson  Bay  Company.  1 Made  Beaver  Token,  ca.  1857. 

Brass.  Arms  of  the  great  trading  company;  Reverse:  Ligate 
“HB/EM/I/N.B.”  which  stands  for  Hudson  Bay,  East  Main 
(District),  1 made  Beaver.  Punched  dot  between  “N”  & “B.” 
The  “N”  is  an  error  for  “M.”  Some  mystery  surrounds  these 
tokens  known  in  1,  1/2,  1/4  and  1/8  made  Beaver  (ie.  beaver 
pelt)  denominations.  Reportedly  the  Inuit  preferred  to  rely 
on  company  book  keepers  rather  than  easily  lost  metal 

tokens.  NGC  AU-55 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 510944 

34463  Magdalen  Island.  Penny,  1815.  LC-1,  Km-Tnl.  Seal  Token. 

NGC  VF-20  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  # 507104 

34464  New  Brunswick.  1/2  Cent,  1861.  KM-5.  Toned  deep  brown. 

PCGS  AU-50 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 33303 

34465  New  Brunswick.  20  Cents,  1862.  KM-9.  Dark  toned. 

NGC  AU-55 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 33348 

34466  Newfoundland.  Cent,  1880.  KM-1.  Oval  “O”. 

PCGS  EF-45 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 32756 

34467  Newfoundland.  Cent,  1896.  KM-1.  NGC  MS-64  RB. 

PCGS  # 32772 

34468  Newfoundland.  10  Cents,  1880/70.  KM-3.  Toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 33071 

34469  Newfoundland.  50  Cents,  1904-H.  KM-11. 

PCGS  MS-62 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 33256 

34470  Cent,  1858.  KM-1.  Scarce.  First  year  of  Confederation 

coinage.  Brown  in  color  and  well  struck,  with  lighter 
peripheral  areas.  PCGS  AU-50 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 30003 

34471  Cent,  1859.  KM-1.  Narrow  9.  PCGS  MS-64  RB 

Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 30007 

34472  Cent,  1876-H.  KM-7.  PCGS  MS-65  RB $300-$500 

PCGS  #30019 

34473  Cent,  1876-H.  KM-7.  PCGS  MS-63  RB $150-$200 

PCGS  #30019 

34474  Cent,  1884.  KM-7.  NGC  MS-63  RB $175-$250 

PCGS  #693617 

34475  Cent,  1891.  KM-7.  Large  date,  large  leaves. 

PCGS  MS-63  RB $300-$400 

PCGS  # 30043 

34476  Cent,  1900.  KM-7.  PCGS  MS-64  RB $300-$400 

PCGS  # 30076 

34477  5 Cents,  1858.  KM-2.  Large  date.  Scarce  type. 

PCGS  VF-30 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 30955 

34478  5 Cents,  1870.  KM-2.  Wire  rim.  NGC  MS-63. 


PCGS  # 32965 

34479  5 Cents,  1891.  KM-2.  Toned.  PCGS  MS-64 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 30975 

34480  5 Cents,  1904.  KM-13.  Dark  toning.  PCGS  MS-62 

Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  #31022 

PCGS  #431103 

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34481  5 Cents,  1910.  KM-13.  Round  leaves.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-58 $300-$400 

PCGS#  31030 

34482  5 Cents,  1913.  KM-22.  PCGS  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  #31054 

34483  5 Cents,  1925.  KM -29.  Lower  mintage  year. 

PCGS  EF-45 $175-$250 

PCGS  #31067 

34484  20  Cents,  1858.  KM-4.  Scarce  one  year  type.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-55 $350-$500 

PCGS  #31699 

34485  20  Cents,  1858.  KM-4.  PCGS  AU-53 

Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  #31699 

34486  25  Cents,  1874-H.  KM-5.  PCGS  AU-55 $300-$400 

PCGS  #31708 

34487  25  Cents,  1882-H.  KM-5.  PCGS  EF-40 $175-$250 

PCGS  #31713 

34488  25  Cents,  1909.  KM-11.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-55 

Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  #31770 

34489  25  Cents,  1917.  KM-24.  PCGS  MS-63 $175-$250 

PCGS  #31801 

34490  25  Cents,  1927.  KM-24a.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  #31806 

34491  25  Cents,  1929.  KM-24a.  ANACS  MS-62. 


PCGS  #31834 

34492  25  Cents,  1930.  KM-24a.  ANACS  MS-61. 


PCGS  #31835 

34493  25  Cents,  1931.  KM-24a.  PCGS  MS-63. 


PCGS  #31810 

34494  50  Cents,  1871.  KM-6.  Light  peripheral  toning. 

PCGS  EF-45 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 32068 

34495  50  Cents,  1871-H.  KM-6.  PCGS  VF-25 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 32069 

34496  50  Cents,  1918.  KM-25.  PCGS  AU-55 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 32143 

34497  Dollar,  1945.  KM-37.  NGC  MS-62 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 32401 

34498  Dollar,  1947.  KM-37.  Maple  leaf  at  date. 

NGC  MS-61 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 32405 

34502  8 Reales,  1814-SOFJ.  KM-80;  FC-55  (R4);  El-72. 

NGC  AU-50 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 239050 


34503  Chihli  (Pei  Yang  Arsenal).  5 Cents,  Year  23  (1897).  L&M- 

448;  K-190;  Y-61.2;  Hsu-20.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  EE 
Details  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 147539 

34504  Kiangnan.  10  Cash,  CD  (1905).  Y-135.9;  Hsu-110;  CCC- 

207;  Duan-488.  PCGS  MS-62  BN $300-$500 

PCGS  # 390260 

34505  Kweichow.  10  Cents,  Year  20  (1931).  Y-429;  Hsu-1.  Struck 

in  Antimony.  Very  scarce.  NGC  VF-35 $700-$900 

PCGS  # 143749 

34506  Szechuan.  7.2  Candareens  (10  Cents),  ND  (1909-11). 

L&M-355;  K-153;  Y-240.  NGC  VF-25 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 403488 

34507  Szechuan.  3 Mace  6 Candareens  (50  Cents),  ND  (1901- 

08).  L&M-347;  K-144;  Y-237.2;  Hsu-262.  PCGS  Genuine- 
Cleaning,  VF  Details  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS#  150931 

34508  Szechuan-Shensi  Soviet.  200  Cash,  1934.  Y- 5 11.1;  Duan-51. 

“4”  in  date  in  retrograde.  PCGS  Genuine — Environmental 
Damage,  EE  Details  Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  # 781038 

34509  Szechuan-Shensi  Soviet.  500  Cash,  1934.  Y-512.1;  Duan- 

69.  NGC  EF-45  BN $500-$700 

PCGS  # 781052 

34510  Dollar,  Year  22  (1933).  L&M-109;  K-623;  Y-345;  Hsu-96. 

NGC  MS-62 $500-$700 

PCGS#  116636 

34511  30  Yuan,  1980.  Olympic  Series,  Football.  KM-36. 

NGC  PROOF-70  CAMEO $100-$150 

PCGS  # 507661 

34512  30  Yuan,  1981.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Cock. 


Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 388701 


34499  Independence  Anniversary  Set.  Escudo  & 1 0 Escudo,  1985. 

KM-PsA2.  2 pieces  in  set.  Contains  (1)  mint  state  piece  and 
(1)  proof  piece.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  Independence 
anniversary  of  Cape  Verde.  Both  NGC  certified,  the  Escudo 

MS-64  and  the  10  Escudo  PROOF-63 $300-$400 


34500  1/2  Real,  1816-FJ.  KM-64.  Lustrous.  Light  even  toning. 

NGC  MS-64 $250-$350 


34501  1/4  Real,  1817-SO.  KM-73.  NGC  MS-63 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 172340 

34513  5 Yuan,  1983.  KM  77.  Marco  Polo.  PCGS  PROOF-69 

DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS#  150167 

34514  5 Yuan,  1983.  KM-77.  Marco  Polo.  PCGS  PROOF-69 

DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS#  150167 

34515  10  Yuan,  1990.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 

Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 506990 

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34516  10  Yuan,  1990.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 


Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 506990 

34517  10  Yuan,  1990.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 


Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 506990 

34518  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1990.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 

KM-283.  3 pieces  in  lot.  PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 506990 

34519  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1990.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 

KM  283.  3 pieces  in  lot.  PCGS  PROOF-67  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 506990 

34520  10  Yuan,  1998.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Tiger. 

KM- 1148.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 389519 

34521  10  Yuan,  1998.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Tiger. 

KM- 1148.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 389519 

34522  Lot  of  (2)  10  Yuan,  1998.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Tiger. 

KM- 1148.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-68 

CAMEO  & PROOF-69  CAMEO $300-$400 

PCGS  # 389519 

34523  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1998.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of 

the  Tiger.  KM-1148.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge. 
PCGS  PROOF-69  CAMEO  (2)  & DEEP  CAMEO  (1) 
Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS#  151791 

34524  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM  1 236.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-70  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $700-$900 

PCGS  # 410684 

34525  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM  1236.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 410684 

34526  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM  1236.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 410684 

34527  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM  1 236.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 410684 

34528  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM- 1236.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $700-$900 

PCGS  # 410684 

34529  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  1999.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Rabbit. 

KM- 1236.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $700-$900 

PCGS  # 410684 

34530  10  Yuan,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

KM  1325.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP 
CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 408909 

34531  10  Yuan,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

KM  1325.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP 
CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 408909 

34532  10  Yuan,  2000.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Dragon. 

KM  1325.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP 
CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 408909 

34533  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #391192 

34534  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #391192 

34535  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #391192 

34536  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #391192 

34537  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #391192 

34538  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM  1 379.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  #391192 

34539  Lot  of  (2)  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1379.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  #391192 

34540  Lot  of  (2)  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1379.  2 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-67 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $200-$400 

PCGS  #391192 

34541  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1379.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  #391192 

34542  Lot  of  (3)  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1379.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  #391192 

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34543  Lot  of  (5)  10  Yuan,  2001.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Snake. 

KM- 1379.  5 pieces  in  lot.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69 
DEEP  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $700-$1000 

PCGS  #391192 

34544  10  Yuan,  2002.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 

KM  1425.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-69  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 414508 

34545  10  Yuan,  2002.  Lunar  Series,  Year  of  the  Horse. 

KM  1425.  Scalloped  edge.  PCGS  PROOF-68  DEEP  CAMEO 
Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 414508 

34546  5-10  Yuan,  1994-97.  KM-A623,  938,  1031.  3 pieces  in 

lot.  All  silver.  Includes:  (2)  unicorn  series  and  (1)  panda 
series.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
NGC  MS-67  (2)  & MS-68  (1) $150-$200 

PCGS  # 131258,  395471,  159703 


34547  Real  Cast  Silver  Proclamation  Medal,  1789.  Charles  IV 
(1788-1808).  Medina-unlisted;  Herrera-unlisted;  Fon-7364. 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $200-$300 


34548  Ragusa.  Taler,  1775-GADM.  Dav-1639;  KM- 

18.  With  minor  planchet  adjustment  marks. 
PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $250-$350 

PCGS  # 457872 


34549  Cyprus.  Gros,  ND  (ca.  1310-24).  Henry  II 

(1285-1324).  Schl-VI,  21.  Light  porosity.  Toned. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34550  Cyprus.  Gros,  ND.  Hugh  IV  (1324-59).  Schl-VI,  24.  “B”  in 

field.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34551  Cyprus.  Gros,  ND.  Peter  I (1359-69).  Schl-VI,  27.  Toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34552  Jerusalem.  Dirhem,  ND  (1251).  Acre  Mint.  CCS- 13; 

Schl-V,  28.  RARE.  Imitative  Dirhem  with  Maltese  cross  in 
circle  and  Christian  legends.  Light  porosity  with  a small 
planchet  crack.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34553  Jerusalem.  Dirhem,  ND  (ca.  1251).  Acre  Mint.  cf.CCS-15; 

cf.Schl-V,  31.  RARE.  Imitative  Dirhem  with  Maltese  cross  in 
circle  and  Christian  legends.  Unevenly  struck.  Lightly  toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34554  Jerusalem.  Denier,  ND.  John  of  Brienne  (1210-12). 

Schl-III,  31.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

















Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND. 

Elion  of  Villeneuve  (1319-46).  Schl-IX,  17.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  3.24  gms.  Elion 
of  Villeneuve  (1319-46).  Schl-IX,  18.  Clipped.  Attractively 
toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  Dieudonne  of 
Gozon  (1346-53).  Schl-IX,  19.  Holed  at  9 o’clock.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  Pierre  of 
Corneillan  (1354-55).  Schl-IX,  23.  Light  porosity.  Toned. 
RARE.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  Roger 
of  Pins  (1355-65).  Schl-IX,  20.  Lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  Roger  of  Pins 
(1355-65).  Schl-IX,  21.  Pine  cone  in  field  to  right.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rhodes.  Knights  of  St.  John.  Gigliato,  ND.  Roger  of  Pins 
(1355-65).  Schl-IX,  21.  Pine  cone  in  field  to  right.  Double 
struck.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Tripoli.  Gros,  ND.  Bohemund  VI  (1251-75).  Schl-IV,  19. 
Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $I75-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Tripoli.  Gros,  ND.  Bohemund  VI  (1251-75).  Schl-IV,  19. 
Lightly  cleaned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Peso,  1915.  KM-15.1.  High  relief.  NGC  AU-53. 


PCGS  # 737859 

Peso,  1934.  KM-22.  NGC  MS-64 $I75-$250 

PCGS  #741815 

Peso,  1934.  KM-22.  NGC  MS-64 $I75-$250 

PCGS  #741815 

Peso,  1934.  KM-22.  NGC  MS-63 $I25-$I75 

PCGS  #741815 

Peso,  1938.  KM-22.  Lightly  toned. 

NGC  MS-63 $I50-$250 

PCGS  #741819 

Souvenir  Peso,  1897.  Bruce-M2.  Date  closely  spaced,  star 
below  baseline.  Frosty  toning  with  some  ochre  highlights 

NGC  MS-65 $500-$700 

PCGS#  135810 

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34570  Souvenir  Peso,  1897.  Bruce-M2.  Date  closely  spaced,  star 
below  baseline.  Toned  with  red,  blue  and  green  highlights  on 

obverse.  NGC  MS-64 $350-$500 

PCGS#  135810 

34571  Souvenir  Peso,  1897.  Bruce-Ml.  Widely 
spaced  date,  “PAT  97”  on  truncation. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $300-$500 

PCGS#  135810 


34572  1/4  Gulden,  ND(1838).  KM-27.  “C”  countermark  on  a cut 

Netherlands  1 Gulden.  NGC  VF-20 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 490980 

34573  3 Reaals,  ND  (1818).  KM-28;  Prid-27.  3 pieces  in  lot. 
Cut  1/5  segment  of  a Spanish  Colonial  8 Reales  stamped 
with  a “3”  in  a linear  frame.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

FINE- VERY  FINE $500-$700 

PCGS  # 490984 


34574  1/2  Piastre,  1879.  KM-2.  NGC  AU-58  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  # 763730 

34575  1/4  Piastre,  1879.  KM-1.1.  NGC  AU  Details-Polished. 

PCGS  # 764207 

34576  1/4  Piastre,  1922.  KM- 16.  Scarcer  date. 

NGC  AU  Details-Surface  Hairlines $100-$150 

PCGS  # 763727 

34577  Piastre,  1879.  KM-3.1.  NGC  AU-53  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  # 763771 

34578  9 Piastres,  1919.  KM-13.  NGC  AU-58 $70-$100 

PCGS  # 874326 

34579  45  Piastres,  1928.  KM-19.  NGC  MS-61 $125-$175 

PCGS  # 759506 

34580  45  Piastres,  1928.  KM-19.  50th  Anniversary  of  British  Rule. 

PCGS  AU  Details-Scratch,  Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS  # 137751 


34581  2 Skilling,  1837.  KM-13.  Round  top  3. 

NGC  MS-62 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 428836 


34582  Gluckstadt.  1/16  Speciedaler  (3  Skilling  Lybsk), 

1641.  Christian  IV  (1588-1648).  Sieg-170.1;  H-176a; 
Schou-26  (for  type).  Legends  not  listed  in  Schou.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34583  Gluckstadt.  2 Skilling  Lybsk  (4  Skilling  Dansk),  ND  (ca. 

1624-30).  Christian  IV  (1588-1648).  KM-8.6;  Sieg-168; 
Schou-49.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $125-$175 

PCGS  # 869324 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34584  10  Ore,  1875(h)  CS.  KM-795.1.  NGC  AU-58 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 361295 

34585  10  Ore,  1899-VBP.  KM-795.2;  Sieg-9.2;  H-166.  Old  green 

holder.  PCGS  MS-66 $50-$100 

PCGS  # 140542 

34586  Skilling,  (15)54.  Christian  II  (1535-59).  Sieg-55;  H-11.  Dark 

toned.  Small  crimp.  VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34587  50  Centimes,  1921.  KM-TNa.  Struck  in  Bronze. 

NGC  MS-64  RB $300-$400 

PCGS  # 633980 


34588  Gilt  Medal  For  Valor.  49  mm;  34.68  gms.  Gold-rimmed 

red  and  green  enameled  star,  bust  of  Trujillo  and  inscription 
five  gold  stars  appear  in  the  red  enamel  above  the  bust,  and 
crossed  rifles  between  arms  of  the  cross.  The  Dominican 
coast  of  arms  appears  on  the  reverse  above  the  inscription 
the  whole  within  a circle  of  alternating  large  and  small 
dots.  Except  for  the  colors  of  the  enamel,  it  is  identical  to 
Werlich-320.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $200-$300 


34589  1/2  Centavo-2  Decimo,  1884-1942.  9 pieces  in  lot. 

Comprised  of  Centavo  and  Decimo  denomination 
coinage.  Some  pieces  show  surface  hairlines  or  scratches, 
all  other  are  mint  state.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD 
AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  All  are  NGC  certified,  grades 
EF  Details— Scratches  to  MS-65 $450-$600 


34590  Suez  Canal.  50  Centimes  & Franc  Tokens,  1865. 

Issued  by  Borel  Lavalley  et  Cie.  KM-TN6  & TN- 
7;  LEC-9  & 10.  2 pieces  in  lot.  VERY  FINE  & 


PCGS  # 362982 

34591  Suez  Canal.  Franc  Token,  1865.  Issued  by  CH.  & A.  Bazin. 

KM-TN3;  LEC-6.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

PCGS  # 362975 

34592  20  Piastres,  AH  1357(1938).  cfFr-34;  KM-370.  Royal 

wedding.  NGC  MS-65 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 948909 


34593  50  Centesimi,  1890-M.  KM-1,  Gig-8,  Mont-87,  Gill-y-1. 

Dark  toned.  NGC  AU-55 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 146286 

34594  2 Lire,  1890-R.  KM-3;  Mont-82;  Gig-3. 

NGC  AU-58 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 475563 

34595  2 Lire,  1890.  KM-3.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 475563 


34596  Birr,  EE  1887-A  (1894).  KM-5.  Toned.  NGC  MS-63. 

PCGS  # 229074 


34597  20  Markkaa,  1879-S.  Fr-1;  KM-9.2;  Sieg-82. 

NGC  AU-55 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 777123 


34598  Avignon.  Luigiuo,  1662.  Alexandre  VII  (1655-67). 

Duplessy-2028.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34599  Carolingia.  Kingdom  of  Burgundy.  Denier,  ND.  Lyon 

Mint.  Conrad  the  Pacific  (937-93).  ]\L-G-93.  Toned.  VERY 
FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

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34600  Carolingians.  Denier,  ND  (ca.  822-40).  Louis  the  Pious 

(814-40).  cf.Roberts-1208;  MEC-800;  M-G-472.  Light 
deposits.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34601  Carolingians.  Denier,  ND  (ca.  930).  Posthumous  Issue. 
Melle  Mint.  Charles  the  Bald  (840-77).  cf.Roberts-1257; 
Depeyrot-629;  Eecamp-8388.  Light  deposits  of  verdigris. 

Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34602  Dombes.  1/12  Ecu,  1664- A.  Anne  Marie  Louise  de  Orleans 

(1650-93).  KM-40.  Toned.  NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 268098 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34603  Isles  du  Vent.  6 Sols,  1732-H.  La  Rochelle  Mint. 

Louis  XV  (1715-74).  C-1;  Lec-2.  Dark  toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS  # 789607 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34604  Isles  du  Vent.  6 & 12  Sols,  1731-H  & 1732-H.  La  Rochelle 

Mint.  Louis  XV  (1715-74).  C-1  & 2;  Lec-2,  4,  6 & 9.  5 pieces 
in  lot.  The  1732-H  12  Sols  has  a test  cut.  Should  be  examined 
closely.  All  are  dark  toned.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 
Average  grade  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34605  Lorraine.  Gros,  ND.  Rene  II  (1473-1508).  Roberts-9482; 

cf.Boudeau-1499.  With  Sicilian  title.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34606  Lorraine.  Teston,  1711.  Leopold  (1697-1729).  KM-95. 

Adjustment  marks  at  12  o’clock.  Softly  toned  with  underlying 
luster.  NGC  MS-62 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 450125 

34607  Metz.  Gros,  ND  (ca.  1380).  Roberts-8932; 

Boudeau-1660.  Well  struck  and  attractively  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34608  Metz.  Gros,  ND.  Dietrich  V (1365-84).  Roberts-8941; 

Boudeau-1641.  Small  planchet  flaw  at  12  o’clock.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34609  Metz.  Gros,  ND.  Dietrich  V (1365-84).  Roberts-8941; 

Boudeau-1641.  Deposits  with  light  porosity. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34610  Orange.  1/12  Ecu  (5  Sols),  1661.  William  Henry  of  Nassau 

(1650-1702).  KM-115.  Toned.  NGC  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 368444 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34611  Orange.  1/12  Ecu  (5  Sols),  1661.  William  Henry  of  Nassau 
(1650-1702).  KM-115;  Duplessy-2198.  Attractively  toned. 


PCGS  # 368444 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34612  Provence.  Carlin,  ND.  Robert  of  Anjou  (1309-43). 
Duplessy-1646.  Well  struck  and  nicely  toned. 

VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34613  Provence.  Carlin,  ND.  Robert  of  Anjou  (1309-43). 
Duplessy-1646.  Light  smoothing  in  the  field  and  small  edge 
crack  at  7 o’clock.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34614  Provence.  Carlin,  ND.  Robert  of  Anjou  (1309-43). 

Duplessy-1646.  Small  file  mark  on  reverse  at  7 o’clock.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34615  Provence.  Gros,  ND.  Louis  III  (1384-1417)  and  Louis 

IV  (1417-34).  Roberts-5983;  Duplessy-1697.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34616  Provence.  Sol  Coronat,  ND.  Robert  of  Anjou  (1309- 

43).  Roberts-5961;  Duplessy-1651.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34617  Centime,  1857-A.  cf.KM-775.1;  cf.Gad-86; 

cf.VG-3521.  Struck  in  copper.  Fiery  mint 

orange  with  some  magenta  highlights. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  RB  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 515947 

34618  2 Centimes,  1857-A.  KM-776.1;  Gad-103; 

VG-3514.  Struck  in  bronze.  Toned  chocolate  brown. 

PCGS  PROOF-66+  BN  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  # 516065 

34619  5 Centimes,  1857-A.  KM-777.1;  Gad-152; 

VG-3508.  Struck  in  bronze.  Toned  chocolate  brown. 

PCGS  PROOF-66  BN  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  #515933 

34620  5 Centimes,  1857-A.  cf.KM-777.1;  cf.Gad-152; 

cf.VG-3508.  Struck  in  copper.  Fiery  mint  orange. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  RD  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  #515938 

34621  10  Centimes,  1857-A.  KM-771.1;  Gad-248; 

VG-3502.  Beautiful  chocolate  brown  with  some 
delicate  pink  and  blue  highlights  on  the  devices. 

PCGS  PROOF-66  BN  Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  #515939 

34622  20  Centimes,  1864-BB.  Bordeaux  Mint.  KM-805.3;  Gad- 

308.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $70-$1000 

PCGS  # 413404 

34623  25  Centimes,  IWN  3 (1794).  VG-438;  Gad-341;  Maz-356. 

Pattern  in  bronze.  Pleasing  surfaces  with  much  original 
coppery  red  remaining.  PCGS  SP-63  RB $200-$300 

PCGS  # 409634 

34624  100  Centimes  Essai,  1853.  Lille  Mint. 

KM-M24;  Maz-1751B;  Gad-3365.  “Visit  to  Bourse”. 

NGC  MS-63  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  #72811 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34625  2 Franc,  1848-A.  KM-749.1;  Gad-678a.  Lustrous  with 

colorful  peripheral  toning.  PCGS  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 376256 

34626  5 Franc,  1852-A.  KM-773.1;  Gad-726.  Signature  “BARRE”. 

Toned.  NGC  MS-64 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 253029 

34627  2 Franc,  1856-A.  KM-780.1;  Gad-523.  “Ancre”  Anchor: 

Albert-Desire  Barre  privy  mark  PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning, 
EF  Details  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 382661 

34628  5 Franc,  1867-A.  KM-799.1;  Gad-739.  Lightly  toned  with 

nice  luster.  NGC  MS-63 $300-$400 

34629  5 Franc,  1869-BB.  Gad-739;  KM-799.2. 

Lightly  toned  and  attractive  for  the  grade. 
NGC  Unc  Details— Surface  Hairlines $75-$125 

PCGS  # 156679 

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34630  5 Franc,  1870-A.  Gad-739;  KM-799.1;  VG-3753.  Dark  toned 

obverse.  NGC  MS-64 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 156665 

34631  5 Franc,  1873-A.  KM-820.1;  Gad-745a.  PCGS  MS-66. 

PCGS  # 156734 

34632  5 Franc  Essai,  1848.  KM-Pn57;  Gad-697;  Maz-1281c. 

PCGS  SP-64  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 504617 

34633  5 Franc,  1831-W.  KM-735.13;  Gad-676;  Dav-89.  Lille 

mintmark.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS  # 241477 

34634  5 Franc,  1848-A.  KM-756.1;  Gad-683;  VG-3228.  Toned. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 156581 

34635  5 Franc  (Module  de),  1831.  KM-M20c;  Maz- 1168b; 
VG-2824.  Bronze.  Louis  Philippe  visits  the  Rouen  Mint. 
One  of  only  50  struck  with  regular  coinage  reverse. 

PCGS  SP-62  BN  Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 503794 

34636  10  Franc  Essai,  1964.  KM-Elll;  Gad-813. 

ANACS  MS-64 $70-$100 

34637  100  Franc  Essai,  19xx.  Maz-2531d;  Gad-1148.  Copper- 

nickel.  Reeded  edge.  PCGS  SP-66 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 650271 

34638  1/2  Ecu,  1643-Rose.  Louis  XIII  (1610-43). 

KM- 135.1;  Gad-50.  Rose.  NGC  VF  Details — 

Excessive  Surface  Hairlines $300-$500 

PCGS  # 789901 

34639  Ecu,  1680-A.  Louis  XIV  (1643-1715).  Dav-3805; 

KM-226.1;  Gad-210.  Parliamentary  bust,  type  2. 

NGC  VF  Details— Polished $200-$300 

PCGS#  118050 

34640  Ecu,  1710-9.  Rennes  Mint.  Louis  XIV  (1643-1715).  KM- 

386.23;  Gad-229;  Dup-1568;  Droulers-473;  DFW-353.  Light 
adjustment  marks.  PCGS  AU-50 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 495854 

34641  Ecu,  1716-K.  Bordeaux  Mint.  KM-414.11;  Gad-317; 
Dup-1651A;  Proulers-740;  DFW-415.  PCGS  Genuine — 
Cleaning,  UNC  Details  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

34642  Ecu  au  Bandeau,  1756-L.  Louis  XV  (1715-74).  Dav-1331; 

Gad-322;  KM-512.12.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 260622 

34643  Ecu,  1787-L.  Bayonne  Mint.  Louis  XVI  (1774-90).  KM- 

564.9;  Gad-356;  Dup-1708;  Droulers-808;  DFW-540.  Toned. 
PCGS  EF-40 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 356904 

34644  Ecu,  1791 -A.  Heron  Mintmark.  Louis  XVI  (1774-92). 

Dav-1333;  KM-564.1;  Gad-356;  Dup-1708;  DFW-540. 
NGC  AU-53 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 736969 

34645  Franc,  1807-A.  KM-681;  Gad-445.  “Negro  head”.  Toned. 

PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 858946 

34646  1/2  Testone,  ND  (ca.  1540-47).  Paris  Mint.  Francis  1(1515- 

47).  Duplessy-896.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34647  Teston,  1564.  Charles  IX  (1560-74).  Roberts-3551; 

Dup-1063;  Ciani-1356.  Slab  tag  incorrectly  attributed  as 
“Roberts-3561”  Some  doubling.  Toned  with  attractive  luster. 
NGC  EF-40 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 518902 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34648  Gros  de  Roi,  ND.  Louis  II,  Dauphin  de  Viennois  (1440-56). 

cf.Roberts-6216;  Duplessy-2514.  Dark  toned  and  attractive. 
VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34649  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (ca.  1266).  Louis  IX  (St.  Louis)  (1226- 

70).  Roberts-2451;  Duplessy-190.  Attempted  piercing  at  6 
o’clock.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34650  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (ca.  1266).  Louis  IX  (St.  Louis)  (1226- 
70).  Roberts-Obv.  2451,  Rev.  2454;  Duplessy-190.  From  the 
illustrations  in  Roberts,  it  appears  to  be  a mule  of  the  obverse 
of  Louis  IX  and  the  reverse  of  Philip  III.  Edge  bump  at  2 

o’clock.  Dark  toned.  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34651  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (Before  1280).  Philip  III  (1270-85). 

Roberts-2454;  Duplessy-202.  Dark  toned 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34652  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (ca.  1280-90).  Philip  IV  (1285-1314). 

cf.Roberts-2461;  Duplessy-213.  Round  “O”. 
Top  lis  with  a pellet  on  either  side.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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34653  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (ca.  1280-90).  Philip  IV  (1285-1314). 
cf.Roberts-2461;  Duplessy-213.  Round  “O”  Dot  after 
“PHILIPPVS”  Reverse:  Dot  at  the  end  of  the  legend.  Dark 

toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34654  6 Livres,  1793-A.  KM-624.1;  Gad-58.  Some 

adjustment  marks.  Toned.  NGC  AU  Details— 
Surface  Hairlines $400-$600 

PCGS  # 174398 

34655  30  Sols,  1791-A.  Paris  Mintmark.  KM-606.1;  Gad-39. 

NGC  AU-55 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 412829 

34656  Denier,  ND.  Bourges  Mint.  Louis  VII  (80). 

cf.Roberts-2394;  Duplessy-134.  Long  cross  type,  unusual 
portrait.  Small  planchet  crack  at  6 o’clock.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34657  Silver  Antoine  de  Bourbon,  King  of  Navarre  Medal,  ND 

(ca.  1560).  59.77  mm;  27.9  gms.  BMC/Jones-76.  RARE. 
Bust  of  Antoine  right,  in  armor;  Reverse:  A rising  sun 
disperses  clouds  over  the  sea  with  inscription,  “FOVET  ET 
DISCVTIT”.  Antoine  was  king  of  Navarre  from  1555  until 
his  death  in  1562.  The  obverse  die  also  comes  paired  with 
a dated  reverse  die  (1560),  but  on  that  example  the  obverse 
die  break  at  4 o’clock  is  more  developed  so  this  medal  must 
predate  the  1560  dated  medal.  The  obverse  has  been  heavily, 
but  expertly,  tooled  in  places  to  remove  excess  metal.  Possibly 
a restrike  circa  1580.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

34658  Module  2,  5 & 10  Centimes  Essais,  1851.  Maz-1372-1374; 

VG-3288,  3290  & 3292.  3 pieces  in  lot.  Struck  in  bronze. 
10  Centimes  is  a laureate  draped  bust  right.  The  2 and  5 
are  bare  bust  left.  All  with  “ESSAI  DE  BRONZE/ 1851”  on 
reverse.  Should  be  examined.  All  certified  by  NGC,  grades 
MS-64  (2)  & MS-65  (1) $500-$700 

34659  Jetons,  Tokens,  and  Medals,  1610-1870.  Mostly 

copper  and  brass  with  seven  silver  pieces.  Some  have 
been  cleaned  and/or  have  other  defects.  Should  be 
examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34660  Lot  of  (8)  10  Franc  (1.5  Euros),  1997.  KM-1292  & 
1297-1299.  8 pieces  in  lot.  Two  of  each  of  the  four  10 
Franc  Museum  Treasure  coins  of  1997.  Housed  in 
original  individual  mint  boxes.  Catalog  valued  of  $245. 


PCGS  #381613 


34661  Middle  Congo.  Token,  1925.  KM-TnAl;  Gad-4.  Elephant. 

Very  scarce.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 395494 


34662  10  Centimes,  1846-A.  KM-A2;  Gad-9.  NGC  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 349222 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34663  10  Centimes,  1887-E.  Bruce-El.  Struck  in  Bronze 

NGC  PROOF-64  BN $300-$400 

PCGS  # 180556 

34664  20  Centimes  Essai,  1887.  KM-E2;  Gad- 
12;  Lec-35.  Struck  in  copper-nickel-zinc. 

NGC  Unc  Details — Surface  Hairlines $175-$250 

PCGS  # 180560 


34665  Lot  of  (6)  Cents,  1938-A  & 1938-A.  KM-12.1;  Lec-99  & 101. 
6 pieces  in  lot.  Comprised  of  (5)  1938  and  (1)  1939  Cents. 
All  are  lustrous  and  a few  have  a nice  deep  red/orange  tone. 
Retail  value  of  about  $500.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  (1) 
piece  has  a small  spots  of  light  verdigris,  otherwise  all  are 



34666  Token,  1925.  KM-TNl.  NGC  MS-64 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 405933 

34667  Token,  1927.  KM-TN3.  NGC  Unc  Details- 

Environmental  Damage $300-$500 

PCGS  # 379436 


34668  1/2  Rupie,  1891  & 1897.  KM-4.  2 pieces  in  lot. 

PCGS  MS-63  & NGC  MS-62 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 900351 


34669  1 Pfenning,  1894- A.  KM-1.  NGC  AU-58  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  # 550001 

34670  2 Pfenning,  1824A.  KM-2.  NGC  MS-64  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  # 832934 

34671  10  Pfenning,  1894-A.  KM-3.  NGC  MS-65  BN...$300-$500 

PCGS  # 512471 


34672  Altenburg.  Brakteat,  ND.  Friedric  I Barbarossa  (1152-90). 

BonhofF-1173.  Light  scratches  on  both  obverse  and  reverse. 

Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34673  Augsburg.  1/3  Taler,  1626.  KM-37.  NGC  EF-45. 


PCGS  # 240869 

34674  Augsburg.  Brakteat,  ND.  Udalschalk  von 

Eschenlohe  (1184-1202).  BonhofF-1900.  Toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34675  Augsburg.  Brakteat,  ND.  Hartmann  von 

Dillingen  (1250-86).  BonhofF-1913.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34676  Augsburg.  Brakteat,  ND.  Hartmann  von  Dillingen  (1250- 

86).  BonhofF-1912.  Two  small  planchet  cracks.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34677  Baden.  2 Mark,  191 1-G.  KM-283.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 279556 

34678  Baden.  5 Mark,  1908-G.  KM-281.  Obverse  contact  marks. 

NGC  AU-50 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 781620 

34679  Baden.  Taler,  1836.  KM-204.  Toned. 

NGC  EF  Details — Rim  Damage $200-$300 

PCGS  # 382069 

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34680  Bamberg.  Silver  Sede  Vacante  Medal,  1746.  54.62  mm; 
43.76  gms.  By  Oexlein  and  Werner.  Enthroned  Emperor 
Henry  II  holding  scepter  and  orb  within  a circle  of  ten 
shields;  Reverse:  Emperor  standing,  Empress  seated, 
eagle  atop  pedestal,  all  within  circle  of  ten  shields. 
Roman  numeral  date  in  exergue.  Raised  edge  lettering, 

Peace  arises  from  pledged  concord  of  brothers.  Eive 
short  parallel  scratches  on  obverse  barely  detract.  Choice. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

34681  Bavaria.  2 Kreuzer  (1/2  Batzen),  1624.  KM- 128.1;  JB-923-7. 

NGC  MS-62 $70-$100 

PCGS#  411552 

34682  Bavaria.  3 Mark  Pattern,  1913.  Sch-52G1.  Struck  in  copper. 

PCGS  PROOF-63  BN $150-$200 

PCGS  # 306045 

34683  Bavaria.  5 Mark,  1875-D.  KM-896.  NGC  AU-58. 


PCGS  # 703585,  281276 

34684  Bavaria.  5 Mark,  1906-D.  KM-915.  Low  mintage  date, 

70,249  pieces.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 507046 

34685  Bavaria.  Taler,  1627.  Maximilian  I (1598-1651). 

KM-227.1;  Dav-6075;  JB-897.  NGC  EE  Details— 

Surface  Hairlines $300-$400 

PCGS  # 366788 

34686  Bavaria.  2 Taler,  1842.  KM-812.1;  Dav-588. 

Commemorating  the  marriage  of  the  Crown  Prince 
of  Bavaria  and  the  Princess  of  Prussia.  Toned. 

PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 281048 

34687  Besancon.  Taler,  1661.  KM-48;  Dav-5070. 

NGC  VF-30 $250-$350 

34688  Bremen.  50  Pfenning,  1921.  Lamb-56.4. 

Not  geld.  “Emergency  money.”  Dark  toned. 
NGC  AU  Details-Environmental  Damage $150-$250 

PCGS  # 301235 

34689  Bremen.  Taler,  1864-B.  Bruce-Ml.  Struck  to  commemorate 
the  opening  of  the  city  bourse.  Toned  with  teal  highlights. 

NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 244515 

34690  Brunswick-Luneberg-Calenberg- Hannover.  Taler,  1 752-C. 

George  II  August  (George  II  of  England)  (1727-60).  KM- 
232.1;  Dav-2089.  NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 382350 

3469 1 Brunswick-Luneberg-Calenberg- Hannover. 

2 Mariengroschen,  1708-HB.  George  Ludwig  (of  England) 
(1698-1727).  KM-52.  NGC  EF-45 $70-$100 

34692  Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel.  3 Marks,  1915-A.  KM-1162. 

Toned.  PCGS  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 282403 

34693  Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel.  Taler,  1614.  Friedrich 

Ulrich  (1613-34).  Dav-6303;  KM-52.1.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-55 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 351229 

34694  Brunswick- Wolfenbuttel.  1/12  Taler  (2  Groschen)  & 

16  Gute  Groschen,  1794  & 1824.  KM-1104  & 1020. 
2 pieces  in  lot.  Lustrous  pieces.  Should  be  examined. 

34695  Cologne.  Denar,  ND.  Otto  III  (983-1002).  Bonhoff-1546; 

Dan-342.  Unevenly  struck.  Dark  multicolored  toning. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34696  Cologne.  1/3  Turnose,  ND.  Deuts  Mint.  Walram 

von  Julich  (1332-49).  Noss-63.  RARE.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34697  Cologne.  Turnose,  ND  (ca.  1344).  Deuts  Mint. 

Walram  von  Julich  (1332-49).  Noss-61.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34698  Donauworth.  Brakteat,  ND.  Friedrich  II  (1215-50). 

Bonhoff-1932.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34699  Federal  Republic.  Mark,  1955-G.  KM-110.  Scarce  date. 

NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  #315419 

34700  Frankfurt?.  Gros  Tournois,  ND  (Before  1355).  Charles 

IV,  as  German  King  (1347-78).  Kluge-901.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34701  Halberstadt.  Brakteat,  ND.  Gero  von  Schermbke 

(1160-77).  Cahn-57;  Bonhoff-4823.  Lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34702  Halberstadt.  Dunnpfennig,  ND.  Rudolf  I (1136-49). 

Bonhoff-449.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34703  Halberstadt.  Dunnpfennig,  ND.  Rudolf  I (1136-49). 

Bonhoff-449.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34704  Hamburg.  1/4  Schautaler,  ND  (ca.  1606-19).  KM-22. 

Lightly  toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS  # 265785 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34705  Hesse-Cassel.  Taler,  MDCXXXVII  (1637)-GK.  Dav- 
Obv.  6765,  Rev.  6760;  KM- 177.  Crossed  pothooks  in  mint 
mark.  “Death  of  Wilhelm  V’.  Surface  lightly  corroded. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

PCGS#  181239 

34706  Hesse-Cassel.  Taler,  1766-FU.  Dav-2302;  KM-485.  Toned. 

NGC  EF-45 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 756349 

34707  Hildesheim.  Silver  Bisphopric  Sede  Vacante  Medal, 

1724.  54.54  mm;  43.7  gms.  By  P.  Werner.  Charlemagne 
facing,  holding  orb  and  sword  and  surrounded  by  a 
circle  of  seventeen  shields;  Reverse:  Louis  the  Pious 
standing;  a model  of  the  Collegiate  Church  in  his  right 
hand,  a scepter  in  his  left,  the  portrait  is  surrounded 
by  ring  of  sixteen  crests.  Pearl  gray  with  blue,  yellow 
and  magenta  toning,  especially  around  the  periphery. 

34708  Lubeck.  2 Mark,  191 1-A.  KM-212.  NGC  PROOF-62. 

PCGS  # 286306 

34709  Lubeck.  Taler,  1549.  D-9405;  MB- 104.  PCGS  Genuine — 

Scratch,  VF  Details  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 516946 

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34710  Munster.  Pfennig,  ND  (After  1075).  Anonymous  ca.  11th 

Century.  BonhofF-1651-2;  Dewit- 1822.  Struck  off  center. 
Toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34711  Munster.  Pfennig,  ND  (After  1075).  Anonymous  ca.  11th 

Century.  Bonhoff-1651-2;  Dewit- 1822.  Off  center.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34712  Nurnberg.  20  Kreuzer,  1769-SR.  KM-360;  Kellner-361. 

Some  green  tinge,  probably  traces  from  old  cleaning. 
NGC  MS-65 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 419525 

34713  Prussia.  2 Mark  Pattern,  1913.  Schaaf-111/63.  Struck  in 

silver.  Karl  Goetz  issue.  NGC  PROOF-64 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 279560 

34714  Prussia.  5 Mark,  1888-A.  KM-513.  Dark  toned. 

NGC  EF-40 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 189409 

34715  Prussia.  5 Mark,  1901 -A.  KM -526.  200th  anniversary  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Prussia.  Toned  with  rose  and  cobalt  highlights. 

PCGS  PROOF-65 $550-$700 

PCGS  # 289947 

34716  Prussia.  5 Mark,  1901 -A.  KM -526.  200th  anniversary  of  the 

Kingdom  of  Prussia.  NGC  MS-65 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 359809 

34717  Prussia.  Taler,  1869-A.  KM-494.  Lustrous  with  partial  light 

toning.  Old  green  holder.  PCGS  MS-63 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 289601 

34718  Randerath  (Randerode).  Gros  Tournois,  ND.  Arnold  III 

(1364-84).  Menadier-lOb.  RARE.  Moderate  porosity.  Toned. 
FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34719  Randerath  (Randerode).  Gran  Tournois,  ND.  Arnold 

III  (1364-84).  Menadier-10.  RARE.  Light  deposits  with 
moderate  porosity.  Toned.  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34720  Reuss-Schleiz.  Silber  Groschen,  1855-A.  KM-71. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  DEEP  CAMEO $200-$300 

PCGS  #409631 

34721  Saalfeld.  Brakteat,  ND.  Friedrich  II  (1215-50). 

Bonhoff-1139.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34722  Saxe-Meiningen.  Gulden,  1829.  KM- 128. 

PCGS  AU-58 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 292284 

34723  Saxe-Old- Weimer.  Taler,  1598.  Friedrich 

Wilhelm  I with  Johann  III  (1573-1602).  Dav-9779. 
NGC  VF-30 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 376274 

34724  Saxony.  2 Mark,  1904-E.  KM- 1261.  Death  of  Georg 

commemorative.  Nice  colorful  toning  with  underlying 
luster.  PCGS  MS-67 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 294159 

34725  Saxony.  Taler,  1611.  Johann  Georg  & August  (1611- 

15).  Dav-7573;  KM-44.  Nice  strike,  dark  toned  and  very 
attractive.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 768916 

34726  Saxony.  Taler,  1617.  Swan  Mintmark.  Dav-7591;  KM-90. 

NGC  EF-45 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 768966 

34727  Saxony.  Taler,  1820-IGS.  KM- 1077.  Toned.  NGC  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 250150 

34728  Saxony- Albertine.  Taler,  1587.  KM-MB-251;  Dav-9806. 

Toned.  NGC  AU  Details — Mount  Removed $150-$250 

PCGS  # 173347 

34729  Saxony- Albertine.  Taler,  1636-SD.  Johann  Georg  I (1615- 

56).  KM-132;  Dav-7601.  Toned.  NGC  XF-40 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 769022 

34730  Saxony-Albertine.  Taler,  1653. 

Johann  Georg  I (1615-56).  KM-425;  Dav-7612.  Dark  toned. 
NGC  Unc  Details— Graffiti $200-$300 

PCGS#  191823 

34731  Schaumberg-Lippe.  Taler,  1865-B.  KM-47.  PCGS  MS-62. 

PCGS  # 294526 

34732  Teutonic  Order.  Taler,  1603.  Maximilian 
(1588-1618).  Dav-5848;  KM-3;  Neumann-108.  Toned. 
NGC  AU  Details — Mount  Removed $300-$400 

PCGS  # 443982 

34733  Thuringia.  Brakteat,  ND.  Eisenach  Mint.  Albrecht  der 
Unartige  (1265-1314).  Dewit-2211;  Bonhoff-1357-8.  Light 
chipping  around  edge.  Well  struck  and  very  nice.  Toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34734  Trier.  Double  Pfennig,  ND.  Baldwin  of  Luxemburg  (1307- 

54).  Noss-7.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34735  Weimar  Republic.  3 Marks,  1924-E.  KM-43.  Lightly  toned. 

PCGS  MS-64 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 301564 

34736  Westphalia.  Taler,  1812-C.  KM-118.  NGC  EE  Details— 

Reverse  Repaired $100-$200 

34737  Wittenberg.  Brakteat,  ND.  Bernhard 

(1170-1212).  Bonhoff-867-8.  Well  struck.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34738  Wurttemberg.  2 Taler,  1846.  KM-596.  Commemorating 

the  marriage  of  Crown  Prince  Karl  to  Olga. 
NGC  AU  Details — Surface  Hairlines $175-$250 

PCGS#  191309 

34739  25  Pfenning  Pattern,  1908-D.  Schaaf-15/G25. 

Struck  in  copper.  Karl  Goetz  issue. 
NGC  PROOF-65  RB $150-$200 

PCGS#  162031 

34740  50  Pfenning,  1878-E.  Dresden  Mint.  KM-8.  RARE 

date.  Dark  toned.  NGC  EF-45 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 147988 

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34741  Reichsmark,  1927- A.  KM-44.  RARE  date. 

NGC  EF-45 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 301459 

34742  2 Reichsmark,  1934-F.  KM-84.  “Friedrich  Schiller” 

NGC  PROOF-65  ULTRA  CAMFO $200-$300 

PCGS  # 303046,  419070,  389839 

34743  3 Reichsmark,  1929-F.  KM-65.  “Meissen” 

NGC  Unc  Details— Surface  Hairlines $150-$200 

PCGS  #301714 

34744  3 Reichsmark,  1930-D.  KM-70.  Rhineland  Liberation. 

NGC  MS-65 $150-$250 

PCGS  #301751 

34745  3 Reichsmark,  1930-D.  KM-67.  Graf  Zeppelin. 

NGC  MS-64 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 301729 

34746  3 Reichsmark,  1930-D.  KM-69.  Walther  Vogelweide. 

NGC  Unc  Details— Surface  Hairlines $150-$200 

PCGS  # 301736 

34747  3 Reichsmark,  1931-A.  KM-73.  “Centenary-Death  of  Von 

Stein”.  PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 301766 

34748  5 Reichsmark,  1929-A.  KM-64.  10th 

anniversary  of  the  Weimar  constitution. 
NGC  PROOF-66  CAMEO $500-$700 

PCGS  #414779,  301917 

34749  5 Reichsmark,  1930-F.  KM-71.  “Liberation  of  Rhineland”. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 517870 

34750  5 Reichsmark,  1930-D.  KM-56.  Oak  tree.  Toned,  a few 

edge  marks.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  EF  Details 

Secure  Holder. $600-$800 

PCGS  #710122 

34751  5 Reichsmark,  1931-J.  KM-56.  Oak  tree. 

NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 301842 

34752  5 Reichsmark,  1934-F.  KM-85.  Friedrich  Schiller. 

NGC  PROOF-65  ULTRA  CAMEO $500-$700 

PCGS  # 303130,  407432,  509130 

34753  5 Reichsmark,  1935-F.  Stuttgart  Mint.  KM-86.  Hindenburg. 

NGC  PROOF-66  ULTRA  CAMEO $300-$400 

PCGS  # 388504,  303202 

34754  5 Reichsmark,  1935-A.  KM-86.  Hindenburg. 

PCGS  PROOF-62 $150-$200 

34755  Mark,  1887-A.  KM-7.  PCGS  MS-64  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 300342 

34756  3 Mark,  1923-E.  KM  29.  NGC  PROOF-65 

ULTRA  CAMEO $100-$150 

PCGS  # 651797 

34757  3 Mark,  1928-D.  KM-59.  Struck  to  commemorate 
1000th  anniversary  of  the  founding  of  Dinkelsbuhl. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 301678 

34758  3 Mark,  1929-D.  KM-60;  J-336.  200th  anniversary 

of  the  birth  of  Gotthold  Lessing  commemorative. 
NGC  MS-63 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 301682 

34759  3 Mark,  1932-D.KM-76.  Johann  Goethe.  NGC  Unc  Details — 

Surface  Hairlines $150-$200 

PCGS  # 301796 

34760  5 Mark,  1936-A.  KM-94.  Hindenburg  and 

Swastika.  Deep  toned  obverse,  lighter  on  reverse. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  CAMEO  Secure  Holder. $175-$250 

PCGS  # 407437 

34761  5 Mark  Medal,  1927-D.  Bruce- 1;  Kienast-386. 
Commemorative  silver  piece  celebrating  “The 
German  Reich’s  most  faithful  servant”,  Paul  von 
Hindenburg’s  80th  birthday.  By  medalist  Karl  Goetz. 

NGC  Medal  PROOF-65  CAMEO $100-$150 

34762  Gulden,  Taler  & Marks,  1855-1934.  18  pieces  in  lot. 

Comprised  mostly  of  German  states  issues,  as  well  as, 
some  interesting  commemorative  pieces,  including  a 
piece  commemorating  100  years  since  Napoleons  defeat. 
Some  show  signs  of  cleaning,  and  some  are  toned.  Should 
be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 


34763  Prussia.  Silver  Medal,  1791. 29  mm;  6.3  gms.  Henckel-1922. 

Asmi  Achmet  Effend,  Turkish  Ambassador  to  Prussian  court 
of  Friedrich  Wilhelm  II.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40 $150-$250 


34764  Kings  of  Mercia.  Penny,  ND.  Burgred  (852-74).  S-940; 

North-425.  Moneyer  Dudda.  Light  deposits.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34765  Kings  of  East  Anglia.  Penny,  ND  (ca.  895-910). 

St.  Edmund.  S-961;  North-483.  Memorial  coinage  struck  by 
Danish  settlers.  Both  obverse  and  reverse  legends  blundered. 
Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

PCGS  # 896107 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34766  Danish  East  Anglia.  Penny,  ND  (ca.  895-910). 

St.  Edmund.  S-961;North-483.  Moneyer  Ansiger.Darktoned. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 896107 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

PCGS  #303199 

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34767  Kings  of  Wessex.  Penny,  ND.  Alfred  the  Great  (871-899). 

S-1061;  cf.North-644.  Edge  chip  plus  broken  and  repaired. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

PCGS  # 895993 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34768  Penny,  ND  (959-ca.  972/3).  York  Mint.  Eadgar  (959- 

75).  S-1129;  North-741.  Moneyer  Aesculf.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 895923 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34769  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1009-17).  Lincoln  Mint.  Aethelred  II  (978- 

1016).  S-1154;  cf.North-777.  Last  small  cross  type.  Three 
peck  marks,  two  on  obverse  and  one  on  reverse.  Bent.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 895908 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34770  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1024-30).  London  Mint.  Cnut  (1016-35). 

S-1158;  North-787.  Moneyer  Leofwold.  Unevenly  struck. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS  # 172583 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34771  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1044-46).  London  Mint.  Edward  the 

Confessor  (1042-66).  S-1173;  North-816.  Moneyer  Eadwine. 
Radiate  and  small  cross  type.  Peck  mark  in  reverse  field. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

PCGS  # 895870 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34772  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1046-48).  Lincoln  Mint.  Edward 

the  Confessor  (1042-66).  S-1174;  North-817.  Trefoil 
quadrilateral  type.  Eirst  four  letters  of  moneyer  s name  are 
present.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  # 895871 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34773  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1056-59).  Winchester  Mint.  Edward 

the  Confessor  (1042-66).  S-1181;  North-827.  Moneyer 
Godwine.  Sovereign  and  eagle  type.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $400-$600 

PCGS  # 895878 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34774  Anglo-Scandinavian.  Penny,  SCBI  Berlin  1060.  Quatrefoil/ 

Helmet  type,  crowned  bust  left  within  quatrefoil  highlighted 
with  external  band  of  pellets.  On  the  reverse  appears  a long 
voided  cross  with  horse  shoe  ends,  over  square  containing 
pellets,  points  tipped  with  a trefoil.  Interesting  type.  Slight 

edge  marring.  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

34775  Penny,  ND.  Winchester  Mint.  William  I,  the  Conqueror 

(1066-87).  S-1257;  N-848.  Moneyer  Aestan.  PAXS  type. 

Toned.  NGC  EF-45 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 895863 

34776  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1083-86).  Norwich  Mint?.  William 

I,  the  Conqueror  (1066-87).  S-1257;  North-848. 

Moneyer  Liofwold?.  Pax  type.  Unevenly  struck.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 895863 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34777  Penny,  ND.  Richard  I (1189-99).  S-1346;  North-965.  Bearing 

the  name  of  Henry.  Toned.  VERY  FINE-i- $200-$400 

PCGS  # 895747 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34778  Anglo-Gallic.  Demi-Gros,  ND.  Figeac  Mint. 

2.33  gms.  Edward  (The  Black  Prince)  (1362-72). 
Elias- 175;  cf.Roberts-6825.  Eirst  issue.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34779  Halfgroat,  ND.  London  Mint.  Henry  V (1413-22). 

S-1768;  cf.North-1392.  Trefoil  to  right  and  annulet 
to  left  of  crown,  but  without  mullet  on  bust.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $500-$700 

PCGS  # 895281 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34780  Anglo-Gallic.  Grand  Blanc  Aux  Ecus,  ND  (1422-49). 

Rouen  Mint.  Henry  VI  (1422-61).  Elias-287. 
VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34781  Halfgroat,  ND  (ca.  1490-1500).  Canterbury  Mint.  Henry 

VII  (1485-1509).  S-2211;  North-1712.  Joint  issue  with 
Archbishop.  Tun  mintmarks,  no  stops  in  legends.  Nicely 
struck,  but  on  short  flan.  Deeply  toned  with  some  cobalt 
highlighting.  VERY  FINE $75-$125 

PCGS  # 894716 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34782  Shilling,  ND  (ca.  1551-53).  London  Mint. 

Edward  VI  (1547-53).  S-2482;  North-1937.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $175-$250 

PCGS#  161854 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34783  6 Pence,  ND  (ca.  1551-53).  London  Mint. 

Edward  VI  (1547-53).  S-2483;  North-1938.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

PCGS  # 159852 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34784  Groat,  ND.  Mary  (1553-54).  S-2492;  North-1960.  Small 
planchet  flaw  at  7 o’clock.  Toned.  VERY  FINE.  ...$200-$300 

PCGS  # 140472 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34785  Shilling,  ND  (1638-39).  Tower  Mint.  Charles  I 

(1625-49).  S-2797;  KM-110;  North-2230-1.  Toned. 


PCGS  # 504660 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34786  Groat,  ND  (ca.  1638-42).  Aberystwyth  Mint.  Charles 

I (1625-49).  S-2893;  KM-91;  North-2338.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  # 389651 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34787  6 Pence,  1649.  Sun  Mint  Mark.  Common  Wealth  (1649- 
60).  Fr-unlisted;  S-3219;  KM-389.1;  North-2726.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 348580 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34788  Crown,  1679.  Charles  11  (1660-85).  S-3358;  KM-435;  ESC- 

56;  Dav-3776.  Third  bust.  NGC  VF-30 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 610827 

34789  Crown,  1682/1.  Charles  11  (1660-85).  S-3359:  KM-445.1; 

ESC-65A;  Dav-3776B.  NGC  VF-35 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 788532 

34790  Crown,  1682/1.  Charles  II  (1660-85).  S-3359;  KM-445.1; 

ESC-65A.  NGC  FINE-15 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 788532 

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34791  1/2  Crown,  1670.  Charles  U (1660-85).  S-3365;  KM-428.4; 

ESC-467;.  NGC  VF-20 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 351032 

34792  Shilling,  1663.  Charles  II  (1660-1685).  S-3372,  Esc-1022. 

NGCVG-8 $70-$100 

PCGS  #616011 

34793  Shilling,  1679.  Charles  II  (1649-85).  S-3375;  Esc-1054;  KM- 

427.1.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $1500-$2000 

PCGS  # 740067 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34794  Maundy  Set,  ND.  Charles  II  (1660-85).  S-339I; 

KM-MDS2.  4 pieces  in  set.  All  are  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34795  Maundy  Set,  ND.  Charles  II  (1660-85).  S-339I; 

KM-MDS2.  4 pieces  in  set.  All  are  toned.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34796  1/2  Crown,  1689.  William  & Mary  (1688- 

1694).  S-3434,  KM-472.1.  First  shield.  Toned. 

PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 616822 

34797  Shilling,  1692.  William  & Mary  (1688-94).  S-3437;  KM-480. 

Dark  toned.  PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  #618001 

34798  6 Pence,  1697.  William  III  (1694-1702).  S-3538;  ESC-1566; 

KM-496.1.  Large  crown,  third  bust.  Beautiful  rainbow 
toning.  NGC  MS-64 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 222377 

34799  6 Pence,  1700.  William  III  (1694-1702).  KM-496.1,  S-3538. 

Dark  toned.  PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 222382 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34800  Maundy  Set,  1864.  Victoria.  S-3619;  KM-MDSl  15.  4 pieces 

in  set.  Krause  lists  a mintage  of  only  4,158  sets.  All  are  toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34801  1/2  Penny,  1734.  S-3717;  KM-566.  NGC  EF-40  BN. 


PCGS  # 479917 

34802  1/2  Penny,  1746.  S-3719;  KM-579.2.  NGC  AU-55  BN. 

PCGS  # 201395 

34803  1/2  Penny,  1749.  S-3719;  KM-579.2.  NGC  AU-50  BN. 

PCGS  # 201395 

34804  1/2  Penny,  1754.  George  II  (1727-60).  S-3719;  KM-579.2. 

PCGS  MS-63  BN  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 165544 

34805  1/2  Penny  Pattern,  1788.  George  III  (1760-1820).  P-962. 
Struck  in  brown  gilt  copper.  NGC  PROOF-65. ...$400-$600 

34806  1/2  Penny,  1790.  By  Droz.  George  III  (1760-1820). 

cf.P-990.  Pattern  restrike  in  copper.  PCGS  PROOF-62  BN 
Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

34807  Maundy  Set,  1792.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-3763;  KM- 

MDS60.  4 pieces  in  set.  The  4 Pence  has  some  surface 
scratches  on  the  reverse.  All  are  dark  toned.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34808  1/2  Penny,  1799-SOHO.  George  III  (1760-1820).  P-1234. 

Bronzed  pattern.  NGC  PROOF-64  BN $300-$500 

PCGS  #518913 

34809  Maundy  Set,  1800.  George  III  (1760-1820). 

S-3764;  KM-MDS62.  4 pieces  in  set.  All  are  toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34810  Dollar,  1804.  S-3768;  KM-Tnl.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40. 

PCGS  # 496186 

34811  1/2  Penny,  1770.  George  III  (1760-1820). 

S-3774;  KM-601.  Traces  of  mint  red. 

PCGS  MS-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  #610310 

34812  1/2  Penny,  1773.  George  111  (1760-1820).  S-3774;  KM-601. 
NGC  MS-65  RB $400-$600 

PCGS  #610341 

Ex:  Cheshire  Collection 

34813  Farthing,  1773.  S-3775;  KM-602.  NGC  AU-55  BN. 

34814  Farthing,  1775.  S-3775;  KM-602. 

NGC  AU-55  BN $200-$300 

34815  2 Pence,  1797.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-3776;  KM-619. 

NGC  AU-55  BN $300-$400 

PCGS  # 203284 

34816  2 Pence,  1797.  S-3776;  KM-619.  PCGS  AU-50. 


PCGS  # 203284 

34817  2 Pence  Doublestrike  Error,  1797.  George  III  (1760- 

1820).  S-3776;  KM-619.  A dynamic  double  striking  with 
every  character  in  the  legends  being  doubled  just  in  front 
of  itself.  Small  punch  mark  at  kings  ear  and  some  early 
stage  verdigris  around  inner  rim.  Scattered  edge  dings. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 348836 

34818  1/2  Penny,  1799.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-3778; 
KM-647.  Toned  with  cobalt  and  sea  green  highlights. 

PCGS  PROOF-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 475739 

34819  1/2  Penny  Pattern,  1799.  Soho  Mint.  George  III 

(1760-1820).  S-3778;  P-1233.  Struck  in  gilt  copper. 
NGC  PROOF-62 $350-$500 

PCGS  #201231 

34820  Crown,  1818-LIX.  S-3787;  KM-675.  “LIX”  on  edge. 
NGC  AU  Details— Artificial  Toning,  Cleaned.. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 206357 

34821  6 Pence,  1816.  S-3791;  KM-665.  PCGS  MS-64. 


PCGS  # 204768 

34822  Crown,  1821.  S-3805;  KM-680.1.  “SEGUNDO”  on  edge. 

PCGS  EF-40 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 206381 

34823  1/2  Crown,  1820.  S-3807;  KM-676. 

NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 140007 

PCGS  # 517259 

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34824  6 Pence,  1826.  S-3815;  KM-698.  Bare  head.  Dark  toned. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 204806 

34825  Maundy  Set,  1823.  George  IV.  S-3816;  KM-MDS68.  4 pieces 

in  set.  Krause  lists  a mintage  of  only  1,980  sets.  All  are  dark 
toned.  ALMOST  UNCIRCULATED $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34826  Crown,  1845.  S-3882;  KM-741.  Cinquefoil  stops  on  edge. 

NGC  EF-40 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 206423 

34827  Crown,  1844.  S-3882.  PCGS  EE  Details — Damage 

Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 206422 

34828  1/2  Crown,  1844.  S-3888,  KM-740.  Dark  Toned. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 206042 

34829  1/2  Crown,  1885.  S-3889;  KM-756.  PCGS  MS-62 

Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  # 206063 

34830  Florin,  1869.  S-3893;  KM-746.2.  Key  date.  Mintage  of 

297.000  pieces.  NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 205686 

34831  Shilling,  1839.  S-3904;  KM-734.1;  Esc-1283.  Without 

“WW”  on  truncation.  NGC  AU-53 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 205215 

34832  Maundy  Set,  1850.  Victoria.  S-3916;  KM-MDSIOO.  4 pieces 

in  set.  All  are  toned.  UNCIRCULATED $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34833  Maundy  Set,  1867.  Victoria.  S-3916;  KM-MDSl  18.  4 pieces 

in  set.  Krause  lists  a mintage  of  only  4,158  sets.  Some  spots. 
All  are  toned.  UNCIRCULATED $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34834  Crown,  1887.  S-3921;  KM-765.  PCGS  MS-63. 


PCGS  # 206451 

34835  6 Pence,  1892.  S-3929;  KM-760.  Jubilee  bust.  Toned. 

NGC  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 204957 

34836  Penny,  1862.  S-3954;  KM-749.2.  RARE.  No  signature  on 

reverse.  NGC  EF-40  BN $500-$700 

PCGS  # 878083 

34837  1/2  Penny,  1887.  S-3956;  KM-754.  NGC  MS-64  RB. 

PCGS  # 201532 

34838  1/2  Crown,  1904.  S-3980;  KM-802.  Nice  light  golden- 

brown  toning.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

34839  Shilling,  1905.  S-3982;  KM-800.  Key  date.  Mintage  of 

488.000  pieces.  PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. ...  $700-$1000 

PCGS  # 205415 

34840  Sixpence,  1964.  S-4149;  KM-903.  Obverse  capped  die  mint 

error.  NGC  MS-67  Mint  Error. $400-$500 

PCGS  # 163954 

34841  1/2  Penny,  1958.  S-4158;  KM-896. 

NGC  PROOF-65  RB $500-$700 

PCGS#  142171 

34842  William  Juxon  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  & Bishop 
of  London,  Lord  High  Treasurer  Silver  Medal,  1637. 

Eimer-129.  Heraldic  shield  dividing  date,  legend  around 
reverse  hand  holding  upright  Crozier  with  stork  on  top, 
view  of  London  beyond.  Some  scratches  on  both  obverse 
and  reverse.  Toned.  PCGS  Genuine — Graffiti,  EE  Details 
Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 515607 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34843  Copper  Death  of  Queen  Mary  Medal,  1694.  49.5  mm. 

Eimer-362.  Bust  right.  Reverse:  Vital  dates  surrounded 
by  Latin  inscription,  “SUBLATAM  EX  OCULIS 
QUAERIMUS  INVIDI”,  they  raise  the  cause  of  continence. 
NGC  Medal  AU-53  BN $175-$250 

PCGS  # 518909 

34844  Silver  George  HI  Recovery  from  Illness  Medal,  1789. 

54  mm.  Eimer-825.  Laureate  bust  right.  Reverse:  St. 
Pauls  Cathedral.  Neatly  holed  at  12  o’clock.  Toned. 

NGC  AU  Details— Holed $2000-$300 

PCGS  #518910 

34845  Admiral  Lord  Exmouth  Silver  Medal,  1816  (Issued  1820). 

38.08  gms.  BHM-921;  Eimer-1085;  Mudie-39.  By  Brenet  and 
Gerard.  Uniformed  bust  of  Admiral  Exmouth  right;  Reverse: 
Neptune  subduing  hippocamp  with  trident;  in  exergue, 
‘ALGIERS  AUGUST/1816”.  Erom  Mudie’s  series  of  British 
military  and  navel  victories  commemorative  medals  series. 
Cleaned  with  light  hairlines  in  fields.  Severe  damage  to  edge 
from  1-  to  2 o’clock  where  a long  shallow  cut  was  begun. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

34846  Bronze  Death  of  King  George  III  Medal,  1820. 

51  mm.  Eimer-1121;  BHM-991.  Bust  left.  Reverse: 
Vital  dates  within  wreath,  “PATER  PATRIAE” 
above.  Choice  medium-brown  semi-reflective  finish. 

NGC  Medal  MS-63  BN $300-$400 

PCGS  #518911 

34847  Bronze  Visit  of  the  Shah  of  Persia  to  London  Medal,  1 873. 

76.55  mm.  Eimer-1623;  BHM-2951.  By  A.B.  Wyon.  Bust 
of  Shah  wearing  fez  three-quarters  left,  legend,  “NASSER- 
ED-DEEN  SHAH  OE  PERSIA”  around;  Reverse:  Londonia 
standing  between  shields  of  London  and  Persia,  St.  Paul’s 
Cathedral  and  the  Tower  of  London  in  background.  Slight 
edge  bump  at  7 o’clock  on  obverse.  Minor  contact  marks  in 
fields.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

34848  Copper  Diamond  Jubilee  Medal,  1897.  76  mm. 

Eimer-1815;  BHM-3510.  Crowned,  veiled  and  draped 
bust  left.  Reverse:  Londonia  with  her  attendants,  presents 
a garland  to  Britannia  seated  next  to  British  lion. 
NGC  Medal  MS-63  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  #518912 

34849  Bronze  King  George  IV  Visits  Ireland  Medal,  1821.  51 

mm.  BHM-1137.  Laureate  bust  left.  Reverse:  Hibernia 
greeting  king  as  he  disembarks  from  ship.  Edge:  Irish  copper 
from  the  mines  in  the  county  of  Wicklow.  BHM  notes  rarity 
N (normal).  NGC  Medal  MS-62  BN $200-$300 

34850  Hampshire.  Emsworth.  1/2  Penny  Token,  1793. 

George  III  (1760-1820).  D&H-9.  Britannia  seated  left 
with  globe,  anchor  and  crowned  lion;  Reverse:  Sailing 
ship  right.  On  edge,  “PAYABLE  AT  WAREHOUSE”. 
NGC  AU-55  BN $150-$250 

PCGS  # 618038 

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34851  1/2  Penny  Token,  1795.  D+H-513.  Middlesex- 

Skidmores.  Edge  milled.  Includes  mint  orange. 
NGC  MS-64  RB $200-$300 

34852  Middlesex.  1/2  Crown  Token,  ND.  Davis- 34; 

Brunk-51270.  “DAVIS  WINE  -h  BRANDY  MERCHANT 
46  HOUNSDITCH  LONDON”  countermark  on  a 
Charles  II  1/2  Crown.  The  countermark  is  EF  Details. 
PCGS  VG-8  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  # 518554 

34853  North  Wales.  Farthing,  1793.  D&H-15a.  Plain  edge. 

NGC  Token  VF-20  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  # 200584 

34854  Somersetshire-Bath.  2 Shilling  Token,  ND  (1812). 

Davis- 15.  Culver,  Orchard  and  Phipps.  Speckled  toning  over 
lustrous  surfaces.  NGC  Token  MS-65 $250-$350 

34855  Maundy  Oddments,  1762-1820.  George  III.  Compromised 

of  Penny  (7),  2 Pence  (4),  3 Pence  (5),  and  4 Pence  (2).  Some 
duplication.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/  NO 
RETURNS.  Catalog  value  in  excess  of  $1,000.  All  are  toned. 
Grades  FINE-UNCIRCULATED $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34856  Maundy  Sets,  1893/4,  1897/8,  1901,  1905,  1934,  1937. 

Victoria-George  VI.  KM-MDS149,  MDS153/154,  MDS157, 
MDS162,  MDS192,  & MDS195;  S-3943,  3985,  4043,  & 4086. 
Some  have  been  cleaned  and/or  have  other  defects.  Should 
be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Catalog 
value  in  excess  of  $1,200.  All  are  toned.  Grades  ALMOST 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34857  Maundy  Oddments,  George  IV-George  VI.  42  pieces 

in  lot.  Compromised  of  Penny  (6),  2 Pence  (9),  3 Pence 
(20),  and  4 Pence  (7).  Some  duplication.  Should  be 
examined  closely.  Catalog  value  in  excess  of  $1,300. 
All  are  toned.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34858  Hammered  Silver  Coinage,  ca.  1199-1660.  21  pieces  in  lot. 

Halfpenny  to  Shilling  with  examples  from  most  monarchs 
from  John  up  to  the  Commonwealth.  Includes  two  different 
Pennies  of  John  (S-1352  & 1356b),  two  different  shillings 
of  Charles  I (S-2797  & 2799)  and  a shilling  of  Edward 
VI  (S-2482).  A nice  group  with  attractive  old  cabinet 
toning  on  most  pieces  and  only  a few  with  edge  nicks 
or  planchet  cracks.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/ 
NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  of  more  than  $1,800.  Grades 
FINE-GOOD  VERY  FINE $700-$900 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34859  British  Commonwealth.  Lot  of  (7)  High-Grade  Coins, 
1863-1953.  7 pieces  in  lot.  Contains  (6)  NGC  & (1) 
PCGS.  Includes:  Australia  1916-1  1/2  Penny  AU-58  BN, 
Australia  1917-1  Penny  MS-61  BN,  Australia  1917-M  3 
Pence  AU-55,  Australia  1953  6 Pence  MS-63,  Canada 
1950  Dollar  MS-64,  Hong  Kong  1863  10  Cents  AU- 
58,  Southern  Rhodesia  1953  Crown  MS-64  (the  second 
finest  graded  by  NGC).  Retail  value  of  about  $1,000. 

SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS $400-$700 


34860  Crete.  2 Lepta,  1900-A.  KM-2,  Geo-2. 

PCGS  MS-63  RB  Secure  Holder. $70-$100 

PCGS  # 966001 

34861  Crete.  2 Drachma,  1901.  KM-8.  NGC  VF-35 $100-$200 

PCGS  # 787559 

34862  Crete.  5 Drachma!,  1901.  KM-9,  Geo- 12. 

PCGS  VF-30  Secure  Holder. $100-$200 

PCGS  # 966038 

34863  Lepton,  1831.  KM-9;  Geo-11;  Chase-346-C-d. 

NGC  VF  Details — Environmental  Damage $150-$250 

PCGS  # 403820 

34864  20  Lepta,  1831.  KM-11,  Geo-14,  Chase-493-K-m,  Divo-2. 

PCGS  EF-45  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 162091 

34865  1/2  Drachma,  1833.  KM-19,  Geo-23. 

PCGS  AU  Details-Cleaning,  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  #969191 

34866  Drachma,  1833.  KM- 15,  Geo-24.  NGC  AU-55. 


PCGS  #319257 

34867  Lepton,  1839.  KM- 13;  Geo-48.  Even  brown. 

NGC  AU-50  BN $500-$700 

PCGS  # 750762 

34868  2 Lepta,  1842.  KM-14;  Geo-57.  NGC  EF-45  BN. 

PCGS  # 140413 

34869  Lepton,  1851.  KM-30,  Geo-99.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. 

PCGS  # 393751 

34870  Drachma,  1868-A.  Paris  Mint.  KM-38,  Geo-114,  Divo-53. 

PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  #319301 

34871  Drachma,  1868-A.  KM-38,  Geo-114.  Toned.  NGC  MS-61. 


PCGS  #319301 

34872  2 Drachma!,  1868-A.  KM-39;  Geo-115.  NGC  VF-35. 

PCGS  #390314 

34873  5 Lepta,  1870-BB.  KM-42;  Geo-122. 

NGC  EF-45  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  #391614 

34874  10  Lepta,  1870-BB.  KM-43,  Geo-123.  PCGS  VF-35 

Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS  #391617 

34875  10Lepta,1870-BB.KM-43,Geo-123.PCGSEFDetails-Bent, 

Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS  #391617 

34876  1,  2,  & 5 Lepta,  1878-K.  KM-52-54;  Geo- 137, 

139  & 140.  3 pieces  in  lot.  All  are  PCGS  certified 
and  in  secure  holders.  (2)  pieces  RB  and  (1)  BN. 

MS-63  (2)  & MS-64  (1) $300-$500 

PCGS  # 750808 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34877  10  Lepta,  1882-A.  KM-55;  Geo- 146.  Attractive  orange 

highlights.  PCGS  MS-63  BN  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  # 144428 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

34878  Lepton,  1842.  KM-13,  Geo-56.  NGC  AU-58  BN. 


PCGS  # 750771 

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34879  Pair  of  Bronze  Medals,  1821-32  2 Bronze  medals 

commemorating  events  in  the  War  of  Independence.  The 
First,  43.92mm,  bust  of  Germanos  the  Archbishop  of  Patras 
left ; Reverse:  Germanos  defending  the  banner  from,  a pair 
of  Ottoman  soldiers  . The  second,  42.37mm,  honors  Admiral 
Andre  Miaoulis,  commander  of  Naval  Forces  during  the 
war.  A bust  left  of  the  Admiral  encircled  by  two  concentric 
lines  of  text;  Reverse:  Robed  female  figure  inscribing  name 
onto  a naval  Monument.  Both  by  Konrad  Lange,  from  a 
series  of  12  medals  on  the  War  of  Independence  by  King  Otto 
in  1836.  Both  medals  have  small  areas  of  verdigris  and  have 
been  cleaned.  At  one  time  housed  in  a hinged  top  leather  and 
velvet  presentation  case.  EXTREMELY  EINE $300-$500 

34880  Gilt  Bronze  Participant  Medal  for  the  Athens  Olympic 

Games,  1906.  Gadoury  1906-2.  Holed  at  top  and  with  loop 
for  suspension.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 


34881  Real,  1808.  KM-Ml.  Proclamation  issue.  Dark  toned. 

NGC  AU  Details-Holed $150-$250 

PCGS#  852011 

34882  2 Reales,  1819-M.  KM-67.  Highly  lustrous  prooflike 

surfaces.  Old  green  holder.  PCGS  MS-64 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 740858 

34883  2 Reales,  1819-NGM.  KM-67.  Beautifully  toned. 

NGC  MS-64 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 966540 

34884  8 Reales,  1807-M.  KM-53;  FC-53;  El-65.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-55 $400-$600 

34885  8 Reales,  1847/6-NG  A.  KM-4  (Central  American 

Republic).  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 272653 


34886  Cent,  1847.  Kamehameha  II  (1825-54).  KM- Id. 
Crosslet  “4”.  15  berries,  7 on  left  and  8 on  right. 

PCGS  Genuine — Environmental  Damage,  Unc  Details 
Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 10965 

From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 


34887  Bracteate,  ND.  Bela  IV  (1235-70).  Rethy-280;  Huszar-200. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34888  Denar  Double  Thick  Fantasy  Pattern?,  1524.  3.65  gms. 

Ludwig  II  (1516-26).  cf.Rethy-30I;  cf.Huszar-862.  Probably 
struck  in  the  late  eighteenth  century.  The  arms  on  the  reverse 
are  indicative  of  coinage  from  Hungary  and  Transylvania 
circa  1560  and  later.  An  interesting  piece  which  deserves 
more  research.  Toned.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34889  Taler,  1630-KB.  Kremnitz  Mint.  Ferdinand  II  (1619-37). 

Dav-3129;  KM-75.  Lightly  toned  with  some  luster  among 
devices.  PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

34890  Taler,  1633-KB.  Dav-3129;  KM-75.  Toned, 

NGC  EF-45 $300-$400 

34891  Taler,  1655-KB.  Ferdinand  III  (1625-57).  KM-107;  Dav- 

3198.  NGC  AU-58 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 783392 

34892  30  Krajczar,  1740-KB.  Charles  VI  of  Austria  (1711-40). 

KM-319.  PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 450298 

34893  50  Filler,  1948-BP.  KM-536.  One  year  type.  2 Pieces  in  lot. 

NGC  MS-65 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 443746 


34894  East  India  Company.  Bombay  Presidency.  11/2  Pice,  1791. 

KM- 194.  NGC  PROOF-64  BN $250-$350 

PCGS#  119826 

34895  Madras  Presidency.  1/4  Pagoda,  ND  (1808).  KM-352. 

Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 183939 

34896  1/4  Rupee,  1835-(B).  KM-448.3.  Toned. 

NGC  MS-64 $75-$125 

PCGS  # 955640 

34897  Rupee,  1835.  KM-450.3.  “F”  incuse  on  truncation.  Calcutta 

mintmark.  PCGS  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 415492 

34898  British  & Princely  State  Issues,  1794-1976.  12  pieces  in 

lot.  Comprised  of  (11)  Indian  pieces  and  (1)  from  Pakistan; 
mostly  British  India  issues  and  Kutch  Princely  State  pieces. 
All  are  certified  by  PCGS  or  NGC,  (10)  are  MINT  STATE 
and  (2)  are  PROOF  pieces.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD 
AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Grades  range  NGC  MS-62  BN  to 
PCGS  PF-68  DEEP  CAMEO $300-$500 

34899  Army  Rifle  Association  of  India.  Prize  Medal,  ND  (ca. 
1921).  By:  J.  Pinches,  London.  35.24  mm;  21.68  gms. 
Puddester-960.9.  Struck  in  silver.  Lioness  on  pedestal, 
walking  left,  “N.I.R.A.  1863-86”  in  two  lines  below.  Reverse: 
In  central  rectangle,  “B.P.R.A.  1887-1921”  in  two  lines. 
Above  ‘ARMY  RIFLE”.  Below  in  two  lines  “ASSOCIATION 

INDIA”.  All  within  wreath.  Attractively  toned. 



34900  500  Dinar  (10  Shahis=l/2  Kran),  AH  1326  (1908). 

KM-1013.  NGC  AU-50 $100-$200 

PCGS  # 728282 


34901  Hiberno-Norse,  ND  (ca.  1035-60).  S-6132. 

Type  with  blundered  legends.  Attractively  toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34902  Penny,  ND  (ca.  1279-1302).  Dublin  Mint.  Edward  I (1272- 

1307).  S-6246.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34903  1/2  Penny,  1760.  George  II  (1727-60).  S-6610; 

KM- 136.  Traces  of  mint  red.  PCGS  MS-64  BN 
Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 379522 

34904  1/2  Penny,  1766.  George  III  (1760-1820).  KM-137,  S-6612. 

PCGS  MS-62  BN  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 343276 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34905  1/2  Penny,  1781.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-6614;  KM-140. 

PCGS  MS-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 343294 

34906  1/2  Penny,  1782.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-6614;  KM-140. 

PCGS  MS-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS#  160132 

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34907  1/2  Penny,  1782.  George  III  (1760-1820).  S-6614; 
KM- 140.  PCGS  Genuine — Graffiti,  AU  Details 

Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 343297 

34908  1/2  Penny,  1805.  S-6621;  KM- 147. la.  Struck  in  gilt  copper. 

NGC  PROOF-64 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 438585 

34909  1/2  Penny,  1805.  S-6621;  KM-147.1.  PCGS  Genuine- 

Cleaning,  Unc  Details  Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS  # 379553 

34910  1/2  Penny,  1822.  S-6624;  KM-150.  Glossy  brown. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  #381951 

34911  Penny,  1805.  S-6620;  KM-148.1.  PCGS 

PROOF-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 381978 

34912  Penny,  1822.  S-6623;  KM-151. 

PCGS  MS-63  BN  Secure  Holder. $175-$250 

PCGS  # 826900 

34913  Penny,  1822.  S-6623;  KM-151.  Hints  of  blue  toning. 

PCGS  MS-61  BN  Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 826900 

34914  5 Pence  Token,  1806/5.  S-6619;  KM-Tn2.  KM  mentions 

only  5 known.  PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 435672 

34915  10  Pence  Token,  1805.  S-6617;  KM-Tn3.  Dark  toned. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  # 435673 

34916  10  Pence  Token,  1813.  S-6618;  KM-Tn5. 

PCGS  MS-64+  Secure  Holder. $175-$250 

PCGS  # 435675 

34917  10  Pence  Token,  1813.  S-6618;  KM-Tn5.  Toned. 

PCGS  MS-63  Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 435675 

34918  1/2  Crown,  1943.  S-6633.  Key  date.  NGC  EF-45. 

PCGS  # 827570 

34919  Crown,  1690.  James  II  (1685-91).  S-6578;  KM-103.1.  Struck 
in  bronze.  “Gun  money”  coinage.  Nice  strike  and  darkly 

toned.  NGC  AU-55 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 216628 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34920  Farthing,  1806.  S-6622;  KM-146.2.  Plain  edge. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 242726 

34921  Groat,  ND  (ca.  1473-78).  Waterford  Mint.  Edward  IV 

(1461-83).  S-6349;  Coincraft-IE440-270.  “G”  on  breast. 
Clipped.  Nice  strike  giving  pleasing  portrait.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  #518915 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34922  Groat,  ND  (ca.  1496-1505).  Dublin  Mint.  Henry  VII  (1485- 

1509).  cf.S-6461.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34923  Seljuq  of  Rum.  AR  Dirham,  AH  646  (1248/9).  Sivas  Mint. 

Qilij  Arslan  IV  (1248-49).  A-1226.  Mounted  archer  prancing 
right.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


34924  1/2  Penny,  1786.  George  III  of  England  (1760-1820).  KM-8. 

PCGS  PROOF-64  BN  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 856568 

34925  Ancona.  Grosso  Agontano,  ND  (ca.  1250-1389). 

Autonomous  Coinage  (ca.  1250-1389).  Biaggi-34.  Unevenly 
struck.  Attractive.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34926  Ancona.  Grosso  Agontano,  ND  (ca.  1250-1389). 

Autonomous  Coinage  (ca.  1250-1389).  Biaggi-34.  Well 
struck.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34927  Aquileia.  Coronato,  ND  (1488-94).  Ferdinand  I of 

Naples  (1458-94).  MIR-90;  MEC-1011;  Biaggi-117.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34928  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (1194).  Gotifredo  (1182-94). 
Bernardi-7;  cf.  Biaggi-134.  Toned.  VERY  FINE..$350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34929  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (ca.  1209).  Volchero  (1204-18). 

Bernard!- 12;  Biaggi-140.  Well  struck.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34930  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND.  Bertoldo  (1218-51).  Bernardi-16; 

Biaggi-141.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34931  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (ca.l269).  Gregorio  di  Montelongo 

(1251-69).  Bernardi-22;  Biaggi-148.  A couple  of  planchet 
cracks.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34932  Aquileia.  Piccolo,  ND.  Gregorio  di  Montelongo 

(1251-69).  Bernardi-23;  Biaggi-152.  Well  struck. 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34933  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (ca.  1274).  Raimondo  della  Torre 

(1273-99).  Bernardi-27;  Biaggi-156.  A couple  of  small 
planchet  cracks.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34934  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (1281  or  1287).  Raimondo  della 

Torre  (1273-98).  Bernardi-30;  Biaggi-154.  Attractively 
toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34935  Aquileia.  Denaro,  ND  (ca.  1302).  Ottobono  dei  Robari 

(1302-15).  Bernardi-34;  Biaggi-160.  Small  planchet  flaw  at  3 
o’clock.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34936  Arezzo.  Grosso,  ND.  Republic  (ca.  13th- 14th  century). 
Biaggi-197.  Well  struck  and  attractively  toned. 


From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34937  Ascoli.  Mezzo  Grosso  Agontano,  ND.  Republic 

(ca.  13th-14th  century).  Biaggi-209.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34938  Bergamo.  Denaro  Planeto,  ND.  Commune,  in  the  name 

of  Federico  II  (1236-85).  MIR- 18;  Biaggi-350.  Toned. 
FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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34939  Bologna.  Bolonino  Grosso,  ND.  Republic  (1191-1337). 

Biaggi-362.  Struck  in  the  name  of  Enrico  VI.  Planchet  crack 
on  reverse.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34940  Bologna.  Grossone,  ND.  Anonymous  issue,  under  the 

Bentivoglio  (ca.  1446-1506).  MlR-24;  Biaggi-395.  Weakly 
struck  in  centers.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $I50-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34941  Camerino.  Mezzo  Grosso,  ND.  Governo  Popolare 

(1434-44).  Biaggi-527.  Verdigris  deposits  on  reverse. 
VERY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34942  Camerino.  Mezzo  Grosso,  ND.  Governo  Popolare  (1434- 

44).  Biaggi-528.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34943  Camerino.  Mezzo  Grosso,  ND.  Giulia  da  Varano 

Signora  (1527-34).  CNI-13,  pi.  15. 12.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34944  Carmagnola.  Cornuto,  ND.  Michele  Antonio  di  Saluzzo 

(1504-28).  MIR- 146.  Planchet  defect  at  7 o’clock.  Attractively 
toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34945  Carmagnola.  Rolabasso,  ND.  Michele  Antonio  di  Saluzzo 

(1504-28).  MIR- 147/1.  Two  small  planchet  cracks.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $I75-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34946  Casale.  Testone,  ND.  Guglielmo  II  Palacologo  (1494-1518). 

MIR- 185.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34947  Casale.  Cornuto,  ND.  Guglielmo  II  Palacologo  ( 1494-1518). 

MIR- 187.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 













Fermo.  Bolognino,  ND.  Francesco  Sforza  (1434-46). 
Biaggi-733.  Well  struck  and  attractively  toned. 


From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Ferrara.  Grossone,  ND.  Ercole  d’Este  (1471-1505). 
Biaggi-771.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$450 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Florence.  Fiorino  di  Stella  da  12  Denari,  ND  (Before 
1260).  Republic  (1189-1532).  MIR-37;  Biaggi-783.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Florence.  Fiorino  di  Stella  da  12  Denari,  ND  (Before 
1260).  Republic  (1189-1532).  MIR-37;  Biaggi-783. 

VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Florence.  Fiorino  Grosso  da  2 Soldi  (Popolino),  ND 
(1312).  Republic  (1189-1532).  MIR-44/13;  Biaggi-788. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Florence.  Guelfo  da  4 Soldi,  ND  (ca.  1345-46).  Republic 
(1189-1532).  MIR-54(122).  Unevenly  struck  with  light 
deposits.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $550-$750 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Genoa.  Grosso,  ND.  Doge  Simon  Boccanegra  (1339-44). 
MIR-33;  Biaggi-862.  Some  light  scratches  on  reverse.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Gubbio  Umbria.  Teston,  1574-1624.  Francesco  Maria  II 
Della  Rovere  (1574-1624).  Cavicchi-142,  CNI-pg.38-vol. 
XIV-5.  Very  Scarce.  NGC  FINE-15 $300-$500 

PCGS#  518919 

Lucca.  Grosso  da  12  Denari,  ND  (ca.  1214-50).  Otto 
IV  (1209-1315).  MIR-114;  Biaggi-1062.  Well  struck  and 
attractively  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Lucca.  Grosso  da  12  Denari,  ND  (ca.  1214-50).  Republic, 
struck  in  the  name  of  Otto  IV  (1209-1315).  MIR-114; 
Biaggi-1062.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Lucca.  Grosso  da  2 Soldi  (Grossone),  ND  (1270-1316). 

Republic,  struck  in  the  name  of  Otto  IV  (1209-1315).  MIR- 
123;  Biaggi-1066.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34948  Casale.  Testone,  ND.  Bonifacio  II  Palacologo 

(1518-30).  MIR-216.  Some  light  deposits.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34949  Castel  Durante.  Quattrino,  ND.  Guidobaldo  I da 

Montefeltro  (1482-1508).  Biaggi-585.  Light  deposits. 
VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34961  Macerata.  Bolognino,  ND.  Autonomous  Coinage 

(1404-47).  cf.Biaggi-1095.  Well  struck.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34962  Mantua.  Obolo  Scodellato,  ND.  Autonomous 

Bishops  (1150-1256).  MIR-364;  Biaggi-1118.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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Mantua.  Grosso,  ND  (After  1432).  Gian  Francesco 
Gonzaga  (1407-44).  MIR-381;  Biaggi-1136.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $550-$750 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Massa  Di  Lunigiano.  Luigino  of  8 Bolognini,  1664. 

Alberico  II  Cybo  Malaspina  (1662-90).  cf.Rossi-2202-4. 
Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

PCGS#  168718 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Merano.  Grosso,  ND.  Alberto  II  and  Mainardo  II  (1258-71). 
CNI-VI-26-96.  NGC  VF-30 $100-$200 

PCGS  # 518929 

Merano.  Grosso  Aquilino,  ND.  Mainardo  II  & Alberto  II 
(1258-71).  Biaggi-1184.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Milan.  Denaro  Scodellato,  ND.  Otto  II  (973- 
83).  Biaggi-1406;  Torcoli-Castellotti-2.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Milan.  Ambrosino  (Grosso  da  8 Denari,  First  Type),  ND. 

First  Republic  (1250-1310).  MIR-65/1;  Biaggi-1424.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Milan.  Ambrosino  (Grosso  da  8 Denari,  Second  Type), 

ND.  First  Republic  (1250-1310).  MIR-66/3;  Biaggi-1425. 
Attractively  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Milan.  Grosso  da  2 Soldi,  ND.  Filippo  Maria 
Visconti  (1412-47).  MIR-152/1;  Biaggi-1501. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34971  Milan.  Testone,  ND.  Galeazzo  Maria  Sforza 

(1468-76).  MIR-201/2;  Biaggi-1548.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34972  Milan.  Grosso  da  4 Soldi,  ND.  Galeazzo  Maria 

Sforza  (1468-76).  MIR-206/2;  Biaggi-1551. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34973  Milan.  Teston,  ND.  Ludovico  Maria 
Sforza  (1494-99).  Biaggi-1578;  Grippa-2. 

NGC  VF  Details— Polished $300-$400 

PCGS  # 518920 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34974  Milan.  Quarto  di  Scudo,  ND.  Philip  II  of  Spain  (1556-98). 

MIR-317/1.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34975  Milan.  Scudo  (6  Lire),  1780.  KM-192;  Dav-1386. 

NGC  EF-40 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 387308 

34976  Modena.  Lira,  1632.  Francesco  I d”Este  (1629-58). 
MIR-780/3.  Weakly  struck  in  centers.  Toned 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34977  Naples.  Saluto  d’Argento  (Carlino),  ND  (ca.  1278-85). 

Charles  I of  Anjou  (1266-85).  MEC-677-79;  Biaggi-1626; 
MIR-20.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34978  Naples.  Saluto  d’Argento  (Carlino),  ND  (ca.  1285-1302). 

Charles  II  of  Anjou  (1285-1309).  MEC-683-85;  Biaggi-1629; 
MIR-23.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34979  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND  (1303-09).  Charles  II  of  Anjou 

(1285-1309).  MEC-686-88;  Biaggi-1630;  MIR-24.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34980  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND,  Early  Series  with  Robertus.  Robert  of 

Anjou  (1309-43).  MEC-698;  Biaggi-1635;  MIR-28.  Deposits. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34981  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND,  Late  Seires  with  Robert. 

Robert  of  Anjou  (1309-43).  MEC-706/07;  Biaggi-1634. 
Light  deposits.  Toned  with  hints  of  multicolored. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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34982  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND,  Late  Seires  with  Robert.  Robert 

of  Anjou  (1309-43).  MEC-706/07;  Biaggi-1634.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34983  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND,  Late  Seires  with  Robert.  Robert 

of  Anjou  (1309-43).  MEC-712/16;  cfBiaggi-1638. 

Possibly  a posthumous  issue  of  the  late  series. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34984  Naples.  Gigliato,  ND  (After  1343?).  Robert  of  Anjou  (1309- 

43).  Imitative  style  from  the  Eastern  Mediterranean.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34985  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Alfonso  I (1442-58).  MEC-849-53; 

Biaggi-1663;  MIR-54.  Class  Al,  no  letter  in  field.  VERY 
FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34986  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Alfonso  I (1442-58).  MEC-858- 

69;  Biaggi-1663;  MIR-54/6.  Class  C,  “S”  in  field.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34987  Naples.  Real,  ND.  Alfonso  I (1442-58).  MEC-871-72; 

Biaggi-1664;  MIR-57.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34988  Naples.  Cornato,  ND  (1455-58).  Mint  Master  Savlatore 

Miroballo.  Ferdinand  I (1458-94).  cf.MEC-958-60;  MIR- 
66/1;  Biaggi-1672.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34989  Naples.  Cornato,  ND  (1455-58).  Mint  Master  Savlatore 

Miroballo.  Ferdinand  I (1458-94).  MEC-958-60;  MIR-66/3; 
Biaggi-1672.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34990  Naples.  Coronato,  ND  (ca.  1472-88).  Ferdinand  I (1458- 

94).  MEC-975;  cfMIR-67-68;  Biaggi-1673.  Scratches 

on  both  obverse  and  reverse.  Well  struck  and  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34991  Naples.  Coronato,  ND  (ca.  1488-94).  Ferdinand 

I (1458-94).  MEC-1001;  MIR-70/2;  Biaggi-1675. 

“I”  behind  bust.  Mount  mark  at  12  o’clock.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $250-$3350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34992  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Frederick  III  (1496-1501).  MEC- 

1062-64;  MIR- 106;  Biaggi-1706.  Slightly  clipped.  Toned. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $550-$750 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34993  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Charles  V (1516-56).  MIR-148/1. 

Toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34994  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Charles  V (1516-56).  MIR-149/4. 

Dark  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34995  Naples.  Tari,  ND.  Philip  II,  as  Prince  (1554-56).  MIR- 163. 

Toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34996  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Philip  II,  as  Prince  (1554-56). 

MIR- 165.  Encrustation  on  the  reverse.  Dark  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34997  Naples.  Carlino,  ND.  Philip  II  (1556-98).  MIR- 180/1. 

Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34998  Padua.  Carrarino  da  2 Soldi,  ND.  Jacopo  II  da  Carrara 

(1345-50).  Biaggi-1729.  Unevenly  struck.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$150 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

34999  Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Gregory  XII  (1406- 

15).  Biaggi-2138;  Berman-253.  RARE.  Flan  split  at  5 o’clock. 
Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35000  Papal  States.  Carlino,  ND.  Avignon  Mint.  1.91  gms.  Martin 

V (1417-31).  Berman-285.  Slightly  clipped.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND  (1450).  Rome  Mint.  Nicholas  V 
(1447-55).  Biaggi-2163;  Berman-329.  RARE.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $600-$800 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Pius  II  (1458- 
64).  Biaggi-2177;  Berman-365.  Clipped.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Paul  I 
(1464-71).  Biaggi-2192;  Berman-403.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Sixtus  IV  (1471-84). 
Biaggi-2212;  Berman-452.  A couple  of  planchet  defects  at 
the  edges.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Ancona  Mint.  Alexander  VI 
(1492-1503).  Berman-538.  “MARCI”  in  exergue.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Ancona  Mint.  Alexander  VI 
(1492-1503).  Berman-538.  “MARCI”  in  exergue.  Clipped. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Giulio,  ND.  Ancona  Mint.  Julius  II  (1503-13). 
cf.Berman-593.  “MARCI”  in  exergue.  Toned.  EXTREMELY 
FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  1/2  Giulio,  ND.  Piacenza  Mint.  Hadrian 
VI  (1522-23).  Berman-812.  Several  planchet  cracks.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  1/2  Giulio,  ND.  Piacenza  Mint.  Hadrian 
VI  (1522-23).  Berman-812.  Unattractive  toning. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Piacenza  Mint.  Paul  III  (1534- 
49).  Berman-971.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Giulio,  ND.  Ancona  Mint.  Marcellus  II  (April 
9th-May  1st,  1555).  Berman-1033.  RARE.  Light  scratches. 
Toned.  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Papal  States.  Giulio,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Paul  IV  (1555-59). 
Berman- 1040.  Slightly  wavy  flan.  Attractive  and  toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35013  Papal  States.  Testone,  ND  (1559).  Ancona  Mint. 

Sede  Vaticante,  Camerlengo  Cardinal  Guido 
Ascenio  Sforza.  Berman- 1061.  Attractively  toned. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $550-$750 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35014  Papal  States.  Bianco,  ND.  Pius  V (1566-72).  Berman-1116. 

NGC  VF-35 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 518928 

35015  Papal  States.  Testone,  ND.  Ancona  Mint. 

Gregory  XIV  (1572-85).  cf.Berman-1215.  Toned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35016  Papal  States.  Testone,  1598.  Ferrara  Mint. 

Clement  VIII  (1592-1605).  Berman- 1486.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35017  Papal  States.  Testone,  1632.  Rome  Mint.  Urban  VIII  (1623- 

44).  cf.Berman-1721.  Well  struck  and  attractively  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS  # 242167 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35018  Papal  States.  Jules  (Barberino),  ND.  Avignon  Mint.  Urban 

VIII  (1623-44).  Berman- 1796.  Struck  on  an  irregular  flan. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35019  Papal  States.  Giulio,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Alexander  VII  (1655- 

67).  Berman-1904.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35020  Papal  States.  Grosso,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Alexander 

VII  (1655-67).  Berman- 1906.  Lightly  toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35021  Papal  States.  Testone,  ND.  Rome  Mint.  Clement  X (1670- 

76).  Berman-2017.  Expertly  repaired,  cleaned  and  retoned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35022  Papal  States.  Giulio,  MDCLXX  (1670)-!.  Clement 

X (1670-76).  KM-340;  Berm-2018;  Muntoni  11-30. 

NGC  AU-58 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 726576 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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35023  Papal  States.  Piastra,  1676.  KM-391;  Dav-4084;  Ber-2059. 

“SEDE  VACANTE”  Cleaned.  PCGS  Genuine — Filed  Rims, 
EF  Details  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 146219 

35024  Papal  States.  Testone,  1677.  Rome  Mint.  Innocent  XI 

(1676-89).  Berman-2100.  Light  chasing  in  fields  on  reverse. 
Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 195548 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35025  Papal  States.  Teston,  1686-X.  Innocent  XI  (1676-89).  KM- 

493;  Berm-2102.  Very  attractive  toning  and  sharply  struck. 
NGC  MS-63 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 198053 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35026  Papal  States.  Giulio,  1689.  Rome  Mint.  Sede  Vaticante. 

Berman-2161.  Small  planchet  defect  at  3 o’clock.  Attractively 
toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

PCGS  # 726602 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35027  Papal  States.  Teston,  MDCXC  (1690)-!.  Alexander  VIII 

(1689-91).  KM-524;  Berm-2176;  Mutoni  III-16.  Lightly 
toned  and  sharply  struck.  NGC  MS-62 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 198065 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35028  Papal  States.  1/2  Piastra,  1699.  Rome  Mint.  Innocent  XII 

(1691-1700).  Berman-2242.  Mount  mark  at  12  o’clock  with 
light  scratches.  EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 

PCGS  # 835581 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35029  Papal  States.  Testone,  1695.  Rome  Mint.  Innocent  XII 

(1691-1700).  Berman-2252.  A couple  of  planchet  flaws. 
Attractively  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

PCGS  # 957647 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35030  Papal  States.  1/2  Piastra,  1702.  Rome  Mint.  Clement  XI 

(1700-21).  Berman-2391.  Lightly  cleaned.  Lightly  toned  and 
attractive.  EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 

PCGS  # 189449 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35031  Papal  States.  Testone,  Year  6 (1725).  Rome  Mint. 

Clement  XI  (1700-21).  Berman-2397.  Cleaned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35032  Papal  States.  Giulio,  ND  (1709) -IX.  Clement  XI 

(1700-21).  KM-669;  Berm-2413;  Mutoni  III-99. 

NGC  MS-61 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 224402 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35033  Papal  States.  Testone,  1710.  Ferrara  Mint.  Clement  XI 

(1700-21).  Berman-2481.  Lightly  cleaned  and  lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

PCGS  # 385229,  450124 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35034  Papal  States.  1/2  Piastra,  1736.  Rome  Mint.  Clement  XII 

(1730-40).  Berman-2617.  Mount  mark  on  edge.  Cleaned. 
VERY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS  # 765601 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35035  Papal  States.  Testone,  1736.  Rome  Mint.  Clement 

XII  (1730-40).  Berman-2621.  Attractively  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $250-$350 

PCGS#  181572 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35036  Papal  States.  Giulio  (Reformed),  Year  6 (1735).  Rome 

Mint.  Clement  XII  (1730-40).  Berman-2640.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35037  Papal  States.  1/2  Scudo  (Double  Giulio),  1758. 

Rome  Mint.  Sede  Vacante.  Berman-2887.  Dark  toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35038  Papal  States.  Grosso,  1758.  Sede  Vacante.  KM-976; 

Berman-2888;  Munt-5.  Toned  with  blue  and  plum  highlights 
on  lustrous  surfaces.  NGC  MS-66 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 383900 

35039  Papal  States.  Testone,  1761.  Rome  Mint. 

Clement  XIII  (1758-69).  Berman-2896.  Toned. 


PCGS#  181583 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35040  Papal  States.  Testone,  1770.  Rome  Mint.  Clement 

XIV  (1769-74).  Berman-2931.  Lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

PCGS#  181587 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35041  Parma.  Cavallotto,  ND.  Alexander  Farnese  (1586-91).  MIR- 

977/5.  Toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35042  Perugia.  Grosso,  ND  (ca.  1400).  Republic  (1260-1506). 

Biaggi-1870.  Small  test  file  mark  on  edge  at  7 o’clock.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

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Pesaro.  Terzo  di  Grosso  (1/3  Grosso),  ND. 

Constanzo  I Sforza  (1473-83).  Biaggi-1886.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$150 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Pesaro.  Terzo  di  Grosso  (1/3  Grosso),  ND. 

Constanzo  I Sforza  (1473-83).  Biaggi-1887.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$150 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Pesaro.  Grosso,  ND.  Giovanni  Sforza  (1480-1500, 
and  again  1503-10).  cf.Biaggi-1904.  Lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Pesaro.  Soldo,  ND.  Giovanni  Sforza  (1480-1500,  and  again 
1503-10).  Biaggi-1909.  VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Pesaro.  Quattrino,  ND.  Constanzo  II  (1510-12). 
Neumann- 17306.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Piedmont  Republic.  5 Franc,  L’an  10  (1801).  C-4;  Mont-9; 
Gig-3.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $450-$550 

Pisa.  Grosso  da  12  Denari,  ND.  Republic  (1155-1312). 
Biaggi-1933;  MIR-394.  Struck  in  the  name  of  Frederick  I. 
VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rimini.  Grosso  Agontano,  ND.  Autonomous  Coinage 
(1265-1385).  Biaggi-2001.  Small  test  cut  at  7 o’clock.  Dark 
toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rome.  Grosso,  ND.  Brancaleone  d’Andalo 
(1253-56).  Biaggi-2083.  Light  porosity. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $400-$600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rome.  Grosso,  ND.  Brancaleone  d’Andalo  (1253-56). 
Biaggi-2083;  Berman-96.  Moderate  porosity.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rome.  Grosso,  ND  (2nd  Issue,  1256-65).  Roman  Senate. 
Biaggi-2085;  Berman- 110.  Small  area  of  corrosion  on 
both  obverse  and  reverse.  Well  struck  and  lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Rome.  Grosso,  ND  (2nd  Issue,  1256-65).  Roman  Senate. 
Biaggi-2085;  Berman- 110.  Minor  deposits.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Salerno.  Follaro,  ND.  Roger  Borsa  (1085-1 1 11).  Cappelli-63; 
MIR-555;  Biaggi-2268.  Of  typical  crude  manufacture.  Light 
deposits.  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Sardinia.  Reale,  ND.  Villa  di  Chiesa.  Alfonso  IV 
of  Aragon  (1327-36).  Piras-4;  MEC-831.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Sardinia.  2 1/2  Reale,  1700.  Cagliari  Mint.  Charles  II  of 
Spain  (1665-1700).  Piras-91.  Light  porosity.  Attractively 

toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Savoy.  Mezza  Parpagliola  (Piccolo  Bianco),  ND.  Philiberto 
I (1472-82).  Biaggi-2447.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35059  Savoy.  Parpagliola  (Doppio  Bianco),  ND.  Philiberto  I 

(1472-82).  Biaggi-2445.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35060  Sicily.  Messina.  Pierreale,  ND.  Peter  & Constance 

(1282-85).  Spahr-10-19;  MIR-172;  Biaggi-1303.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35061  Sicily.  Messina.  Pierreale,  ND.  Peter  & Constance 

(1282-85).  Spahr-10-19;  MIR-172;  Biaggi-1303.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35062  Sicily.  Messina.  Pierreale,  ND.  James  of  Aragon  (1285-96). 

Spahr-2-14;  MIR- 179;  Biaggi-1308.  Light  scratches  on  the 
reverse.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35063  Sicily.  Messina.  Pierreale,  ND.  Martin  the  Younger  (1402- 

09).  Spahr-1-13;  MIR-220.  Deposits  on  both  the  obverse  and 
reverse.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35064  Sicily.  Messina.  Tari,  1535.  Charles  V (1516-56).  Spahr-61; 

MIR-277/7.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35065  Sicily.  Messina.  Tari,  1535.  Charles  V (1516-56).  cf.Spahr-61; 

cf.MIR-277/7.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35066  Sicily.  Messina.  4 Tari,  1556.  Charles  V (1516-56). 

Spahr-170-172;  MIR-287.  Slightly  double  struck.  Nicely 
toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35067  Sicily.  Messina.  3 Tari,  1560.  Philip  III  (1556-98). 

cf.Spahr-66;  MIR-319/5.  Scratches  on  the  obverse.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35068  Sicily.  Palermo.  Ducale,  Year  10  (1140).  Roger 

II  (1130-54).  Spahr-72;  MIR-432;  Biaggi-1770. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35069  Sicily.  Palermo.  Ducale,  Year  10  (1140).  Roger  II  (1130- 

54).  Spahr-72;  MIR-432;  Biaggi-1770.  Edge  bump  at  3 
o’clock  with  a planchet  flaw  on  the  reverse.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35070  Sicily.  Palermo.  Ducale,  ND  (After  1156).  William  I ( 1 1 54- 

66).  Spahr-94;  MIR-435;  Biaggi-1173.  Verdigris  on  both 
obverse  and  reverse.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35071  Sicily.  Palermo.  Ducale,  ND  (After  1156).  William  I (1154- 

66).  Spahr-94;  MIR-435;  Biaggi-1773.  Several  chips.  Dark 
toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35072  Siena.  Grosso  of  12  Denari,  ND  (2nd  Series,  ca.  1211- 

50).  Republic  (1180-1390).  MIR-478.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35073  Siena.  Grosso  of  12  Denari,  ND  (3rd  Series,  ca.  1211- 

50).  Republic  (1180-1390).  MIR-479.  Attractively  toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35074  Siena.  Grossetto  of  4 Soldi,  ND  (July  3,  1503). 

Republic  (1404-1555).  MIR-533/2.  RARE.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

Bid  online  at  www.stacksbowers.coni 

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35075  Siena.  Grossetto  of  4 Soldi,  ND  (July  3,  1503). 

Republic  (1404-1555).  MIR-533/2.  RARE.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35076  Siena.  Grosso  con  Lupa,  ND  (Authorized  June 

15,  1526).  Republic  (1404-1555).  MIR-542.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35077  Siena.  Giulio,  ND.  Cosimo  I de  Medici,  Duke  of  Florence 

and  Siena  (1557-69).  MlR-579.  Struck  in  Florence.  Several 
edge  nicks.  Cleaned.  RARE.  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35078  Trento.  Grosso  of  20  Denari,  ND.  Anonymous 

Bishops,  in  the  name  of  Frederick  II  (1235-55). 
Biaggi-2691.  VERY  RARE.  Well  struck.  Attractive. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $600-$800 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35079  Trento.  Grosso  of  20  Denari,  ND.  Anonymous  Bishops,  in 

the  name  of  Frederick  II  (1235-55).  Biaggi-2691.  Unevenly 
struck.  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35080  Trieste.  Denaro,  ND.  Arlongo  de  Visgoni  (1260-82). 

Biaggi-2726.  Edge  file  at  2 o’clock  on  obverse.  Small  scratch 
on  reverse  at  6 o’clock.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35081  Trieste.  Denaro,  ND.  Arlongo  de  Visgoni  (1260-82). 

Biaggi-2729.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35082  Tuscany.  Tollero,  1707.  Cosimo  III  (1670-1723).  Dav-1500; 

KM-35.  Livorno  (Leghorn).  Dark  toned.  PCGS  Genuine — 
Smoothed,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  #518718 

35083  Venice.  Lira,  ND.  Nicolo  Tran  (1471-73). 

CNI-VII,  pg.  147#22;  Paolucci-2.  Toned. 

NGC  EF  Details — Mount  Removed $300-$400 

PCGS  # 518925 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35084  Venice.  Marcello,  ND.  Mint  Master  Marco  Pizzamano. 

Andrea  Vendramino  (1476-78).  Biaggi-2990;  Paolucci-3. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35085  Venice.  16  Soldi,  ND.  Leonardo  Loredan  (1501-21). 

Paolucci-5.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35086  Venice.  Osella,  1605.  Marino  Grimani  (1595-1605). 

Paolucci-88;  Gamberini-586.  File  mark  on  edge  and  graffiti 
in  the  reverse  field.  Toned.  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35087  Venice.  Osella,  1621.  Antonia  Priuli  (1618-23). 

Paolucci-104;  Gamberini-708.  File  mark  on  edge.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35088  Venice.  Osella,  Year  4 (1649).  Francesco  Molin 

(1646-55).  Paolucci-132;  Gamberini-860.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35089  Venice.  Osella,  Year  1 (1684).  Marc  Antonio  Giustinian 

(1684-88).  Paolucci-167;  Gamberini-1077.  Attempted 
piercing  on  reverse.  Toned.  FINE $550-$750 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35090  Venice.  Osella,  Year  2 (1689).  Francesco  Morosini  (1688- 

94).  Paolucci-172;  Gamberini-1116.  File  mark  on  edge. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35091  Venice.  Osella,  Year  1 (1694).  Silvestro  Valier  (1694-1700). 

Paolucci-177;  Gamberini-1164.  Light  scratches.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35092  Venice.  Osella,  1751.  Pietro  Grimani  (1741-52). 

Paolucci-234;  Gamberini-1558.  Dark  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35093  Verona.  Grosso  of  20  Denari,  ND.  Frederick  II  (1218-50). 

Biaggi-2971.  Lightly  toned.  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35094  Volterra.  Grosso  Agontano,  ND.  Ranieri  de  Ricci  (1291- 

1301).  MIR-613.  Dark  toned.  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35095  Lira,  1899-R.  KM-24.1.  Toned.  PCGS  MS-64.  ...$175-$250 

PCGS  # 409970 

35096  20  Lire,  1928-R  VI.  KM-70;  Mont-76;  Gig-44.  Struck  to 
commemorate  the  1 0 th  anniversary  of  the  end  of  World  War  I. 
NGC  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 33845 

35097  50  Centesimi,  1924-R.  KM-61.1;  Mont-241;  Gig- 168.  Plain 

edge.  PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 337784 


35098  Mameita  Gin,  ND.  Tempo  Period  (1837-58).  5.6  gms. 
JNDA-09-68;  C-8a3a.  FINE $50-$100 

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35099  Shogunate  & Imperial  Coinage,  ca.  1840’s-1884.  18  pieces 
in  lot.  An  interesting  mix  of  Japanese  coinage  from  the  end 
of  the  Shogunate  to  the  beginnings  of  the  Empire.  Includes: 
Mon  cast  square  hole  coinage,  hammered  Bu  pieces  and  Meiji 
coinage  pieces.  A nice  mix,  some  pieces  may  show  some 
scratches.  Should  be  examined.  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 


From  the  Professor  James  Eaton  Collection. 

35100  Yen,  Year  20  (1887).  38.6  mm.  Y-AI.2;  JNDA-01- 

10.  Large  size  type.  Deeply  toned.  PCGS  AU-53 
Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  # 500652 


35101  5 Cents,  1913.  KM-TNl.  Serial  number:  4641.  Full  color. 

NGC  AU-53 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 518933 


35102  1/2  Won,  Year  9 (1905).  KM-1129.  PCGS  AU-55. 

PCGS  # 504609 


35103  Piastre,  1940(a).  KM-3a.  NGC  MS-62 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 757339 


35104  Pattern  Cent,  1888.  KM-Pnl7.  Struck  in  copper. 

NGC  PROOF-63  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  #493136 


35105  40  Para,  AH  1223//22  (1829).  KM-215.  Type  B. 

NGC  VF-20 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 992804 


35106  1/2  Frank,  1924.  Y-7;  Divo-107.  Exceptionally  choice. 

PCGS  MS-67  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 506760 


35107  4 Groszny,  1566.  Vilnius  Mint.  Sigismund  II  August 
(1548-72).  Ivanauskas-105All-2;  Gum-pl.  IV#59. 
Lightly  toned  with  some  luster  amongst  devices. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 393900 


35108  Friesland.  Pfennig,  ND.  Dokkum  Mint.  Bruno 

III  (1038-57).  V.D.  Chijs-I,  1-6.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35109  Gelderland.  Double  Groat,  ND.  Arnhem  Mint.  Edward, 

Duke  (1361-71).  V.D.  Chijs-V,  2.  Weakly  struck  as  usual. 
Grey  toning.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35110  Hainaut.  2/3  Gros,  ND.  Valenciennes  Mint.  Margaret  II  of 

Constantinople  (1244-80).  Vanhoudt-G435.  Light  porosity. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35111  Luxemburg.  Bans,  ND  (ca.  1384-88).  Wenceslas  II. 

Weiller-154.  Well  struck  with  attractive  dark  toning. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35112Luxemburg.  Blan-Gros,  ND  (ca.  1380).  Wenceslas  I (1353-83). 
Weiller-147.  Toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35113  Namur.  Esterlin,  ND.  Namur  Mint.  Guy  of  Dampierre 

(1263-97).  Vanhoudt-G2162.  Weakly  struck.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35114  Silver  Coinage,  12th- 15th  Century.  11  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces 

of  interest  include  a John  III  Esterlin  from  Brabant,  a Maille 
from  Flanders,  a Guy  of  Danpierre  Esterlin  from  Flanders 
and  a Louis  of  Male  Lion  Groat  from  Flanders.  As  well  as 
other  interesting  issues.  All  are  attributed.  Some  have  chips, 
cracks  and/or  other  defects.  Should  be  examined  closely. 
SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  in  excess  of 
$1,100.  Grades  VERY  GOOD-VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


35115  50  Centime-5  Franc  Essais,  1914.  KM-E26,  E28  & E30.  3 
pieces  in  lot.  A series  of  silver  essais,  one  being  a restrike  after 

WWII  (KM-E30).  UNCIRCULATED $100-$200 


35116  2 Scudi,  1741.  Emmanuel  Pinto  (1741-73).  KM-225.1; 
Dav-1599;  Restelli-94;  Schembri-pg.  158#2. 

NGC  VF-25 $200-$300 

PCGS  #991160 

35117  100,  2500  Liras,  2005.  Fr-unlisted;  cf.  Bruce-316,  317. 
Pope  John  Paul  II.  Issues  by  the  Hospitallier  Order. 
In  wooden  case,  with  Certificate  of  Authenticity 



35118  50  Centimes,  1897.  KM-40.  NGC  AU-58 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 523822 


35119  Carlos  & Johanna,  Late  Series.  2 Reales,  ND  (154?-52 
or  53).  Assayer  L (L-M).  KM- 12;  Nesmith-81;  Cal-type- 

84#1114a.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35120  4 Reales,  1784Mo  EM.  KM-97.2.  NGC  VF  Details- 
Surface  Hairlines $150-$250 

PCGS  #703731 

35121  8 Reales,  1759-MM.  Ferdinand  VI  (1746- 

59).  KM-104.2;  FC-35;  El-47;  Gilboy-M-8-35. 

Toned  with  luster  amongst  legends  and  shield. 

PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 670012 

35122  8 Reales,  1768-MF.  KM-105;  FC-47a;  El-69;  Gil-M-8-48. 

Toned.  PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 670045 

35123  Silver  Proclamation  Medal,  1808.  40  mm;  26.7  gms. 
Grove-F-13;  Medina-318;  Herrera-32.  Crowned  arms 
of  Spain,  legend  around  with  beaded  border;  Reverse: 
Five  line  inscription  within  wreath  and  beaded  border. 

NGC  Medal  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $200-$300 

35124  8 Reales,  1808-MOTH.  KM-110;  Cal- 

type-143#537.  Ferdinand  VII.  NGC  AU  Details— 
Surface  Hairlines $100-$  150 

PCGS  # 513276 

35125  8 Reales,  1811-HJ.  KM-110.  Double  struck.  Toned. 

NGC  Mint  Error  AU-50 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 263378 

Bid  online  at 

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35126  War  of  Independence.  Zacatecas.  8 Reales,  1821-RG.  KM- 

111.5;  Cal-type-195#698.  Legend  error  reads  “8sR”  Very 
scarce.  Very  faint  light  scratches  in  east  field  of  obverse. 
Toned.  NGC  VF  Details— Scratches $300-$400 

PCGS  # 513944 

35127  Guadalajara.  8 Reales,  1884-Ga  AH.  KM-377.6;  DP-Ga69. 

NGC  MS-63 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 518992 

35128  Mexico  City.  8 Reales,  1882-MoMH.  KM-377.10;  DP- 

Mo67.  PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $100-$150 

PCGS  # 519563 

35129  Mexico  City.  Peso,  1866-Mo.  KM-388.1. 

NGCAU-55 $150-$250 

35130  Peso,  1898-MoAM.  KM-409.2.  Restrike. 

NGC  MS-64 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 523822 

35131  Peso,  1899-ZsFZ.  KM-409.3.  NGC  Unc  Details— 

Spot  Removals $50-$75 

PCGS  # 523842 

35132  5 Centavos,  1883.  KM-399.  Very  scarce  date. 

NGC  MS-64 $100-$200 

PCGS  # 522402 

35133  Centavo,  1905-C.  Culiacan  Mint.  KM-394.  Key  date. 

Sharply  struck.  NGC  AU-58  BN $300-$500 

PCGS  # 744363 

35134  2 Centavos,  1905.  KM-419.  Very  scarce 

date.  First  year  of  issue.  NGC  EF  Details — 

Environmental  Damage $200-$300 

35135  5 Centavos,  1954-Mo.  KM-426.  No  dot. 

ANACS  MS-63 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 525267 

35136  10  Centimes,  1935-MO.  KM-430.  Bronze.  Blazing 

mint  red  luster.  None  graded  higher  at  NGC. 

NGC  MS-66  RD $200-$300 

PCGS  # 525355 

35137  20  Centavos,  1959-Mo.  KM-440.  Fiery  lustrous  red/orange. 

NGC  MS-64  RB $35-$50 

PCGS  # 525569 


35138  5 Perpera,  1912.  KM-15.  PCGS  AU-53 

Secure  Holder. $250-$350 


35139  1/2  Rial  (5  Dirhems),  AH  1331  PA  (1913).  Y-32. 

NGC  PROOF-66  CAMEO $300-$500 

PCGS  # 397466 

35140  Mitqal  (10  Dirhems),  AH  1189  (1775).  KM-41.  Toned. 

NGC  VF-30 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 727534 


35141  Overijssel  Kampen.  28  Stuivers,  (16)83.  KM- 

76.  Rosette  mint  mark.  Unobtrusive  light  scratches 
between  left  wing  and  leg  of  eagle.  Toned. 

NGC  AU  Details— Scratches $175-$250 

PCGS  # 234345 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35142  10  Cents,  1879.  KM-80.  Highly  lustrous  and  very  attractive. 

PCGS  MS-65  Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  #831124 

35143  Gulden,  1911.  KM-148.  Cleaned  long  ago,  now 

attractively  toned.  PCGS  AU  Details-Cleaning, 

Secure  Holder. $150-$200 

PCGS  # 862668 


35144  Sumatra-Fort  Marlbro.  2 Sukus,  AH  1 198  (1784).  KM-271. 

NGC  VF  Details— Rim  Damage $300-$500 

PCGS  # 498594 

35145  1/4  Gulden,  1914.  KM  312.  PCGS  PROOF-64 

DEEP  CAMEO $300-$400 

PCGS  # 409971 


35146  Gulden,  1794.  KM-3.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning, 

UNC  Details  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 765003 


35147  4 Black  Dogs,  ND  (1801).  KM-2.  Countermark  “NEVIS”  on 

Cayenne  2 Sous.  NGC  FINE-12 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 750449 


35148  Penny,  1929.  KM-2.  Lightly  toned.  NGC  PROOF-63. 

PCGS  #242531 


35149  Lipman  Levy.  Penny  Restrike,  ND  (1800).  KM- 

Obv.  TN40,  Rev.  TN39.  Specimen  strike  for  collectors. 
PCGS  SP-65  BN  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 719668 


35150  Pattern  2 Centavos,  1887-E.  KM-Pn3.  Toned  reflective 

surfaces.  ANACS  PROOF-63  RB $500-$700 

PCGS  # 534851 


35151  2 Mils,  1945.  KM-2.  NGC  MS-64  RB $100-$150 

PCGS#  167512 

35152  100  Mils,  1931.  KM-7.  Scarce  date.  Toned. 

PCGS  AU-50  Secure  Holder. $700-$900 

PCGS  # 398743 

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35153  10  Cent  Token,  1885.  Col-60.  Savings  Bank  of 

Colon.  RARE  in  silver.  NGC  Token  Unc  Details — 

Surface  Hairlines $150-$250 

PCGS  # 389810 

35154  Balboa,  1934.  KM-13.  NGC  MS-64 $70-$100 

PCGS  # 224071 


35155  2 Centimos  Pattern,  1868.  KM-Pn21.  Struck  in  brass. 

NGC  PROOF-64 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 715674 


35156  8 Reales,  1799-IJ.  Charles  IV  (1788-1808).  KM-97;  FC-58; 

El-62.  NGC  MS-63 $350-$500 

PCGS  #703161 

35157  8 Reales,  1801-lJ.  KM-97;  EC-60;  El-64.  Lustrous  and 

attractive.  NGC  MS-62 $300-$500 

35158  8 Reales,  1806-JP.  KM-97;  EC-669;  El-70.  Well 

struck,  lustrous,  and  attractive.  Near  mint  state. 
NGC  AU-58 $250-$350 

PCGS  #703168 

35159  8 Reales,  1808-JP.  KM-106.1;  EC-69;  El-73.  RARE  date. 

PCGS  VF-35  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  #703171 

35160  8 Reales,  1809-JP.  KM-106.1;  FC-70a;  El-74. 

Large  imaginary  bust  of  Ferdinand  VIE 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $300-$500 

PCGS  #703172 

35161  8 Reales,  1822- JP.  KM- 136.  Weak  center  strike  as 

normal.  Toned  with  some  luster  among  devices. 

NGC  AU-50 $350-$500 

35162  8 Reales,  1835-LlMA-MT.  KM-142.3.  A beautiful  example 

filled  with  mint  luster  that  is  essentially  mint  state.  Only  soft 
struck  on  the  obverse.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 246866 


35163  20  Centimos,  1868.  KM- 146.  Bright  and  lustrous.  Old  green 

holder.  PCGS  MS-62 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 555016 

35164  50  Centimos,  1880.  KM- 150.  Scarce  first  year  of  issue. 

NGC  VF-30 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 429010 

35165  1/2  Centavos,  1904.  KM  162.  PCGS  PROOF-65  RB. 

PCGS  # 90019 

35166  Centavo,  1904.  KM  163.  PCGS  PROOF-65  RD. 

PCGS  #90152 

35167  Centavo,  1905.  KM- 163.  Mintage  of  only  471.  Lustrous  and 

attractive.  PCGS  PROOF-64  RD $300-$500 

PCGS  #90155 

35168  Centavo,  1908.  KM- 163.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-66  RB $400-$600 

PCGS  #90160 

35169  Centavo,  1910-S.  KM-163.  PCGS  MS-65  RB $300-$400 

PCGS  # 90052 

35170  5 Centavos,  1903.  KM-164.  PCGS  PROOF-66.  . $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90217 

35171  5 Centavos,  1903.  KM-164.  NGC  PROOF-66....$350-$500 

PCGS  # 90217 

35172  5 Centavos,  1903.  KM-164.  NGC  PROOF-65....$200-$300 

PCGS  # 90217 

35173  5 Centavos,  1904.  KM-164.  PCGS  PROOF-65.  . $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90218 

35174  5 Centavos,  1904.  KM-164.  NGC  PROOF-64....$150-$200 

PCGS  # 90218 

35175  5 Centavos,  1905.  KM-164.  Mintage  of  only 

2171.  Proof  only  for  this  date  and  denomination. 

NGC  PROOF-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90219 

35176  5 Centavos,  1905.  KM-164.  Mintage  of  only 

2,171.  Proof  only  for  this  date  and  denomination. 

NGC  PROOF-64 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90219 

35177  5 Centavos,  1906.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 90220 

35178  5 Centavos,  1906.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90220 

35179  5 Centavos,  1906.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

PCGS  PROOF-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90220 

35180  5 Centavos,  1908.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

PCGS  PROOF-66 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 90221 

35181  5 Centavos,  1908.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-66 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 90221 

35182  5 Centavos,  1908.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

PCGS  PROOF-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90221 

35183  5 Centavos,  1908.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

NGC  PROOF-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90221 

35184  5 Centavos,  1908.  KM-164.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 

PCGS  PROOF-64 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90221 

35185  5 Centavos,  1916-S.  KM-164.  ANACS  AU-55.  ..$200-$300 

PCGS  #90195 

35186  5 Centavos  Mule,  1918-S.  KM-173.  Erroneously 

slabbed  as  “1818-5”.  Mule  type:  obverse  of  a 5 
Centavo  piece,  reverse  of  the  20  centavo  type. 

ICG  VG-10  Details-Damaged $100-$  150 

PCGS  #90197 

35187  10  Centavos,  1903.  KM-165.  PCGS  PROOF-66. 


PCGS  # 90268 

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10  Centavos, 

PCGS  # 90323 

1903.  KM-165. 





10  Centavos,  1904.  KM-165. 

PCGS  # 90269 

From  the  Eliasberg  Collection. 





10  Centavos, 

1904.  KM-165. 




PCGS  # 90269 

35191  10  Centavos,  1904.  KM-165.  Toned.  NGC  PROOF-65. 

PCGS  # 90269 

35192  10  Centavos,  1906.  KM-165.  Proof  only  year,  low  mintage. 
Deep  iridescent  blue,  obverse  joins  a boldly  silver  reverse. 

PCGS  PROOF-65 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 90271 

35193  20  Centavos,  1903.  KM-166.  NGC  PROOF-64. 


PCGS  # 90323 

35194  20  Centavos,  1903.  KM-166.  NGC  PROOF-62. 


PCGS  # 90323 

35195  20  Centavos,  1904.  KM-166.  Toned.  NGC  MS-65. 

PCGS  # 90290 

35196  20  Centavos,  1905.  KM-166.  Proof  only  year,  low 

mintage.  Toned.  PCGS  PROOF-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90325 

35197  20  Centavos,  1915-S.  KM-170.  PCGS  AU-55 

Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90309 

35198  20  Centavos,  1928/7-M.  KM-174.  Mule. 

ANACS  AU  Details-50  Whizzed $200-$300 

PCGS  #90316 

35199  50  Centavos,  1903.  KM-167.  Toning.  NGC  PROOF-64. 

PCGS  # 90367 

35200  50  Centavos,  1903.  KM-167.  NGC  PROOF-64. 


PCGS  # 90367 

35201  50  Centavos,  1903.  KM-167.  NGC  MS-63 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 90342 

35202  50  Centavos,  1903.  KM-167.  NGC  MS-62 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 90342 

35203  50  Centavos,  1904.  KM-167.  Toned.  PCGS  MS-63. 

PCGS  # 90344 

35204  50  Centavos,  1909-S.  KM-171.  PCGS  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 90356 

35205  Peso,  1903.  KM-168.  PCGS  MS-63 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 90381 

35206  Peso,  1908-S.  KM-172.  NGC  MS-60 $100-$150 

35207  Peso,  1909-S.  KM-172.  NGC  AU-55 $100-$150 

35208  Peso,  1910-S.  KM-172.  Toned.  NGC  MS-63 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 90396 

35209  Peso,  1936.  KM-177.  Murphy-Quezon.  NGC  MS-65. 

PCGS  # 375025 

35210  Peso,  1936.  KM-178.  Roosevelt-Quezon.  NGC  MS-65. 

PCGS  # 375025 

35211  Peso,  1936.  KM-178.  Roosevelt-Quezon.  NGC  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 375025 


35212  Danzig.  3 Groschen,  1536.  Sigismund  I (1506-48).  Gum- 

569.  Toned.  BOLD  VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35213  Danzig.  Grosz,  1538.  Sigismund  I (1506-48).  Fort-PL00600; 

Kop-7322.  Toned.  PCGS  MS-62 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 409978 

35214  Danzig.  Ort  (1/4  Taler-10  Groszy),  1613.  Sigismund 

III  (Zygmunt  III  Waza)  (1587-1632).  KM-6. 

PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 701033 

35215  Danzig.  Ort  (1/4  Taler),  1659-DL.  John  Casimir  (1649- 

68).  KM-54;  Parchimowicz-1753c;  D&S-288I;  Gum- 

1912.  Small  cud  at  6 o’clock.  Deep  old  cabinet  tone. 
NGC  AU-50 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 424845 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35216  Danzig.  Lot  of  (2)  1 & 2 Gulden,  1923.  KM- 145 

& 146;  Parchimowicz-61  & 63.  Both  are  toned. 

NGC  MS-63 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 971433,  971443 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35217  France.  Lorraine.  Jeton,  1753.  Stanislas  Leszczynski, 

as  Duke  of  Lorraine  (1737-66).  Hutten-Czapski-2733. 
A couple  minor  planchet  flaws.  Attractively  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35218  Lithuania.  3 Grossus,  1595.  Fort-PL04700;  Kop-3527. 

PCGS  AU-58 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 409973 

35219  3 Groszy,  1592.  Marienburg  Mint.  Sigismund  III  (1587- 

1632).  Gum-1004.  Toned.  NGC  MS-63 $200-$300 

PCGS  #651063,  651302 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35220  3 Groszy,  1596-IF  HR.  cf  Gum- 1045,  but  date  (96)  on 
obverse  and  reverse.  Dark  toned.  NGC  AU-55.. ..$200-$300 

PCGS  # 393909 

35221  6 Groszy,  1599.  Marienburg  Mint.  Sigismund  III  (1587- 

1632).  Gum-1153.  Toned.  NGC  AU-55 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 651600 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35222  Ort  (1/4  Taler),  1621.  Sigismund  III  (1587-1632).  Gum- 

1172;  Kopicki-943.  Even  toning  with  some  luster  amongst 
the  reverse  legend.  NGC  AU-53 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 762755 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35223  1/4  Taler,  1650.  Bromberg  Mint.  John  Casimir  (1649-68). 

KM-88.1;  Gum-1722.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 435903 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35224  Zloty  (15  Kopeks),  1832-HT.  C-129;  Parchimowicz-1031. 

Eagle  type.  NGC  MS-61 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 189656 

35225  5 Groszy,  1840-MW.  C-llla;  Parchimowicz-1025d. 

Tripartite  die  crack  on  reverse.  NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 518324 

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35226  10  Groszy,  1840-MW.  C-113a;  Parchimowicz- 

1027f.  Well  struck  and  lustrous.  NGC  AU  Details — 
Excessive  Surface  Hairlines $75-$125 

PCGS  # 518325 

35227  Battle  of  Grunwald  500th  Anniversary  Medal,  1910.  49.76 

mm;  39.57  gms.  By  K.  Czaplicky.  Crowned  armored  busts  of 
King  Jagiello  of  Poland,  Grand  Duke  Vytautas  of  Lithuania; 
Reverse:  Battle  scene,  defeat  of  the  Teutonic  Knights. 

Ex:  The  Golden  Horn  Collection. 

35228  100  Zlotych,  2005.  Fr-210;  Y-540.  Pope  John  Paul  11.  In 
original  mint  issue  case,  with  certificate  of  authenticity. 


35229  100  Zlotych,  2006.  Fr-215;  KM-unlisted.  In 

original  case.  With  Certificate  of  Authenticity 



35230  80  Reis,  ND.  Lisbon  Mint.  Joao  III  (1521-57).  Gomes-88.02. 

Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35231  20  & 60  Reis,  ND.  KM-235  & 284.  2 pieces  in  lot,  both  NGC 

certified.  The  20  Reis  (1706-77)  is  AU-58,  and  the  60  Reis 
(1786-99)  is  MS-62 $200-$300 

35232  400  Reis,  1816.  KM-331;  Gomes-24.10.  “VINECS”  error. 

NGC  EE  Details— Damaged $500-$700 

PCGS  # 708925 

35233  40  Reis  (Pataco),  1826.  KM-373;  Gomes-01.01. 

NGC  AU-50  BN $200-$300 

PCGS  #396318 

35234  400  Reis,  1825.  KM-358;  Gomes-12.07.  NGC  Unc  Details— 

Surface  Hairlines $400-$600 

PCGS  # 708934 

35235  500  Reis,  1900.  KM-535;  Gomes- 11.13.  Lowest  mintage  year 

for  type.  Toned.  NGC  EF-45 $400-$600 

PCGS  #711976 

35236  Escudo,  1944.  KM-578,  Gomes-25.09.  Second 

lowest  mintage  of  the  series.  PCGS  MS-64 
Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 701571 


35237  Moldavia.  Gros,  ND.  Bogdan  III,  The  One-Eyed  (1504-17). 

Buzdugan-743.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35238  Wallachia.  Ducat,  ND.  Vladislav  I (1364-77).  Metcalf-pl. 

8#24.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35239  Wallachia.  Ducat,  ND.  Vladislav  I (1364-77).  Metcalf-pl. 

8#24.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


35240  40  Centavos,  1896-PGV.  KM-23. 

NGC  VF-35 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 725693 


35241  East  Prussia.  6 Groszy,  1761.  C-45b  (under  Poland);  Bit- 

808.  Toned.  PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

PCGS  # 197777 

35242  Serpukhov.  Denga,  ND.  Vladimir  Andreyevich,  The 

Brave  (1358-1410).  Spassky-58:4.  RARE.  Crude  strike. 
VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35243  Novgorod.  Denga,  ND.  Independent  Period  (1420-56). 

Spassky-66: 1.  RARE.  Well  struck  and  lightly  toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35244  Novgorod.  Denga,  ND.  Independent  Period  (1420-56). 

cf.Spassky-66:2-3.  Obverse  is  double  struck.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35245  Novgorod.  Denga,  ND.  Independent  Period  (1420-56). 

cf.Spassky-66:2-3.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35246  Pskov.  Denga,  ND.  Independent  Period 

(ca.  1420-1510).  Spassky-66:9.  Crude  strike. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35247  Yereya.  Denga,  ND.  Mikkail  Andreevich 

(1432-85).  Spassky-59: 10.  Crude  strike.  Toned. 
VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35248  1/2  Kopek,  1925.  Y-25.  PCGS  MS-64+  RB 

Secure  Holder. $100-$  150 

PCGS#  151578 

35249  Kopek,  ND  (1710)-MA.  Peter  1 (The  Great)  (1686-1725). 

KM-118;  Bit-3385;  Dia-97.  NGC  AU-58  BN $175-$250 

PCGS  # 390462 

35250  Kopek,  ND  (171 4) -HA.  Peter  1 (The  Great)  (1689-1725). 

KM- 142;  Bit-3060.  NGC  MS-62  BN $250-$350 

PCGS  # 377628 

35251  Kopek,  ND  (1714)-HA.  Peter  1 (The  Great)  (1689-1725). 

KM- 142;  Bit-3060.  NGC  MS-61  BN $250-$350 

PCGS  # 377628 

35252  Kopek,  ND  (1715)-HA.  Peter  1 (The  Great)  (1689-1725). 

KM- 142;  Bit-3073.  NGC  MS-61  BN $250-$350 

PCGS  # 377629 

35253  Kopek,  1718.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1699-1725).  KM-153;  Bit- 

1285;  Dia-13.  Toned.  CHOICE  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35254  2 Kopek,  1813-KMNC.  Izhora  Mint.  C-118.4;  Bit-608. 
Traces  of  mint  luster.  PCGS  MS-63  BN $600-$800 

PCGS  # 383320 

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3 Kopeks  (Altyn),  1704.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1689- 
1725).  KM-119;  Bit-1156;  Dia-2.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

3 Kopeks  (Altyn),  1704.  Peter  I (The  Great) 
(1689-1725).  KM-119;  Bit-1160;  Dia-6.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

3 Kopek,  1912-CNB.  Y-11.2;  Bit-225.  Lustrous  deep  red/ 
orange.  NGC  MS-64  RB $25-$50 

PCGS  # 709038 

10  Dengas  (5  Kopeks),  1704.  Peter  I (The  Great) 
(1689-1725).  KM-120.1;  Bit-782;  Dia-2.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

5 Kopeks,  1725-MA.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1699-1725). 
KM-165;  Bit-3719.  NGC  AU-58  BN $400-$600 

PCGS  # 433625 

5 Kopeks,  1794- AM.  C-59.2;  Bitkin-864. 

NGC  MS-62  BN $100-$150 

PCGS  # 475832 

5 Kopek,  1813-CNBNC.  C-126;  Bit-256.  Light 
peripheral  russet  toning  on  lustrous  surfaces. 

NGC  MS-66 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 390354 

5 Kopek,  1847-CNBNA.  C-163;  Bit-403.  Toned  and 
prooflike,  NGC  MS-64 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 923881 

5 Kopek,  1854-CNBHI.  C-163;  Bit-413. 

NGC  MS-64 $300-$500 

PCGS  # 923889 

5 Kopeks,  1856-CNB  OB.  C-163;  Bit-67.  Toned. 
PCGS  MS-62  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 923891 

5 Kopek,  1884-CNBAT.  Y-19a.l;  Bit-144. 

NGC  MS-64 $50-$100 

PCGS#  168631 

5 Kopeks,  1915-BC.  KM-19a.2.  Tied  for  highest  graded  at 
NGC.  NGC  MS-67 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 410622,  924253 

10  Kopeks  (Grivennik),  1705.  Peter  I (The  Great) 
(1689-1725).  KM-121;  Bit-1099;  Dia-3.  Dark  toned. 
VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

15  Kopeks,  1917-BC.  Y-21a.3;  Bit- 144.  NGC  MS-66. 


PCGS  # 924879 

15  Kopek,  1917-BC.  Y 21a.3;  Bit  144.  NGC  MS-65. 


PCGS  # 924879 

15  Kopek,  1917-BC.  Y 21a.3;  Bit  144.  NGC  MS-65. 


PCGS  # 924879 

15  Kopeks,  1917-BC.  Y-21a.3;  Bit-144.  NGC  MS-65. 


PCGS  # 924879 

15  Kopeks,  1917-BC.  Y-21a.3;  Bit- 144.  NGC  MS-64. 


PCGS  # 924879 

35273  20  Kopek,  1823-CNBNA.  C-128;  Bit-209.  NGC  MS-61. 

PCGS  # 442687 

35274  20  Kopek,  1826-CNBHT.  C-158;  Bit-98.  NGC  AU-55. 

PCGS  # 393294 

35275  20  Kopeks,  1893-CNB  AT.  Y-22a.l.  Highest  graded  by 

NGC.  NGC  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 147675 

35276  1/4  Ruble,  1755-MMAMB.  Elizabeth  (1741-61). 
C-176;  Bit-175.  Well  struck.  Lustrous  and  attractive. 
NGC  AU-53 $400-$600 

35277  1/4  Ruble,  1756-MMAMB.  Elizabeth  (1741-61).  C-17b;  Bit- 
177.  Nicely  toned.  NGC  AU-55 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 158848 

35278  1/4  Ruble,  1766-MMAEI.  Catherine  11  (1762-96).  C-65; 

Bit- 142.  NGC  AU-55 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 377722 

35279  25  Kopek,  1838-CNBHT.  C- 166.1;  Bit-281. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $150-$250 

PCGS  # 410705 

35280  25  Kopeks,  1857-CNBOB.  C-166.1;  Bit-55. 

Brilliantly  toned.  Nice  red  and  gold  highlights. 
NGC  MS-65 $350-$500 

35281  50  Kopeks,  1895-AT.  Y-58.2;  Bit-71. 

NGC  MS-62 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 925589 

35282  50  Kopek,  1911-EB.  Y-58.2;  Bit-90. 

PCGS  AU-58 $150-$200 

PCGS  # 925606 

35283  1/2  Ruble,  1848-CNBHI.  C-167.1;  cf.Bit-261. 

PCGS  MS-60  Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

35284  Ruble,  1725.  Peter  I (The  Great)  (1689).  KM-162.5,  Dav- 

1662,  Bit-969,  Dia-2. 1.2,  52.  PCGS  VF  Details-Smoothed, 
Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  # 170475 

35285  Rouble,  1731.  Anna  Ivanovna  (1730-40).  Dav-1670,  KM- 

192.1,  Diakov-1.1  (1),  Bit-35,  Sev-1062,  Uzd-0700.  Hair  curl 
behind  ear  is  missing.  Toned.  NGC  VF-20 $200-$300 

PCGS#  172819 

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35286  Ruble,  1732.  Anna  (1730-40).  KM-192.1;  Bit-54;  Dia-20. 

Toned.  NGC  EF-45 $600-$800 

PCGS#  680011 

35287  Ruble,  1733.  Anna  (1730-1740).  KM-192.1,  Dav-1670,  Bit- 
26,  Dia-2.2.3  16.  PCGS  VF-25  Secure  Holder.  ...$400-$600 

PCGS#  171966 

35288  Ruble,  1734.  KM-192.3;  Bitkin-101;  cf.Diakov-22.  Slab 

erroneously  labeled  KM- 192.2.  Toned  with  some  colored 
highlights.  NGC  VF-35 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 402001 

35289  Ruble,  1735.  Anna  (1730-40).  KM-197;  Bit- 

124;  Diakov-3;  Dav-1673.  NGC  VF  Details— 
Excessive  Surface  Hairlines $500-$700 

PCGS  # 680039 

35290  Ruble,  1762-CNB  HK.  Catherine  II  (1762-96).  C-67.2; 

Bitkin- 182;  Diakov-2.1.  Toned  with  attractive  colored 
highlights.  NGC  VF-25 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 390129 

35291  Ruble,  1798-CMMB.  C-lOla;  Bit-32;  Dav-1688. 

PCGS  FlNE-12  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS  # 689803 

35292  Ruble,  1801-CMAN.  Paul  I (1796-1801).  C-lOla;  Bit-46. 

NGC  VF  Details— Polished $200-$300 

35293  Ruble,  1833-CNBHT.  C-168.1;  Bit-160. 

PCGS  MS-61  Secure  Holder. $400-$600 

PCGS  # 925712 

35294  Ruble,  1843-CNBAY.  C-168.2;  Bit-140;  Dav-283a;  Udz- 

1614.  PCGS  AU-55  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

35295  Ruble,  1843-MW.  C-168.2;  Bit-421. 

NGC  EF-45 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 925740 

35296  Ruble,  1844-MW.  Warsaw  Mint.  C-168.2;  Bit-423. 

PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS#  161602 

35297  Ruble,  1844-CNBKB.  C-168.1;  Bit-205.  PCGS  Genuine- 

Cleaning,  AU  Details  Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

35298  Ruble,  1849-CNBNA.  C-168.1;  Bitkin-224.  St.  George 

without  mantle.  NGC  AU-58 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 925728 

35299  Ruble,  1853-CNBHl.  C-168.1;  Bit-231. 

PCGS  AU-58  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

35300  Ruble,  1853-CNBHl.  C-168.1;  Bitkin-231.  Denomination 

letters  spaced  widely  apart.  NGC  AU-58 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 925733 

35301  Ruble,  1854-CNBHI.  C-168.1;  Bit-234.  A small  area  of 

debris  removal.  PCGS  Genuine — Tooled,  AU  Details 
Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

35302  Ruble,  1883.  Y-43;  Bit-215;  Sev-3939. 

Commemorative  of  the  coronation  of  Alexander  III. 
PCGS  AU-53  Secure  Holder. $350-$500 

35303  Ruble,  1883.  Y-43;  Bitkin-217.  Commemorative 

of  the  coronation  of  Alexander  III.  Toned. 
NGC  EF-45 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 925850 

35304  Ruble,  1898.  C-59.1;  Bit-204.  Two  stars  on 

rim.  PCGS  Genuine — Cleaning,  AU  Details 

Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

35305  Ruble,  1899.  Brussels  Mint.  cf.Y-59.3;  Bit-205. 

RARE  edge  variety  with  two  stars  after  inscription. 
NGC  AU  Details— Polished $300-$400 

PCGS  # 925888 

35306  Ruble,  1912-EB.  Y-59.3;  Bit-60.  Light  golden  toning. 

NGC  AU— Details,  Surface  Hairlines $200-$300 

PCGS  # 925912 

35307  MintSampleCollection,  1991-93. cf.Y-280,305,324&307/9. 

6 pieces  in  lot.  An  interesting  collection  of  mint  samples,  all 
proof-like,  (4)  pieces  from  a Wildlife  Series  and  (1)  piece 
commemorating  Jacob  Kolas.  The  final  piece  commemorates 
a Monastery.  Each  piece  is  holed  and  held  to  a descriptive  card 
with  twine.  An  interesting  must  see  lot,  should  be  examined. 

35308  Petrograd  Suitcase  & Harness  Factory.  Kopek  Token,  1922. 

Nice  mint  orange  and  brown.  These  tokens  were  backed 
by  gold,  making  them  in  effect,  a form  of  local  currency. 

PCGS  MS-63  BN  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 517486 

35309  Narva  (Estonia)  Bombarded  by  Russian  Artillery  Batteries 

Medal,  1704.  By  T.  Ivanov.  47.09  mm;  Diakov-21.11. 
Bronze.  Bust  of  Peter  I right,  name  and  titles  around; 
Reverse:  Battle  scene  with  dozens  of  cannons  firing  at 
Narva.  Lustrous  chocolate  surfaces  with  just  a trace  of  wear. 

35310  Battle  of  Poltava  Medal,  ND  (1709).  44.74  mm;  28.78 

gms.  Peter  I (1689-1726).  Dia-27.13.1;  Iversen-XXIV 
#8.  Tin.  Armored,  mantled  bust  of  Peter  the  Great  right; 
Reverse:  St.  George  on  horseback  left  slaying  a dragon, 
lettered  edge.  Struck  to  commemorate  Russia’s  victory  over 
Sweden  at  the  Battle  of  Poltava.  With  original  copper  nail  at 
6 o’clock.  Some  small  dark  stains  on  very  lustrous  surfaces. 

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35311  Landing  of  Russian  Troops  at  Abo  (Finland)  Medal, 

1713.  By  T.  Ivanov.  48  x 46  mm;  Diakov-44.5.  Bronze. 
Bust  of  Peter  I right,  name  and  titles  around;  Reverse: 
Hercules  and  Neptune  disembarking  from  a seashell  coracle 
embellished  with  Russian  Arms.  Heavy  cuds  on  obverse 
rims.  EXTREMELY  FINE $300-$400 

35312  Death  of  Empress  Elizabeth  I Medal,  1761.  By  S.  Yudin. 

59.77mm;  Diakov- 107.1.  Bronze.  Bust  of  Elizabeth  right, 
name  and  titles  around;  Reverse:  Spirit  of  Elizabeth 
ascending  and  passing  scepter  to  a pedestal  with  the 
initials  of  the  new  emperor  (Peter  III),  two  crying  infants 
at  right  supporting  the  Russian  Arms.  A few  carbon  spots. 

35313  Historical  Series  Medal  in  Bronze,  ca.  Late  18th  Century. 

By  J.B.  Gass.  78.43  mm;  Diakov-1676;  Smirnov-71. 
Depicting  the  migration  of  Rurik  from  Staraya  Ladoga 
to  Novgorod  Veliky  in  864  AD.  Grand  Duke  Rurik  in 
military  uniform  with  helmet  and  shield;  Reverse:  Rurik 
mediating  between  two  groups  of  people.  The  ninth 
medal  in  the  series  of  ninety-four  commissioned  by 
Empress  Catherine  II.  Semi-reflective  chocolate  surfaces. 

35314  Opening  of  the  Narva  Triumphal  Arch  Medal,  1834.  64.68 

mm;  Diakov-509.1.  Bronze.  Radiant  all-seeing  eye  below 
dates  “1812  1813  1814”;  Reverse:  View  of  Arch,  inscription 
around,  date  below.  Choice  semi-reflective  surfaces,  no  flaws 
of  note.  ABOUT  UNCIRCULATED $300-$400 

35315  Bronze  Imperial  Livonian  Community  Economic  Society 

Award  Medal,  Undated  (c.  1870).  50.9  mm.  Peruked 
bust  I.  of  founder  Peter  Heinrich  von  Blankenhagen. 
Reverse:  Socity  name  within  oak  wreath.  Livonia,  now 
in  Latvia,  was  a Russian  possession  dominated  by 
German  nobility  and  the  Balts.  By  Wilhelm  Kullrich. 
NGC  Medal  MS-63  BN $150-$250 

35316  For  Blameless  Service  in  the  Police  Medal,  ND  (1894- 
1917).  36.29  mm.  Dia-1 145.1  (R-1).  Silver.  Bust  of  Nicholas  II 
left;  Reverse:  5 line  inscription.  A wreath  closed  borders  each 
side,  and  there  is  an  integral  loop  at  the  top  for  suspension. 

BOLD  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

35317  Agricultural  Award  Medal,  ND  (ca.  1894-1917).  65.62 
mm;  cf  Diakov- 11 60.1.  Bronze.  Conjoined  busts  of  Tsars 
Alexander  III  and  Nicholas  II;  Reverse:  Six  line  inscription, 
AGRICULTURE”,  within  harvest  wreath.  Unsigned. 

EXTREMELY  FINE $200-$300 


35318  50  Franc  Essai,  1977.  KM-E7.  Struck  in  brass. 
NGC  MS-65 $30-$50 

PCGS#  993100 


35319  2 Sou,  ND  (1834-64).  KM-2.2.  Crown  countermark  (Type 

III)  on  Cayenne  2 Sou  (KM-1).  NGC  EF-40 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 833647 


35320  5 Cent  Token,  ND  (1880).  Higgie-432.  Obverse  inscription 
reads:  “Tireless  work  wins  all”.  G.  Leviti  was  a Jewish 
merchant  from  Italy  who  sold  insurance  and  served 
Danish  West  Indies  consul  to  the  Dominican  Republic. 

NGC  Token  MS-62 $150-$250 


35321  Groat,  ND  (ca.  1484-88).  Edinburgh  Mint.  James 

III  (1460-88).  S-5288.  Type  VI,  main  issue.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35322  Testoon,  1555.  Mary  (1542-67).  S-5402;  Burns-2.  First 

period  before  marriage  (1542-58).  Damage  on  both  obverse 
and  reverse.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $150-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35323  10  Shillings,  1594.  James  VI  (1567-1625).  S-5493.  Toned. 

FINE- VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35324  Silver  Piefort  Coronation  Medal,  1633.  16.25  gms.  Charles 

I (1625-49).  Double  weight  and  thickness.  VERY  RARE. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $350-$500 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35325  1/8  Dollar  (1/2  Merk),  1676.  Charles  11  (1649-85).  S-5622; 

KM-1 12.  Slight  damage  to  rin  at  11  o’clock.  Lovely  old 
cabinet  toning.  NGC  VF — Details  Damaged $200-$300 

PCGS  # 950268 

35326  Ayrshire.  1/2  Penny,  1799.  D&H-5;  Forrer-vol. 

IV  pg.  82#3  (for  Milton)  & vol.  II  pg.  170  (for 
Fullerton).  Struck  by  J.  Milton  for  Colonel  Fullerton. 

PCGS  PROOF-63  BN  Secure  Holder. $300-$400 

PCGS  # 207681 


35327  Dinar,  ND.  2.13  gms.  Stefan  Dragutin  (1276-82). 

cfDobrinic-2.1;  Dimitrijevic-4;  Jovanovic-1.1.  Toned. 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35328  Dinar,  ND.  2.09  gms.  Stefan  Uros  III  Decanski  (1321-31). 
Dobrinic-5.1.2;  Dimitrijevic-15.  Unevenly  struck.  Toned. 


From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35329  Dinar,  ND.  1.10  gms.  Stefan  Uros  V (1355- 

71).  Dobrinic-8.1.2;  Dimitrijevic-39.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35330  50  Para,  1915.  KM-24.5.  Coinage  with  signature. 

PCGS  MS-66 $100-$150 

PCGS  # 410755 


35331  Penny,  1791.  KM-1.  PCGS  MS-63  BN 

Secure  Holder. $200-$300 

PCGS#  113183 

35332  Penny,  1791.  KM-2.1.  Struck  in  Bronze.  NGC  EF 

Details-Scratches $ 1 00-$200 

PCGS  # 425027 

35333  Dollar,  1791.  KM-6.  Struck  in  silver.  NGC  Fine  Details — 

Holed $200-$300 

PCGS  # 558500 


35334  6 pence,  1897.  KM-4;  KJ-69.  Lightly  toned  with  good  luster. 

NGC  MS-64 $100-$150 

35335  2 Shilling,  1 892.  KM-6;  KJ- 1 1 1 . Toned  with  some  peripheral 

sea  green  highlights.  NGC  AU-58 $450-$600 

35336  Cent,  1965.  KM-65.2;  Hern-D17.  Afrikaans  legend. 
Double  die  obverse.  Mintage  of  only  846  pieces. 

ANACS  MS-65  RB $300-$500 

PCGS  # 408836 

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35337  11  Piece  Proof  Set,  1960.  Fr-9/10;  KM-Ps47.  Farthing  to 

Pound.  In  plush  fitted  case  of  issue.  Bronze  and  some  silver 
pieces  heavily  toned  while  gold  and  larger  denominations 
less  so.  PROOF. $500-$700 

35338  9 Piece  Proof  Set,  1962.  Fr-11/2;  KM-PS53.  1/2  Cent  to  2 
Rand.  In  plush  fitted  case  of  issue.  Lower  denominations 
with  varying  degrees  of  toning,  gold  pieces  brilliant. 

PROOF. $500-$700 


35339  Breslau,  Under  Hungary.  Groschen,  ND  (ca.  1470-71). 

Matthias  Corvinus  (1469-90).  Saurma-76/29;  Kopichi-497c. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


35340  Breslau,  Under  Hungary.  Groschen,  ND  (ca.  1470-71). 

Matthias  Corvinus  (1469-90).  Saurma-76/29;  Kopichi-497c. 
Unevenly  struck.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 


35341  Catalonia.  Groat,  ND.  Barcelona  Mint.  Peter  III  (1336-87). 

Crusafont-401.1.  Dark  toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35342  Catalonia.  Groat,  ND.  Barcelona  Mint.  Martin 

I (1396-1410).  Crusafont-511.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35343  Catalonia.  Half  Groat,  ND.  Barcelona  Mint.  Ferdinand 

II  (1479-1516).  Crusafont- 1143/1.  Dark  toned. 

VERY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35344  Mallorca.  Dobler,  ND.  Sancho  (1311-24).  Crusafont-547. 

Dark  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35345  Valencia.  Real,  ND.  Valencia  Mint.  Alfonso 

III(V)  (1416-58).  Petit-175;  Crusafont-864.  Toned. 
CHOICE  VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35346  Real,  ND.  Seville  Mint.  Henry  II  (1368-79).  AB-406.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $I75-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35347  Real,  ND.  Henry  IV  (1454-74).  AB-unlisted.  Scratches  on 

reverse.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $250-$350 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35348  Silver  & Billon  Coinage,  Alfonso  Vl-Carlos  & Johanna, 

nth- 1 6th  Century.  13  pieces  in  lot.  Pieces  of  note  included 
are  an  Alfonso  VI  Dinero  of  Toledo  Mint,  a Peter  III  Groat 
of  Barcelona  Mint,  a Ferdinand  and  Isabella  1/2  Real  of 
Burgos  Mint,  a Ferdinand  II  1/2  Groat  and  a Carlos  and 
Johanna  Real  of  Mexico.  As  well  as  many  other  interesting 
issues.  All  are  attributed.  A couple  have  minor  deposits,  light 
porosity  and/or  other  defects.  The  Ferdidnand  II  1/2  Groat 
has  been  mounted.  Should  be  examined  closely.  SOLD  AS 
IS/NO  RETURNS.  Retail  value  of  about  $1,200.  Grades 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35349  2 Reales,  ND.  Granada  Mint.  Assayer  R. 

Ferdinand  & Isabella  (1474-1504).  Cal-245.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $I00-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35350  Valencia.  2 Reales,  ND.  Valencia  Mint.  Charles 
V (1516-56).  Cal-35.  Light  deposits.  Toned. 

VERY  FINE $300-$400 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35351  4 Reales  Fantasy  Pattern,  1691 -B.  Segovia  Mint.  Charles 

II  (1665-1700).  Struck  in  silver  plated  copper.  Unofficial  test 
piece  probably  struck  in  the  18th  official  engravers  school 
(Escuela  de  Grabadores).  The  “School  of  Engravers”  is  an 
institution  which  has  always  been  related  to  the  Spanish 
mints  ever  since  Tomas  Prieto  was  made  director  of  the 
school  in  Madrid  in  1771.  Similar  schools  were  later  set 
up  in  Seville,  Segovia  and  Mexico  City.  These  pieces  were 
struck  to  demonstrate  the  capabilities  of  the  students. 
NGC  MS-61 $500-$700 

35352  20  Reales,  I822-SR.  Madrid  Mint.  KM-561;  Cal- 

type-126#516.  PCGS  Genuine— Cleaning,  EF  Details 
Secure  Holder. $300-$500 

PCGS  # 846969 

35353  Mallorca.  5 Pesetas,  1823.  C-L9.2;  Cayon- 16080;  Cal- 

type-140#533.  NGC  VF-20 $200-$300 

PCGS#  151854 

35354  Saberania  Nacional  Medal,  1868.  Calbeto-569; 
Bruce-Al.  VERY  RARE.  Struck  in  silver.  Light  toning. 
NGC  Medal  PROOF-61 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 865381 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35355  Peseta,  1881(81)-MSM.  KM-686;  Cal-46.  Key  date. 

NGC  EF-40 $700-$1000 

PCGS  #714111 

35356  Peseta,  1885  (86)-  MSM.  KM-686,  Cayon-1749  5,  Cal- 

type-12#62.  Toned.  PCGS  MS-66 $600-$800 

PCGS  #714117 

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35357  Real,  ND  (Before  The  Pragmatica  of  1497).  Segovia  Mint. 

Ferdinand  & Isabella  (1474-1504).  Cal-336.  RARE.  Toned. 

CHOICE  VERY  FINE $500-$700 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35358  2 Reales,  1831-AJ.  Madrid  Mint.  KM-460.2. 
NGCAU-58 $75-$125 

PCGS#  711521 


35359  Ortug,  ND.  Stockholm  Mint.  Erick  XIII  von  Pomerania 
(1396-1439).  Lagerqvist-A.l.a;  Bruun-191.  Unevenly  struck. 
Toned.  VERY  FINE $125-$175 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35360  Otrug,  ND.  Abo  Mint.  Karl  Knutsson  (1448-57).  Brunn-245. 

NGC  AU  Details— Surface  Hairlines $600-$800 

35361  Mark,  1560.  Gustav  Vasa  (1523-60).  AAH-121.  Scratches, 

cleaned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 

PCGS  #515902 

35362  1/2  Ore,  (15)97.  Stockholm  Mint.  Sigismund  (1592-99). 

AAH-22a;  Bruun-635.  Light  porosity.  Unevenly  struck. 
Lustrous.  VERY  FINE $125-$! 75 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35363  Ore,  1624.  Kalmar  Mint.  Gustav  II  Adolf  (1611-32).  KM- 

71.2;  AAH-96b;  Bruun-811.  Type  III,  mint  mark  at  bottom. 
Unevenly  struck.  Toned.  VERY  FINE $200-$300 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35364  Gustav  Adolphus  II,  Defender  of  the  Faith  Silver 

Medal,  1632.  56.71  mm;  43.5  gms.  Hildebrand-58.  By 
Sebastian  Daadler.  Bust  of  Gustavus  partly  right,  name 
and  titles  around;  Reverse:  The  king  as  a Roman  soldier, 
standing  over  his  fallen  enemies.  Edge  bumps,  otherwise 

35365  1/2  Daler  Plate  Money,  1736.  Frederik  I (1720-51).  KM- 

PM298;  AAH-288.  All  four  corner  stamps  complete,  center 
stamp  partly  weak.  Slightly  rough  surfaces  due  to  minor 
corrosion.  VERY  FINE $400-$600 

Lyman  H.  Low 

35366  1 Daler  Plate  Money,  1758.  Adolf  Frederick  (1751-1771). 
KM-PM84;  AAH-146.  Central  stamp  near  complete, 
the  corner  stamps  all  complete  and  bold.  Partly  rough 
surfaces  due  to  minor  corrosion.  Some  old  verdigris 

clings  to  the  surface,  especially  on  the  stamps,  otherwise 
EXTREMELY  FINE $500-$700 

Lyman  H.  Low 

35367  Riksdaler,  1776-OL.  Gustav  III  (1771-92).  KM- 

514;  AAH-43;  Dav-1735.  Large  cross.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-58 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 689902 

35368  Riksdaler,  1776-OL.  Gustav  III  (1771-92).  KM- 

514;  AAH-43;  Dav-1735.  Large  cross.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-55 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 689902 

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Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • Session  F Ends  3:00  PM  PT,  Tuesday,  August  20, 2013 


35369  Riksdaler,  1776-OL.  Gustav  III  (1771-92).  KM-514;  AAH- 

43;  Dav-1735.  Large  cross.  NGC  AU  Details — Surface 
Hairlines,  Scratch $150-$200 

PCGS  # 689902 

35370  Riksdaler,  1782-OL.  Gustav  III  (1771-92).  KM-527;  AAH- 

48;  Dav-1736.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 495922 

35371  Riksdaler,  1782-OL.  Gustav  III  (1771-92).  KM-527;  AAH- 

48;  Dav-1736.  NGC  AU-53 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 495922 

35372  1/6  Riksdaler,  1803-OL.  KM-560;  AH-38.  Type  II. 

NGC  MS-63 $125-$175 

PCGS  #260431 

35373  2 Kronor,  1900-EB.  KM-761.  Reflective  luster.  Only  1 

graded  finer.  NGC  MS-64 $400-$600 

PCGS  # 179291 

35374  10  Ore,  1936-G.  KM-780;  AAH-157a;  Sieg-25.  Short  6. 

Scarce  as  proof.  NGC  PROOF-65 $75-$125 

PCGS  # 855044 

35375  50  Ore,  1946-TS.  KM-796;  AAH-95;  Sieg-43.  Copper- 

nickel.  Scarce  as  proof  NGC  PROOF-67 $75-$125 

PCGS  # 839292 


35376  Aargau.  Batzen,  1826.  KM-22;  C-13.  NGC  MS-65. 

PCGS  # 882618 

35377  Basel.  1/2  Taler,  1741.  KM-145.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58. 

PCGS  # 791304 

35378  Basel.  5 Batzen,  1809.  KM- 199.  Lustrous  prooflike  surfaces. 

Old  green  holder.  PCGS  MS-66 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 882721 

35379  Basel.  Groschen,  1499  (1901  Restrike).  HMZ- 

2-52e.  Mintage  of  only  330  pieces.  Toned. 
EXTREMELY  FINE $175-$250 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35380  Bern.  5 Batzen,  1826.  KM- 196.1.  NGC  MS-64. 

PCGS  # 882782 

35381  Bern.  40  Batzen,  ND  (1816).  KM-181.2.  Bern  arms//”40/ 
BZ”  countermark  on  France  Louis  XVI  Ecu  (KM-572).  Host 

date:  1789.  PCGS  EF-40  Secure  Holder. $500-$700 

PCGS  # 865537 

35382  St.  Gallen.  Pfennig  (Brakteat),  ND.  HMZ- 1-475.  Lamb  of 
God.  Dark  toned.  EXTREMELY  FINE $100-$200 

From  the  Demarete  Collection. 

35383  Vaud.  20  Batzen,  1811.  KM-16.  NGC  MS-62 $600-$800 

PCGS  # 883738 

35384  Zurich.  1/2  Taler,  1756.  KM-145.  NGC  MS-61. .$550-$700 

PCGS  #226211 

35385  Zurich.  Taler,  1732.  KM- 143.2;  Dav-1787.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-55 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 797268 

35386  Zurich.  40  Batzen,  1813-B.  KM-190.  NGC  MS-63. 

PCGS  # 883788 

35387  20  Batzen,  1798-S.  KM-A2.  Helvetian  Republic.  Toned. 

NGC  AU-58 $700-$900 

PCGS  # 882542 

35388  Rappen,  1889-B.  KM-3.1.  Key  date.  NGC  MS-63  BN. 

PCGS  # 883885 

35389  Franc,  1860-B.  KM-9a.  NGC  VF-35 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 886214 

35390  Franc,  1861-B.  KM-9a.  Toned.  NGC  AU-50 $150-$250 

PCGS  # 886215 

35391  2 Franc,  1914-B.  KM-21.  Old  green  holder. 

PCGS  MS-67 $200-$300 

PCGS  # 886484 

35392  5 Franc,  1863.  Bruce-S7.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 

Neuchatel  Festival.  Toned.  NGC  AU-58 $400-$500 

PCGS  # 887154 

35393  5 Franc,  1865.  Bruce-S8.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 

Schaflhausen  Festival.  Toned.  NGC  MS-64 $400-$500 

PCGS  #887156 

35394  5 Franc,  1869.  Bruce-SlO.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  Zug 

Festival.  Toned.  NGC  MS-62 $450-$600 

PCGS  # 887160 

35395  5 Franc,  1872.  Bruce-Sll.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 

Zurich  Festival.  Toned.  NGC  MS-64 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 887162 

35396  5 Franc,  1874.  Bruce-S12.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  St. 

Gallen  Festival.  NGC  MS-63 $250-$350 

PCGS  # 887164 

Bid  online  at 

Page  259 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio  • The  August  2013  Chicago  ANA  Auction 


35397  5 Franc,  1876.  Bruce-S13.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 

Festival  at  Lausanne.  NGC  MS-63 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 887166 

35398  5 Franc,  1879.  Bruce-S14.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  Basel 

Festival.  NGC  MS-62 $300-$400 

PCGS  # 887168 

35399  5 Franc,  1883.  Bruce-S16.  Struck  to  commemorate  the 

Lugano  Festival.  NGC  AU-58 $175-$250 

PCGS  # 887172 

35400  5 Franc,  1885.  Bruce-S17.  Struck  to  commemorate  the  Bern 

Festival.  NGC  MS-65 $350-$500 

PCGS  # 887174 

35401  5 Franc,  1891-B.  KM-34.  Toned.  NGC  EF-40.  ..$350-$500 

PCGS  # 886696 

35402  5 Franc,  1924-B.  KM-38.  NGC  AU-58 $500-$700 

PCGS  # 886732 

35403  5 Franc,  1934-B.  Bruce-S18.  Struck  to 
commemorate  the  Fribourg  Shooting  Festival. 

NGC  PROOF-66  Matte $500-$700 

PCGS  # 887176 


35404  Kharub,  AH  1281  (1864).  KM-155.  PCGS  PROOF-65  RD 

Secure  Holder. $50-$  100 

PCGS  # 749793 


35405  Erench  Medals  & Austrian  Coin.  5 pieces  in  lot. 

Includes:  (2)  1783  Montgolfier  Brothers  balloon  flight 
medals  and  a Napoleon  Medal,  all  Paris  Mint  bronze 
restrikes;  an  original  silver  1804  (1827)  French  medical 
award  medal;  and  a 1662  Austrian  3 Kreutzer  silver  coin. 

35406  Lot  of  (22)  European  Medals  Featuring  Royalty,  1789- 1 934. 

22  pieces  in  lot.  Silver  and  minor  medals.  Contains  pieces 
from  Austria,  Belgium,  France,  Great  Britain,  Netherlands, 
Norway  and  Sweden.  Highlights  include:  (6)  uniface  pieces 
with  the  obverse  of  an  1 83 1 French  5 Franc  Pattern  by  Dubour 
et  Barye  (VG-276)  and  a blank  reverse,  each  of  which  is 
stamped  with  a different  single  digit  number.  Also  two  large 
silver  Official  Coronation  Medals  for  Edward  VII  and  George 
VI,  (Eimer-1871a  & 2046a).  SOLD  AS  IS/NO  RETURNS. 

From  the  Geraldine  Rockefeller  Dodge  Collection. 

End  of  Session  D 

Page  260 

Stack’s  Bowers  & Ponterio 

Bidding  Increments 

Pre-Bidding  and  Live  Bidding  Increments 


Bid  Increment 

$0.00  - $19.99 


$20.00  - $49.99 


$50.00  - $99.99 


$100.00  - $199.99 


$200.00  - $299.99 


$300.00  - $499.99 


$500.00  - $999.99 


$1,000.00  - $1,999.99 


$2,000.00  - $2,999.99 


$3,000.00  - $4,999.99 


$5,000.00  - $9,999.99 


$10,000.00  - $19,999.99 


$20,000.00  - $29,999.99 


$30,000.00  - $49,999.99 


$50,000.00  - $99,999.99 


$100,000.00  - $199,999.99 


$200,000.00  - $299,999.99 


$300,000.00  - $499,999.99 


$500,000.00  - $999,999.99 


$1,000,000.00  - $1,999,999.99 


$2,000,000.00  - $2,999,999.99 


$3,000,000.00  - $4,999,999.99 


$5,000,000.00  - $9,999,999.99 


$10,000,000.00  and  Up 



Terms  & Conditions 

1.  Auction  Basics.  This  is  a public  auction  sale  (“Auction  Sale”)  conducted  by 
bonded  auctioneers,  Stacks  Bowers  Galleries  or  Stacks  Bowers  and  Ponterio  (here- 
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2.  Descriptions  and  Grading.  Bidder  acknowledges  that  grading  of  most  coins  in 
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5.  Buyer’s  Premiums.  A Buyer’s  Premium  of  seventeen  and  one-half  percent  (17 
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Terms  & Conditions  (cont.) 

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a valid  Resale  Certificate  which  has  been  provided  to  the  Auctioneer  prior  to 
the  auction.  Please  note  that  the  purchase  of  any  coin  or  bullion  lot(s)  with  a 
price,  including  the  Buyer’s  Premium,  in  excess  of:  (i)  One  Thousand  Dollars 
($1,000),  for  auctions  held  in  Maryland,  are  exempt  from  Maryland  sales  tax, 
and  (ii)  One  Thousand  Five  Hundred  Dollars  ($1,500)  are  exempt  from  Califor- 
nia sales  tax.  These  exemptions  do  not  apply  purchases  of  currency.  Purchases 
of  coins  and  currency  are  exempt  from  sales  tax  in  Illinois.  Purchases  of  coins 
and  currency  are  exempt  from  sales  tax  in  Pennsylvania.  On  any  tax  not  paid 
by  Buyer  that  should  have  been  paid,  even  if  not  collected  by  Stack’s  Bowers  by 
mistake,  error,  negligence  or  gross  negligence.  Buyer  remains  liable  for  and  agrees 
to  promptly  pay  the  same  on  demand  together  with  any  interest  or  penalty  that 
may  be  assessed. 

6.  Financial  Responsibility.  In  the  event  any  applicable  conditions  of  these  Terms 
of  Sale  herein  are  not  complied  with  by  a Buyer  or  if  the  Buyer  fails  to  make  pay- 
ment in  full  by  the  Default  Date,  Stack’s  Bowers  reserves  the  right,  in  its  sole  discre- 
tion, in  addition  to  all  other  remedies  which  it  may  have  at  law  or  in  equity,  to:  (a) 
rescind  the  sale  of  that  lot  or  any  other  lot  or  lots  sold  to  the  defaulting  Buyer,  re- 
taining all  payments  made  by  Buyer  as  liquidated  damages,  it  being  recognized  that 
actual  damages  maybe  speculative  or  difficult  to  compute,  or  (b)  resell  a portion  or 
all  of  the  lots  held  by  Stack’s  Bowers,  in  a commercially  reasonable  manner,  which 
may  include  a public  or  private  sale,  in  a quantity  sufficient  in  the  opinion  of  Stack’s 
Bowers  to  satisfy  the  indebtedness,  plus  all  accrued  charges,  and  Stack’s  Bowers 
may  charge  a seller’s  commission  that  is  commercially  reasonable.  More  than  one 
such  sale  may  take  place  at  the  option  of  Stack’s  Bowers.  If  Stack’s  Bowers  resells  the 
lots.  Buyer  agrees  to  pay  for  the  reasonable  cost  of  such  sale,  together  with  any  inci- 
dental costs  of  sale,  including  reasonable  attorney’s  fees  and  costs,  cataloguing  and 
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Return  Receipt  Requested  to  the  address  utilized  on  the  Bid  Sheet,  Auction  Con- 
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for  any  deficiency  if  the  proceeds  of  such  sale  or  sales  are  insufficient  to  cover  such 

Buyer  grants  to  Stack’s  Bowers,  its  affiliates  and  assignees,  the  right  to  offset  any 
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granted  to  Stack’s  Bowers,  its  affiliates  and  assignees,  a security  interest  in:  (x)  the 
purchased  lots  and  their  proceeds,  and  (y)  such  sums  or  other  items  and  their  pro- 
ceeds, in  the  possession  of  Stack’s  Bowers,  its  affiliates  or  assignees,  to  secure  all 
indebtedness  due  to  Stack’s  Bowers  and  its  affiliated  companies,  plus  all  accrued 
expenses,  carrying  charges,  attorney  fees,  and  costs,  until  the  indebtedness  is  paid 
in  full.  Buyer  grants  Stack’s  Bowers  the  right  to  file  a UCC-1  financing  statement 
for  such  items,  and  to  assign  such  interest  to  any  affiliated  or  related  company  or 
any  third  party  deemed  appropriate  by  Stack’s  Bowers.  If  the  auction  invoice  is  not 
paid  for  in  full  by  the  Default  Date,  a carrying  charge  of  one-and-one-half  percent 
(1-1/2%)  per  month  may  be  imposed  on  the  unpaid  amount  until  it  is  paid  in  full. 
In  the  event  this  interest  rate  exceeds  the  interest  permitted  by  law,  the  same  shall 
be  adjusted  to  the  maximum  rate  permitted  by  law,  and  any  amount  paid  in  excess 
thereof  shall  be  allocated  to  principal.  Buyer  agrees  to  pay  all  reasonable  attorney’s 
fees,  court  costs  and  other  collection  costs  incurred  by  Stack’s  Bowers  or  any  affili- 
ated or  related  company  to  collect  past  due  invoices  or  to  interpret  or  enforce  the 
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extent  that  the  Buyer  for  any  lot  consists  of  more  than  one  person  or  entity,  each 
such  person  or  entity  is  jointly  and  severally  liable  for  all  obligations  of  the  Buyer, 
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and  all  rights  of  the  consignor  to  collect  amounts  due  from  the  Buyer,  whether  at 
law  or  equity. 



b.  For  non-certified  coins  that  have  not  been  examined  by  the  Buyer  prior  to  the 
Auction  Sale:  if  it  is  determined  in  a review  by  Stack’s  Bowers  that  there  is  a ma- 
terial error  in  the  catalog  description  of  a non-certified  coin  or  the  coin  is  not 
authentic,  such  lot  may  be  returned,  provided  written  notice  is  received  by  Stack’s 
Bowers  no  later  than  seventy-two  (72)  hours  of  delivery  of  the  lots  in  question, 
and  such  lots  are  returned  and  received  by  Stack’s  Bowers,  in  their  original,  sealed 
containers,  no  later  than  fourteen  (14)  calendar  days  after  delivery,  in  the  same 
condition  the  lot(s)  were  delivered  to  the  Buyer,  time  being  of  the  essence. 

c.  If  an  item  or  items  are  returned  pursuant  to  the  terms  herein,  they  must  be 
housed  in  their  original,  sealed  and  unopened  container. 

d.  Late  remittance  or  removal  of  any  item  from  its  original  container,  or  altering  a 
coin  constitutes  just  cause  for  revocation  of  all  return  privileges. 

e.  Grading  or  condition  of  rare  coins  may  have  a material  effect  on  the  value  of  the 
item(s)  purchased,  and  the  opinion  of  others  (including  independent  grading  ser- 
vices) may  differ  with  the  independent  grading  services  opinion  or  interpretation 
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opinion,  determination  or  certification  by  any  independent  grading  service. 


Terms  & Conditions  (cont.) 

f.  Questions  regarding  the  minting  of  a coin  as  a “proof”  or  as  a “business  strike” 
relate  to  the  method  of  manufacture  and  not  to  authenticity. 

g.  All  oral  and  written  statements  made  by  Stacks  Bowers  and  its  employees  (in- 
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Bowers  authorized  to  do  so. 

h.  Bidders  shall  have  no  recourse  against  the  Consignor  for  any  reason  whatsoever. 

i.  Bidder  acknowledges  that  the  rare  coin  market  is  speculative,  unregulated  and 
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j.  Bidder  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  neither  Stack’s  Bowers,  nor  its  employees, 
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ed to  claims  based  upon  Auctioneer’s  negligence,  whether  in  law  or  equity,  whether 
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9.  Disputes.  If  a dispute  arises  concerning  ownership  of  a lot  or  concerning  pro- 
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pleader proceeding  at  the  expense  of  the  Consignor  and  Buyer  and  any  other  ap- 
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arising  out  of  or  related  to  these  Terms  of  Sale,  the  Auction  Sale  or  any  lot,  with 
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tion, subject  to  the  requirement  to  arbitrate,  over  any  dispute(s)  arising  hereunder, 
regardless  of  any  party’s  current  or  future  residence  or  domicile.  Bidder  further 
agrees  that  venue  of  the  arbitration  proceeding  shall  be  in  Orange  County,  Cali- 
fornia; and  any  court  proceeding  shall  be  in  the  Orange  County  Superior  Court, 
in  the  State  of  California.  Bidder  agrees  that  any  arbitration  or  legal  action  with 
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date  of  this  Auction  Sale.  These  Terms  of  Sale  and  the  information  on  the  Bower’s 
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matter  hereof  and  supersede  all  other  agreements,  understandings,  warranties  and 
representations  concerning  the  subject  matter  hereof  If  any  section  of  these  Terms 
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ing impaired  or  invalidated  in  any  way.  Stack’s  Bowers  may  at  its  sole  and  absolute 
discretion,  make  loans  or  advances  to  Consignors  and/or  Bidders. 

11.  Special  Services.  If  you  wish  to  limit  your  total  expenditures,  please  fill  in  the 
maximum  amount  you  wish  to  spend  on  the  MAXIMUM  EXPENDITURE  line 
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to  eight  times  the  amount  of  the  maximum  expenditure.  This  is  a personal  service 
and  a Stack’s  Bowers  customer  representative  will  personally  attend  to  your  bid 
sheet  by  bidding  from  the  auction  floor,  buying  lots  for  your  account  until  your 
authorized  expenditure  is  reached.  While  we  will  do  our  best  in  your  behalf,  due 
to  the  speed  of  the  auction  sale  and  the  sometimes  crowded  conditions,  we  cannot 
be  responsible  for  failure  to  execute  such  a bid  properly.  Due  to  the  bookkeeping 
involved,  this  service  is  offered  only  to  bidders  with  maximum  expenditures  of 
$1,000  or  more. 

We  invite  you  to  take  advantage  of  the  optional  10%  to  30%  increase  to  help  your 
chance  of  being  a successful  bidder.  Check  the  appropriate  place  on  your  bid  sheet. 

Bidding  in  this  auction  sale  constitutes  unconditional  acceptance  by  the  Bidder  of 
the  foregoing  terms  of  sale. 

Please  note:  Transparent  holders  in  which  the  auction  lots  are  stored  are  to  facili- 
tate viewing  and  inspection  of  the  lots  and  ARE  NOT  for  long-term  storage. 

For  PRICES  REALIZED  after  the  sale,  call  1-800-458-4646.  Preliminary  prices  re- 
alized will  also  be  posted  on  the  Internet  soon  after  the  session  closes. 

Stack’s  Bowers  Galleries  is  a fictitious  business  name  of 
Stack’s-Bowers  Numismatics,  LLC,  a Delaware  limited  liability  company 

Stack’s  Bowers  and  Ponterio  is  a fictitious  business  name  of 
Stack’s-Bowers  Numismatics,  LLC,  a Delaware  limited  liability  company 


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Banca  Nazionale  D'Albania.  100  Franka  Ari,  East  Caribbean  Currency  Authority.  $100,  ND 
ND  (1926).  P-4a.  PMG  Very  Fine  30.  (1965).  P-161.  PMG  Gem  Uncirculated  66  EPQ. 

Ethiopia.  Bank  of  Abyssinia. 

500  Thalers,  ND  (1915-29).  P-5p. 
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Bank  of  Ireland.  20  Pounds,  ND  (1929). 
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Flashemite  Kingdom  of  the  Jordan. 
50  Dinars,  L.1949.  P-5s.  PMG  Superb 
Gem  Uncirculated  67  EPQ. 


State  Assignat.  10  Rubles,  1812. 
P-A9b.  PMG  Very  Fine  20  net. 

A > SVH5C  ^ , 


Banque  de  Syrie  et  du  Grand-Liban. 

100  Livres,  ND  (1930).  P-39Ds. 
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State  Note  of  the  Ministry  of  Finance. 
1,000  Livres,  AH  1333  (1917).  P-107. 
PMG  Very  Fine  20  Net. 

Call  today  to  request  your  printed  catalogs,  or  view  and  bid  online  at 



1.949.253.0916  California  I 1.212.582.2580  New  York  I 852.2117.1191  Hong  Kong 

1063  McGaw  Avenue  Ste  100,  Irvine,  CA  92614  • 949.253.0916 
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A pictorial  history  of  English  gold  coins  by  denomination  that  includes 
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Great  Britain. 

Henry  VIII.  Sovereign. 

Great  Britain. 

Cromwell.  Broad,  1656. 

Great  Britain. 

Richard  III.  Angel. 

Great  Britain. 

James  II.  5 Guineas,  1688. 

Great  Britain. 

George  II.  5 Guineas,  1753. 

Great  Britain. 

Victoria.  5 Pounds,  1839. 
"Una  and  the  Lion" 

Great  Britain.  Great  Britain.  Great  Britain. 

Henry  VII.  Sovereign.  Charles  I.  Triple  Unite,  1643.  William  IV.  5 Pounds,  1831. 

Call  today  to  request  your  printed  catalogs,  or  view  and  bid  online  at 



1.949.253.0916  California  I 1.212.582.2580  New  York  I 852.2117.1191  Hong  Kong 

1063  McGaw  Avenue  Ste  100,  Irvine,  CA  92614  • 949.253.0916  • 

California  • New  York  • New  England  • Hong  Kong 

ANA  2013 


Stack’s  Bowers  Galleries  Official  Auction  of  the  ANA  World’s  Fair  of  Money 

August  9-18 1 Chicago,  Illinois 


James  Madison  Indian  Peace  Medal. 

Original.  Silver.  76  mm.  By  John  Reich. 
Julian  IP-5,  Prucha-40,  Belden-20. 

Large  Size.  Very  Fine. 

From  the  Charles  A.  Wharton  Collection 
of  Indian  Peace  Medals. 

Thomas  Jefferson  Indian  Peace  Medal. 

Original.  Silver  Shell.  54  mm.  By  Robert  Scot. 
Julian  IP-4,  Prucha-39,  Belclen-17. 

Small  Size.  Choice  Very  Fine. 

From  the  Charles  A.  Wharton  Collection 
of  Indian  Peace  Medals. 

1787  Fugio  Copper. 

Pointed  Rays.  Newman  1 1-A. 
Rarity-6.  UNITED  Above, 
STATES  Below.  MS-63  BN  (PCGS). 
From  the  Robert  Ayers  Collection  of 
Fugio  Coppers. 

1792  Half  Disme. 

MS-66  (PCGS).  OGH-  First 

Ex:  David  Rittenhouse. 

1878-CC  Liberty  Seated  Half  Dollar. 

MS-65  (PCGS).  CAC. 

From  the  Richard  Jewell  Collection. 

1878-S  Liberty  Seated  Half  Dollar. 

MS-63  (PCGS).  CAC. 

From  the  Richard  Jewell  Collection. 
Ex:  Dick  Osburn  Collection. 

1921-D  Walking  Liberty  Half  Dollar. 

MS-65  (PCGS).  CAC.  OGH. 

From  the  George  Edward  Collection  of 
Walking  Liberty  Flalf  Dollars. 

1867  Liberty  Quarter  Eagle. 

Proof-67  Deep  Cameo  (PCGS). 
PCGS  Pop:  1/0. 

Ex:  Flamy  W.  Bass,  Jr.  Collection. 

1850-0  Liberty  Seated  Silver  Dollar.  1907  Indian  Eagle. 

MS-64  (PCGS).  OGH-First  Generation.  Rolled  Edge,  Periods. 

MS-67  (PCGS).  Secure  Holder.  Ex:  Kutasi. 
From  the  Bentley  Shores  Collection. 

1861  Liberty  Double  Eagle. 

MS-67  (PCGS).  CAC.  OGH. 

1860  Mormon  $5  Gold. 

K-6.  Rarity-5-t-. 
AU-55  (NGC). 

Call  today  to  request  your  printed  catalogs,  or  view  and  bid  oniine  at 



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